
OUP S Technology Plastics/Inicia/Dual
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QE E Lectura comprensiva 06/Guix màgic…
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QE E Lectura comprensiva 09/Guix màgic…
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KLETT Aspekte Junior B1+/+DVD+CD
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VVIB S2 Història medieval Balears/PMAR
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KLETT Aspekte Junior B1+/AB+audioONL
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Silencia En Tu 6
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Quadern de reforç Baula 9788447933990 BAU E6 Silencia/En tu
8,90€ 8,45€
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QE E Lectura comprensiva 08/Guix màgic…
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KLETT Logisch Neu A2.2/KB+OnlAudio
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Improve your English, and reading, skills with unabridged contemporary literature. Maleeka Madison is a child with very low self-esteem due to the fact that she is darker skinned than most other black girls. In her new teacher, Miss Saunders, she encounters someonewho, she feels, is worse off than she is, as Miss Saunders' skin is blotched with a rare skin condition.The teacher withstands the snickers a nd shouts fromthe students but can Maleeka accept friendship and accept the skin she's in?
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OUPF S2 En Spirale/Cahier Pack/16
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BUR S2 New Action/SB
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OUPF S2 En Spirale/Élève Pack/16
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.All they could hear was the wind, and the waves. All they could see was the night. They could not see the ship, broken in two, or the people holding on to the dark wet rock, slowly dying of cold. And they could not hear the cries for help - only the wind. How could a man and his daughter save the people on the rock?
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Read and discover all about how we make different products. How many parts are there in a car? How do we make chocolate bars?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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TG S1 Català-quadern/Atòmium
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.How did English begin, and what will become of it? Come on that journey and meet the monks and soldiers, the kings and scientists, the printers, poets, and travellers who have helped to make the English of today.
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SD Toys

Tassa de ceràmica basada en la saga Star Wars, il·lustrades amb imatges del film i dels seus principals personats. En aquest model mostra els plànols de l' Estrella de la mort.
Preu Soci 9,45€
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OUPF S4 En Spirale/Cahier Pack/16
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Oxford Read and Imagine is a fiction series written for primary and pre-primary students. Young learners follow Rosie, Ben and Grandpa on their adventures and grow up with the characters as they read and learn.Improve vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension with activities to accompany Too Fast!CEFR Pre-A1
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SD Toys

Organitza les teves claus amb Star Wars&#33Aconsegueix aquest fabulós clauer metàl·lic amb el logo de Star Wars.DETALLSAcabats perfectes al detallDimensions: 11x18x1 cmColor GrisNegre
Preu Soci 6,60€
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Un proyecto enfocado al aprendizaje de la Biología yGeología basado en los contenidos curriculares y en la práctica en el aula, todo ello adaptado a las necesidades y aptitudes de cada curso. El libro del alumnoofrece un gran número de actividades teóricas, prácticas, competenciales e interactivas que pretenden contribuir al desarrollo de las competencias básicas. Sepresta una especial atención a las nuevas tecnologías a través de vídeos, actividades interactivas y animaciones con el fin de adentrar a los alumnos en la sociedad de la información y facilitar, al tiempo, la gran cantidad de posibilidades que las nuevas tecnologías ofrecen para esta materia. El proyecto SAVIA ofrece un tratamiento integral en el área de Biología y Geología, cuyas principales señas de identidad son:- PARTIMOS DE INTERROGANTES Y SITUACIONES PRÓXIMAS AL ALUMNO: Con imágenes e ilustraciones contextualizadas muy afines a la realidad más cercana, para provocar lamotivación por aprender y conseguir así un aprendizaje significativo.- APOSTAMOS POR LA EXPERIMENTACIÓN:Es necesario comprender para aprender y aprender haciendo. Proponemos utilizar métodos de la ciencia a través de experiencias sencillas en el aula que obliguena los alumnos a participar activamente en su aprendizaje, y además planteamos un trabajo de investigaciónen el apartado Ciencia en acción.-SAVIADIGITAL TE OFRECE UN ENTORNO DE TRABAJO PERSONAL: Integra herramientas del mundo digital que enriquecerán tus clases demanera sencilla y segura. Ponemos las TIC al servicio de la ciencia, y diversificamos el tipo de actividades.
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SAN S4 Latín/Interpreta/16
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OUPV S2 Física i química-Diodo/Inicia/16
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OUPV S4 Física i química/Inicia
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OUP S2 Matemáticas/Inica
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OUPV Geografía e historia/Inicia
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Nuevo Prisma B1 +Cd
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EDIN Nuevo Prisma B1/+CD
25,50€ 24,22€
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BUR S4 Burlington Action/SB
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OUPF S1 Arobase 2E/Cahier pack
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QE E Lect. comprensiva 10/Enigma ciutat
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Khronos el Bsquet Ii
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Unitat complementària projecte Khronos
4,50€ 4,27€
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El proyecto ÁGORA para secundaria ofrece un punto deencuentro entre la Biblia y la actualidad dónde el diálogo fe-cultura se convirten en el protagonista a través de la palabra y el debate. Facilita un aprendizaje competencial útil para la vida de los alumnos, contribuyendo a su formación integral y a su inserción social.
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Khronos L'Atletisme Ii
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Unitat complementària projecte Khronos
4,50€ 4,27€
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QE E Lectura comprensiva 05/Andrea Andreu
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