Libros de inglés

PR6 Slumdog Millionaire
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Swarup, Vikas

9,90€ 9,40€
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No bones!
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Carefully graded readers with attractive themes to amaze and engage at the turn of every page! An innovative series of non-fiction readers in six levels for ages 7 and over. They are ideal for reading together in class or reading alone at home. They are in line with the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2. Drawing on the authors' extensive experience, classroom practice and a deep understanding of what excites learners, the series unlocks the doors to literacy and engages pupils in a fun and educational way.
9,75€ 9,26€
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Wonderful wheels
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Carefully graded readers with attractive themes to amaze and engage at the turn of every page! An innovative series of non-fiction readers in six levels for ages 7 and over. They are ideal for reading together in class or reading alone at home. They are in line with the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2. Drawing on the authors' extensive experience, classroom practice and a deep understanding of what excites learners, the series unlocks the doors to literacy and engages pupils in a fun and educational way.
9,75€ 9,26€
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La serie de lecturas Reading Stars de Oxford University Press ha sido diseñada para acompañar a niños pequeños desde su primera experiencia con la lectura en inglés y guiarles hacia el objetivo de leer de forma independiente. El lenguaje está cuidadosamente graduado y la cantidad de texto aumenta gradualmente en cadauno de los tres niveles disponibles. Todas las lecturas de la serie vienen acompañadas de audio, una guíapara el profesor, una guía para padres, videos parapadres y actividades de acompañamiento. Las actividades ayudan a los niños a desarrollar sus destrezas delectura. También hay vínculos con otras áreas curriculares, como Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, de modo que el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesade los niños se integra con su desarrollo educativomás amplio. ¡Acompaña a tus personajes favoritos dePatrulla Canina en sus aventuras! En Pups Save the Circus, Reading Stars 2, el circo se acerca, pero ¿llegará a Bahía Aventura? Cuando hay un problema con el tren del circo, Ryder y la Patrulla Canina acuden al rescate.
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VV RC A Selection from Dubliners
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13,15€ 12,49€
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The Tkt Course Clil Module
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This course is designed for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the Cambridge ESOL TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning test (TKT: CLIL). It is ideal for both content and language teachers. Written by a CLIL expert in collaboration with Cambridge ESOL, this course covers the four key areas of the test: knowledge of CLIL and principles of CLIL, lesson preparation, lesson delivery and assessment. It will also be useful for anyone seeking an introduction to CLIL theory and practice. The TKT Course CLIL Module introduces teachers to the concepts and terminology central to CLIL and provides an introduction to its main theories, approaches and activities. Teachers are then encouraged to apply these to their own teaching contexts and analyse their usefulness to their own learners. Materials and activities are available which further develop and explore the topics introduced in the course.
29,90€ 28,40€
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A2 Key for Schools 2 Student's Book + Answers + Audio
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Inside A2 Key for Schools for the revised 2020 exam you'll find four complete examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English. Be confident on exam day by working through each part of the exam and scoring system so you can familiarise yourself with the format and practise your exam technique. The book contains transcripts, sample Writing answers, scripts for the Speaking test, and sample answer sheets. Download the audio for the Listening tests, example Speaking test video and answer keys with extra explanations (instructions on inner front cover), or access your audio and video directly via QR codes in the book.
40,10€ 38,09€
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La serie de lecturas Reading Stars de Oxford University Press ha sido diseñada para acompañar a niños pequeños desde su primera experiencia con la lectura en inglés y guiarles hacia el objetivo de leer de forma independiente. El lenguaje está cuidadosamente graduado y la cantidad de texto aumenta gradualmente en cada uno de los tres niveles disponibles. Todas las lecturas de la serie vienen acompañadas de audio, una guía para el profesor, una guía para padres, videos para padres y actividades de acompañamiento. Las actividades ayudan a los niños a desarrollar sus destrezas de lectura. También hay vínculos con otras áreas curriculares, como Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, de modo que el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa de los niños se integra con su desarrollo educativo más amplio. ¡Acompaña a tus personajes favoritos de Dora la Exploradora en sus aventuras!
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AD 250 Pares palabras inglesas explicada
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AD 250 Pares palabras inglesas explicada
12,95€ 12,30€
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Rogue Male Story Of A
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BUR BRS B2 Rogue Male/Story of a
8,40€ 7,98€
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La serie de lecturas Reading Stars de Oxford University Press ha sido diseñada para acompañar a niños pequeños desde su primera experiencia con la lectura en inglés y guiarles hacia el objetivo de leer de forma independiente. El lenguaje está cuidadosamente graduado y la cantidad de texto aumenta gradualmente en cadauno de los tres niveles disponibles. Todas las lecturas de la serie vienen acompañadas de audio, una guíapara el profesor, una guía para padres, videos parapadres y actividades de acompañamiento. Las actividades ayudan a los niños a desarrollar sus destrezas delectura. También hay vínculos con otras áreas curriculares, como Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, de modo que el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesade los niños se integra con su desarrollo educativomás amplio. ¡Acompaña a tus personajes favoritos dePatrulla Canina en sus aventuras! En The Snow Monster, Reading Stars 2, hay un misterio en la montaña. ¿Podrá la Patrulla Canina ayudar a resolverlo?
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ELI How Are You? A2-B1
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ELI How Are You? A2-B1
33,00€ 31,35€
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Worldwide sports events
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Environmental science
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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HRR (3) Dan & The Island Mystery + CD NE
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13,40€ 12,73€
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Adventures of Tom Sawyer +CD Vicens Vives
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Vicens Vives

VV GA2 Adventures of Tom Sawyer/+CD
11,87€ 11,28€
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Emergency Management Student’S Book (With Digibooks)
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Express Publishing

Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
24,35€ 23,13€
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The Friendly Bear
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Express Publishing

This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the core vocabulary and language structures presented. At the end of the activities section is a CLIL activity and a CRAFT lesson relating to the story, a Word List, a list of key structures and the number of headwords in the story.
8,55€ 8,12€
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The Farmer And The Donkey
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Express Publishing

This six-level series contains six short beautifully illustrated stories per level. The stories invite learners to think about life, feelings and the values they will need to navigate the world. Each story is developed in seven two-page spreads with pre-reading and post-reading questions, as well as a picture dictionary and activities to consolidate the core vocabulary and language structures presented. At the end of the activities section is a CLIL activity and a CRAFT lesson relating to the story, a Word List, a list of key structures and the number of headwords in the story.
8,55€ 8,12€
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Base Leap Ahead: 7-8 Years English 9781838523404
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Leap Ahead Maths is the perfect workbook to help children develop key maths skills. Clear and engaging activities. Easy-to-follow instructions. Supports the national curriculum. Packed with stickers, fun activities and tips for parents, this expertly written series offers essential practice in key school subjects.
4,95€ 4,70€
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Cambridge University Press

This photocopiable resource book makes pronunciation in the primary classroom fun. As part of the Cambridge Copy Collection, each activity contains a clear, step-by-step lesson plan explaining how to set the activity up and carry it out in the classroom.
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PONS Inglés Cómic Best Both Worlds
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Combinación de una historia en cómic con explicaciones y ejercicios para un aprendizaje significativo y entretenido. Diálogos con lenguaje real, del día a día. Con explicaciones de gramática, vocabulario y comunicación sencillas y gráficamente atractivas. Ejercicios para poner en práctica al instante lo aprendido en cada capítulo. Cada capítulo se compone de tres secciones: vocabulario, comunicación y gramática. Profusamente ilustrado, con gráficos y esquemas para un aprendizaje sencillo y ameno.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Quick Change! Level Starter Beginner
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This award-winning graded readers series is full of original fiction, adapted fiction and factbooks especially written for teenagers. It's Helen's twelfth birthday and her parents have something important to tell her. Her mum promises that the news won't change anything. But she's wrong. It changes everything. Nothing will ever be the same again, not for Helen, not for anyone. This paperback is in British English. Download the complete audio recording of this title and additional classroom resources at Cambridge Experience Readers get teenagers hooked on reading.
11,90€ 11,30€
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VAUGHAN CD10 Tangled
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Tangled forma parte de una colección impresionante de 20 libros bajo el sello Disney-Vaughan para que los niños aprendan inglés mientras se divierten con sus personajes favoritos de Disney. Una edición única con imágenes espectaculares y audios divertidos y didácticos. Cada libro de la colección Disney English Vaughan está basado en una historia Disney y cuenta con numerosas actividades divertidas de vocabulario y gramática. En el audio – descargable gratis en Audible – los profesores Vaughan guían a los niños paso a paso para que puedan realizar las actividades sin ayuda de ningún adulto.
6,95€ 6,60€
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BR – The Scarlet Pimpernel – 4º ESO
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A brave young Englishman, known only as the Scarlet Pimpernel, helps French aristocrats to escape from the French Revolution and reach safety in England. Chauvelin, the new French ambassador, comes to England and plots to kidnap the Scarlet Pimpernel. Will the Scarlet Pimpernel’s friends be able to save him, or will Chauvelin’s plotting succeed?
8,00€ 7,60€
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Can I Play?
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It is Billy's first day at school. He is happy and he wants to play with the other children. But when Billy asks if he can play, each child answers him in a different language. Billy is sad, he can't play with anyone. Then, Lorenzo becomes Billy's friend and soon everyone is playing together.
12,45€ 11,83€
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The Three Goats
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Big Goat, Middle Goat and Little Goat are hungry. And there's lots of grass on the hill on the other side of the bridge. But there's a mean and nasty troll under the bridge. How can the three goats cross the bridge and eat the grass? Find out in this classic story.
12,45€ 11,83€
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The Fisherman and his Soul
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When the Fisherman catches a beautiful mermaid in his nets he falls in love with her. He wants to marry her but first, he must send away his Soul. How can he send away his Soul? And can his body and Soul live apart? Find out in this beautiful story about the nature of love.
13,40€ 12,73€
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Gulliver's Travels
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Helbling Readers Red Series is a captivating series of illustrated graded readings, created and designed specifically for children. The readings are graded into 3 levels corresponding to those of the Common European Framework of Reference.
13,40€ 12,73€
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Anne of Green Gables - Anne arrives
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When Matthew and Marilla decide to adopt a child to help them at their farm, Green Gables, they specifically ask for a boy. But when Matthew goes to Bright River Station to collect the child, he gets a shock. What do Matthew and Marilla decide to do? Do they keep the child? This child is certainly very different.
14,85€ 14,11€
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The desert race
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Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, four brave girls take part in a dangerous race across the desert to the Oasis of Hope. Who will win? Irdina and her black horse, Alya and her beautiful hippogriff, Nour and her strong dire wolf or Mayar and her old camel?
12,30€ 11,68€
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The inventors Big Book
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Goldy and Silvy are robots. On their birthday they get a very special present. They can invent their own pet robots! The children are very happy and they promise to look after their pets very carefully. But what happens when they get home and where are all Silvy’s favourite toys?
30,00€ 28,50€
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The Lost Smile
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One night Sarah and Ben have the same dream: the Lord of Tears is going to take over the world and make everyone sad. But Sarah and Ben know how to stop him. Together they set off on a journey to find the Lord of Tears and bring happiness back to the world.
12,05€ 11,45€
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