Libros de Narrativa y Novelas

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El Gato con botas
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Perrault, Charles

Edición ilustrada del relato clásico de Perrault El gato con botas rea lizada por Javier Zabala, Premio Nacional de Ilustración 2005. Se trat a de un cuento popular europeo, recopilado en 1697 por Charles Perraul t en su Cuentos de mamá ganso y que ha dado lugar a múltiples adaptaci ones. El gato con botas basa su inteligencia en la observación y la l ógica. La traducción es nueva y, además, se trata de una edición bilin güe para lectores de todas las edades.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Ne t'arrete pas de courrir
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​C'est l'histoire d'un athlète qui a choisi de gâcher sa vie.Toumany Coulibaly est champion le jour, voyou la nuit. C'est l'histoire d'un journaliste qui a grandi dans le même quartier de banlieue, à la même époque. Mathieu Palain, lui, est tombé du bon côté de la vie. C'est l'histoire d'une amitié née dans un parloir de prison, et dont chaque page est comme une décharge d'adrénaline.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Vendajes del recuerdo
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Gutiérrez del Egido, José Igna

La tenebrosa oscuridad de las tardes de aquel otoño eran como su propia sombra, vistiendo su espíritu contrajes de melancolía. Las insalubres circunstancias contaminando su vida obligaron al alma a un destierromundanal, aferrándose a un pasado adulterado imposible de modificar, sembrado de erróneas actuaciones quepropiciaron su presente. Lucas Sabino, librero de poco éxito, abandonado por la complacencia del amor y sumido en tareas poco legales se propone, en el cenit de su abatimiento, instruir a un joven al que conoce por casualidad.
15,00€ 14,25€
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La petite boutique aux poisons
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Penner, Sarah

Règle 1 : le poison ne doit jamais être utilisé pour blesser ou tuer une autre femme.Règle 2 : le nom de la meurtrière et celui de sa victime doivent être notés dans les registres de l'apothicairesse.'' Je jure solennellement devant Dieu, Créateur de toutes choses, de ne jamais administrer de poisons... '' A ce serment prêté jadis par les apothicaires, Nella ne souscrit plus depuis longtemps. Belladone, ellébore, arsenic : on peut se procurer toutes sortes de poisons dans sa boutique du 3, Back Alley – à condition qu'un homme violent en soit la victime... Et il y en beaucoup, des hommes violents, dans le Londres de 1791...Deux siècles plus tard, une mystérieuse petite fiole ressurgit dans la boue de la Tamise aux pieds de Caroline, une Américaine au cœur brisé. Et avec elle, toute une histoire de femmes, trop longtemps oubliée...
12,95€ 12,30€
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Forward the Foundation
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Asimov, Isaac

For more than forty years, Isaac Asimov thrilled millions of readers with his bestselling Foundation series, a spellbinding tale of the future that spans thousands of years and dozens of worlds. Completed just weeks before his death in April 1992, Forward the Foundation is the seventh and concluding volume of this masterwork, which was awarded a Hugo for the 'Best All-Time Science Fiction Series'.In the earlier Foundation novels, Hari Seldon, the guiding genius of the Foundation, was a figure of history. By going back to the great mathmatician's life, in Forward the Foundation, Asimov fills in the remaining gaps in his epic story. Asimov acknowledged that he always regarded Seldon as his alter ego, and this novel is all the more poignant for the fact that he himself died only weeks after writing about Seldon's death.A resounding tour de force, Forward the Foundation offers the dramatic climax to the Foundation series, and perhaps the greatest moment in science fiction to date.
12,17€ 11,56€
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El Pórtico Del Árbol De Los Niños Muertos
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Gómez Caballero, Carlos

Un extraño sueño que se revela en el escenario del Pórtico de la Gloria, de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela, llevará a nuestro protagonista, Iago, a embarcarse en un viaje por la isla de Papúa, Indonesia, en busca de un portal a otra dimensión que no puede verse con los ojos del cuerpo. Trepidante viaje de aventuras que es, esencialmente, un viaje interior de autoconocimiento que zigzaguea paralelo al descubrimiento del Yoguin Male, un árbol sagrado custodiado por el sabio guardián de los niños que puede activar una puerta a otra realidad diferente. En su nueva novela, Carlos Gómez Caballero nos llevará hasta el secreto más escondido de la tribu Dani: el Yugum Amawi.
17,00€ 16,15€
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The Theseus ship
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Abrams, Jerold J.

One book. Two readers. A world of mystery, menace, and desire.A young woman picks up a book left behind by a stranger. Inside it are his margin notes, which reveal a reader entranced by the story and by its mysterious author. She responds with notes of her own, leaving the book for the stranger, and so begins an unlikely conversation that plunges them both into the unknown.THE BOOK: Ship of Theseus, the final novel by a prolific but enigmatic writer named V. M. Straka, in which a man with no past is shanghaied onto a strange ship with a monstrous crew and launched onto a disorienting and perilous journey.THE WRITER: Straka, the incendiary and secretive subject of one of the world’s greatest mysteries, a revolutionary about whom the world knows nothing apart from the words he wrote and the rumours that swirl around him.THE READERS: Jennifer and Eric, a college senior and a disgraced grad student, both facing crucial decisions about who they are, who they might become, and how much they’re willing to trust another person with their passions, hurts, and fears.S., conceived by filmmaker J. J. Abrams and written by award-winning novelist Doug Dorst, is the chronicle of two readers finding each other in the margins of a book and enmeshing themselves in a deadly struggle between forces they don’t understand. It is also Abrams and Dorst’s love letter to the written word.
50,00€ 47,50€
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Tarot (The Modern Book of Divination)
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The power of Tarot is within all of us.This modern guide to divination is the perfect companion to help you shake things up a bit, interpret day-to-day events and understand what the future holds for you.Learn how Tarot works, find out the meanings behind each card and discover some easy-to-follow ideas for card spreads you can perform to get you started on your divination journey.
10,00€ 9,50€
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El sonido de mi voz
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Butlin, Ron

Morris es un exitoso ejecutivo treintañero, con una esposa que lo ama y dos preciosos hijos. A la vez es un alcohólico esmerado, cuyo estado anímico oscila entre la elocuencia barata de las ideas ahogadas en alcohol y la depresión más asfixiante de los momentos en que percibe su propia realidad. Ron Butlin nos sacude en esta novela con uno de los retratos del alcoholismo más potentes jamás mostrados, haciéndonos ver con los ojos del protagonista y participando de sus conversaciones consigo mismo, o con su propia conciencia. La feliz sensación de la ebriedad que ahoga los pensamientos más molestos, nos dará la viñeta exacta de lo que es su vida: un trabajo enojoso, un hijo rechazado, un marido imposible, un padre inexistente.
16,95€ 16,10€
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Un incidente en el puente de Owl Creek y
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4,95€ 4,70€
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The female perspective II
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This publication accompanies the El Prado itinerary for women II. Artistic promoters of the Museum's collections (1602-1700), which can be visited at the Museo Nacional del Prado between May 6 and September 8, 2024.The presence of women in the world of Art throughout history has been and is multiple and varied, as creators, as promoters and collectors or as subjects of the male gaze. For some years now the Prado Museum has been committed to showing this diversity through exhibitions, conferences, congresses, scholarships and itineraries like the one in this book. This is the second part of The Prado in feminine, after the extraordinary reception that the previous one enjoyed (2023), and which has become a reference for other museums and collections. Its intention is to celebrate the collecting of different women whose contribution to the enhancement of the former Royal Collection – and consequently of the current museum – was decisive.This itinerary focuses on the 16th century and proposes a route made up of thirty and four works, distributed in four sections, which invites us to visit different rooms of the permanent collection. It does so through three decisive figures: Isabella of Borbón, Mariana of Austria and Christina of Sweden. Thanks to them, the Prado Museum today has fundamental paintings by Dürer, Rubens and Velázquez, or sculptures of the importance of the Muses.Noelia García Pérez is a professor and director of the Department of Art at the University of Murcia.
10,00€ 9,50€
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Marvel by design
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As one of the most recognizable brands in the world, Marvel has spent the last 80-plus years inspiring generations of creatives through its approach to visual storytelling. Marvel’s comic books, in particular, established a distinct graphic language that has found its way into mainstream culture, including 1960s Pop Art, and present-day digital culture, gaming, advertising, and more. Marvel By Design will celebrate the company’s visual language with an in-depth exploration of the design process behind the brand’s most recognizable graphical elements including logos, covers, lettering, layout, and color palettes. Readers will learn how the renowned Marvel Method established a unique approach to the creative process and how that process can serve as a template for creatives working beyond comics. Throughout the book, Marvel by Design will connect the dots between comic culture and its undeniable influence in every creative field including the evolution of graphic design, editorial design, movies, and visual culture at large. Highlights include:- An expansive, five-part visual encyclopedia, highlighting examples of Marvel’s exceptional approach to logos, layout, lettering, cover design, and color palettes. This section will feature insights from some of Marvel’s most renowned contributors including artist Klaus Janson and letterer Todd Klein, among others.- Essays from famous graphic designers including Mike Essl and Paul Sahre, as well as from well-known Marvel contributors including letterer Chris Eliopolous and designer/editor Carl Potts. An oral history of the making of House of X, featuring Jonathan Hickman, editor Jordan D. White, and designer Tom Muller.- Case-studies that trace the visual evolution of ten iconic characters.- Hundreds of images from Marvel’s past and present.
50,00€ 47,50€
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Tengo que ser buena
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Abu-Tahoun, Samir

Lara, enfermera de 32 años, recibe la fatal noticia de la inminente muerte de su padre, que padece un cáncer de pulmón. No se hablan desde hace tres años. Un oscuro acontecimiento los separa desde su niñez. Debe decidir, consumida por la culpa, si acude a despedirse antes del desenlace o si sigue protegiéndose en la distancia y el rencor. ¿Se puede arreglar el pasado a última hora? ¿se puede perdonar a quien no lo pide?
14,90€ 14,15€
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Un creuer fora de sèrie
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Soler, Sílvia

La família XXL de l'Oriol i la Maria s'embarca al Perla del Mediterráneo, tal com van decidir un cop van cobrar l'herència de la tia Antigua. El vaixell els portarà a Roma, Mònaco, Venècia, Nàpols... i, per a alguns, serà el vaixell de l'amor. La Txari s'embolica amb el metge del vaixell, les adolescents s'enamoren del Sandro, el cantant que amenitza les nits del creuer i la Mar, la filla de l'Oriol, troba l'amor de la seva vida, el Gaël, un pijo molt educat i, en paraules de la Maria, ric del cagar. Tot es complica, o no, quan la Mar i el Gaël decideixen casar-se... Si sou dels que us apunteu a un creuer cada estiu, riureu molt. I si sou dels que no us hi apuntaríeu per res del món, riureu més.
9,95€ 9,45€
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Broken hearts and zombie parts
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Hussey, William

A Big Gay Rom-Zom-Com with HeartJesse Spark has a broken heart and in a few short weeks he'll require major surgery to repair it, which means he only has a month to accomplish two almost-impossible tasks.1) Shoot his epic zombie movie on a shoestring budget if he has any hope of getting into film school.2) Fall in love before this surgery lands him with a huge scar - because how will anyone ever fancy him after that?Sex Education meets Love, Simon - with fake zombies - in this savagely funny gay YA romance about body image, self-acceptance and falling in love, all while shooting a low-budget zombie flick!Fun, fresh and authentic, this is the feel-good hit of #hotboysummer, perfect for fans of Alice Oseman, Ciara Smyth and Adam Silvera.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Azincourt par temps de pluie
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Teulé, Jean

Azincourt, un joli nom de village, le vague souvenir d’une bataille perdue. Ce 25 octobre 1415, il pleut dru sur l’Artois. Quelques milliers de soldats anglais qui ne songent qu’à rentrer chez eux se retrouvent pris au piège par des Français en surnombre. Bottés, casqués, cuirassés, armés jusqu’aux dents, brandissant fièrement leurs étendards, tous les aristocrates de la cour de France se précipitent pour participer à la curée. Ils ont bien l’intention de se couvrir de gloire, dans la grande tradition de la chevalerie française. Aucun n’en reviendra vivant. Toutes les armées du monde ont, un jour ou l’autre, pris la pâtée, mais pour un désastre de cette ampleur, un seul mot s’impose : grandiose !Avec la verve qu’on lui connaît et son sens du détail qui tue, Jean Teulé nous raconte ces trois jours dantesques où, sous une pluie battante, des milliers d’hommes se sont massacrés dans un affrontement sanglant d’autant plus désastreux que cette bataille était parfaitement inutile.
11,95€ 11,35€
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There's been a little incident
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Talbot, Bryan

A witty and warm debut novel from a young Irish writer. A story of family, grief, and the ways we come together when all seems lost.Molly Black has disappeared. She's been a bit flighty since her parents died, but this time – or so says her hastily written note – she's gone for good.That's why the whole Black clan – from Granny perched on the printer all the way through to Killian on Zoom from Sydney – is huddled together in the Dublin suburbs, arguing over what to do.Former model Lady V presumes Molly's just off taking drugs and sleeping with foreigners – which is fine by her. Cousin Anne, tired of living in Molly's shadow, is keeping quiet, and cousin Bobby is distracted by his own issues.But Molly's disappearance is uncomfortably familiar to Uncle John. It doesn't feel like Molly's gone, it feels like she's lost, and he's determined never to lose anyone again. Especially not his niece, who is more like her mum than she realises.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Night crawling
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Mottley, Leila

A dazzling, unforgettable novel about a young Black woman who walks the streets of Oakland and stumbles headlong into the failure of its justice system—a debut that announces a blazingly original voice.Kiara Johnson and her brother Marcus are barely scraping by in a squalid East Oakland apartment complex optimistically called the Royal-Hi. Both have dropped out of high school, their family fractured by death and prison. But while Marcus clings to his dream of rap stardom, Kiara hunts for work to pay their rent—which has more than doubled—and to keep the 9-year-old boy next door, abandoned by his mother, safe and fed. One night, what begins as a drunken misunderstanding with a stranger turns into the job Kiara never imagined wanting but now desperately nightcrawling. And her world breaks open even further when her name surfaces in an investigation that exposes her as a key witness in a massive scandal within the Oakland police department. Full of edge, raw beauty, electrifying intensity, and piercing vulnerability, Nightcrawling marks the stunning arrival of a voice unlike any we have heard before.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Historias inverosímiles, en general
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Gray, Alasdair

«El primer libro de relatos de Alasdair Gray es una magistral colección que, junto a su novela Lanark, lo situó como uno de los más originales e importantes escritores escoceses. En ella encontramos relatos, ilustrados por el propio Gray, sobre la estructura jerárquica de la sociedad, el culto a los osos, la explotación industrial de los patos, la construcción de obras faraónicas o la lingüística del siglo XVIII. Aunque, ¿realmente habla sobre esos temas? Según Jonathan Baumbach del New York Times, ''Alasdair Gray es un rebelde que lucha de forma desesperada contra la tiranía interiorizada'' y sus ''Historias inverosímiles, en general son violentos gestos de libertad estética y moral. Unos melancólicos, y a veces extáticos chirridos de cadenas que insisten -mediante el ejemplo de su humor, energía y belleza- en la trascendencia de la imaginación».
20,95€ 19,90€
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Per què no?
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Solé, Jordi

De quantes maneres diferents es pot escriure la mateixa història? Cinc? Deu? CENT? En aquest llibre, l'autor s'ha imposat fins a 116 construccions diferents. El punt de partida és simple, banal, amb un punt de surrealista i tot. Per què? Doncs perquè del que realment es tracta aquí és de jugar. De vegades forçant la gramàtica, dÆaltres, la sintaxi. A voltes parteix de figures retòriques o bé de diversos tipus de text. Recorre també un ampli període temporal passant del català antic al rabiosament actual, gens normatiu. Sense oblidar la ideologia, el to o els camps semàntics que ens endinsen en terminologies diverses. De tant en tant, fins s'imposa algun repte particular (sense la segona vocal, amb cent paraules exactes...). El que importa de veritat és jugar, divertir-se... i que funcioni, és clar. I per què aquest joc? Doncs... Per què no?
15,00€ 14,25€
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A scatter of light
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Lo, Malinda

Aria Tang West was looking forward to a summer on Martha’s Vineyard with her best friends—one last round of sand and sun before college. But after a graduation party goes wrong, Aria’s parents exile her to California to stay with her grandmother, artist Joan West. Aria expects boredom, but what she finds is Steph Nichols, her grandmother’s gardener. Soon, Aria is second-guessing who she is and what she wants to be, and a summer that once seemed lost becomes unforgettable—for Aria, her family, and the working-class queer community Steph introduces her to. It’s the kind of summer that changes a life forever.And almost sixty years after the end of Last Night at the Telegraph Club, A Scatter of Light also offers a glimpse into Lily and Kath’s lives since 1955.
13,75€ 13,06€
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The ice dragon
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Martin, George R.R.

The Ice Dragon is an enchanting tale of courage and sacrifice for young readers and adults by the wildly popular author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Song of Ice and Fire series, George R.R. Martin. Lavish illustrations by acclaimed artist Luis Royo enrich this captivating and heartwarming story of a young girl and her dragon.In the world of A Song of Ice and Fire the ice dragon was a creature of legend and fear, for no man had ever tamed one. When it flew overhead, it left in its wake desolate cold and frozen land. But Adara was not afraid. For Adara was a winter child, born during the worst freeze that anyone, even the Old Ones, could remember.Adara could not remember the first time she had seen the ice dragon. It seemed that it had always been in her life, glimpsed from afar as she played in the frigid snow long after the other children had fled the cold. In her fourth year she touched it, and in her fifth year she rode upon its broad, chilled back for the first time. Then, in her seventh year, on a calm summer day, fiery dragons from the North swooped down upon the peaceful farm that was Adara's home. And only a winter child―and the ice dragon who loved her―could save her world from utter destruction.This illustrated edition of The Ice Dragon is sure to become a collector's item for fans of HBO's megahit Game of Thrones.
9,95€ 9,45€
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The rebels wardrobe
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THE UNTOLD STORY OF MENSWEAR’S RENEGADE PAST.An entertaining exploration of trend-immune fashion classics, and the surprising origins of your everyday clothing items.Immersing readers in the world of men’s fashion, The Rebel's Wardrobe explores the surprising origins of our everyday staple items and how they became timeless classics.From the plain white T-shirt developing into the everyday hero, to the leather jacket cementing its place as a global icon or the chino being originally produced for military purposes, this modern menswear lexicon uses fashion to look at pop culture over the last 100 years, making links between seemingly disparate groups from military to sports.Join Denimhunters, the internet’s premier denim and heritage menswear experts as they take you through a beautiful archive and contemporary photography, showcasing the history of iconic men’s clothing.
50,00€ 47,50€
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Lámina masaje terapéutico del bebé y el niño plastificada
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En la espera del médico o del pediatra, antes que ceder a la angustia o al pánico, la madre puede aplicar sin peligro masajes simples y adaptados a los niños a fin de combatir el sintoma mas visible: calmar la fiebre, aliviar el dolor abdominal, aumentar la amplitud respiratoria del niño,etc. Estos masajes serán bien recibidos por el niño o ebe a quien el contecto materno aporta una gran seguridad y alivio.Lámina tamaño DIN A4 plastificada a dos caras.
4,95€ 4,70€
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¿Buscas un escritor en particular? Estos son solo algunos de los autores nacionales e internacionales de los que disponemos novelas: Javier Castillo, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Almudena Grandes, Dolores Redondo, Ildefonso Falcones, Santiago Posteguillo, Sarah Lark, Elísabet Benavent, Matilde Asensi, Paula Hawkins, Isabel Allende, etc.

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