Àlbums il·lustrats a partir de 5 anys

La vida dels mongols
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Peix, Susana

Des dels seus orígens fins a l'actualitat, fins a l'actualitat, per a conèixer les seves tradicions nòmades, descobrir les sorprenents estratègies que els van permetre dominar vastos territoris i entendre la seva evolució en una de les regions més inhòspites del planeta. En aquest viatge exploraràs com els mongols, lluny de la visió simplista i idealitzada que sovint tenim d'ells, es van enfrontar a desafiaments extrems i com el seu llegat ha perdurat fins als nostres dies.
19,95€ 18,95€
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Casas, Lola

Aquesta és la història d'en Claudi, un nen curiós i espavilat que volia ser pastisser. De ben petit va començar a aprendre a fer galetes i pastissos, flams, xocolata desfeta i plum-cake al cau de les meravelles de l'Olor de Cacau, la pastisseria d'en Quico, que es va obrir a la cantonada del carrer de casa seva. Descobriu què li va passar, al Claudi, i apreneu, com ell, tot un repertori de receptes dolces.
18,00€ 17,10€
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P'tit Sherlock. 24 misteris nadalencs
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Prévot, Pascal

RESOL UN MISTERI CADA DIA DES DE L'1 FINS AL 24 DE DESEMBRE, AMB EL P'TIT SHERLOCK I ELS SEUS AMICS. Hi trobaràs una gran història plena d'enigmes: jeroglífics, laberints, busca i troba, punts per connectar, endevinalles... Un munt d'activitats perquè et diverteixis tot esperant Nadal.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Explica la teva història
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Guillain, Adam

«Més de seixanta històries gracioses que comptar» Triem al mico entremaliat o a l'estruç rebel. I si ara provem amb el borinot gegant? Vivien dins d'un pot de melmelada enganxós? O la seva llar era una galleda oxidada? I si el que feien era posar ulleres a mascotes? Li van tallar el pèl a una alpaca peruana? Cuidat!, una multitud furiosa els perseguirà: no es cansarà fins que els atrapin. Tot això i molt més en la següent història que pots contar.
16,95€ 16,10€
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Cuenta tu propia historia
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Guillain, Adam

«Más de sesenta historias graciosas que contar» Elijamos al mono travieso o al avestruz rebelde. ¿Y si ahora probamos con el abejorro gigante? ¿Vivían dentro de un bote de mermelada pegajoso? ¿O su hogar era un cubo oxidado? ¿Y si lo que hacían era poner gafas a mascotas? ¿Le cortaron el pelo a una alpaca peruana? ¡Cuidado!, una multitud furiosa les perseguirá: no se cansará hasta que los atrapen. Todo esto y mucho más en la siguiente historia que puedes contar.
16,95€ 16,10€
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The Oak Tree
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Donaldson, Julia

Watch a thousand years unfold in the life of one magnificent tree!A thousand years ago, a tiny acorn fell to the ground. As the years pass, it grows . . . and GROWS into an enormous oak tree!As the centuries sweep by, children play games around the tree. Families dance about it. A fleeing king even hides inside its hollow trunk!The tree gives food and shelter to a host of animals, from squirrels and badgers to birds and beetles.After a thousand years, the ancient tree finally falls in a storm - but a new acorn sprouts, and the cycle of life begins all over again.
9,95€ 9,45€
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National Trust: Look What I Found by the River
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Butterfield, Moira

Discover a world of wonder on a riverside walk, with this beautiful picture book from the National Trust.We're going for a walk outside,exploring by the riverside.Look what I found!Two seed heads on stalks, like tiny drumsticks.Set off on a riverside adventure to find natural treasure, from a shiny, smooth river pebble to a little cushion of moss, then learn more about the found object with irresistibly illustrated and informative nature notes.Packed full of fascinating facts alongside a gentle rhyming narrative and encouraging children to get outside and explore their surroundings, this is a nature treasure hunt series for the whole family to treasure!Other titles in the series include: Look What I Found in the Woods, Look What I Found at the Seaside and Look What I Found at the Farm.Every Nosy Crow paperback picture book comes with a free 'Stories Aloud' audio recording - just scan the QR code and listen along!
9,95€ 9,45€
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The Baddies
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Donaldson, Julia

This fabulous picture book from superstar author and illustrator Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler is a riot of slapstick fun and silliness.The Baddies are the meanest, nastiest ghost, witch and troll in the land.They just adore being bad, and fight over who is the worst.When a little girl moves into a nearby cottage, the Baddies can't wait to scare her out of her wits.But the little girl quickly shows them that you don't have to be big to be brave, and baddies don't always win.
9,95€ 9,45€
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The Artist
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Vere, Ed

From the award-winning Ed Vere comes a joyful and inspirational celebration of beauty, mistakes and the artist in all of usOne brave little artist goes on one epic adventure to share her art, and in doing so learns that it doesn't matter if you colour outside the lines, that art is full of heart... and that maybe you are an artist too!
11,75€ 11,16€
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A Bad Case of the Almosts
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Sumner Johnson, Janet

The “almosts” are ruining Abby’s life! She’s almost tall enough. She’s almost a star student. She’s almost first in line... and on and on it goes. So why even bother entering the science competition? The almosts will ruin it anyway. But what if Abby is wrong? Maybe the almosts can actually be a good thing...? Feeling disappointment is a part of life, and Janet Sumner Johnson tackles that feeling with force in this inspirational picture book. In her signature child-friendly text, Johnson highlights the importance of seeing positives in every situation and using a growth mindset to live your best life.
8,74€ 8,30€
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Márquez, María

¿Un piojo protagonista de una aventura? Así es. El protagonista de este álbum tendrá que encontrar otra mullida, cálida y acogedora cabellera donde vivir. Pero no será nada fácil... Soy Piojo, así de claro. Doy un salto y otro más para encontrar mi lugar. ¿Me echarías una mano para cumplir mi misión?... ¡Abre este libro! ¡ALE-HOP! ¡Que empiece la diversión!
16,50€ 15,67€
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The Fairy of Lost Things
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Sandoy, Victoria

A magical picture book that's guaranteed to become a bedtime favouriteWho's that flying through the night? It's the Fairy of Lost Things! She finds things children have lost, then secretly takes them back to their owners.But one night the fairy finds a little bracelet, and it's so pretty, she doesn't want to give it back . . .
9,95€ 9,45€
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Love in the Library
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Tokuda-Hall, Maggie

Set in an incarceration camp where the United States cruelly detained Japanese Americans during WWII and based on true events, this moving love story finds hope in heartbreak.To fall in love is already a gift. But to fall in love in a place like Minidoka, a place built to make people feel like they weren’t human—that was miraculous.After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Tama is sent to live in a War Relocation Center in the desert. All Japanese Americans from the West Coast—elderly people, children, babies—now live in prison camps like Minodoka. To be who she is has become a crime, it seems, and Tama doesn’t know when or if she will ever leave. Trying not to think of the life she once had, she works in the camp’s tiny library, taking solace in pages bursting with color and light, love and fairness. And she isn’t the only one. George waits each morning by the door, his arms piled with books checked out the day before. As their friendship grows, Tama wonders: Can anyone possibly read so much? Is she the reason George comes to the library every day? Maggie Tokuda-Hall’s beautifully illustrated, elegant love story features a photo of the real Tama and George—the author’s grandparents—along with an afterword and other back matter for readers to learn more about a time in our history that continues to resonate.
9,95€ 9,45€
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Antony, Steve

Únete a dos padres y sus tres hijos mientras se embarcan en una aventura para encontrar a Irisaurus. En el camino, se encontrarán con animales de todos los colores del arco iris. Ellos tambien quieren encontrar a Irisaurus. El libro perfecto para celebrar el Orgullo, protagonizado por una familia LGBTQ+ Presenta a los niños diez colores diferentes y una variedad de sonidos de animales. Una oda a la diversidad visualmente excelente. La historia es simple con repeticiones. Un libro es excelente para promover una sociedad diversa y garantizar que los niños crezcan respetando los diferentes tipos de familia. Best Seller - Escrito en rima - Onomatopeyas
16,00€ 15,20€
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Antony, Steve

Uneix-te a dos pares i els seus tres fills mentre s'embarquen en una aventura per trobar a l'Irisaurus. En el camí, es trobaran animals de tots els colors de l'arc de Sant Martí. Ells també volen trobar a l'irisaurus.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Now we're together
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Edwards, Nicola

This life-affirming picture books takes readers on an adventure away from the glare of phone screens. Admire the wonderful world around us and take a moment to appreciate spending time with loved ones.Gentle rhyming text from Nicola Edwards and stirring, inspiring artwork from Jenny Bloomfield reminds us how much wonder and magic is out there if we put down our phones.From the author of What a Wonderful Phrase and Happy: A Children's Book of Mindfulness.
11,75€ 11,16€
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