Libros de Narrativa y Novelas

¿Buscas una buena lectura con la que entretenerte? ¿Tienes que hacer un regalo especial a alguien a quien le apasiona la lectura? En Abacus, tenemos una amplia y variada selección de literatura clásica y nueva. Descubre nuestro catálogo y compra las mejores novelas y best sellers en nuestra tienda de libros online.

The evergreen heir
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Mulford, A.K.

Neelo Emberspear, heir to the throne and realm, would never leave the library if they could help it. They certainly never asked for a kingdom or a husband to rule it with. But when their mother, the troubled queen, disastrously lights the castle on fire Neelo knows duty can be put off no longer.No matter how charming everyone else finds fae warrior Talhan Catullus, this is not what Neelo chose.Fighting to save their mother’s life and throne, Neelo is astonished when the written word brings them closer than ever to their cavalier new fiancé. But a dark force is rising, which not only threatens their love, but the entire continent.
12,75€ 12,11€
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The pleasures of the damned
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Bukowski, Charles

THE BEST OF THE BEST OF BUKOWSKIThe Pleasures of the Damned is a selection of the best poetry from America's most iconic and imitated poet, Charles Bukowski. Celebrating the full range of the poet's extraordinary sensibility and his uncompromising linguistic brilliance, these poems cover a lifetime of experience, from his renegade early work to never-before-collected poems penned during the final days before his death.The Pleasures of the Damned is an astonishing poetic treasure trove, essential reading for both long-time fans and those just discovering this unique and important American voice.
23,80€ 22,61€
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La suerte del enano
Hoy -5% en Libros

Pérez Gellida, César

Un gran golpe al Museo Nacional de Escultura de Valladolid, un asesinato repleto de incógnitas y una inspectora poco social y adicta al sexo empeñada en librar todas las batallas: así es la nueva novela de César Pérez Gellida. ¿Se puede capturar al criminal perfecto? Valladolid, 2019. Sara Robles es una inspectora singular. Encargada de resolver un macabro crimen, además tiene que lidiar con sus problemas cotidianos, estrechamente relacionados con la adicción al sexo y con un pasado que no termina de curar. Mientras tanto, El Espantapájaros, una misteriosa cabeza pensante, ha orquestado el robo perfecto junto a un exminero, un pocero y un sicario, y está a punto de llevarlo a cabo a través del alcantarillado de la ciudad. La suerte del enano es una brillante novela con altas dosis de investigación policial, sexo y violencia en la que el lector profundizará en el complejo mundo de los robos de obras de arte y sus extensas ramificaciones que los relacionan con grupos de delincuencia organizada. Gellidismo extremo en estado puro.Reseña:«César Pérez Gellida es, sin ninguna duda, el mejor autor de novela negra de España.»Juan Gómez-Jurado
19,90€ 18,90€
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The cut out girl
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Van Es, Bart

Winner of the Costa Book Biography Award 2018. The Cut Out Girl braids together a powerful recreation of Lien’s harrowing childhood story with the present-day account of Bart’s efforts to piece that story together. And it embraces the wider picture too, for Holland was more cooperative in rounding up Jews for the Nazis than any other Western European country. This is a story about the powerful love and challenges of foster families, and about the ways in which our most painful experiences – so crucial in defining us – can also be redefined.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Be useful: seven rules for life
Hoy -5% en Libros

Schwarzenegger, Arnold

The seven rules to follow to realize your true purpose in life-distilled by Arnold Schwarzenegger from his own journey of ceaseless reinvention and extraordinary achievement, and available for absolutely anyone. The world's greatest bodybuilder. The world's highest paid movie star. The leader of the world's sixth largest economy. That these are the same person sounds like the setup to a joke. But this is no joke. This is Arnold Schwarzenegger. And this did not happen by accident. Arnold's stratospheric success happened as part of a process. As the result of clear vision, big thinking, hard work, direct communication, resilient problem-solving, open-minded curiosity, and a commitment to giving back. All of it guided by the one lesson Arnold's father hammered into him above all: be useful. As Arnold conquered every realm he entered, he kept his father's adage close to his heart.
20,50€ 19,47€
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Nineteen steps
Hoy -5% en Libros

Bobby Brown, Millie

The Sunday Times bestselling debut novel from global star Millie Bobby BrownLondon, 1942.Despite the raging war, spirited 18-year-old Nellie Morris lives a quiet life in the tight-knit East End community of Bethnal Green. Her family and friends all tease that she will marry air raid warden Billy, the boy next door who’s always been sweet on her.The arrival of Ray, a handsome American airman stationed nearby, causes Nellie to question everything she thought she knew about her future.Nellie’s new-found happiness is short-lived when a tragic accident occurs during an air raid. Even the closest family can’t escape the devastation of war, and as the secrets and truth about that fateful night become clear, they threaten to tear Nellie – and those dearest to her – apart.
18,75€ 17,81€
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La filla del rellotger
Hoy -5% en Libros

Morton, Kate

Torna una de les grans autores contemporànies. El meu nom real? Ningú el recorda.Els successos d'aquell estiu? Ningú més els sap. L'estiu del 1862 un grup de joves artistes, guiats per l'apassionat i brillant Edward Radcliffe, viatja a Birchwood Manor, una mansió a Berkshire. Tenen un pla: viure uns mesos reclosos i deixar-se emportar per la inspiració i la creativitat. No obstant això, quan l'estiu arriba a la fi, una dona ha mort d'un tret i una altra ha desaparegut, s'ha perdut una joia de valor incalculable i la vida de l'Edward Radcliffe s'ha enfonsat. Uns cent cinquanta anys més tard, l'Elodie Winslow, una jove arxivera de Londres, descobreix una cartera de cuir que conté dos objectes sense cap relació aparent: una fotografia en sèpia d'una dona de gran bellesa, habillada amb un vestit victorià, i el quadern d'esbossos d'un artista, en el qual hi ha un dibuix d'una casa de dues teulades a la vora d'un riu. Per què aquest esbós de Birchwood Manor li resulta tan familiar, a l'Elodie? I qui és aquesta dona tan bella que apareix a la fotografia? Li revelarà els seus secrets? Narrada per diverses veus al llarg del temps, La filla del rellotger és la història d'un assassinat, un misteri i un robatori, i també una reflexió sobre l'art, la veritat i la bellesa, l'amor i la pèrdua. Per les seves pàgines corre, com l'aigua d'un riu, la veu d'una dona lliure dels lligams del temps, el nom de la qual ha caigut en l'oblit: Birdie Bell, la filla del rellotger, l'única persona que va veure el que va passar. La crítica ha dit de Kate Morton...«Memòries, intriga i secrets de família entreteixits en un absorbent laberint de trames complementàries, que ens arrosseguen a una lectura plena de força, tendresa i emoció. Amb un estil ágilevocador Kate Morton ens commou amb una magnífica història, difícil d'oblidar.»María Dueñas «Morton atrau per la manera d'entreteixir escenes en les seves novel·les fins a construir un tapís preciosista, intimista, farcit de clarobscurs i misteris subtils, en el qual et submergeixes sense resistència possible.»El País «N'hi ha que saben construir el passat com el seu tresor més gran, com un pou sense fons de riquesa en forma de relats, de secrets, d'aventures, històries d'amor, adversitats, crims i passions, de vivències que marquen a foc els seus protagonistes i sobreviuen indelebles tant al pas de les fulles del calendari com al relleu generacional (...) I Kate Morton és, en aquesta cursa a través del temps, una de les més destacades... i millors... sprinters.»El Mundo «Sens dubte, aquesta australiana és l'escriptora del moment.»El Cultural «Història, misteri i memòria (...) segueix fidel a la seva fórmula: una novel·la en la qual passat i present, tots dos amb accent anglès, es barregen amb el misteri per atrapar el lector sense remei.»ABC
12,95€ 12,30€
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Coaching and Mentoring for Academic Development
Hoy -5% en Libros

Guccione, Kay

Learning through dialogue brings a powerful opportunity for individuals to connect to colleagues, navigate professional demands, and meet the challenges posed by a turbulent world. Written for all who mentor or coach in universities, this book addresses a critical question: how can mentoring and coaching conversations be effective and accessible ways to support researcher and academic development?Drawing on their wide range of experiences of coaching and mentoring, and designing and leading institutional programmes and policy, Guccione and Hutchinson provide an insight into the founding principles of reflective ethical practice, as well as a pragmatic and easy to navigate toolkit supporting you to understand the needs of the people you want to develop. Including bite-sized chapters packed full of applied solutions, the authors help you to design, re-design, or troubleshoot your mentoring or coaching approach, and offer up go-to guidance for building and enhancing a culture of developmental dialogue at the individual, programme and organisational level.
24,99€ 23,74€
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Greek myths: heroes and heroines
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Menzies, Jean

Find out what happened when King Midas was granted his wish, how Icarus flew too close to the sun and discover the adventures of Jason and his crew, The Argonauts. Learn about the interplay between mortals and their gods in stories of love, betrayal, infatuation and punishment.Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover.In Greek Myths: Heroes and Heroines, classicist and writer Jean Menzies has brought together eleven retellings of famous Greek Myths from the late 19th and early twentieth centuries. The result? An enlightening and lively volume of stories and a treat for all fans of the Greek Mythology.Greek Myths have been part of Western culture since they were first set down by the ancients. The fact that there is no one definitive account means that through the centuries the stories have been ripe for reinterpretation according to the politics and fashions of the time. In this book, with stories written by the likes of Andrew and Jean Lang, Thomas Bullfinch and H A Guerber, each story has been chosen for its clarity and vivacity.
15,25€ 14,49€
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Wine folly: magnum edition
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Puckette, Madeline

The expanded wine guide from the creators of Wine Folly, packed with new information for devotees and newbies alike.Wine Folly became a sensation for its inventive, easy-to-digest approach to learning about wine. Now in a new, expanded hardcover edition, Wine Folly: Magnum Edition is the perfect guide for anyone looking to take his or her wine knowledge to the next level. Wine Folly: Magnum Edition includes:- More than 100 grapes and wines color-coded by style so you can easily find new wines you'll love- A wine region explorer with detailed maps of the top wine regions, as well as up-and-coming areas such as Greece and Hungary- Wine labeling and classification 101 for wine countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Austria- An expanded food and wine pairing section- A primer on acidity and tannin--so you can taste wine like a pro- More essential tips to help you cut through the complexity of the wine world and become an expertWine Folly: Magnum Edition is the must-have book for the millions of fans of Wine Folly and for any budding oenophile who wants to boost his or her wine knowledge in a practical and fun way. It's the ultimate gift for any wine lover.
36,60€ 34,77€
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Haikyu!! vol 25
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Furudate, Haruichi

Shoyo Hinata is out to prove that in volleyball you don't need to be tall to fly!Ever since he saw the legendary player known as “the Little Giant” compete at the national volleyball finals, Shoyo Hinata has been aiming to be the best volleyball player ever! Who says you need to be tall to play volleyball when you can jump higher than anyone else?Hinata may not have been allowed to participate in the Miyagi Prefecture Rookie Camp, but he’s determined to learn something from watching on the sidelines as a ball boy! Meanwhile, thanks to the other players at the All-Japan Youth Camp, Kageyama starts to worry about how he interacts with his teammates! Then, with the Spring Tournament looming ever closer, Date Tech arrives at Karasuno for a practice game!
11,50€ 10,92€
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Shakespeare, William

From the Royal Shakespeare Company – a modern, definitive edition of Shakespeare’s magnificent tragedy of love, jealousy and explosive racial politics. With an expert introduction by Sir Jonathan Bate, this unique edition presents a historical overview of Othello in performance, takes a detailed look at specific productions, and recommends film versions. Included in this edition are interviews with two leading directors and an actor – Trevor Nunn, Michael Attenborough and Antony Sher – providing an illuminating insight into the extraordinary variety of interpretations that are possible. This edition also includes an essay on Shakespeare’s career and Elizabethan theatre, and enables the reader to understand the play as it was originally intended – as living theatre to be enjoyed and performed. Ideal for students, theatre-goers, actors and general readers, the RSC Shakespeare editions offer a fresh, accessible and contemporary approach to reading and rediscovering Shakespeare’s works for the twenty-first century.
12,15€ 11,54€
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Foul heart huntsman
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Gong, Chloe

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends comes the second book in the captivating Foul Lady Fortune duology following an immortal assassin in 1930s Shanghai as she races to save her country and her love.Winter is drawing thick in 1932 Shanghai, as is the ever-nearing threat of a Japanese invasion.Rosalind Lang has suffered the worst possible fate for a national spy: she’s been exposed. With the media storm camped outside her apartment for the infamous Lady Fortune, she’s barely left her bedroom in weeks, plotting her next course of action after Orion was taken and his memories of Rosalind wiped. Though their marriage might have been a sham, his absence hurts her more than any physical wound. She won’t rest until she gets him back.But with her identity in the open, the task is near impossible. The only way to leave the city and rescue Orion is under the guise of a national tour. It’s easy to convince her superiors that the countryside needs unity more than ever, and who better than an immortal girl to stir pride and strength into the people?When the tour goes wrong, however, everything Rosalind once knew is thrown up in the air. Taking refuge outside Shanghai, old ghosts come into the open and adversaries turn to allies. To save Orion, they must find a cure to his mother’s traitorous invention and take this dangerous chemical weapon away from impending foreign invasion—but the clock is ticking, and if Rosalind fails, it’s not only Orion she loses, but her nation itself.
18,50€ 17,57€
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Huziel significa te quiero
Hoy -5% en Libros

Carmona, Rocío

Zoe es una tímida estudiante universitaria que decide preparar un trabajo sobre la lengua que se hablaba en la antigua Atlántida. Para ello contacta con un chico que afirma cantar en atlante. Averiguará que el chico está encerrado en un extraño sanatorio en el que es el único paciente, y que afirma haber sido un atlante él mismo aunque no recuerda los detalles. Es una historia increíble, pero Zoe empieza a averiguar cosas que le hacen sospechar que no se trate de una fantasía. A la vez, alguien empieza a seguirla con claras malas intenciones: queda claro que ella no es la única interesada en sus secretos.
17,95€ 17,05€
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Los centinelas de la galaxia
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Bendito Fernández, Inmaculada

Cuando la inocencia y la fuerza de la juventud se unen para lograr un mundo mejor, buscando el equilibrioy la justicia, todo es posible. Son catorce adolescentes del Magicae, catorce cadetes alfa de primer año en la nave escuela Ercolano, los responsables de lograr los cambios necesarios en una nueva civilización que lucha por la supervivencia y el equilibrio universal. La Magia, luz y sombra, presente en cada rincón, como aliada y enemiga y el Amor, responsable de muchasde las injusticias sociales, serán los motores que generen los cambios necesarios en el año 3.500 de la era Terra Renati. Es un viaje hacia el autoconocimiento con la rebeldía propia de la edad y la valentía enel enfrentamiento con el mundo oscuro
25,95€ 24,65€
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Homelands : A Personal History of Europe
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Garton Ash, Timothy

Timothy Garton Ash, Europe’s “historian of the present,” has been “breathing Europe” for the last half century. In Homelands he embarks on a journey in time and space around the postwar continent, drawing on his own notes from many great events, giving vivid firsthand accounts of its leading actors, revisiting the places where its history was made, and recalling its triumphs and tragedies through their imprint on the present.Garton Ash offers an account of events as seen from the ground—history illustrated by memoir. He describes how Europe emerged from wartime devastation to rebuild, to triumph with the fall of the Berlin Wall, to democratize and unite. And then to falter. It is a singular history of a period of unprecedented progress along with a clear-eyed account of how so much went wrong, from the financial crisis of 2008 to the war in Ukraine. From the pen of someone who, in spite of Brexit, emphatically describes himself as an English European, this is both a tour d’horizon and a tour de force.
21,24€ 20,18€
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Séptimo: ''No robarás''
Hoy -5% en Libros

Prodi, Paolo

Este ensayo propone una reflexión, tan erudita como aguda, sobre la génesis del mercado en Occidente, ese espacio que, entre la Edad Media y la Edad Moderna, se afirmó en Europa como sujeto, como identidad colectiva y como foro autónomo para juzgar el valor de las mercancías. Paolo Prodi muestra que el sistema mercantil, en contra de lo que suele pensarse, representó históricamente un conjunto unitario que dio lugar a la afirmación del Estado de Derecho, la democracia y las libertades sociales y económicas, hasta el punto de que la democracia no puede sobrevivir sin el mercado, ni el mercado sin la democracia política. No obstante, en la era de la globalización, cuando el poder económico exige un nuevo derecho «a la carta» que reduzca la ley a contrato, el mercado ha entrado en una profunda metamorfosis cuyos contornos apenas vislumbramos. Un libro lúcido que ofrece meditadas claves para atisbar el rumbo de las décadas venideras.
26,00€ 24,70€
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Haikyu!! vol 18
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Furudate, Haruichi

Shoyo Hinata is out to prove that in volleyball you don't need to be tall to fly! Ever since he saw the legendary player known as ''the Little Giant'' compete at the national volleyball finals, Shoyo Hinata has been aiming to be the best volleyball player ever! Who says you need to be tall to play volleyball when you can jump higher than anyone else? Karasuno finally defeats their archnemesis Aoba Johsai and advances to the finals to face off against the perennial champions Shiratorizawa! The sheer power of super ace Ushijima has them on their heels, but Nishinoya's determination gives Karasuno a glimmer of hope. Can Kurasano pull it together and put Shiratorizawa on the defensive?
11,50€ 10,92€
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Snow on the atlantic: how cocaine came to Europe
Hoy -5% en Libros

Carretero, Nacho

Smuggling has been a way of life in Galicia for millennia. The Romans considered its windswept coast the edge of the world. To the Greeks it was from where Charon ferried souls to the Underworld. Since the Middle Ages, its shoreline has scuppered thousands of pirate ships. But the history of Cape Finisterre is no fiction and by the late twentieth century a new and exotic cargo flooded the cape’s ports and fishing villages. In Snow on the Atlantic, the book the Spanish national court tried to ban, intrepid investigative journalist Nacho Carretero tells the incredible story of how a sleepy, unassuming corner of Spain became the cocaine gateway into Europe, exposing a new generation of criminals, cartels and corrupt officials, more efficient and ruthless than any who came before.
20,65€ 19,62€
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The Urbanist
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Bloomberg, Michael

Una mirada sin precedentes al papel central que jugó un hombre en la transformación de la ciudad de Nueva York.El 1 de enero de 2002, Michael R. Bloomberg asumió el cargo de alcalde número 108 de la ciudad de Nueva York, mientras todavía salía humo del sitio del World Trade Center. Muchos se preguntaron si la ciudad podría recuperarse del peor ataque terrorista en la historia del país. En cambio, Nueva York prosperó: entró en un período de crecimiento sin precedentes, impulsado por nuevos vecindarios, parques, distritos de oficinas, instalaciones culturales y más. En el centro de muchas de estas iniciativas estaba Daniel L. Doctoroff, quien se desempeñó como teniente de alcalde de Desarrollo Económico y Reconstrucción de 2002 a 2007.Contada a través de los ojos de las personas que trabajaron con Doctoroff para liderar estos proyectos y acompañada de más de 450 fotografías, The Urbanist: Dan Doctoroff and the Rise of New York cuenta la asombrosa historia del papel que jugó un hombre en la creación de una serie de proyectos icónicos, desde el reconstruido World Trade Center hasta el Brooklyn Bridge Park, el High Line y más.
55,00€ 52,25€
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La lluna Turquesa
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Cama i Saballs, Alfons

Una relació maternofilial dura i una altra de molt especial entre dues amigues que arriben juntes a la maduresa.En un acte de catarsi, la Lisa Cama ens desgrana la seva existència de confrontació i descoberta escrivint a la seva mare Rosa Tarrés, una dona nonagenària amb el seny perdut. Una vida de comoditats en una família burgesa i catòlica de què només es podrà deslligar per influència de la seva amiga bielorussa Greta Lanskaya. Tres dones amb perspectives de vida molt diferents.Un apreciat vas cerimonial preinca que finalment arriba a la galeria d'art de la família Cama-Tarrés és l'objecte-excusa per on pivota aquest relat, un quero que, del cor de l'imperi de l'Inca, transita fins al centre de la cultura parsi, passant per la singularitat de la religió i dels déus hindús. Amb el referent del cognom Cama o Kama del qual, d'una manera velada, anirem descobrint la seva dispersió pel món.La pèrdua, l'amor i el desamor, la diferència de classes, la cerca d'una identitat, les religions, l'activisme, l'estima per l'art... se'ns presenten a través d'una finestra oberta per a la reflexió.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Haikyu!! vol 17
Hoy -5% en Libros

Furudate, Haruichi

Shoyo Hinata is out to prove that in volleyball you don't need to be tall to fly!Ever since he saw the legendary player known as “the Little Giant” compete at the national volleyball finals, Shoyo Hinata has been aiming to be the best volleyball player ever! Who says you need to be tall to play volleyball when you can jump higher than anyone else?It’s the final set of the Spring Tournament Qualifier semifinals, and Aoba Johsai has game point! With their backs against the wall yet again, Karasuno digs deep and throws their greatest efforts into one final rally. Will they be able to take the set and overcome the Great King?!
11,50€ 10,92€
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Haikyu!! vol 23
Hoy -5% en Libros

Furudate, Haruichi

Shoyo Hinata is out to prove that in volleyball you don't need to be tall to fly!Ever since he saw the legendary player known as “the Little Giant” compete at the national volleyball finals, Shoyo Hinata has been aiming to be the best volleyball player ever! Who says you need to be tall to play volleyball when you can jump higher than anyone else?
11,50€ 10,92€
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Kalpa imperial
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Gorodischer, Angélica

Kalpa imperial reúne once relatos, once fragmentos de la historia del Imperio Más Vasto que Nunca Existió.Por el narrador sabemos que el Imperio fue destruido y reconstruido infinidad de veces y que su historia vuelve a empezar con cada nueva dinastía de emperadores y emperatrices. El escenario es siempre el mismo: el montañoso norte, el sur selvático y las ciudades capitales. Las historias son múltiples y diversas. Como la de Bib, el chico esmirriado que pretende refundar el Imperio e inventar un nuevo orden, la del último príncipe de la dinastía de los Orioles y su extraña muerte, la de la huérfana que asciende desde los bajos fondos hasta el trono, la del Emperador Cuarto en las dinastía de los Kiautonor, que manda a construir una ciudad en honor de su amante. Angélica Gorodischer crea un universo ficcional portentoso, absolutamente propio, donde la distopía se cruza con el realismo, la novela con el cuento, la metáfora sobre el poder con el pequeño drama humano. Publicado por primera vez en 1983, Kalpa imperial marcó un hito en la obra de esta gran autora argentina y la convirtió en una referente ineludible de la ciencia ficción universal.
18,95€ 18,00€
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