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García Robles, Julio

María es una jovencita revoltosa, enamorada, que apenas está descubriendo los secretos de la pubertad cuando se ve sorprendida por los horrores de la guerra. Junto a su abuelo Llorquet, amigos y vecinos tratará de impedir por todos los medios que el temido conde delas Torres entre en el poble y lo asalte. Novela de ficción inspirada en los hechos reales que acontecieron en el asalto de la noble villa de Vila-real el 12 de enero de 1706, durante la Guerra de Sucesión Española, donde el autor imprime ese carácter y estilo propio, dinámico, con escenas fuertes, crudas, y con esos momentos dulces y bellos que caracterizan sus relatos. «Esta historia nos traslada ante los avatares de una batalla heroica que marcó para siempre estaciudad y su destino: el enfrentamiento de un pueblo contra un ejército».
16,90€ 16,05€
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Biográfico Shakespeare
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Croot, Viv

La colección Biográfico ofrece una mirada completamente nueva de las vidas de grandes creadores y pensadores de la historia.Es de sobra conocido que William Shakespeare (1564-1616) fue dramaturgo y poeta, que escribió Hamlet y El sueño de una noche de verano, y que es considerado el mejor autor de teatro de todos los tiempos. Lo que quizás no se sepa es que su método preferido para matar a los personajes era el apuñalamiento, que se le atribuye la creación de más de 2.000 palabras y expresiones en lengua inglesa, y que al morir era propietario de cinco casas y un pub.Biográfico Shakespeare abre el telón para presentarnos una lúdica guía de su vida, obra y legado, mediante una serie de hechos y cifras impactantes convertidos en atractivas imágenes que descubren al dramaturgo más allá de sus obras.
5,95€ 5,65€
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Un Dia a la granja
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Raga Pascual, Víctor

La cosina Empariues ha caigut un bac i du el braç en cabestrell. Qui s'ocuparà ara de la granja? El senyor Cantalombardi està encantat d'ajudar-la, i també Helena. Però i Martí? Qui li hauria de dir, al pobre, que acabaria vestit com un granger i munyint una vaca?
9,95€ 9,45€
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Tragèdies, vol. VII
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El setè volum de les Tragèdies d'Eurípides presenta dues de les tragèdies més sorprenents del dramaturg atenès. En l'Hèlena Eurípides capgira el mite tradicional sobre la figura d'Hèlena per parlar sobre la relació entre veritat, mentida i aparença, un tema molt present en les discussions filosòfiques de l'Atenes clàssica. L'Ió, en canvi, aprofundeix en la qüestió de la identitat a través de la figura d'aquest fill d'Apol·lo i Creüsa -descendent de la línia reial atenesa per via materna- que desconeix els seus orígens. Eurípides ho aprofita per qüestionar un dels mites fundacionals atenencs, el de l'autoctonia, que marca el dret de ciutadania a la ciutat d'Atenes. Les tragèdies es presenten amb una acurada edició i traducció en vers de l'hel·lenista Jaume Almirall, que també ha redactat les notícies preliminars.
39,00€ 37,05€
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Card captor Sakura clear card arc 6
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¿CUÁL SERÁ LA IDENTIDAD DE ESE MAGO TAN PODEROSO? Un gran secreto y dos pasados ocultos salen al fin a la luz Cada vez que Sakura tiene aquel sueño misterioso, se le turba el corazón. Un día, decide darle una alegría a Akiho, que se preocupa por sus seres queridos tanto como ella, y le enseña la biblioteca de su casa, el ''lugar especial'' en el que todo empezó. Sin embargo, un mago poderosísimo aparece ante ellas... El reloj del destino avanza y comienza la historia que llevará a la verdad!
8,00€ 7,60€
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Hickman, Jonathan

CONTINÚA LA SORPRENDENTE SAGA DE HICKMAN YDRAGOTTABabilonia progresa en su aprendizaje junto a Muerte. Mientrastanto, Guerra, Victoria y Hambre van tras él para traer elApocalipsis a la Tierra. En los gobiernos, las conspiraciones siguen enaumen
17,00€ 16,15€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Falcinelli, Riccardo

Totes les societats han construït sistemes simbòlicsen els quals el color té un paper central: pensem enel negre del dol o el vermell del comunisme. El que és extraordinari en el món modern és que la tecnologiai el mercat han canviat la manera de mirar les cosesi ens han acostumat a noves percepcions. Els colorscarregats de la pantalla són ara el paràmetre amb elsqual avaluem la puresa de cada fenomen cromàtic. Cromorama ens explica com avui el color s’ha convertit en un filtre amb el qual pensem la realitat. Amb l’ajut de 400 il•lustracions, ens descriu com s’ha formatla mirada moderna aprofitant tot l’univers de les imatges: no només la pintura, sinó també la literatura,el cinema, el còmic i, sobretot, els objectes quotidians, que ens fa veure de manera nova i inusual.
27,90€ 26,50€
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El cerebro que cura
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Pascual, Álvaro

Para tener una vida plena y feliz, lo más importante es tener un cerebro sano. Esta es la premisa que defienden los autores: cómo una mente sana puede dar lugar a un cuerpo igualmente saludable. A través de sus estudios e investigaciones, los autores pretenden demostrar que llevar a cabo un patrón concreto de actividad cerebral nos permite resistir mejor las enfermedades, y puede incluso ayudarnos a vivir más. En El cerebro que cura descubriremos por qué el órgano rector es importante para mantenernos sanos y cómo conseguir que funcione a pleno rendimiento. La nutrición, el sueño, el ejercicio o la socialización son parte de los pilares fundamentales para lograr una mente, un cuerpo y un alma más sanos.
20,00€ 19,00€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

McCausland, Elisa

Una supernova es una explosión estelar tan poderosa que, aunque te anotara a continuación su magnitud, tu cerebro ni siquiera podría imaginarla. Simplemente piensa que una sola supernova es tan luminosa como toda una galaxia. Y sus efectos pueden constatarse, incluso a simple vista, en lugares de la esfera celeste donde antes nadie había detectado nada. La actual explosión del movimiento feminista tiene, desde luego, algo de supernova: extraordinariamente potente, amplia y capaz tanto de iluminar la realidad como de alumbrar nuevas realidades. En este sentido, las reivindicaciones feministas de los últimos años han logrado arrojar otra luz sobre la literatura de ciencia ficción, rescatando así a autoras, tendencias y sensibilidades que parecían haber sido devoradas por el agujero negro de los discursos tradicionalmente dominantes. Pero ¿ha ocurrido lo mismo con la cultura audiovisual? ¿Se ha producido asimismo en este tipo de relatos una misión de rescate exitosa? Creemos que aún no, creemos que en el ámbito del cine, la televisión, los videojuegos, el cómic, la ilustración y otros medios aún queda mucho por hacer y muchos enfoques inéditos que proponer y recuperar.Hay una infinidad de artistas y trabajos que han sido decisivos para forjar los motivos más icónicos de la ciencia ficción, pero no han tenido hasta ahora un justo reconocimiento. Por todo ello, este ensayo aspira a interpretar y contextualizar todas esas aportaciones a través de un recorrido histórico en el que la perspectiva de género y el eco de las sucesivas olas del feminismo son claves para articular un discurso crítico e inspirador en torno a las imágenes. Un viaje espacio-temporal y discursivo que nos lleva de Barbarella a Imperator Furiosa, de Thea von Harbou a Scarlett Johansson, de Margaret Brundage a Mōto Hagio y de la teniente Ripley a la Mayor Kusanagi, sin olvidar, por supuesto, otras propuestas de corte estrictamente independiente y experimental.Supernovas es una revisión feminista de la ciencia ficción audiovisual producida hasta la fecha en todo el mundo, un libro capaz de demostrar, una vez más, el potencial del género para subvertir los paradigmas establecidos de lo real.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Hola! Animals
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Öckto Lambert, Fabien

Vols saber més coses sobre els animals? Descobreix els secrets més desconeguts del món animal: les seuesfamílies, com viuen i algunes particularitats sorprenents. A la sabana, al desert, a la selva, a la muntanya, al camp i als oceans, descobriràs moltes curiositats de nombroses espècies. En este llibre il·lustratgràcies al talent de Fabien Öckto Lambert, fes girarla roda dels animals, obri les finestres i desplegaun pòster doble per a descobrir un fum d’informació d’allò més interessant i divertida.
17,50€ 16,62€
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La Blancanieves pelirroja 2
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Akiduki, Sorata

SEGUNDO VOLUMEN DE LA INSPIRADORA HISTORIA DE SHIRAYUKI! Tras huir de su país natal, Shirayuki, con su peculiar cabello encarnado, se establece en el reino deClarines y se prepara para su nueva vida, presentándose al examen de boticaria de palacio. A medida que vaconociendo a distintas personas, su vínculo con Zense va fortaleciendo. Pero no todos están contentos con su intimidad con el príncipe
8,00€ 7,60€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.We must leave for Zenda at once, to find the King!' cried Sapt. 'If we're caught, we'll all be killed!' So Rudolf Rassendyll and Sapt gallop through the night to find the King of Ruritania. But the King is now a prisoner in the Castle of Zenda. Who will rescue him from his enemies, the dangerous Duke Michael and Rupert of Hentzau? And who will win the heart of the beautiful Princess Flavia?
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Sukeno, Yoshiaki

RO KURO SE TRASLADA POR FIN A TSUCHIMIKADOMIENTRAS BENIO INTENTA RECUPERARSETras perder su energía espiritual, Benio se queda en elcontinente, y Rokuro y Mayura llegan a Tsuchimikado! Roku está deseandoderrotar a Yuuto, pero su llegada a la isla
8,00€ 7,60€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Pizzolatto, Nic

Alto, corpulento, con barba y melena, sombrero de ala ancha y botas de cowboy, el texano Roy Cady lleva unos años ejerciendo de matón profesional en Nueva Orleans. Roy es un tipo tranquilo, comprensivo, capaz de ver el lado filosófico de las cosas, lo cua
12,95€ 12,30€
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Wearing men's clothes and riding a horse, Mulan leaves her family and fights bravely for the Emperor in her father's place.She is soon a hero for all the soldiers in the Chinese army. One of them, Ye Ming, is her best friend. But does he know that she is a woman? And can Mulan fall in love with a friend?
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The men and the woman in this book - William Tell, Tom Blood, Lord Bao, King Matthias, Johnny Appleseed, and Lady Godiva - are all real people from history.But every time someone tells an old story, they change things in it, to make them bigger, better, and more exciting. So what is true in this book and what is not?
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Read and discover all about eyes. How many eyes does a spider have? Can animals see in the dark?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about the sky. What can you see in the sky? What are stars?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about festivals around the world. When is the festival of Diwali? What do people do at Halloween?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Black clover 26
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Tabata, Yuki

EL DESTINO DEL MUNDO DEPENDE DE LOS CABALLEROS MAGOS!Vanica, de la Tríada oscura, está dispuesta a luchar contra Lolopechka y Noelle para saldar sus cuentas, pero ¿podrán hacer frente al incomparable poder mágico de la malévola Vanica? Por su parte, Dante desvela su auténtica apariencia y va a por Yami Una vez más, el destino del mundo está en juego y todo depende de los Caballeros magos.
9,00€ 8,55€
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Read and discover all about wonders of the past, all around the world. Where is Chichen Itza? What is the Taj Mahal?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about amazing animals at night. Why do some animals come out at night? What special senses do nocturnal animals have?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about homes around the world. What materials are homes made of? Why do people build homes on stilts?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.In a gloomy, neglected house Miss Havisham sits, as she has sat year after year, in a wedding dress and veil that were once white, and are now faded and yellow with age. Her face is like a death's head, her dark eyes burn with bitterness and hate. By her side sits a proud and beautiful girl, and in front of her, trembling with fear in his thick country boots, stands young Pip. Miss Havisham stares at Pip coldly, and murmurs to the girl at her side: 'Break his heart, Estella. Break his heart!'
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Read and discover all about medicine in the past and medicine today. What was the world's first antibiotic? What medicine can cure malaria?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about helping around the world. Who helps refugees? What do animal charities do?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about transportation in the past and today. What were the first planes made of? How fast can solar cars travel?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Read and discover all about your amazing body. How many bones are there in your skeleton? What do your white blood cells do?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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What happens when Rosie, Ben, and Max go to the beach? They want to swim, but it is very windy, and the waves are too big. What does Grandpa do?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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Rosie, Ben, Alice, and Clunk are playing a game. The children look and look, but where's Clunk?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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Clunk finds a new job -in a restaurant! But he isn't a good waiter and Gordon the chef is angry. Grandpa wants Clunk at home again -can Rosie, Ben, and Grandpa find him?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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It's the big city! Ben, Rosie, Max, and Grandpa go to see the tall buildings. But what happens when thieves steal Grandpa's van? Where do they take it? Can Clunk stop them?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.The wind is strong on the Yorkshire moors. There are few trees, and fewer houses, to block its path. There is one house, however, that does not hide from the wind. It stands out from the hill and challenges the wind to do its worst. The house is called Wuthering Heights. When Mr Earnshaw brings a strange, small, dark child back home to Wuthering Heights, it seems he has opened his doors to trouble. He has invited in something that, like the wind, is safer kept out of the house.
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.When Carruthers joins his friend Arthur Davies on his yacht Dulcibella, he is expecting a pleasant sailing holiday in the Baltic Sea. But the holiday turns into an adventure of a different kind. He and Davies soon find themselves sailing in the stormy waters of the North Sea, exploring the channels and sandbanks around the German Frisian Islands, and looking for a secret - a secret that could mean great danger for England. Erskine Childers' novel, published in 1903, was the first great modern spy story, and is still as exciting to read today as it was a hundred years ago.
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Jim dreams of great adventures. But the sea is no place for dreamers. When the chance comes, on a calm moonlit night in the Indian Ocean, Jim fails the test, and his world falls to pieces around him. He disappears into the jungles of south-east Asia, searching for a way to prove himself, once and for all...
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.At home there is sad news waiting for young John, and he learns that he has good reason to hate the Doones. But in the years to come he meets Lorna Doone, with her lovely smile and big dark eyes. And soon he is deeply, hopelessly in love...
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