Libros de inglés

Zoe Baker works in a bookstore. She also likes acting, and she has a part in the playRomeo and Juliet . Mike Morrison writes about the play for the newspaper.What does he write about Zoe? Is Zoe a good actress ... or is she just 'a pretty face'? What does Zoe think when she reads the newspaper? What does she do?
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Black Beauty Green Apple 0
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VV GA0 Black Beauty
12,50€ 11,87€
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VAUGHAN CD01 Toy Story
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Toy Story forma parte de una colección impresionante de 20 libros bajo el sello Disney-Vaughan para que los niños aprendan inglés mientras se divierten con sus personajes favoritos de Disney. Una edición única con imágenes espectaculares y audios divertidos y didácticos. Cada libro de la colección Disney English Vaughan está basado en una historia Disney y cuenta con numerosas actividades divertidas de vocabulario y gramática. En el audio – descargable gratis en Audible – los profesores Vaughan guían a los niños paso a paso para que puedan realizar las actividades sin ayuda de ningún adulto.
6,95€ 6,60€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.There are so many things that a mother wishes to teach her daughter. How to lose your innocence but not your hope. How to keep hoping, when hope is your only joy. How to laugh for ever. This is the story of four mothers and their daughters - Chinese- American women, the mothers born in China, and the daughters in America. Through their eyes we see life in pre-Revolutionary China, and life in downtown San Francisco, women struggling to find a cultural identity that can include a past and a future half a world apart.
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La serie de lecturas Reading Stars de Oxford University Press ha sido diseñada para acompañar a niños pequeños desde su primera experiencia con la lectura en inglés y guiarles hacia el objetivo de leer de forma independiente. El lenguaje está cuidadosamente graduado y la cantidad de texto aumenta gradualmente en cadauno de los tres niveles disponibles. Todas las lecturas de la serie vienen acompañadas de audio, una guíapara el profesor, una guía para padres, videos parapadres y actividades de acompañamiento. Las actividades ayudan a los niños a desarrollar sus destrezas delectura. También hay vínculos con otras áreas curriculares, como Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, de modo que el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesade los niños se integra con su desarrollo educativomás amplio. ¡Acompaña a tus personajes favoritos dePatrulla Canina en sus aventuras! En A Muddy Rescue,Reading Stars 3, cuando Alex se va de excursión con su abuelo, se mete en problemas. ¿Podrá la Patrulla Canina salvarlo en este embarrado rescate en la montaña?
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OUP OBL1 The Bridge&Love Stories/16
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Dolphin Readers are an exciting and varied series of readers for young learners. Covering a range of topics, both fiction and non-fiction, they are available at five levels.Level 4 contains 625 Headwords.
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OUP OBF5 Far From the Madding Crowd/16
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Read and discover all about helping around the world. Who helps refugees? What do animal charities do?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about amazing plants. How many types of plant are there? Why are plants important?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Clm10 The Weather
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3,10€ 2,94€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.She is a quiet, gentle girl, but neither beautiful nor clever, no one had ever admired her before, or come to whisper soft words of love to her. But in New York in the 1840s young ladies are not free to marry where they please. She must have her father's permission, and Dr Sloper is a rich man. One day Catherine will have a fortune...
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.For a child in the great city of Venice, there could be nothing better than the stories of sailors. There were stories of strange animals, wonderful cities, sweet spices, and terrible wild deserts where a traveller could die. One young boy listened, waited, and dreamed. Perhaps he too could travel to great markets in faraway places.
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Bb (D) Fat Cat'S Busy Day
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30,00€ 28,50€
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OUP ORI STA One Two Three
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Violet's mum moves to Paris, so she has to go too. Living in Paris should be very exciting, but Violet doesn't like it. Her only hope is to talk to her friends from London online.But will that work? Will Violet ever enjoy Paris? And what can she do about her Mum?
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Oxford Read and Imagine is a fiction series written for primary and pre-primary students. Young learners follow Rosie, Ben and Grandpa on their adventures and grow up with the characters as they read and learn.Grandpa has a hat. Where is it? Can Clunk see it?CEFR Pre-A1Word count: 108
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OUP DOM1 Ibn Battuta/16
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Two famous queens - Mary, the Catholic Queen of Scots, and Elizabeth I, the Protestant Queen of England. It was an exciting and a dangerous time to be alive, and to be a queen. At sixteen, she was also Queen of France. She was tall and beautiful. But she also had many enemies - men who said: 'The death of Mary is the life of Elizabeth.'
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English for Everyone Inicial Business English Ejercicios
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El innovador método de autoaprendizaje de inglés,English for Everyone, ahora presenta Business English, dos manuales específicos para aprender inglés de negocios en dos niveles: inicial e intermedio English for Everyone Business English refuerza las habilidades claves de la lengua inglesa, sus reglas gramaticales y el vocabulario haciendo especial énfasis en la terminología de los negocios. Este libro de actividades para aprender inglés, en su nivel inicial se centra en algunos de los temas empresariales más importantes como negociación de condiciones, reuniones de empleados, presentaciones técnicas en el ámbito laboral o lenguaje telefónico formal, sin olvidar vocabulario inglés específico de negocios que incluye economía, finanzas o ciencia entre otros muchos temas tan necesarios en el díaa día en la actualidad. El libro de actividades, además, propone prácticos ejercicios que ayudarána que el alumno comprenda y desarrolle lo aprendidocon ejercicios que simulan situaciones reales en el ámbito laboral. Este libro de inglés con ejercicios para poner en práctica lo aprendido con el librode estudio está dividido en unidades, y en cada unade ellas te encontrarás: - Un resumen sobre loque vas a practicar en cada unidad - Diferentes módulos con diversas temáticas de negocios, vocabulario y gramática inglesa - Vocabulario con las expresiones, palabras y frases más útiles en el inglés para negocios - Una guía visual con imágenes y gráficos que te ayudarán a retener todo lo aprendido - Audio de apoyo que te ayudará a mejorarla expresión y comprensión del inglés Descripción general del curso DK presenta English for Everyone un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso de inglés cuentacon cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de actividades que se complementan, además, con un amplio abanico deaudios y ejercicios digitales. El curso completo, que ayuda en la preparación de los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC, está diseñado para cubrir todas las necesidades de aprendizaje gracias acontenidos muy estructurados y atractivos con gráficos e ilustraciones que facilitarán la comprensión de las unidades didácticas y harán que estudiar inglés sea más ameno. Todos los libros para aprender inglés que componen el curso English for Everyone cuentan con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontraren y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.
16,95€ 16,10€
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Follow the adventures of the wooden puppet who wantsto be a real boy ...
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What happens when Rosie, Ben, and Max go to the beach? They want to swim, but it is very windy, and the waves are too big. What does Grandpa do?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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COL New Practice Tests Key A2
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37,10€ 35,24€
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Oxford Read and Imagine is a fiction series written for primary and pre-primary students. Young learners follow Rosie, Ben and Grandpa on their adventures and grow up with the characters as they read and learn.Improve vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension with activities to accompany Clunk Draws a Picture.CEFR Pre-A1
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.When her father dies, Aku-nna and her young brother have no one to look after them. They are welcomed by their uncle because of Aku-nna's 'bride price' - the money that her future husband will pay for her. In her new, strange home one man is kind to her and teaches her to become a woman. Soon they are in love, although everyone says he is not a suitable husband for her. The more the world tries to separate them, the more they are drawn together - until, finally, something has to break.
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Tess Of The Urbervilles
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BUR BRS B1 Tess of the Urbervilles
8,40€ 7,98€
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More Business English Para Dummies
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¿Necesitas el inglés para conseguir un trabajo? ¿Te sientes inseguro en las reuniones con clientes y proveedores extranjeros? ¿Quieres dar el salto a la internacionalización de tu empresa? Este segundo volumende Business English para Dummies, te presenta80 nuevas situaciones habituales en el mundo de los negocios, para que amplíes tu repertorio de recursos. ? Inglés + Habilidades directivas? todo en uno, ¿qué más se puede pedir? ? Mini-diccionario muy útil ? los principalestérminos trabajados se encuentran recopilados al final del libro, para que los puedas consultar en cualquier momento ? Una práctica estructura ? los 80 ejemplos están agrupados en cinco temas:Reuniones y negociaciones, Ventas, Trabajo en equipoy gestión, Atención y trato con el cliente y Relaciones interpersonales y networking ? La voz de la experiencia ? textos revisados por el equipo editorial de Gestión 2000, sello líder en literatura empresarial
9,95€ 9,45€
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'Everything's ready now. We can do the experiment,' says your assistant Joe. You are the famous scientistMary Durie working in a laboratory in Alaska. When you discover something very new and valuable, other people want to try to steal your idea - can you stop them before they escape?
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Read and discover all about how we make different products. How many parts are there in a car? How do we make chocolate bars?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Upstream B2+ S'S Book
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This series is specially designed for students from absolute beginner to proficiency level. Each book provides systematic preparation in all four language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing – required at these levels. A variety of cross-cultural and cross-curricular topics Lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary including collocations and everyday English Composition analysis and practice on all types of writing with full models Culture Clips & CLIL sections Literature sections Exam and Study Skills tips (for levels B2–C2)
35,35€ 33,58€
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ELI YR3 Dr Domouch And The Huemuls
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Dr Domuch and the Huemuls + downloadable audio.
11,95€ 11,35€
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AD Textos literarios para traducir
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AD Textos literarios para traducir
16,95€ 16,10€
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The Picture of Dorian Gray
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6,84€ 6,50€
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Secret Diary Of Adrian Mol
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Burlington Lectures

BUR BRS B1 Secret Diary of Adrian Mol
8,40€ 7,98€
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The Oxford Shakespeare: Othello
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Shakespeare, William

10,69€ 10,16€
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