Libros de exámenes de inglés

Prepárate con éxito para tus exámenes oficiales de inglés con nuestra selección de libros especializados. Desde preparación para los exámenes Cambridge English, como el First Certificate (FCE) o el Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), hasta los exámenes TOEFL e IELTS, ofrecemos una gama de materiales exhaustivos que cubren las diferentes secciones de cada examen. Con pruebas prácticas, estrategias de examen y ejercicios específicos, estos libros te proporcionarán la confianza y las habilidades necesarias para alcanzar tus objetivos de evaluación lingüística.

Ready for + C2 Proficiency Wb +key ePk
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Ready For C2 Proficency es un libro de preparación del examén de inglés nivel CEFR C2. Cuaderno de actividades impreso y digital con respuestas, licencia válida durante 15 meses a partir de su activación.
29,66€ Precio socio 28,18€
31,30€ 29,73€
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Cambridge English Proficiency 2 Student's Book without Answers
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Cambridge University Press

Cambridge English Proficiency 2 contains four complete and authentic examination papers for Cambridge English: Proficiency, also known as Cambridge Certificateof Proficiency in English (CPE). This collection ofexamination papers provides the most authentic exam preparation available. These examination papers allowcandidates to familiarise themselves with the contentand format of the exam and to practise useful examination techniques. Audio CDs containing the exam Listening material, a Student's Book with answers, and a Student's Book with answers with downloadable Audio are available separately.
28,85€ Precio socio 27,41€
30,45€ 28,93€
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Ready for C2 Proficiency Sb +key ePk
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Ready For C2 Proficency es un libro de preparación del examén de inglés nivel CEFR C2. Libro del alumnado impreso y digital con respuestas, licencia válida durante 15 meses a partir de su activación.
45,00€ Precio socio 42,75€
47,50€ 45,12€
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Complete Advanced Third Edition. Student'S Book With Answers With Digital Pack
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COMPLETE Advanced third edition Student's Book with answers with Digital Pack maximise students’ performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training. Create a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance. Exploit Complete’s unique exam journey through Exam advice and integrated exam practice. Deliver successful and stress-free outcomes knowing the Complete formula covers everything. Build exam strategies and skills to inspire exam day success in the digital test environment. Access grammar, vocabulary and exam practice when it suits you on your mobile device.
40,41€ Precio socio 38,39€
42,66€ 40,53€
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Precio socio 45,60€
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Complete First For Schools For Spanish Speakers2Ed Student'Sbook Without Answe
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This engaging thematic series covers each part of the exam in detail, to ensure that students are fully prepared to tackle each part of the exam. The content to be covered in each unit is fully integrated with exam preparation. The Complete series combines the best of contemporary classroom practice with first-hand knowledge of the challenges students face.The series offers an integrated approach with exam information, tips and practice along with language development. Exercises are based on unique insights from the Cambridge Learner Corpus into areas that students find most challenging, and aim to help students avoid common mistakes Vocabulary selection is documented by the English Profile project. It offers content specifically designed to help Spanish-speaking students (A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools, B1 Preliminary, B2 First for Schools and B2 First) and fantastic resources and teacher support material available in the Teacher's Book and on-line. The English for Spanish Speakers section in Complete Key for Schools, Preliminary for Schools, Preliminary, First for Schools, and First offers tips on spelling problem words, listening activities designed for students to correctly identify English pronunciation, examples of mistakes in grammar with an indication of how to avoid them, and common words and expressions and how their use is different from the equivalent expressions in English.
46,70€ Precio socio 44,36€
49,29€ 46,83€
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Succeed in languagecert B1 Self Study Edition
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27,45€ 26,08€
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Complete Advanced Student'S Pack
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Complete Student's Pack le permite maximizar el rendimiento de los estudiantes con el enfoque completo para el desarrollo del lenguaje y la preparación para los exámenes. Crea un ambiente de aprendizaje estimulante con imágenes llamativas, unidades fáciles de navegar y temas divertidos. Los estudiantes generan confianza a través de nuestra comprensión única del examen y las perspectivas del desempeño de candidatos anteriores. El Workbook proporciona más práctica del lenguaje y el vocabulario. Acceda al Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimizado para una variedad de dispositivos, para su banco de recursos de aprendizaje, incluido el audio y el libro electrónico que lo acompañan. Las actividades flexibles incluyen Practice Extra y Test & Train para desarrollar estrategias y habilidades para tener éxito en los exámenes.
58,41€ Precio socio 55,49€
61,66€ 58,58€
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Complete Advanced Third Edition. Self-Study Pack
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Complete Advanced Third edition Self-Study Pack Advanced includes both Student's Book with answer with Digital Pack and Workbook with answer with Digital Pack to deliver full material to student's appraoaching the learning process by themself.
58,41€ Precio socio 55,49€
61,66€ 58,58€
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Gold Experience 2Ed A2 Student S Book & Interactive
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Fast-paced course that motivates students to build language and skills for the classroom, exams and the world.
45,10€ 42,84€
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Compact Advanced Second edition Workbook with Answers with Digital Pack
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Compact offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise student performance. With this course you will consolidate language and skills for exam success through clear, concise training. Compact helps you build confidence with its unique step-by-step approach and teaches essential exam strategies through user-friendly Exam tips. The exam-specific Grammar sections and Grammar reference deepen understanding of language structures, while the Speaking bank and Writing bank extend proficiency in productive skills. Access to the Answer key, Grammar and vocabulary and exam practice is available online on Cambridge One.
25,65€ Precio socio 24,37€
27,08€ 25,73€
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Compact First Student's Book with Answers English for Spanish Speakers
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Preparación rápida y enfocada para el examen B2 First. Compact Students Book ofrece revisión y práctica intensivas para maximizar rápidamente el rendimiento de los estudiantes. Con este curso consolidarás el idioma y las habilidades para tener éxito en los exámenes a través de una formación clara y concisa. El Workbook proporciona más práctica del lenguaje y el vocabulario introducido en el Students Book. Acceda al Cambridge One Digital Pack, optimizado para una variedad de dispositivos, para su banco de recursos de aprendizaje, incluido el audio y el libro electrónico que lo acompañan. La práctica interactiva incluye Practice Extra y Test & Train para desarrollar estrategias y habilidades para tener éxito en el examen.
38,61€ Precio socio 36,68€
40,76€ 38,72€
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Cambridge English First 1 for Revised Exam From 2015Student'S book With Answers
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Four authentic Cambridge English Language Assessment examination papers for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam from 2015. These authentic examination papers provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the c
27,99€ Precio socio 26,59€
29,55€ 28,07€
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Objective Proficiency Student's Book answers
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La segunda edición del Objective Proficiency ha sido adaptada para el nuevo modelo del examen Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) vigente a partir del año 2013. A través de un amplio abanico de temas este método ofrece una preparación exigente, convenien
41,85€ Precio socio 39,76€
44,18€ 41,97€
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Open World Firstenglish For Spanish Speakers Student'S Book Withanswers With D
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Open World es un curso que empuja a los alumnos por encima de los límites que separan la preparación de exámenes y el inglés del mundo real. Este curso cubre todos los temas y áreas del idioma necesarias para prepararse para las titulaciones de Cambridge de A2 Key, B1 Preliminary, B2 First y C1 Advanced. El nivel Advanced contiene, Test & Train y Practice Extra, incluidos en el Pack Digital Cambridge One, que ayudan a alumnos y profesores a desarrollar estrategias y destrezas para el examen en el móvil. Su exam journey ofrece una ruta sistemática para el éxito en el examen, llevando a los alumnos desde tareas de preparación y práctica previa hasta ejercicios completos del examen. Los vídeos y textos Real World dan al alumno la capacidad de demostrar las habilidades que necesitan para comunicarse en inglés en el mundo real de forma efectiva. Las secciones ‘Push yourself’ extienden la capacidad y confianza de los alumnos a un nivel más alto. Las animaciones en el móvil ‘Grammar on the move’ dan al alumno la ocasión de comenzar su aprendizaje por su cuenta, antes o después de clase. La sección English for Spanish Speakers section ayuda a los profesores a consolidar y superar las dificultades específicas que tienen los alumnos hispanohablantes. Incluye un paquete digital completo para el profesor, para presentación en el aula, evaluación y práctica extra de los exámenes. Consejos sobre palabras con ortografía problemática. Actividades de listening diseñadas para que los alumnos perciban aspectos de la pronunciación inglesa. Ejemplos de errores gramaticales y cómo corregirlos. Palabras y expresiones comunes y cómo difieren en su uso de las equivalentes en castellano.
40,41€ Precio socio 38,39€
42,66€ 40,53€
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Succeed in language Cert C1 Self Study Edition
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27,45€ 26,08€
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Advanced Trainer Six Practice Tests + Answers + Audio
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Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE). Advanced Trainer Second edition offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam tips. The first two tests are fully guided with advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need the most help. This version contains a full answer key. Audio for the listening and speaking test activities is available online for download. Audio CDs featuring the listening material are also available, separately.
34,34€ Precio socio 32,62€
36,24€ 34,43€
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C1 Advanced Trainer 2 - Six Practice Tests Without Answers With Audio Download With Ebook
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Six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. The 'without answers' edition can be used to practice the exam at home or in class, providing an excellent opportunity for teachers and students to familiarise themselves with the C1 Advanced examination format. The six practice tests feature explanatory keys and model answers, and include ideas for extending tasks in class. The first two tests also include step-by-step advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by a bank of real C1 Advanced candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help. Downloadable audio includes the recordings for the listening tests. Six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. The 'without answers' edition can be used to practice the exam at home or in class, providing an excellent opportunity for teachers and students to familiarise themselves with the C1 Advanced examination format.Six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. The 'without answers' edition can be used to practice the exam at home or in class, providing an excellent opportunity for teachers and students to familiarise themselves with the C1 Advanced examination format. The six practice tests feature explanatory keys and model answers, and include ideas for extending tasks in class. The first two tests also include step-by-step advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by a bank of real C1 Advanced candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help. Downloadable audio includes the recordings for the listening tests.
34,34€ Precio socio 32,62€
36,24€ 34,43€
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A2 Key for Schools Trainer 2 Trainer without Answers with Digital Pack
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Los Trainers son el acompañamiento perfecto para la preparación de los exámenes de Cambridge. Además de seis exámenes de prueba completos, ofrecen una guía fácil de usar y consejos sobre los exámenes diseñados para obtener los mejores resultados. Los dos primeros exámenes están completamente guiados, con consejos paso a paso sobre cómo abordarlos. Incluyen actividades prácticas adicionales, basadas en exámenes reales, se centran en las áreas en las que los estudiantes suelen requerir un refuerzo especial. El perfecto compañero para la preparación de la titulación de Cambridge A2 Key for Schools. Para 2024 habrá dos colecciones de A2 Key for Schools Trainer, al publicarse la segunda colección en abril de 2024. Además de seis exámenes de prueba completos, ofrece una guía fácil de seguir y consejos para alcanzar el éxito en el examen.Hay una versión ‘sin respuestas’ y otra ‘con respuestas’. Ambas incluyen un código de acceso al audio y al libro en versión digital en Cambridge One. La versión 'con respuestas', además, incluye notas del profesor y recursos adicionales.
34,70€ Precio socio 32,96€
36,62€ 34,79€
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Complete First Students Pack (Students Book without answers and Workbook without answers) English for Spanish Speakers
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Esta atractiva serie temática cubre en detalle cada parte del examen, para asegurar que los estudiantes estén completamente preparados para hacer frente a cada una de las partes del examen. El contenido que debe trabajarse en cada unidad está complemente integrado con la preparación del examen. La serie Complete combina lo mejor de las prácticas contemporáneas en las aulas con el conocimiento de primera mano de los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los estudiantes. La sección English for Spanish Speakers* en Complete Key for Schools, Preliminary for Schools, Preliminary, First for Schools y First ofrece: Consejos sobre la ortografía de palabras problemáticas. Actividades de listening diseñadas para que los alumnos identifiquen correctamente la pronunciación en inglés. Ejemplos de errores comunes en gramática con indicación de cómo evitarlos. Palabras y expresiones comunes y cómo su uso es distinto en las expresiones equivalentes en inglés.
58,41€ Precio socio 55,49€
61,66€ 58,58€
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Complete First Students Book with answers English for Spanish Speakers
Hoy -5% en Libros


COMPLETE covers everything! Maximise students’ performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training Create a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics Build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance. Exploit Complete’s unique exam journey through Exam advice and integrated exam practice. Deliver successful and stress-free outcomes knowing the Complete formula covers everything. Expand teaching and learning with a full range of digital support and extra resource
39,51€ Precio socio 37,53€
41,71€ 39,62€
Has añadido la cantidad máxima disponible.
Precio socio 57,51€
Has añadido la cantidad máxima disponible.
Complete First for Schools for Spanish Speakers Second edition Student's Pack Updated (Student's Book without answers and Workbook without answers an
Hoy -5% en Libros


This engaging thematic series covers each part of the exam in detail, to ensure that students are fully prepared to tackle each part of the exam. The content to be covered in each unit is fully integrated with exam preparation. The Complete series combines the best of contemporary classroom practice with first-hand knowledge of the challenges students face.The series offers an integrated approach with exam information, tips and practice along with language development. Exercises are based on unique insights from the Cambridge Learner Corpus into areas that students find most challenging, and aim to help students avoid common mistakes Vocabulary selection is documented by the English Profile project. It offers content specifically designed to help Spanish-speaking students (A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools, B1 Preliminary, B2 First for Schools and B2 First) and fantastic resources and teacher support material available in the Teacher's Book and on-line. The English for Spanish Speakers section in Complete Key for Schools, Preliminary for Schools, Preliminary, First for Schools, and First offers tips on spelling problem words, listening activities designed for students to correctly identify English pronunciation, examples of mistakes in grammar with an indication of how to avoid them, and common words and expressions and how their use is different from the equivalent expressions in English.
57,51€ Precio socio 54,63€
60,71€ 57,67€
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Ready For B2 First Student's Book
Hoy -5% en Libros

Macmillan Internac.

52,82€ Precio socio 50,18€
55,76€ 52,97€
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