
La metgessa ctara
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Morey, Pere

La metgessa càtara se situa en la guerra contra els càtars a Occitània. Aquest enfrontament va contraposar dues concepcions del món. D'un costat, la mediterrània, càlida i carnal. I de l'altre, la ferrenya austeritat dels pobles del nord. En aquest context, una remeiera càtara es troba xapada entre el deure envers el seu poble i l'atracció per un cavaller d'ulls verds que condueix els croats. La metgessa viu la poesia dels trobadors, la puresa dels càtars, l'honor de la guerra, la vitalitat del rei Pere... La nit abans de la batalla de Muret posa en pràctica un pla que podria haver canviat la història. Segona Edició
12,00€ 11,40€
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Harding, Paul

En George Washington Crosby jeu al llit esperant la mort. Confinat a la sala d'estar i acompanyat dels seus familiars, comença a patir al·lucinacions. Veu com el pis de dalt li cau a sobre, amb l'armadura de pi inacabada i les canonades per connectar. Parracs d'abrics vells, capses de jocs de taula i de puzles oblidats, joguines trencades, bosses plenes de fotografies familiars, eines rovellades i mecanismes de llautó de rellotges antics. Restes de tota una vida. Amb la teulada ensorrada, apareix el cel blau. Els núvols s'aturen, es queden quiets un instant, i llavors també li cauen al cap en picat, seguits de les estrelles, fins que la negra nit el cobreix com si fos un sudari. Havia estat un rellotger metòdic i ara, alliberat de les restriccions habituals del temps i de la memòria, pot reconstruir el seu passat i reunir-se per fi amb el seu pare epilèptic, que menava un carro ambulant i feia una mica de tot per guanyar-se la vida. En aquest viatge de retorn a les meravelles i al dolor d'una infantesa pobra en una regió remota de Maine, George Washington Crosby recupera el món natural, alhora inspirador i amenaçador, que forma part d'ell. Corprenedora i lligada a la vida, Llauners és una meditació elegíaca sobre l'amor, la pèrdua i la bellesa ferotge de la natura. Paul Harding (Beverly, Massachusetts, 1967) combina la seva tasca d'escriptor amb l'ensenyament d'escriptura creativa. Durant un temps es va dedicar a la música rock i ha estat professor a Harvard i a la Universitat Estatal d'Iowa. La seva primera novel·la, Llauners, va ser publicada per una petita editorial independent amb un primer tiratge de només cinc-cents exemplars i l'any 2010 va sorprendre tothom quan va guanyar el premi Pulitzer de ficció.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Ways of sunlight
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Selvon, Sam

From the author of The Lonely Londoners, a short story collection of life in mid-century Trinidad and London, told with Selvon's unique wit and poetic sensibility.
14,75€ 14,01€
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A town like Alice
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Shute, Nevil

15,75€ 14,96€
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A spell of good things
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Adebayo, Ayobami

BOOKER PRIZE NOMINEE GMA BUZZ PICK A dazzling story of modern Nigeria and two families caught in the riptides of wealth, power, romantic obsession, and political corruption from the celebrated author of Stay with Me, ''in the lineage of great works by Chinua Achebe and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie'' (The New York Times).
16,50€ 15,67€
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Minor bodies
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Bazzi, Jonathan

Jonathan is twenty years old, gay, and full of life. He's set out to escape the insignificance of his suburban home, to give himself instead and forever to the real city, Milan, where he hopes also to find love. But when Jonathan finds love in all its messy, complicated, sexy reality, it is not enough. He has escaped the place and people of his childhood, but can he escape the man raised by those people and in that place, the man he has grown up to be?
14,75€ 14,01€
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How to be somebody else
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Pountney, Miranda

A person would have to be crazy to leave New York, the whole city's thinkingA novel about New York, being in your late thirties and letting go of everything you thought you wantedNew York, 2015, a Monday in spring. Dylan, about to turn thirty-eight, walks out of a successful career in advertising, sublets her apartment and agrees to housesit for Anna, an artist she has never met. She doesn't mention these life changes to her friends, her parents back in England or to Matt, her boyfriend living on the West Coast.In Anna's loft Dylan has time to think, space to write and a chance to try on a new kind of life. When her neighbour Kate invites her to a party and introduces her to Gabe, Dylan tries on a new kind of romance. Gabe happens to be married to Kate but, according to Gabe, 'it's not a thing'. The more time Dylan spends with Gabe, the more she begins to believe it. As spring turns to summer Dylan's experiments in living test her friendships, loyalties and the boundaries of herself, until an unexpected encounter between the two couples forces her to confront her future.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Babi Yar. The Story of Ukraine's Holocaust
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Anatoli, A.

This gripping story of Kyiv during the Second World War told by a young boy who saw it all.When the German army rolled into Kyiv in 1941 the young Anatoli was just twelve years old. He began writing down what he saw in his journals.Within ten days of the invasion, the Nazis had begun their campaign of fear and murder in Ukraine. Babi Yar (Babyn Yar in Ukrainian) was the place where the executions of Jews and many others took place. It was one of the largest massacres in the history of the Holocaust. Anatoli could hear the machine guns from his house.Anatoli’s clear, compelling voice, honesty and determination guide us through the horrors of that time. Babi Yar has the compulsion and narration of fiction but everything recounted here is true.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Footman, Hanako

An exquisite debut novel weaving together the voices of three young women in Japan and the UK as the threads of their lives unspool in unexpected directions.Mei loses her Japanese mother at age six. Growing up in suburban Surrey, she yearns to fit in with her peers, suppressing both her heritage and her growing love for her best friend Fran.Yuki leaves her parents’ farm in the Japanese countryside to pursue her dream of becoming a concert violinist. A lonely and homesick student in London, she finds herself caught up in the charms of her older teacher.Haruka, a young bar hostess living in Tokyo, attempts to navigate the city’s underworld and all of its many vices, as she grieves a mother who hid so many secrets from her.Shifting between these three intergenerational narratives, Mongrel reveals a tangled web of isolation, yearning, love, and ultimately, hope.
20,75€ 19,71€
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What Napoleon could not do
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Nnuro, D. K.

America is seen through the eyes and ambitions of three characters with ties to Africa in this gripping novelWhen siblings Jacob and Belinda Nti were growing up in Ghana, their goal was to move to America. For them, the United States was both an opportunity and a struggle, a goal and an obstacle.Jacob, an awkward computer programmer who still lives with his father, wants a visa so he can move to Virginia to live with his wife—a request that the U.S. government has repeatedly denied. He envies his sister, Belinda, who achieved, as their father put it, “what Napoleon could not do”: she went to college and law school in the United States and even managed to marry Wilder, a wealthy Black businessman from Texas. Wilder’s view of America differs markedly from his wife’s, as he’s spent his life railing against the racism and marginalization that are part of life for every African American living here.For these three, their desires and ambitions highlight the promise and the disappointment that life in a new country offers. How each character comes to understand this and how each learns from both their dashed hopes and their fulfilled dreams lie at the heart of what makes What Napoleon Could Not Do such a compelling, insightful read.
17,25€ 16,39€
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Aigua tèrbola
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Maluquer, Concepció

Les adoberies, els tanins, els tripijocs, els prejudicis, les vanitats, les febleses, els èxits i els fracassos... La ciutat d'Aiguadal i l'atmosfera asfixiant que l'embolcalla són l'epicentre des d'on els diversos personatges narren la seva història, cadascun amb les pròpies misèries i justificacions. Al centre de les narracions, la Grettel. Arribada de fora, es resisteix a ofegar-s'hi i, amb la seva autenticitat i els anhels de llibertat, esdevé una alenada d'aire fresc que remou l'aigua tèrbola en què reposa l'ordre de la família i de la burgesia dominant. Amb una prosa àgil i directa, minuciosa en els detalls i les imatges, Concepció G. Maluquer construeix en aquesta novel·la coral el retrat de la societat de postguerra franquista on la burgesia vencedora viu instal·lada en la hipocresia moral i es vanta del seu enriquiment, basat en les prebendes, les falsedats i fer el joc al poder establert. «M'agradaria que fossin molts els lectors i lectores que gaudissin d'una obra que parla d'ahir i d'avui, que retrata els éssers humans de sempre i els conflictes que ens posen a prova. Una novel·la escrita amb atreviment, amb un català precís i ric, amb capacitat de dibuixar tota una societat.» ens explica Maria Barbal al pròleg.
18,00€ 17,10€
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La vida agria
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Bianciardi, Luciano

Corren los años cincuenta y nos hallamos en una ciudad cuya topografía está deformada, si bien remite claramente a Milán. El protagonista de esta historia, y álter ego del autor, deja atrás, junto a cierta vida provinciana, a su mujer y a su hijo, y llega a la metrópolis con una misión: atentar contra la empresa propietaria de la mina de su localidad natal, en la que han muerto cuaren- ta y tres personas a causa de una «negligencia» que resultó per-fectamente rentable. Una vez allí, y para poder sobrevivir, empieza a llevar el estilo de vida que le impone la ciudad, encuentra trabajo en un periódico y comienza a hacer nuevas amistades. Al poco inicia una relación sentimental con Anna y pasa por varias ocupaciones, para dedicarse al fin a traducir febrilmente. Al mismo tiempo, cada vez se le hacen más presentes la alienación que impone la gran ciudad, la náusea del tráfico, las insípidas obligaciones sociales y la histérica frivolidad generacional que ampara el boom económico, su propia precariedad y las imposiciones comerciales del mundo editorial. Se diría que cualquier día algo tiene que estallar. Con un humor inquebrantable y una fina ironía, Bianciardi pone en marcha en estas páginas una crítica rotunda al sistema, y al hombre integrado en el sistema, sin dejar de reírse de sí mismo. La vida agria es la obra más importante y celebrada de Luciano Bianciardi, escritor de culto, traductor de fama y revolucionario convencido. Tras el éxito apabullante e inesperado de esta novela, que en la Italia de los años sesenta se convirtió en referente para toda una generación marcada por un profundo desencanto, Bianciardi mantuvo firmes hasta el último aliento sus compromisos políticos y su enfrentamiento contra los dictados de la industria cultural, así como su predilección por el alcohol y el exceso
19,90€ 18,90€
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Roth, Joseph

Mendel Singer és un jueu pietós i senzill que a penes pot guanyar-se la vida com a mestre en un poble a la frontera entre Rússia i Polònia a principis del segle XX. La seva vida es veu condicionada per un matrimoni sense amor i pel naixement del seu fill petit, endarrerit i epilèptic. Els seus dos fills grans són cridats a fer el servei militar, Jonas s’apunta a l’exèrcit rus però Shemariah deserta i se’n va a Amèrica, deixant Mendel Singer amb la seva dona, la seva filla promíscua i el seu fill baldat. Anys després, la família és encoratjada a emigrar a Amèrica pel seu fill, que s’ha obert camí a Nova York. Dividit entre la seva responsabilitat cap a Menuchim i la possibilitat d’una vida millor a Amèrica, Mendel decideix emigrar, deixant enrere el fill baldat. Tanmateix, allà l’esperen nous desafiaments i, mentre creix el seu patiment personal, la seva fe en Déu és severament posada a prova.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Family history
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Shapiro, Dani

Are the parents always to blame?Rachel Jensen has it all: a husband she adores, fulfilling work in art restoration, a terrific teenage daughter and finally a new baby on the way. So when she worries about mysterious changes in her daughter Kate's behaviour, friends reassure her it's just normal teen angst.But then a terrifying accident involving Kate and her infant brother sets off a series of events that threaten to destroy everything Rachel has worked so hard to build.From the beloved author of SIGNAL FIRES and BLACK & WHITE, FAMILY HISTORY is a visceral, ferociously paced novel about one mothers nightmarish realisation that she cannot protect her own child.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Signal fires
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Shapiro, Dani

From the best-selling author of Inheritance, a gripping new novel about two families bound together across generations by an unspeakable tragedy.Change one thing and everything changes.One summer night in 1985, the lives of three teenagers are shattered by a horrific car crash, resulting in the death of a young woman near a sprawling oak tree that marks the perimeter of 18 Division Street. For the Wilf family, it will become the deepest kind of family secret, one so dangerous it can never be spoken.By the time the Shenkmans move in across the street—a young couple expecting a baby boy—the accident has become a distant memory. But when Waldo Shenkman, a brilliant but lonely child, befriends Ben Wilf, a retired doctor who is struggling with his wife’s decline, the Wilfs’ and the Shenkmans’ lives and fates become deeply entwined, and the past comes hurtling back to Division Street, setting in motion a chain of spellbinding events that will transform both families forever.In the tradition of Ann Patchett and Sue Miller, Signal Fires is riveting, emotional, impossible to put down, a literary and commercial tour de force, and a work of haunting beauty and complexity by a masterful storyteller at the height of her powers.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Parasol against the axe
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Oyeyemi, Helen

The new novel from the Goldsmiths Prize-shortlisted author Helen Oyeyemi.Oyeyemi treats you to a kaleidoscopic weekend in Prague, as dazzling as it is effortlessly unique. Get lost in the story like you would an unfamiliar city and let it reward you with moments of philosophical clarity, wheelbarrow rides, raw emotion and raw onions.This novel is a holiday, an adventure, a marvel and a guide. It is a story about the lies behind the lies we tell and a city as a living thing, sustained by the lives of its inhabitants. Suffused with warmth and joy, Parasol Against the Axe is a love letter to Prague, and to the art of storytelling.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Wharton, Edith

«Santuario», publicada por primera vez en 1903, es una rarísima novela de Edith Wharton, inédita hasta hoy en castellano. La obra narra la historia de Kate Orme, una mujer joven cuya dicha conyugal se rompe cuando se enfrenta cara a cara con el oscuro secreto que esconde su prometido, Denis Peyton, un hombre de fortuna, pero con un pasado gobernado por las mentiras y por los engaños. Cuando ambos tienen un hijo, y Denis muere, Kate se convence de que el espíritu de su marido permanece en su joven vástago, traspasándole en cierto modo sus vicios morales. Se consagrará desde entonces a luchar para que eso no ocurra. Escrita mientras redactaba La casa de la alegría, Santuario es una pequeña joya oculta de Wharton, de prosa impecable, con momentos en que el suspense se hace casi insoportable. Una novela «europea», un melodrama casi jamesiano, que indaga sobre los misterios de la personalidad y las deudas del pasado. Con la precisión, la belleza, y el agudo conocimiento de los más íntimos resquicios de la sociedad de la clase alta de Nueva York que la convirtió en una de las grandes voces literarias del siglo XX, Edith Wharton ofrece un sutil relato de la lucha entre la naturaleza y lo adquirido, que dominó los primeros años del novecientos.
17,50€ 16,62€
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Un médico rural
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Kafka, Franz

Escritos en la soledad de la noche, tras una jornada laboral anodina y estéril, estos relatos, reunidos bajo los títulos de «Un médico rural» y «Percepciones», suponen una cumbre en el arte de Franz Kafka como cuentista. Esta edición presenta en un solo volumen, y en una nueva y excelente traducción, relatos imprescindibles de la producción kafkiana, como ''Un médico rural'', ''Informe para una Academia'', ''Ante la Ley'' o ''El deseo de ser piel roja''. Pequeñas obras maestras, tan inquietantes como reveladoras del talento del que fuera uno de los escritores más influyentes del siglo XX, que constituyen grotescos y crueles retratos de lo frágil y desesperado de la condición humana.
17,15€ 16,29€
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Pineapple street
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Jackson, Jennifer

Meet the Stockton women of Brooklyn Heights: Darley, who was born with money, Sasha, who married into it, and Georgiana, who wants to give it all away.Among glittering parties, weekend homes and hungover brunches, the three will have to grapple with the burden of parental expectations, the hardships and bewilderment of growing up, and the miles between the haves and have-nots.Pineapple Street is a witty and wicked novel about New York’s one percenters: their first loves, family feuds and the complexities of being human – even when you have everything.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Hauria volgut ser egipci
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Al-Aswany, Alaa

«Si no fos egipci, hauria volgut ser-ne», heus ací la citació de Mustafà Kàmil que dóna el to d'aquest recull de setze contes i una novel·la d'Alaa Al Aswani. Amb un estil sense floritures, l'autor tracta cruament i amb tendresa els seus personatges -singulars en la seva follia, en la seva desesperació i en la seva pobresa-, i ens parla del menysteniment secular que pateixen i que els aboca a l'esterilitat dels seus anhels i a l'obscurantisme. L'escriptor ens acosta amorosament al seu Egipte amb ironia, amb una narració potent sobre la condició humana dels seus contemporanis, de les servituds, dels sentiments i de les esperances. No és estrany, doncs, que quan Alaa Al Aswani va presentar aquest recull a l'Organització del Llibre d'Egipte li fos denegada la seva publicació. Alaa Al Aswani (El Caire, 1957), escriptor, autor del bestseller internacional L'edifici Iaqubian, és un dels intel·lectuals més destacats d'Egipte, activament compromès amb la lluita a favor de la democràcia. Els fòrums de discussió i els seus articles des de les pàgines del diari Al-Shorouk han estat una tribuna de denúncia permanent contra la dictadura i les xacres socials que se'n deriven. Dentista de formació, professió que encara exerceix i que combina amb la d'escriptor, és autor també de Chicago i Friendly Fire. Les seves obres han estat traduïdes a vint-i-nou llengües i cent països. Ha estat guardonat amb nombrosos premis, entre els quals el Premi Bashrahil de novel·la àrab, i està considerat pel diari The Times com un dels cinquanta millors novel·listes traduïts en llengua anglesa en els darrers cinquanta anys. A Edicions de 1984 hem publicat les seves novel·les L'edifici Iaqubian i Chicago, i el recull d'articles periodístics Egipte: les claus d'una revolució inevitable.
16,90€ 16,05€
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Carmen and Grace
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Aquino, Melissa Coss

Carmen and Grace have been inseparable since they were little girls - more like sisters than cousins, survivors of a childhood marked by neglect and addiction. For too long, all they had was each other. That is, until Doña Durka swept into their lives and changed everything, taking Grace into her home and playing an outsize role in Carmen's upbringing too. But Durka is more than a beneficent force in their Bronx neighbourhood. She's also the leader of an underground drug empire, a larger-than-life matriarch who understands the importance of taking what power she can in a world too often ruled by violent men. So when Durka dies suddenly, Carmen and Grace's lives are thrown into chaos. Grace has been primed to take over and has grand plans to expand the business, but Carmen is ready to move on - from Durka's shadow, and from always looking over her shoulder in fear. As tough and tender as its main characters, Carmen and Grace is a devastatingly wise and intimate story about the bonds of female friendship, ambition and found family.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Cuffy, Nicole

A ballerina at the height of her powers becomes consumed with finding her missing brother in this ''striking debut'' (Oprah Daily) At twenty-two years old, Cece Cordell reaches the pinnacle of her career as a ballet dancer when she’s promoted to principal at the New York City Ballet. She’s instantly catapulted into celebrity, heralded for her “inspirational” role as the first Black ballerina in the famed company’s history. Even as she celebrates the achievement of a lifelong dream, Cece remains haunted by the feeling that she doesn’t belong. As she waits for some feeling of rightness that doesn’t arrive, she begins to unravel the loose threads of her past—an absent father, a pragmatic mother who dismisses Cece’s ambitions, and a missing older brother who stoked her childhood love of ballet but disappeared to deal with his own demons.
17,75€ 16,86€
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History keeps me awake at night
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Edwall, Christy

Flickering between virtual Mexico and actual London, this smart, funny novel follows a woman who is losing herself in the search for what is missing. Margit is at the point in life when things should have cohered. She's married, she's got a degree, she's got friends who throw good parties, and yet she's still adrift, moving from one precarious job to the next. One day, a picture of some Mexican students catches her eye in a newspaper. The group of 43 had been ambushed by police in 2014 while travelling on a bus and disappeared without a trace. And so begins Margit's obsession with the 'desaparecidos'. As she heads off down the rabbit holes and cul-de-sacs of Google Maps, her idiosyncratic quest to uncover the truth of what happened begins to eclipse pretty much everything else.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The private life of spies
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Mccall, Alexander

During WW2 there was a rumour that German spies were landing by parachute in Britain, dressed as nuns...Conradin Muller was an unusual spy. He was recruited in Hamburg in June 1943, much against his will, and sent on his first, and only, mission in late September that year. He failed to send a single report back to Germany, and when the War came to an end in May 1945, he fell to his knees and wept with relief.From a highly reluctant German spy who is drawn to an East Anglian nunnery as his only means of escape, to the strange tale of one of the Cambridge spy ring's adventures with a Russian dwarf, these are Alexander McCall Smith's intriguing and typically inventive stories from the world of espionage.
14,75€ 14,01€
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