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Jujutsu Kaisen Vol 17
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Akutami, Gege

In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna have been lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!Hunted down by Okkotsu and on the brink of death, Itadori recalls a troubling family scene from his past. But why is the former form of Noritoshi Kamo there? As the sorcerers begin to take action toward suppressing the lethal culling game, Maki pays the Zen’in clan a visit…
11,50€ 10,92€
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Demon copperhead
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Kingsolver, Barbara

Demon Copperhead is set in the mountains of southern Appalachia. It's the story of a boy born to a teenaged single mother in a single-wide trailer, with no assets beyond his dead father's good looks and copper-colored hair, a caustic wit, and a fierce talent for survival. In a plot that never pauses for breath, relayed in his own unsparing voice, he braves the modern perils of foster care, child labor, derelict schools, athletic success, addiction, disastrous loves, and crushing losses. Through all of it, he reckons with his own invisibility in a popular culture where even the superheroes have abandoned rural people in favor of cities.Many generations ago, Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield from his experience as a survivor of institutional poverty and its damages to children in his society. Those problems have yet to be solved in ours. Dickens is not a prerequisite for readers of this novel, but he provided its inspiration. In transposing a Victorian epic novel to the contemporary American South, Barbara Kingsolver enlists Dickens' anger and compassion, and above all, his faith in the transformative powers of a good story. Demon Copperhead speaks for a new generation of lost boys, and all those born into beautiful, cursed places they can't imagine leaving behind.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Bluey: Road Trip
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The Heelers are going on a camping trip. During the long car ride, Bluey and Bingo start to feel a bit bored.
10,50€ 9,97€
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Korea: A New History of South and North
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Cha, Victor

Korea has a long, riveting history―it is also a divided nation. South Korea is a vibrant democracy, the tenth largest economy, and is home to a world-renowned culture. North Korea is ruled by the most authoritarian regime in the world, a poor country in a rich region, and is best known for the cult of personality surrounding the ruling Kim family. But both Koreas share a unique common history.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Objetos a los que acompaño
Hoy -5% en Libros

Risco, Carlos

«Hace poco que regresé a Galicia. Supongo que uno se va para volver y es precisamente ese el sentido de marcharse. Ahora vivo en una aldea despoblada en el interior despoblado de un país despoblado. Vine a esta aldea sin vecinos porque, aunque me gustan las personas, también me molesta su compañía. Encontré esta casa. O ella me encontró a mí, porque fue todo sencillo y rápido, como en los buenos amores. En la intimidad de una vida silenciosa, lo útil nos habla mejor. Las cosas cotidianas, las del trajín en la cocina, las herramientas del huerto, la ropa con la que uno envejece, tienen esa misión de compañía, han sido hechas para hacer la vida fácil. Y es aquí donde nos hablan en un lenguaje más sencillo y más próximo.Son, además, cosas hermosas, porque todo lo útil es también hermoso.» Hay algunas cosas con las que nos cruzamos para largo. Ellas y nosotros lo sabemos. Cuanto más las usamos, más las amamos.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Novell, Nèstor

Una novel·la coral on es mostren els fragments d'una memòria personal i col·lectiva esquinçada i incompleta, els vestigis limitats i deformats derivats d'uns fets colpidors i silenciats durant anys. Els protagonistes d'aquest llibre testimonial van sobreviure, físicament i emocional, al fatal destí com a perdedors de la Guerra Civil espanyola, víctimes del franquisme. Patiment, perplexitat, misèria viscuts des de l'exili interior -la presó, el silenci, la repressió- i l'exili exterior: l'expatriació forçada per la bel·ligerància, l'hostilitat i la revenja amb què es va acarnissar el règim feixista implantat després de la guerra.
19,00€ 18,05€
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Miss Kim Knows and Other Stories
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Jiyoung, Kim

Eight women. Eight stories. One reality.A woman is born. A woman is filmed in public without consent. A woman suffers domestic violence. A woman is gaslit. A woman is discriminated against at work. A woman grows old. A woman becomes famous. A woman is hated, and loved, and then hated again.Written in Cho Nam-Joo’s masterful, razor-sharp prose, Miss Kim Knows brings together the lives of eight Korean women, aged 10 to 80. Contained in each of these biographies is a microcosm of contemporary Korea, and the challenges and injustices that women face from childhood to old age. As with Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982, the fates of these eight women are the fates of women the world over. And under Cho Nam-Joo’s precise, unveiled gaze, nothing and nobody escapes scrutiny--not even herself.
12,50€ 11,87€
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One Year Ago in Spain
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Skye, Evelyn

Claire Walker has always had her life in perfect order, including her high-powered job at one of Manhattan’s top corporate law firms. Yet the one thing she cannot seem to find is a perfect love to complete it, until fate pushes Matías de León into her path. Matías is a Spanish artist who is everything that Claire is not: free-spirited and creative, chaos to her order. She falls for him, hard—and he for her.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Now we're together
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Edwards, Nicola

This life-affirming picture books takes readers on an adventure away from the glare of phone screens. Admire the wonderful world around us and take a moment to appreciate spending time with loved ones.Gentle rhyming text from Nicola Edwards and stirring, inspiring artwork from Jenny Bloomfield reminds us how much wonder and magic is out there if we put down our phones.From the author of What a Wonderful Phrase and Happy: A Children's Book of Mindfulness.
11,75€ 11,16€
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What the Greeks Did for Us
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Spawforth, Tom

Tony Spawforth explores our classical heritage, wherever it’s to be found. He reveals its legacy in everything from religion to popular culture, and unearths the darker side of Greek influence―from the Nazis’ obsession with Spartan “racial purity” to the elitism of classical education. Paying attention to the huge breadth and variety of Hellenic influence, this book paints an essential portrait of the ancient world’s living legacy―considering to whom it matters, and why.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Not Another Love Song
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Soto, Julie

Gwen Jackson is a musical prodigy – but she fought hard for everything she now has.Xander Thorne comes from musical royalty – he’s a genius but it all fell in his lap.Already tensely opposed, when Gwen takes the spot of First Chair in the New York Pops Orchestra – a position Xander has coveted for years – their hostility goes up a notch… and their chemistry on stage goes off the scale.Forced to find a grudging respect for one another’s music, suddenly they are box office dynamite. And as the respect turns to admiration and then heated attraction, they must decide – will a note of discord ruin their perfect harmony or can this fragile romance reach its breathtaking climax?
13,50€ 12,82€
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El Santuario
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Benson, Edward Frederic

Junto con M. R. James, E. F. Benson (1867-1940) fue uno de los maestros victorianos de la «ghost story», un territorio del terror cuya exploración inició el gran escritor irlandés Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu. Benson y James pertenecían a la misma sociedad literaria de Cambridge, la «Chitchat Society», y mantuvieron una relación de amistad durante cincuenta años. Al igual que James, Benson trata de alejarse de los escenarios clásicos de ruinas, pasadizos y tinieblas para insertar el horror en situaciones intrascendentes de la vida cotidiana. «Estas historias -dice Benson- han sido escritas con la esperanza de proporcionar algunos agradables estremecimientos al lector, de modo que, si por ventura alguien estuviera ocupando en su lectura la media hora anterior al momento de irse a la cama, cuando la noche y la casa permanecen en silencio, tal vez podría echar alguna mirada ocasional a los rincones y zonas oscuras de la habitación donde se encuentra, para asegurarse de que nada inusual acecha en las sombras. Porque tal es el objetivo declarado de las historias de fantasmas, que tratan con las oscuras fuerzas de lo desconocido, y a veces -y de forma harto perturbadora- hacen que éstas se manifiesten. Por esta razón, el autor desea a sus lectores unos pocos momentos de inquietud.»
25,00€ 23,75€
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Una mujer insignificante
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Murillo, Catalina

«Lo que hace cien años era una mujer enamorada, hoy es una mujer medicada». Pido perdón por lo que a continuación voy a relatar, pregunto. Aunque, ¿a quién podría ya pedirle perdón? No tengo inclinación a hablar con gente muerta, me espanta la posibilidad de que me respondan. Me rindo. Acepto que hay algo impúdico en contar la vida de quien mantuvo su intimidad bajo llave. Así que me aguanto. Y no pido perdón. Ni me perdono.Una carta atraviesa el océano y trastorna la rígida estabilidad de un hogar. Se desencadena un caos fabuloso de vino, música, risas, que va sacando a flote las heridas y frustraciones de una mujer que nunca fue la persona más importante para nadie. Esta es su historia, la vida de la madre de la narradora. Catalina Murillo te lo cuenta al oído, te va envolviendo en esa narración que construye con la cercanía de la oralidad. Su prosa evidencia la calidad literaria de una escritora potente que convierte una historia íntima en experiencia colectiva. Corazón y cerebro, humor y dolor. Sin dramatismo ni cinismo, van emergiendo grandes temas, la relación madre-hija, la «hijidad», y la pregunta siempre abierta: amor, qué es eso. O qué era. Y qué será.
18,90€ 17,95€
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Tangled Up in You
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Lauren, Christina

She has a dream. He has a plan. Together they’ll take a leap of faith.Ren has never held an iPhone, googled the answer to a question, or followed a crush on social media. What she has done: Read a book or two, or three (okay, hundreds). Taught herself to paint. Built a working wind power system from scratch. But for all the books she’s read, Ren has never found one that’s taught a woman raised on a homestead and off the grid for most of her twenty-two years how to live in the real world. So when she finally achieves her lifelong dream of attending Corona College, it feels like her life is finally beginning.Fitz has the rest of his life mapped out: Graduate from Corona at the top of his class, get his criminal record wiped clean, and pass himself off as the rich, handsome player everyone thinks he is. He’s a few short months from checking off step one of his plans when Ren Gylden, with her cascading blonde hair and encyclopedic brain, crashes into his life, and for the first time Fitz’s plan is in jeopardy.But a simple assignment in their immunology seminar changes the course of both their lives, and suddenly they’re thrown out of the frying pan and into the fire on a road trip that will lead them in the most unexpected directions. Out on the open road, the world somehow shifts, and the unlikely pair realize that, maybe, the key to the dreams they've both been chasing have been sitting next to them the whole time.
18,50€ 17,57€
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One Hundred Years of Solitude
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García Márquez, Gabriel

Blends the natural with the supernatural in one of the most magical reading experiences on earth. This book tells the story of seven generations of the Buendia family and of Macondo, the town they have built.
21,50€ 20,42€
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Classic Stories of the Sea
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For centuries, writers have been inspired by the sea, pitting man against nature in stories and novels. The allure of the sea is mighty, and here is a collection of classic adventure stories from writers such as Daniel Defoe, Joseph Conrad and C. S. Forester, whose protagonists must pit their wits against fierce oceans, terrifying storms and creatures of the deep.
16,25€ 15,44€
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New Shelters. Sustainable building systems
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22,90€ 21,75€
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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
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Le Carré, John

A modern classic in which John le Carré expertly creates a total vision of a secret world, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy begins George Smiley's chess match of wills and wits with Karla, his Soviet counterpart.It is now beyond a doubt that a mole, implanted decades ago by Moscow Centre, has burrowed his way into the highest echelons of British Intelligence. His treachery has already blown some of its most vital operations and its best networks. It is clear that the double agent is one of its own kind. But which one? George Smiley is assigned to identify him. And once identified, the traitor must be destroyed.
21,25€ 20,19€
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The Monk
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Sullivan, Tim

To find a murderer, you need a motive . . .THE CASEDS George Cross is called to investigate when the body of a monk is found savagely beaten in a woodland near Bristol.THE QUESTIONNothing is known about Brother Dominic's past. How can Cross unpick a crime when he doesn't know anything about the victim? And why would someone want to harm a monk?THE PASTThey learn that Brother Dominic had no enemies - or, at least, none that are obvious. But his past reveals that he was once a wealthy man, that he sacrificed it all for his faith.For a man who has nothing, it seems strange that greed could be the motive for his murder. But greed is a sin after all . . .Perfect for fans of M.W. Craven, Peter James and Joy Ellis, The Monk is part of the DS George Cross thriller series, which can be read in any order.
15,95€ 15,15€
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Tell Me Everything
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Strout, Elizabeth

With her “extraordinary capacity for radical empathy” (The Boston Globe), remarkable insight into the human condition, and silences that contain multitudes, Elizabeth Strout returns to the town of Crosby, Maine, and to her beloved cast of characters—Lucy Barton, Olive Kitteridge, Bob Burgess, and more—as they deal with a shocking crime in their midst, fall in love and yet choose to be apart, and grapple with the question, as Lucy Barton puts it, “What does anyone’s life mean?”
20,75€ 19,71€
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Long Island Compromise
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Brodesser-Akner, Taffy

In 1980, a wealthy businessman named Carl Fletcher is kidnapped from his driveway, brutalized, and held for ransom. He is returned to his wife and kids less than a week later, only slightly the worse, and the family moves on with their lives, resuming their prized places in the saga of the American dream, comforted in the realization that though their money may have been what endangered them, it is also what assured them their safety.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Such Charming Liars
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Mcmanus, Karen M.

Kat and Liam are on a collision course to disaster, and when someone dies, the two teens realize they might be in the killer’s crosshairs. They can’t trust anyone except each other. Or can they? Because if there’s one thing both of them know, it’s how to lie...
16,25€ 15,44€
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Nineteen eighty-four (clothbound classics)
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Orwell, George

Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and the watchful eye of Big Brother, symbolic head of the Party. In his longing for truth and liberty, Smith begins a secret love affair with a fellow-worker Julia, but soon discovers the true price of freedom is betrayal.
21,25€ 20,19€
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Jamais trop tard
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Steel, Danielle

Il n'est jamais trop tard pour tout recommencer... À l'aube de ses 40 ans, Eileen Jackson s'interroge : qu'a-t-elle fait de sa vie ? Cette femme au foyer, mère de trois enfants, a enterré ses rêves de carrière pour fonder une famille. Mais quand un événement inattendu vient bouleverser leur équilibre et qu'elle découvre que Paul la trompe, elle remet en question ces années de compromis. Est-il trop tard pour recommencer de zéro?Olivia, la jeune maîtresse de Paul, lutte quant à elle pour sortir de l'ombre de sa mère et de sa grand-mère. Parviendrat-elle à s'émanciper en développant sa galerie d'art ? À chaque âge ses défis, et de nouveaux mondes à découvrir...
11,50€ 10,92€
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