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Vicens Vives

Paraules, lletres i sons 1r EPO
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Barcanova Text

Lengua cast 3º Prim. Conocimiento. Argumenta
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Learn together, learn better All About Us Now builds on the success of the first edition and provides child-centred, real-world content aligned to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that engages and inspires students of all abilities, encouraging them to develop interpersonal and collaborative skills. With heightened emphasis on social interactions and collaborative skills, based on real-life teacher feedback from the Oxford Impact Study, lead children into the 21st century with All About Us Now.
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Open Up your world Activate your students through a course which takes video to the next level and taps into their real world. Develop the tools needed for authentic communication and the values of global citizenship, mediation, emotional wellbeing and intercultural openness. Enjoy all the benefits of using the print and the digital book whenever the situation requires, both in and outside the classroom through the blended solution.
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Open Up your world Activate your students through a course which takes video to the next level and taps into their real world. Develop the tools needed for authentic communication and the values of global citizenship, mediation, emotional wellbeing and intercultural openness. Enjoy all the benefits of using the print and the digital book whenever the situation requires, both in and outside the classroom through the blended solution.
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Open Up your world Activate your students through a course which takes video to the next level and taps into their real world. Develop the tools needed for authentic communication and the values of global citizenship, mediation, emotional wellbeing and intercultural openness. Enjoy all the benefits of using the print and the digital book whenever the situation requires, both in and outside the classroom through the blended solution.
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La Lengua Castellana en el proyecto #DeOtraManera para Primaria plantea un enfoque competencial del aprendizaje, con contenidos contextualizados que conectan con los intereses del alumnado. Cuenta con un bloque de Situaciones de Aprendizaje y un bloque de Saberes y Destrezas con los contenidos curriculares del área.
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Open Up your world Activate your students through a course which takes video to the next level and taps into their real world. Develop the tools needed for authentic communication and the values of global citizenship, mediation, emotional wellbeing and intercultural openness. Enjoy all the benefits of using the print and the digital book whenever the situation requires, both in and outside the classroom through the blended solution.
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Lead the Way es un método de inglés para primaria con un enfoque en competencias. Cuaderno de actividades impreso y acceso a la versión digital y una lectura digital, licencia válida durante 15 meses a partir de su activación. Acceso a la app Navio.
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The perfect start to a great adventure, developing natural curiosity in the learning journey and gently building confidence towards exam success. The Pupil's Book presents and practises new language through stories, songs and language practice activities, within the framework of an optional unit task called the Mission. Exam preparation is integrated in every unit with tasks gently introduced, and with levels 2-6 including specific Exam practice lessons. It provides a Key Competencies Activity Bank to help develop all eight of the competencies. Levels 1 and 2 provide Spanish handwriting font with a gentle introduction to reading and writing in Level 1, while Grammar Reference sections are offered in levels 4-6. It also provides access to an eBook with audio and video.
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Llibre curricular multiformat que planteja itineraris flexibles basats en reptes setmanals sorgits de situacions d'aprenentatge properes als alumnes. Pensat per treballar i avaluar les competències específiques de l'àrea de Coneixement del medi natural, social i cultural. Els mestres disposen d'una guia interactiva amb orientacions i propostes didàctiques, molts recursos digitals i una eina que permet avaluar senzillament per competències.
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Lead the Way es un método de inglés para primaria con un enfoque en competencias. Cuaderno de actividades impreso y acceso a la versión digital y una lectura digital, licencia válida durante 15 meses a partir de su activación. Acceso a la app Navio.
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Estimular Y Aprender 3
Avui -5% en Llibres
15,50€ 14,72€
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Has afegit la quantitat màxima disponible.
Caligrafía Fácil 1 Mayúscula
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Grupo Editorial Univ

Quadern de reforç Grupo Editorial Univ 9788418137624
7,99€ 7,59€
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2.2 Razonamiento Lógico-Básico. Nueva Edición
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Yuste Hernanz, Carlos

Es nuestro propósito con esta nueva edición seguir ofreciendo un material de estimulación, apoyo y refuerzo a ese considerable y nada despreciable porcentaje de alumnos que presentan necesidades educativas específi cas o difi cultades de aprendizaje
14,40€ 13,68€
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¡Ya Calculo! 1
Avui -5% en Llibres


Quadern de reforç Aljibe 9788497004107 ALJIBE E1 ¡Ya calculo! 1
3,00€ 2,85€
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¡Ya Calculo! 6B1
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Quadern de reforç Aljibe 9788497004350 ALJIBE E2 ¡Ya calculo! 6b1
3,00€ 2,85€
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Mategenios 1
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Quadern de reforç Everest 9788428343725
4,50€ 4,27€
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Mis problemas favoritos 3.3 3º Primaria GEU
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Grupo Editorial Univ

Mis problemas favoritos 3.3 forma parte de una colección compuesta por 18 cuadernos de actividades, diseñados en una secuencia progresiva de 1º a 6º de primaria.Parte de situaciones cotidianas con sencillas estrategias matemáticas en tres fases (planteamiento, operación y solución), que facilitan la comprensión y resolución de problemas.Orientado a 3º de primaria, ayuda a los alumnos a interpretar, comprender y resolver problemas de su entorno.
9,99€ 9,49€
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Llibre de text de Mac Steps Into Eng 4 Ab Pk recomanat per l’assignatura de Anglès per al curs de 4t Primària amb una edat de 9 a 10 anys. Es un llibre de text de la editorial , editat l’any 2020 amb el codi EAN 9781380055934. En aquest cas es tracta d'un llibre en format paper en Anglès Britanic.
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