Libros de Narrativa y Novelas

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A haunting in Venice: the Hallowe'en party (film)
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Christie, Agatha

The inspiration for A Haunting in Venice – now a major motion picture. When a Hallowe’en party turns deadly, it falls to Hercule Poirot to unmask a murderer… During a night of party games, Joyce Reynolds boasts that she once witnessed a murder. No one believes her, but then she is found drowned, face down in an apple-bobbing tub. Set against a night of trickery and the occult, Hercule Poirot and Ariadne Oliver must race to uncover the real evil responsible for this ghastly murder.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The boys from biloxi
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Grisham, John

The next astonishing thriller from the master of the legal thriller.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Choujin x vol 3
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Ishida, Sui

16,00€ 15,20€
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Demon slayer v7
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Gotouge, Koyoharu

11,50€ 10,92€
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Haikyu!! vol 16
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Furudate, Haruichi

11,50€ 10,92€
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Barcelona, viatge a la perifèria criminal
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Vint autors, deu dones i deu homes, escriuen sobre deu barris de la Barcelona més criminal i perifèrica Barcelona o Barcelones? Potser no ho havíeu pensat, però la capital de Catalunya amaga moltes possibles ciutats en el seu interior. I en totes shi produeixen crims. O com a mínim això pensen vint dels millors escriptors de novel·la negra del país, que per parelles ens esbudellen deu barris de la ciutat i els converteixen en objecte literari. Negre, és clar. Perquè hi ha molta vida i molta mort més enllà de les Rambles i del passeig de Gràcia. I mereix que algú ens els expliqui. I és que des de les Olimpíades —ara fa vint-i-cinc anys—, Barcelona sha transformat de forma espectacular. Duna banda hi ha hagut la recuperació del front marítim, primer al Poblenou i més recentment, amb el Fòrum, a la zona del Besòs. Després hi ha hagut les intervencions puntuals en barris com el Raval —obertura de la Rambla— o la zona de Glòries, que vol convertir-se en el nou districte empresarial i tecnològic amb el 22@, una mica frustrat per la crisi econòmica. I després amb el pla de millora de tots i cadascun dels districtes. Deu noves Barcelones i vint relats us esperen. Mireia Llinàs + Josep Lluís Roig (MONTBAU) Empar Fernández + Lluís Bosch (VERDUM) Margarida Aritzeta + Andreu Martín (POBLENOU) Graziella Moreno + Albert Figueras (GUINARDÓ) Núria Cadenes + Juli Alandes (BELLVITGE) Susana Hernández + David Marín (VERNEDA) Anna Maria Villalonga + Rafa Melero (CARMEL) Raquel Gámez Serrano + Lluís Llort (POBLE-SEC) Esperança Camps + Emili Bayo (HORTA) Sílvia Mayans + Jordi de Manuel (BESÒS)
20,00€ 19,00€
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The rise of magicks (chronicles of the one book 3)
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Roberts, Nora

The brilliant conclusion to the Chronicles of the One trilogy - an epic story of love, war, family and magic.
12,40€ 11,78€
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Widows: revenge
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Laplante, Lynda

20,40€ 19,38€
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Morton, Kate

16,75€ 15,91€
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Cinemas a French Heritage
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Edelstein, Simon

Sometimes, on a street corner, a forgotten but flamboyant façade recalls past glories. It's there to remind everyone that cinema is immortal.The packed audiences of darkened cinema rooms are no more. People are gradually drifting back home to lounge in front of a multitude of online platforms, far less expensive than a trip to the picture palace. Habits have changed... the cinema is no longer a world of magic.Movie theatres have lost their splendour, often pushed into the suburbs and choked left and right by fast-food chains as if they were ashamed to exist at all.
39,95€ 37,95€
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Murakami, Ryu

Ryu Murakami (Nagasaki, Japó, 1952). És un dels autors més prolífics de les lletres japoneses. Artista inquiet i compromès, ha estat bateria de rock, director de cinema i ha publicat més de quinze novel·les. Al llarg de la seva carrera ha estat guardonat amb els premis més prestigiosos del seu país. Des de la seva primera novel·la, 'Kagirinaku tômeini chikai burû', que va vendre més d'un milió d'exemplars al Japó, ha esdevingut un autor de gran èxit. El mestre del psicothriller japonès,en una història del Japó més actual, trepidant, duríssima i alhora d’una tendresa extraordinària. Kawashima Masayuki, dissenyador gràfic, viu a Tòquio amb la seva dona, Yokio, i amb la seva filla acabada de néixer,la Rie. Serien la viva imatge de la felicitat si no fos perquè cada nit, incapaç de dormir, Kawashima s’asseu a mirar el bressol de la seva nena amb un punxó de gel a la mà i un desig visceral de fer-lo sevir contra ella. Per encarar- se als seus dimonis,que tant de dolor li produeixen i que arrossega des de la seva traumàtica infantesa, decideix que només hi ha una manera de superar la por de clavar-li el punxó a la seva filla: clavar-l’hi a algú altre.
14,00€ 13,30€
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Burn after writing (blue)
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16,05€ 15,25€
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Heaven official's blessing 7 (novel)
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23,50€ 22,32€
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Persona 5 vol. 7
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Atlas, Hisato Murasaki

11,95€ 11,35€
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Jensen, Jens Henrik

Edición limitada a un precio especial de la serie que ha conquistado a los amantes del thriller nórdico.La serie que ha conquistado a los amantes del thriller nórdico.La lucha de un hombre contra sus demonios y contra el poder.Algunos de los hombres más influyentes de Dinamarca han muerto en extrañas circunstancias y Niels Oxen, un experimentado soldado de élite ya retirado, es el principal sospechoso. Al parecer, no hay conexión entre los casos, excepto por una peculiar coincidencia: los perros de las víctimas fueron ahorcados poco antes de la muerte de los amos...
8,95€ 8,50€
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El otro
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Tryon, Thomas

Verano de 1935. En un bucólico pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra, la gente no para de hablar sobre la epidemia de muertes que está asolando el hogar de los Perry. Tras el trágico fallecimiento de Vining, el padre, que se cayó por las escaleras del almacén mientras guardaba la cosecha de manzanas, la familia se enfrenta a una nueva pérdida: la del pequeño primo Russell, que muere en el granero ensartado en una horca que el jardinero jura haber dejado guardada en su sitio. Y, unas semanas después, desaparece una vecina, la adorable anciana de la casa de al lado... ¿Se trata de simples accidentes? Los hijos gemelos de Vining son una pareja de lo más peculiar: cada uno podría leer los pensamientos del otro, pero no pueden ser más diferentes. Holland es sarcástico e introvertido, y todo el mundo le considera una mala influencia para la familia, mientras que su gemelo, Niles, es agradable y generoso, y todos le adoran. Ambos viven inmersos en un extraño juego telepático que les enseñó su abuela rusa. Y puede que el juego se les esté yendo horriblemente de las manos... La novela que animó a Stephen King a convertirse en escritor. Un magistral ejercicio del terror más perturbador, que podrían haber firmado Ira Levin o Shirley Jackson.
22,80€ 21,66€
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Secret Brussels
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A ‘love hotel’ where one can say a prayer, a stretch of the Senne reconstituted in Saint-Géry, a farm in the centre of the city, a Freemasonic reading of the Brussels Park, the amazing physiognomical fountain of Magritte, the place where the Tsar of Russia vomited at the park of Brussels in 1717, the former rotunda of Panorama parking, a tribute to the soldier pigeon, from speleology to The National Basilica of the Sacred Heart, a panoramic swimming pool, a scandalous pavilion in the park Cinquantenaire, a huge vegetable garden in Uccle, a 19th century artist’s studio in Schaerbeek, a campsite in the heart of the city, a garden forgotten in the Forest …For those who can observe, push the doors and exit beaten tracks, Brussels is full of curiosities and surprising details that will amaze its inhabitants as well as its visitors who thought they knew it well.
18,95€ 18,00€
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L'empremta de Saturn
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Planas, Pau

Pau Planas Puigbert (Girona, 1974) és llicenciat en història i treballa d?administratiu a la Universitat de Girona. Ha estat guanyador del Premi Just M. Casero 2007 amb la novel·la curta La nau (Amsterdam, 2008). També és l?autor de la novel·la La ciutat de les finestres (Papers amb Accent, 2010).
13,00€ 12,35€
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Woman Of God
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Patterson, James

St. Peter's Square, Rome.White smoke signals that a new Pope has been chosen.The world is watching as massive crowds gather in Rome, waiting for news of a new Pope. It's a turning point that could change the Catholic Church for ever, as one of the rumoured candidates, Brigid Fitzgerald, would be the first female Pope in history.But Brigid has made a legion of powerful enemies and is a target for all those who fear that the Church has lost its way – dangerous adversaries who won’t accept challenges to tradition.Locked in a deadly, high-stakes battle with forces determined to undermine her, Brigid must confront her enemies before she loses everything... including her life.
10,95€ 10,40€
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I m Lost
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Sardà López, Lluis

Año 2025, Carolina del Sur (Estados Unidos de América), después de 5 años desde el inicio de lo que se conoció como una pandemia originada en la ciudad de Wuhan, en China, por motivos diversos no contrastados del todo y poco documentados, acabó arrasando la civilización tal y como la conocíamos dejando un panorama desolador en todo el planeta excepto en algún continente donde, a pesar de los efectos devastadores, muertes y desolación, lograron sobrevivir diversos grupos de personas gracias a los «inmunizadores» fabricados por las dos superpotencias que quisieron acabar con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América: China y Rusia. Una nueva generación de seres vivos se hará con el control del mundo, los ejércitos «COVIDS».
18,90€ 17,95€
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L'amor a Venècia
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Pijoan, Joaquim

Joaquim Pijoan (Santa Cristina d'Aro, 1948) és pintor i escriptor. La pintura i la cultura japonesa són les seves grans passions, pèrò han estat dos premis literaris que l'han donat a conèixer entre el gran públic: el Premi Documenta amb la novel·la 'Somni' i , en especial, el Premi Sant Jordi 2006 amb la novel·la 'Sayonara, Barcelona'. La nova i esperada novel·la de Joaquim Pijoan, un autor amb un estil innovador i una riquesa literària excepcional. Un fascinant viatge a través de la creació artística, l'exili, l'amor i l'existència mateixa. Brillant. El relat íntim d'un escriptor a l'abisme. Josep Vicenç, deconcertat davant la sobtada mort del seu pare i fart dels tràmits burocràtics als quals s'ha d'enfrontar, decideix perseguir el somni perdut i escapar d'un país, el nostre, que es troba fred i superficial. A Nova York es retroba amb el seu germà Aleix i amb els seus propis fantasmes, amorosos, polítics i religiosos. Una història d'amor fins al final.
16,90€ 16,05€
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Secret Potsdam
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Roy, Manuel

A piece of the summit of Kilimanjaro at the New Palace, a swastika in Sanssouci Park, a remnant of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, the starry ceiling of a villa alluding to the Masonic setting of Mozart’s opera The Magic Flute, a spectacular Expressionist tomb, a stone that sings in the heart of the city, a copy of the music pavilion of one of King Louis XV’s mistresses, a luminous art installation under a bridge, a carved monkey from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, chimneys replicating those at Hampton Court in London, the esoteric passions of Emperor Frederick William II, a column to commemorate the death of a parrot, a tower to calculate the displacement of the Earth’s rotational axis, the last witness to the extraordinary epic of silk production in the Babelsberg district, a woman who disguised herself as a man to fight Napoleon, the spectacular hidden remains of Katharinenholz firing range, the forgotten mock-ups in Zeppelin Park …
19,95€ 18,95€
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Binet, Laurent

A stunningly ambitious and entertaining novel that gives us a counter-factual history of the modern world, from the author of the international bestseller HHhH.
14,75€ 14,01€
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I will die in a foreign land
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Pickhart, Kalani

18,25€ 17,34€
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Un puesto avanzado del progreso
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Conrad, Joseph

Joseph Conrad despliega en Un puesto avanzado del progreso toda la potencia de la ironía para llevar al lector de la sonrisa al horror. Sus protagonistas, Kayerts y Carlier, son una de las parejas más cómicas, patéticas y mejor logradas de la literatura, una genial condensación de la estupidez, la prepotencia y la indefensión de las que nuestra especie sigue dando tan conspicuas muestras en pleno siglo XXI. Abandonados en plena selva como agentes de una gran compañía comercial, tardarán algún tiempo en descubrir —pues son estúpidos— quién manda realmente y quiénes son las verdaderas víctimas del progreso y de la civilización. Un puesto avanzado del progreso es una vigorosa denuncia del colonialismo y de su hipocresía filantrópica, una lúcida indagación acerca de la imperfección del lenguaje humano y un doloroso reconocimiento de la esterilidad de nuestros afanes.
13,80€ 13,11€
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Sonets, cançon i madrigals
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Petrarca, Francesco

Aquest llibre conté una vasta tria dels poemes del Cançoner, la gran obra lírica de Petrarca, en la seva llengua original i en les versions que Osvald
34,20€ 32,49€
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Philosophical essays: a critical edition
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21,65€ 20,57€
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Time is a mother
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Vuong, Ocean

In this deeply intimate second poetry collection, Ocean Vuong searches for life among the aftershocks of his mother's death, embodying the paradox of sitting within grief while being determined to survive beyond it. Vivid, brave and propulsive, Vuong's poems contend with personal loss, the meaning of family, and the value of joy in a perennially fractured American spirit.The author of the critically acclaimed poetry collection Night Sky with Exit Wounds, winner of the 2016 Whiting Award, the 2017 T. S. Eliot Prize and a 2019 MacArthur fellow, Vuong writes directly to our humanity without losing sight of the current moment. Bold and prescient, and a testament to tenderness in the face of violence, Time is a Mother is a return and a forging-forth all at once.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Colllected poems revised
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Federico García Lorca was the most beloved poet of twentieth-century Spain and one of the world's most influential modernist writers. His work has long been admired for its passionate urgency and haunting evocation of sorrow and loss. Perhaps more persistently than any writer of his time, he sought to understand and accommodate the numinous sources of his inspiration. Though he died at age thirty-eight, he left behind a generous body of poetry, drama, musical arrangements, and drawings, which continue to surprise and inspire.Christopher Maurer, a leading García Lorca scholar and editor, has brought together new and substantially revised translations by twelve poets and translators, placed side by side with the Spanish originals. The seminal volume Poet in New York is also included here in its entirety.This is the most comprehensive collection in English of a poet who―as Maurer writes in his illuminating introduction―''spoke unforgettably of all that most interests us: the otherness of nature, the demons of personal identity and artistic creation, sex, childhood, and death.''
29,25€ 27,79€
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Inside the wave
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Dunmore, Helen

COSTA BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017 Winner of the 2017 Costa Poetry Award. To be alive is to be inside the wave, always travelling until it breaks and is gone. These poems are concerned with the borderline between the living and the dead – the underworld and the human living world – and the exquisitely intense being of both. They possess a spare, eloquent lyricism as they explore the bliss and anguish of the voyage.Inside the Wave , Helen Dunmore's tenth and final book of poetry, followed The Malarkey (2012), whose title-poem won the National Poetry Competition. Her other books include Glad of These Times (2007), and Out of the Blue: Poems 1975-2001 (2001), a comprehensive selection drawing on seven previous collections.
15,20€ 14,44€
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The raven and other poems
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Poe, Edgar Allan

The undisputed pioneer of the horror, detective and science-fiction genres, Edgar Allan Poe was an accomplished poet as well as a celebrated writer of short stories. The present edition contains all of his works in verse, from the major poems of his maturity – such as his famous ballads 'The Raven' and 'Lenore' – to those he published in his youth and those that were collected immediately after his premature death in 1849.Also included in this volume is a selection of Poe's essays on poetical composition and prosody, revealing that poetry was at the core of the American master's vision of literature – something also demonstrated by the significant and enduring body of work he left behind in this field.
11,50€ 10,92€
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Poems by Wilfred Owen - In the Trenches
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Owen, Wilfred

“Poems by Wilfred Owen - In the Trenches” is a 1920 collection of poetry by English poet and soldier Wilfred Edward Salter Owen, MC (1893–1918). A leading poet during the First World War, his work concentrated on life in the trenches and gas warfare. Some of his best-known works include: ''Dulce et Decorum est'', ''Insensibility'', ''Spring Offensive'', ''Anthem for Doomed Youth'', ''Futility'', and ''Strange Meeting''. The poems include: “Strange Meeting”, “Greater Love”, “Apologia Pro Poemate Meo”, “The Show”, “Mental Cases”, “Parable Of The Old Men And The Young”, “Arms And The Boy”, “Anthem For Doomed Youth”, “The Send-Off”, “Insensibility”, “Dulce Et Decorum Est”, “The Sentry”, etc. A moving and stark representation of the horrors of life on the front lines not to be missed by fans and collectors of war poetry.
12,50€ 11,87€
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The fifth risk
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Lewis, Michael

The morning after Trump was elected president, the people who ran the US Department of Energy waited to brief the administration’s transition team on the agency it would soon be running. Nobody appeared. Across all departments the stories were the same: Trump appointees were few and far between, those who did show up were shockingly uninformed about the functions of their new workplace.Michael Lewis’s brilliant narrative of the Trump administration’s botched presidential transition takes us into the engine rooms of a government under attack by its leaders through willful ignorance and greed. The government manages a vast array of critical services that keep us safe and underpin our lives, from ensuring the safety of our food and medications and predicting extreme weather events to tracking and locating black- market uranium before the terrorists do. The Fifth Risk masterfully and vividly unspools the consequences of what happens when the people given control over our government have no idea how it works.
14,45€ 13,73€
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A higher loyalty
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Comey, James

The sensational Sunday Times #1 Bestseller about taking on the mafia, the Clintons and Trump. 'An urgent clarion call.' - The Financial Times In his massive Number One bestselling memoir, former FBI director James Comey shares his never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations of his career in the past two decades of American government, exploring what good, ethical leadership looks like, and how it drives sound decisions. His journey provides an unprecedented entry into the corridors of power, and a remarkable lesson in what makes an effective leader. Mr. Comey served as director of the FBI from 2013 to 2017, appointed to the post by President Barack Obama. He previously served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and the U.S. deputy attorney general in the administration of President George W. Bush. From prosecuting the Mafia and Martha Stewart to helping change the Bush administration's policies on torture and electronic surveillance, overseeing the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation as well as ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, Comey has been involved in some of the most consequential cases and policies of recent history.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Grey matters: a brief history of brains
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Bennett, Max

Equal parts Sapiens, Behave, and Superintelligence, but wholly original in scope, A Brief History of Intelligence offers a paradigm shift for how we understand neuroscience and AI. Artificial intelligence entrepreneur Max Bennett chronicles the five “breakthroughs” in the evolution of human intelligence and reveals what brains of the past can tell us about the AI of tomorrow.In the last decade, capabilities of artificial intelligence that had long been the realm of science fiction have, for the first time, become our reality. AI is now able to produce original art, identify tumors in pictures, and even steer our cars. And yet, large gaps remain in what modern AI systems can achieve—indeed, human brains still easily perform intellectual feats that we can’t replicate in AI systems. How is it possible that AI can beat a grandmaster at chess but can’t effectively load a dishwasher? As AI entrepreneur Max Bennett compellingly argues, finding the answer requires diving into the billion-year history of how the human brain evolved, a history filled with countless half-starts, calamities, and clever innovations. Not only do our brains have a story to tell—the future of AI may depend on it.Now, in A Brief History of Intelligence, Bennett bridges the gap between neuroscience and AI to tell the brain’s evolutionary story, revealing how understanding that story can help shape the next generation of AI breakthroughs. Deploying a fresh perspective and working with the support of many top minds in neuroscience, Bennett consolidates this immense history into an approachable new framework, identifying the “Five Breakthroughs” that mark the brain’s most important evolutionary leaps forward. Each breakthrough brings new insight into the biggest mysteries of human intelligence. Containing fascinating corollaries to developments in AI, A Brief History of Intelligence shows where current AI systems have matched or surpassed our brains, as well as where AI systems still fall short. Simply put, until AI systems successfully replicate each part of our brain’s long journey, AI systems will fail to exhibit human-like intelligence.Endorsed and lauded by many of the top neuroscientists in the field today, Bennett’s work synthesizes the most relevant scientific knowledge and cutting-edge research into an easy-to-understand and riveting evolutionary story. With sweeping scope and stunning insights, A Brief History of Intelligence proves that understanding the arc of our brain’s history can unlock the tools for successfully navigating our technological future.
24,50€ 23,27€
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Fantastic beasts: the secrets of Dumbledore
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31,00€ 29,45€
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