Libros de exámenes de inglés

Prepárate con éxito para tus exámenes oficiales de inglés con nuestra selección de libros especializados. Desde preparación para los exámenes Cambridge English, como el First Certificate (FCE) o el Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), hasta los exámenes TOEFL e IELTS, ofrecemos una gama de materiales exhaustivos que cubren las diferentes secciones de cada examen. Con pruebas prácticas, estrategias de examen y ejercicios específicos, estos libros te proporcionarán la confianza y las habilidades necesarias para alcanzar tus objetivos de evaluación lingüística.

Complete Ielts Bands 6.5-7.5 Student'S book With Answers With Cd-Rom
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Complete IELTS combines the very best in contemporaryclassroom practice with stimulating topics aimed atyoung adults wanting to study at university. The Student's Book with answers contains 8 topic-based unitswith stimulating speaking activities, a language reference, grammar and vocabulary explanations and examples, to ensure that students gain skills practice foreach of the four papers of the IELTS exam. The with Answers edition contains recording scripts for the listening material and complete answer keys. It also includes a complete IELTS practice test to allow students to familiarise themselves with the format of the exam. The CD-ROM contains additional skills, grammar, vocabulary and listening exercises. Class Audio CDs, containing the recordings for the listening exercises,are also available.
43,90€ 41,70€
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Ielts Practice Test +Cdr
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MM IELTS Practice Test/+CDR
45,75€ 43,46€
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Gold Experience A2 Cd Class (2)
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PEAR Gold Experience A2/CD-class (2)
70,05€ 66,55€
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Compact First for Schools Workbook With Answers Withaudio 2Nd Edition
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A focused, 50-60 hour course for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015. This Workbook provides further practice of language andvocabulary introduced in the Compact First for Schools Second edition Student's Book. Topics and exam tasks follow the progression of language in the Student's Book units. It also features an eight-page sectionfocusing on the consolidation and extension of skillsfor the Writing paper. Downloadable Audio contains the listening material for the Workbook listening activities and includes exam-style listening tasks.
24,23€ 23,02€
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Gold Xp B1 Pet Schools Pack
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The most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens.Fast-paced, cool and engaging û Gold Experience motivates your teenage students with its varied, age-appropriate topics and activities. Contexts such as the internet, social media, television and magazines are relevant to teenagers' lives and content-rich CLIL topics help your students learn about the world. Five-level English course for teenagers preparing for Cambridge exams. Suitable for students from Beginner (CEF A1) to Upper Intermediate (CEF B2)
25,55€ 24,27€
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Aprueba Pet English Is Fun
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Un cuaderno específicamente concebido para preparar el examen Cambridge PET, que evalúa el nivel B1 de lengua. - 130 ejercicios amenos para preparar las cuatro secciones de la prueba: Reading, Writing, Listening y Speaking - Soluciones y sugerencias de respuestas en todos los ejercicios - Instrucciones en inglés para acostumbrarse a las condiciones reales de la prueba - Consejos y trucos para cada tipo de ejercicio: trampas que hay que evitar, puntos importantes que hay que repasar... - 2 exámenes reales completos consus soluciones - Archivos de audio descargables Un cuaderno que ayuda a familiarizarse con las condiciones y el tipo de ejercicios propuestos a los candidatosque se presentan al examen Preliminary English Test(PET).
11,50€ 10,92€
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Ielts B2 C1 Listening +Cd(3)
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SCHO T IELTS B2 C1/Listening/+CD(3)
45,00€ 42,75€
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Masterkey Fce Schools 8 Tests Self Study
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GLOB Masterkey FCE Schools 8 tests/SS
34,30€ 32,58€
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Gold Experience B2 Grammar&Vocabulary
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The Workbook focuses on all the vocabulary and grammar areas taught in the Students&#x02019,
22,80€ 21,66€
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HNL Spotlight CAE/+DVDR
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Pass Trinity Now 7 8 Student'S Book+Cdr
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VV Pass Trinity Now 7-8/SB+CDR
19,35€ 18,38€
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Gold First 14 Coursebook+Mylab
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The coursebook is filled with interesting topics and gives learners plenty of opportunity for discussion. It builds students&#x02019,
79,80€ 75,81€
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Cambridge Igcse (R) And O Level Economics Coursebook
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Update For Pre-Fce Workbook+Cd
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BUR Update for Pre-FCE/Workbook+CD
24,25€ 23,04€
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The most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens.Gold Experience 2nd Edition is a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. Eight-level course for teenagers preparing for Cambridge English exams for Schools.Suitable for students from Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1). British English Topics relevant to teenagers help students bring their own experience to lessons, and learn about the wider world
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Ielts B1 B2 Reading
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SCHO T IELTS B1 B2/Reading
42,50€ 40,37€
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Ielts B2 C1 Writing
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SCHO T IELTS B2 C1/Writing
42,50€ 40,37€
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Gold Experience 2Nd Edition B2+ Students' Book
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The most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens.Gold Experience 2nd Edition is a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates studentsto build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. Eight-level course for teenagers preparing for Cambridge English exams for Schools.Suitable for students from Beginner (A1) to Advanced (C1). British English Topics relevant to teenagers help students bring their own experience to lessons, and learn about the wider world
38,20€ 36,29€
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Fce Buster Student'S Pack+Key
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ELI FCE Buster/Student's Pack+Key
31,30€ 29,73€
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Cup First 3/Cd
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CUP First 3/CD
45,54€ 43,26€
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Cambridge English First 1 for Revised Exam from 2015 Student's Book Pack (Student's Book with Answers and Audio CDs (2))
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Four authentic Cambridge English Language Assessment examination papers for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam from 2015. These authentic examination papers provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the c
45,54€ 43,26€
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HNL Exam Essentials/First 1/+key
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Go For Pet Self Study+Cdr
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36,90€ 35,05€
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1500 Structured Tests 1
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16,00€ 15,20€
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1500 Structured Tests 2
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16,00€ 15,20€
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Tkt Course Training Activities Cdrom
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This course is designed for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the Cambridge ESOL TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning test (TKT: CLIL). It is ideal for both content and language teachers. Written by a CLIL expert in collaboration with Cambridge ESOL, this course covers the four key areas of the test: knowledge of CLIL and principles of CLIL, lesson preparation, lesson delivery and assessment. It will also be useful for anyone seeking an introduction to CLIL theory and practice. The TKT Course CLIL Module introduces teachers to the concepts and terminology central to CLIL and provides an introduction to its main theories, approaches and activities. Teachers are then encouraged to apply these to their own teaching contexts and analyse their usefulness to their own learners. Materials and activities are available which further develop and explore the topics introduced in the course.
38,50€ 36,57€
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HNL Essential FCE Test 1/+DVDR
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Bec Vantage 1 Cd
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La preparaci≤n mßs autΘntica para Cambridge English Business Certificates disponible en el mercado ofrececuatro modelos de examen completos. Ayuda a conocer el formato de la prueba y familiarizarse con el tipo de ejercicios.
32,90€ 31,25€
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Flyers 2 Cd Exam18
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Documentos de estudio para los alumnos que se preparan para el Cambridge English revisado: Young Learnersa partir de 2018. El CD de audio contiene el materialgrabado que acompa±a a Cambridge English: Folletos 2Libro de alumno y Libro de respuestas. El Libro de estudiantes de Flyers y un Folleto de respuestas de Flyers estßn disponibles por separado.
33,68€ 32,00€
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Bec Preliminary 4 Self-Study Pack
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La preparaci≤n mßs autΘntica para Cambridge English Business Certificates disponible en el mercado ofrececuatro modelos de examen completos. Ayuda a conocer el formato de la prueba y familiarizarse con el tipo de ejercicios.
49,90€ 47,40€
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Gold Experience A1 Cd Class (2)
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PEAR Gold Experience A1/CD-class (2)
70,05€ 66,55€
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La preparación más auténtica para Cambridge English Business Certificates disponible en el mercado ofrece cuatro modelos de examen completos. Ayuda a conocer el formato de la prueba y familiarizarse con el tipo de ejercicios.
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La preparación más auténtica para Cambridge English Business Certificates disponible en el mercado ofrece cuatro modelos de examen completos. Ayuda a conocer el formato de la prueba y familiarizarse con el tipo de ejercicios.
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Trinity Graded Exams: Student'S book Grades 7-9 Cd Pack
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32,99€ 31,34€
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Cambridge Bec Higher 2 Student'S book With Answers
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La preparaci≤n mßs autΘntica para Cambridge English Business Certificates disponible en el mercado ofrececuatro modelos de examen completos. Ayuda a conocer el formato de la prueba y familiarizarse con el tipo de ejercicios.
34,90€ 33,15€
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