
BIL S3 Geography&History/17
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ORTOGRAFÍA 12 SM 9788467500264
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Contenido: La acentuación de palabras agudas, llanasy esdrújulas. Palabras homófonas con b y v, ll e y, con h y sin h. Hacer y echar. Haber y ver. Hay, ahí yay.
5,51€ 5,23€
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BILBV S2 Geography&History/17
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Bau p5 matemàtiques 10/pas a pas 05
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BAU P5 Matemàtiques 10/Pas a pas 05
12,50€ 11,87€
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CLE Communication progressive DEB/Corrigés
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A specific volume focused on The Earth's dynamics contents which covers the main key concepts needed for Secondary Education. Accompanied by images drawn from the real world and presented in context in order to motivate students and help them achieve meaningful learning. The text is supported by a wealth of illustrations and maps that encourage students to learn through observation. These images are carefully crafted and selected to enhance students' understanding of thecontent
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Esgotat ara
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A specific volume focused on Ecology and the environment contents which covers the main key concepts needed for Secondary Education.Accompanied by images drawnfrom  the real world and presented in context in order to  motivate students and help them achieve meaningful learning. The text is supported by a wealth of illustrations and maps that encourage students to learn through observation. These images are carefully crafted and selected to enhance students' understandingof the content
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TEIIB S3 Tecnologies
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OUP Clockwise ELE/Classbook
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La collection Compétences regroupe une série d'ouvrages pratiques pouracquérir les compétences du français.Cet ouvrage peut être utilisé après une soixantaine d'heures defrançais. Il correspond aux niveaux A1, et en partie A2, du Cadreeuropéen commun de référence pour les langues.Le manuel se décompose en 15 leçons regroupées en 5 unités. Chacune deces unités a :une thématique commune des objectifs fonctionnels communs.Chaque unité est suivie d'une double-page Autoévaluation. Chaque leçoncomprend trois doubles pages :avant la lecture prépare à la lecture du texte central en sensiblisantau thème grâce à quelques documents pendant la lecture présente le texte, assorti d'activités decompréhension écrite et d'activités grammaticales après la lecture comprend deux à trois documents complémentaires.La double page Autoévaluation reprend les principaux objectifs visésdans l'unité et propose des exercicesautocorrectifs permettant àl'apprenant de vérifier ses acquis.
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TEIC S3 Digital/Física i química/Aplica
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TEIC S4 Digital/Física i química/Aplica
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Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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A specific volume focused on Contemporary History contents which covers the main key concepts needed for Secondary Education.Accompanied by images drawn from the real world and presented in context in order to motivate students and help them achieve meaningful learning. The text is supported by a wealth of illustrations and maps that encourage students to learn through observation. These images are carefully crafted and selected to enhance students' understanding of thecontent
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Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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A specific volume focused on The Evolution of life contents which covers the main key concepts needed forSecondary Education. Accompanied by images drawn from  the real world and presented in context in order to  motivate students and help them achieve meaningfullearning. The text is supported by a wealth of illustrations and maps that encourage students to learn through observation. These images are carefully craftedand selected to enhance students' understanding of the content
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A specific volume focused on Contemporary History contents which covers the main key concepts needed for Secondary Education.Accompanied by images drawn from the real world and presented in context in order to motivate students and help them achieve meaningful learning. The text is supported by a wealth of illustrations and maps that encourage students to learn through observation. These images are carefully crafted and selected to enhance students' understanding of thecontent
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Bau p grafomotricitat 1
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Aquests quaderns neixen amb l'objectiu de fer un treball grafomotriu que s'adeqüi a l'aprenentatge lectoescriptor. Amb aquest material es pretén reforçar i consolidar els traços que són necessaris per iniciar l'escriptura de lletres i paraules, primer en lletra de pal i després en lletra lligada.
16,32€ 15,50€
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Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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Esgotat ara
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