
The Lovers
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Kassab, Yumna

What happens when we become used to each other, when we become bored, when we anticipate each other’s moods like the seasons cycled in a day? What happens when you are tired of me and I tire of you?Every couple has a story. How they met, how they fell in love – their ups, their downs. What made them want to be in each other's arms day and night. The struggle of family expectations. The need to please each other, the desire to go their separate ways. It is about the private universe between two people as they try to hold to each other despite the barriers of geography, culture and class.Every couple has a beginning, a middle, and maybe an end.The Lovers is an enchanting fable that explores the light and dark of a relationship – a love distilled down to its barest form. You might think you know this story. Maybe you do.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Houellebecq, Michel

It is 2027. France is in a state of economic decline and moral decay.As the country plunges into a closely-fought presidential campaign, the French state falls victim to a series of mysterious and unsettling cyberattacks. The sophisticated nature of the attacks leaves the best computer scientists at the DGSI – the French counter-terrorism agency – scrambling for answers.An advisor to the country’s Finance Minister, Paul Raison is close to the heart of government. His wife Prudence is a Treasury official, while his father Édouard, now retired, has spent his career working for the DGSI. When Édouard has a stroke, his children have an opportunity to repair their strained relationships, as they determine to free their father from the medical centre where he is wasting away.Michel Houellebecq’s Annihilation reveals new sides to his writing, adding compassion and tenderness to the emotions of rage and irony that have powered both him and his earlier works to international fame.
25,25€ 23,99€
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The Maniac
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Labatut, Benjamín

From one of contemporary literature’s most exciting new voices, a haunting story centered on the Hungarian polymath John von Neumann, tracing the impact of his singular legacy on the dreams and nightmares of the twentieth century and the nascent age of AIBenjamín Labatut’s When We Cease to Understand the World electrified a global readership. A Booker Prize and National Book Award finalist, and one of the New York Times’ Ten Best Books of the Year, it explored the life and thought of a clutch of mathematicians and physicists who took science to strange and sometimes dangerous new realms. In The MANIAC, Labatut has created a tour de force on an even grander scale.A prodigy whose gifts terrified the people around him, John von Neumann transformed every field he touched, inventing game theory and the first programable computer, and pioneering AI, digital life, and cellular automata. Through a chorus of family members, friends, colleagues, and rivals, Labatut shows us the evolution of a mind unmatched and of a body of work that has unmoored the world in its wake.The MANIAC places von Neumann at the center of a literary triptych that begins with Paul Ehrenfest, an Austrian physicist and friend of Einstein, who fell into despair when he saw science and technology become tyrannical forces, it ends a hundred years later, in the showdown between the South Korean Go Master Lee Sedol and the AI program AlphaGo, an encounter embodying the central question of von Neumann's most ambitious unfinished project: the creation of a self-reproducing machine, an intelligence able to evolve beyond human understanding or control.A work of beauty and fabulous momentum, The MANIAC confronts us with the deepest questions we face as a species.
14,50€ 13,77€
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La casa de las mentiras
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Hielos, Ma. Pilar de los

La mentira piadosa, la intencionada, la compulsiva, las promesas rotas, la falsificación, el autoengaño, los bulos, la exageración, el fraude, el plagio, la ocultación... no son sino diferentes caras de la mentira.Aunque la mentira goza, en general, de mala prensa, a lo largo de los tiempos ha habido quienes la aceptan, que decir alguna mentirijilla de vez en cuando es permisible -como Platón- y, por el contratio, quienes la rechazan rotundamente - Aristóteles, San Agustín, Kant...Sea como sea, la realidad es que la mentira se ha instalado en nuestras vidas, en todas y cada una de sus versiones, desde las banales e inocuas hasta las de más lato nivel - bien conocidas por la clase política, la Iglesia y otros estamentos de poder-. El progreso noa ha traído, además, nuevos formatos modernos, digitales, globales: las llamadas fake news, y la IA (inteligencia artificial), capaces de liarla parda en cualquier esfera.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Virginia o el interior del mundo
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Pombo, Álvaro

Santander. Años veinte. La monarquía se instala en el palacio de La Magdalena. La ciudad gira en torno al veraneo regio. Virginia Montes, una joven soltera que pertenece a una familia enriquecida con el negocio de las harinas y ennoblecida por Amadeo de Saboya, heredera de una considerable fortuna y con inclinaciones sentimentales socialistas, culpa al Rey de la muerte de su amado, el hijo de su cocinera. Un matrimonio excéntrico, Cayo Bárcena y Leonora de Bárcena, que primero divierten y después fascinan a Virginia, celebran una gran sesión espiritista cuyas consecuencias darán el significado de esta novela. Éste es el retrato magistral de una mujer retraída y atrevida al mismo tiempo. Con su excepcional manejo de la prosa y de la arquitectura narrativa, Álvaro Pombo nos traslada a un mundo tan íntimo que podría ser el de cualquier lectora.
20,50€ 19,47€
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The American No
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Everett, Rupert

Eight stories of love and loss, drama and glamour, hope and rejection, from a writer at the height of his powers.In Rupert Everett's first, glorious collection of stories, he takes us on an exhilarating journey with a cast of extraordinary characters. A blackly humorous story of a chaotic and emotional funeral in Paris. Oscar Wilde's last night in Paris, vividly evocative, unflinching and elegiac. A middle-aged American-Russian countess who confronts sex and age in a Wiltshire teashop. The ferociously unforgiving life of an L.A. talent agency and the unexpected twist that launches a completely different kind of career. The deathbed confession of a woman who left home for 1850s India, never to return. A story of emigration, love and grief. And a beautifully evocative, touching and witty portrayal of Proust's creative life and his childhood.A brilliantly witty, funny and tender collection of stories that draws on the wealth of film and TV ideas Rupert Everett has created over the course of his career, The American No will delight and surprise his many fans.
20,50€ 19,47€
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Elogi dels fumuts. Contes sobre la improbable extinció dels idiotes
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Micó, Joaquim

L’ELOGI DELS FUMUTS és un recull de dotze contes sobre la improbable extinció dels idiotes, relats ben diversos i diferents en tractament, estructura i gènere, si bé domina el color negre: de veure-ho tot negre, de posar-se negre amb el que passa al món, d’humor negre, de gènere negre, de vegades fosc, negríssim, però sempre amb un nexe en comú, una mirada tendra i astorada sobre l’estupidesa humana.Diu el diccionari que un idiota és qui es comporta i pensa de manera absurda i inadequada a les situacions. Un mot que, passant pel llatí, ve del grec antic ἰδιώτης, idiōtēs, «home particular, ciutadà simple, ignorant». Individus absurds que es passegen en les pàgines d’aquest llibre sense donar mai treva a la seva estupidesa, prenent forma de marit, polític, guerrer, somiatruites, maltractador, assassí, víctima, escriptor, lector... Tant en masculí com en femení o no binari. A tothom, en un moment o un altre, li toca rebre, però també, sovint, personatges semblants reben l’elogi dels fumuts, dels perjudicats, dels insurgents que es rebel·len.
17,00€ 16,15€
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Mai no hem tingut París
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Micó, Joaquim

Jaume Bou, protagonista de la novel·la, un paio culte, llegit, molt cinèfil i que s’ha guanyat a consciència el seu prestigi com assassí professional. Bou menysprea l’intrusisme d’oportunistes que accepten matar per quatre duros sense escrúpols ni pulcritud i té un codi deontològic inviolable: entre d’altres excepcions, no es mata ningú que et cau bé. A “Mai no hem tingut París” rep l’encàrrec de liquidar un advocat corrupte i no dubta en acceptar. Trenta anys enrere el picaplets s’havia quedat amb la seva noia i ara el cos li demana passar comptes. Prepara la seva acció amb tot detall i determinació, però les coses comencen a fer un tomb quan una altra dona es creua en els seus plans i, a partir d’aquell moment, ja res no sortirà com esperava.
21,90€ 20,80€
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Family Meal
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Washington, Bryan

From the bestselling author of Memorial, a novel that will 'break your heart twice over, with sadness, sure, but more unexpectedly, with joy.' Rumaan AlamGrowing up , TJ was Cam's boy next door. When Cam needed a home, TJ's parents - Mae and Jin - took him in. Their family bakery became Cam's safe place. Until he left, and it wasn't anymore.Years later, Cam's world is falling apart. The love of his life, Kai, is gone: but his ghost keeps haunting Cam, and won't let go. And Cam's not sure he wants to let go, not sure he's ready. When he has a chance to return to his home town, to work in a gay bar clinging on in a changing city landscape, he takes it. Back in the same place as TJ, they circle each other warily, their banter electric with an undercurrent of betrayal, drawn together despite past and current drama. Family is family. But TJ is no longer the same person Cam left behind, he's had his own struggles. The quiet, low-key, queer kid, the one who stayed home, TJ's not sure how to navigate Cam - utterly cool, completely devastated and self-destructing - crashing back into his world.When things said - or left unsaid - become so insurmountable that they devour us from within, hope and sustenance and friendship can come from the most unlikely source. Nourishment has many forms: eating croissants, sitting together at a table with bowls of curry, sharing history, confronting demons, growing flowers, showing up. This is a story about how the people who know us the longest can hurt us the most, but how they also set the standard for love, and by their necessary presence, create a family.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Beyond the Door of No Return
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Diop, David

Prais, 1806. The renowned botanist Michel Adanson is dying. His last word is a woman's name: Maram. But who was she?Searching for the answer, Adanson's daughter discovers a journal of his youthful travels in Senegal, which tells a story of wild adventure and impossible desires. It reveals how he heard of a young woman sold into slavery who did the impossible and returned. How he became obsessed with finding her, whatever the cost. And how a man who longed to solve the mysteries of natural instead found himself grappling with the impulses of the heart.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Once tipos de soledad
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Yates, Richard

Once tipos de soledad, de Richard Yates Once tipos de soledad es un conjunto de cuentos desoladores, descarnados y perfectos. Aquí no hay luz al final del túnel, hay en cambio tristeza, aislamiento y desamparo narrados con una honestidad salvaje y cristalina, electrizante y conmovedora, absolutamente memorable. La soledad de las ciudades, la mediocridad de las aspiraciones de clase media, la dificultad para verbalizar la decepción y el desencanto, la negación y el autoengaño son los temas que Yates toca, una y otra vez, en variaciones siempre reso- nantes al oído del lector contemporáneo. Sus personajes son personas comunes, de vidas rutinarias y tragedias menores: una chica que se está por casar, un veterano convaleciente, un escritor a sueldo, una maestra amargada, un soldado que rememora sus días de entrenamiento, un taxista con sueños de una vida mejor. Richard Yates publicó Once tipos de soledad en 1962, un año después de que Revolutionary Road, su primera novela, fuera elogiada por Tennessee Williams como «una obra maestra». Kurt Vonnegut lo describió como «el mejor conjunto de cuentos escrito por un norteamericano», y el New York Times lo llamó «el equivalente neoyorquino de Dublineses». El libro fue publicado en español por primera vez en 2002, cuando la escritora argentina Esther Cross lo tradujo para Emecé, y rápidamente se volvió inconseguible. Esta nueva edición, revisada por Cross, recupera la voz magistral de Yates con una claridad prodigiosa, e invita a los lectores a reencontrarse, o a conocer, a este autor clave de la literatura norteamericana que preludia —y enriquece— la tradición de Salinger, de Cheever, de Salter, de Ford.
20,80€ 19,76€
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Laínez, Josep Carles

La història d’amor obsessiu d’Alma i Atom. Abocats a la solitud, observen amb menyspreu una humanitat massificada. Busquen el perill, única mostra de vida quan només s’espera la mort. Novel·la de la desesperació i l’autodestrucció. Ambientada en una València postapocalíptica.
17,95€ 17,05€
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The Djinn Waits A Hundred Years
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Khan, Shubnum

REBECCA MEETS THE ISLAND OF MISSING TREES IN THIS GORGEOUSLY ATMOSPHERIC NOVEL SET ON SOUTH AFRICA'S EASTERN COASTEndlessly playful and richly imaginative, Shubnum Khan's vibrant debut delves into the transformative powers of love and grief as it explores the legacy of South Africa's complicated past.Sana and Meena will never meet. They share little beyond Akbar Manzil, the sprawling mansion high on a clifftop above Durban that they both call home. When Meena fell in love with the owner of the house it was the grandest residence on South Africa's eastern coast, its shining marble parapets and golden domes a testament to the wealthy Indian family's prosperity.Eight decades later when teenage Sana follows in her footsteps, Akbar Manzil stands in ruins, an isolated boarding house for eccentrics and misfits. This is a place where people come to forget. Or to be forgotten.But unlike her neighbours Sana is curious about her new home, and finds herself irresistibly drawn to its deserted east wing. As she moves closer to unearthing Meena's story, a grieving djinn begins to stir from its long sleep. The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years is a haunting, a love story, a mystery and an unforgettable tale of a young girl's search for belonging.
14,75€ 14,01€
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La canción de Dorotea
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Regàs, Rosa

Aurelia Fontana, profesora universitaria en Madrid, se ve obligada a buscar a alguien que cuide de su padre enfermo, postrado en una casa de campo. Adelita, menuda, parlanchina y eficiente, parece la persona indicada, y una vez ganada la confianza de Aurelia, sigue como guarda de la casa al fallecer el anciano. La dueña, que pasa en la finca contados días al año, asiste entre incómoda y fascinada a las explicaciones de Adelita, hasta que desaparece una valiosa sortija. La actitud críptica de la guarda, y una equívoca y repetida llamada telefónica hacen que Aurelia entrevea que algo anómalo ocurre en su casa mientras ella está ausente. Pero su obsesión por desvelar lo sucedido la lleva, en realidad, a un cara a cara con sus propias frustraciones y deseos inconfesables, en una espiral que, entre la atracción y la repulsa, la conduce a un terreno en el que lo bello y lo siniestro se dan la mano. Rosa Regàs se ha adentrado, con esta historia deslumbrante, en el misterio de las pasiones y de su ambivalencia, y ha conseguido una novela que la confirma en la primera línea de la literatura española actual.
17,75€ 16,86€
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Demon Copperhead
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Kingsolver, Barbara

WINNER OF THE 2023 PULITZER PRIZE • WINNER OF THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION A New York Times ''Ten Best Books of 2022'' • An Oprah’s Book Club Selection • An Instant New York Times Bestseller • An Instant Wall Street Journal Bestseller • A #1 Washington Post Bestseller ''Demon is a voice for the ages—akin to Huck Finn or Holden Caulfield—only even more resilient.” — Beth Macy, author of Dopesick ''May be the best novel of 2022. . . . Equal parts hilarious and heartbreaking, this is the story of an irrepressible boy nobody wants, but readers will love.” (Ron Charles, Washington Post ) From the acclaimed author of The Poisonwood Bible and The Bean Trees, a brilliant novel that enthralls, compels, and captures the heart as it evokes a young hero’s unforgettable journey to maturity Set in the mountains of southern Appalachia, Demon Copperhead is the story of a boy born to a teenaged single mother in a single-wide trailer, with no assets beyond his dead father’s good looks and copper-colored hair, a caustic wit, and a fierce talent for survival. Relayed in his own unsparing voice, Demon braves the modern perils of foster care, child labor, derelict schools, athletic success, addiction, disastrous loves, and crushing losses. Through all of it, he reckons with his own invisibility in a popular culture where even the superheroes have abandoned rural people in favor of cities. Many generations ago, Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield from his experience as a survivor of institutional poverty and its damages to children in his society. Those problems have yet to be solved in ours. Dickens is not a prerequisite for readers of this novel, but he provided its inspiration. In transposing a Victorian epic novel to the contemporary American South, Barbara Kingsolver enlists Dickens’ anger and compassion, and above all, his faith in the transformative powers of a good story. Demon Copperhead speaks for a new generation of lost boys, and all those born into beautiful, cursed places they can’t imagine leaving behind.
13,75€ 13,06€
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The Napoleon of Notting Hill
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Keith Chesterton, Gilbert

London, 1984. England has given up on democracy and selects its rulers by lottery. This time it is the turn of clerk Auberon Quin, a prankster who decrees that each borough of London become an independent mediaeval state, complete with costumes and coats of arms. The citizens bear his joke with varying levels of patience – until Adam Wayne, the intractable Provost of Notting Hill, sword in hand, takes the game far too seriously.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Alle farben meines leben
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Ahern, Cecilia

Das Leben strahlt in unendlich vielen Farben. Gold ist die Farbe der Reinheit, Grün steht für Stabilität und ein bestimmtes Blau für Traurigkeit. Schon als Kind entdeckt Alice, dass sie den Gemütszustand anderer Menschen in Farbe sehen kann. Die Auren verraten Alice, ob ihr Gegenüber die Wahrheit sagt oder lügt, glücklich ist oder heimlich den Tränen nah. Ihr eigenes Leben in die Farben des Glücks zu tauchen, das gelingt ihr zunächst dennoch nicht. Ausgerechnet die Natur liefert der Großstadtpflanze, die bisher jeden Kaktus kleinkriegt, einen ersten Hinweis. Ihre lebenskluge Nachbarin zeigt ihr die Richtung. Und die Begegnung mit einem Mann, dessen Farben sie überraschenderweise nicht erkennen kann, leitet Alice auf ihrer Suche nach all den bunten, leuchtenden Facetten des Lebens.
16,50€ 15,67€
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Ir a La Habana
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Padura, Leonardo

Un fascinante paseo por La Habana con un guía de lujo, el propio Leonardo Padura.Los buenos novelistas siempre cuentan en sus historias con un personaje que acaba siendo tan importante como el protagonista: la ciudad donde trascurren los hechos. Por eso no hay mejor guía para conocer La Habana que Leonardo Padura, el autor que mejor le ha tomado el pulso, a lo largo de diferentes épocas, en cada una de sus novelas. Este libro ofrece un paseo por los barrios de La Habana en forma de historia autobiográfica del propio novelista, que va desde Mantilla hasta los diferentes barrios de la ciudad. Y en cada uno de ellos, su historia se complementa con los fragmentos de las novelas donde aparecen. A la vez, en una segunda parte, se reúnen varios reportajes sobre los aspectos más sorprendentes y desconocido de su historia. No es difícil ver en muchos de ellos el embrión de los casos de Mario Conde, o el pasado evocado en tantas novelas de Padura, que nos hace vivir la ciudad, y viajar en el tiempo.
21,00€ 19,95€
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Banal Nightmare
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Butler, Halle

Margaret Anne ('Moddie') Yance has just returned to her hometown, to mingle with the friends of her youth, to get back in touch with her roots, and to recover from a stressful decade of living in the city in a small apartment with a man she now believed to be a megalomaniac or perhaps a covert narcissist.
20,75€ 19,71€
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As Rich as the King
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Assor, Abigail

Sarah might be poor, but at least she's French, which allows her to attend Casablanca's elite high school. It's there that she first lays eyes on Driss. He's not very good looking-apart from his eyes, which are the deep green of thyme simmering in a tagine-but the word is he's the richest guy in the city. Sarah decides she wants those eyes, and a life like his. So begins a twisted, provocative love story that will see Sarah climbing Casa's social ladder, all the way from street-corner merguez and chips to poolside joints in a mansion overlooking the ocean. But, as Sarah will learn, this city has a way of putting you back in your place...
14,75€ 14,01€
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In a Thousand Different Ways
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Ahern, Cecelia

You’ve never met anyone like Alice. She sees the best in people. And the worst. She always seems to know exactly what everyone around her is feeling: a thousand different emotions. Every. Single. Day.
11,00€ 10,45€
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Hoy -5% en Libros


La historia del príncipe Rāma, avatar del dios Viṣṇu, de cómo fue desterrado del reino de Ayodhyā y arrojado al bosque junto a su bella consorte Sītā, y de cómo ésta fue raptada por el mal-vado Rāvaṇa y conducida a la otra orilla del océano para ser res-catada más tarde por su marido en compañía del sabio rey mono Sugrīva y de su sabio consejero Hanumān, constituye una de las fuentes épicas más importantes para comprender el sentido mo­-ral y espiritual de la India. Sus aventuras se en­cuentran en todas las culturas del conti-nente indio y el sureste asiático, di­seminadas en cientos de idio-mas y miles de interpretaciones, en la literatura, la música, el teatro, la pintura, la escultura y las tradiciones folclóricas. Por eso se ha dicho en la India que nadie lee por primera vez el Rā-māiana: sus historias están ahí desde siempre, reflejándose en cualquier manifestación de su cultura. Si atendemos únicamente a las fuentes escritas, ningún espe-cialista pondrá en duda que entre todas las versiones existen-tes, el poema de Vālmīki, compuesto en sánscrito entre los si-glos octavo y sexto antes de nuestra era, además de ser la ver-sión más antigua que se conoce de las aventuras de Rāma, se ha erigido en la obra más prestigiosa e influyente de esta cultura milenaria. Con esta magnífica edición inglesa de Arshia Sattar, catedrá-tica de lenguas y culturas asiáticas de la Universidad de Chicago, se ha hecho accesible al lector de hoy, en un solo volumen, este monumental clásico de la India. La presente edición se ha enri-quecido con quince ilustraciones en color de un manuscrito anó-nimo mogol del siglo XVI, que recrea visualmen­te su exuberante mundo épico, patrimonio imprescindible de la humanidad.
39,00€ 37,05€
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La confiserie de rosie
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Colgan, Jenny

Un premier tome gourmand, pour une histoire familiale chaleureuse et émouvante.Parce que personne, dans la famille, ne voulait s'en charger, Rosie s'est portée volontaire. Sa mission ? Trouver une maison de retraite pour sa vieille tante Lilian, ainsi qu'un acquéreur pour la confiserie qu'elle a tenue des années durant.Seulement en découvrant la petite ville de Lipton, la Londonienne hésite. La vieille dame s'avère plutôt acariâtre. Mais au milieu des sucreries et des bocaux multicolores, un vieux secret et une nouvelle vie pourraient bien se trouver cachés...
13,95€ 13,25€
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Nineteen Eighty-four
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Orwell, George

This special student edition of George Orwell’s timeless dystopia is specifically designed for readers who are studying the text in detail. It has extra-wide margins to leave space for notes, and includes an introduction and notes by Orwell expert Ronald Carter, character sketches, a summary, a chronology, language notes and a selection of questions and topics for discussion and analysis.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Auster, Paul

The life of Sy Baumgartner - noted author, and soon-to-be retired philosophy professor - has been defined by his deep, abiding love for his wife. Now Anna is gone, and Baumgartner is trying to live with her absence. But Anna's voice is everywhere still, in every spiral of memory and reminiscence, in each recalled episode of the passionate forty years they shared.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Animal Farm
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Orwell, George

This special student edition of George Orwell’s chilling satire is specifically designed for readers who are studying the text in detail. It has extra-wide margins to leave space for notes, and includes an introduction and notes by Orwell expert Ronald Carter, character sketches, a summary, a chronology, language notes and a selection of questions and topics for discussion and analysis.
13,25€ 12,59€
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L'Odissea (prosa)
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16,00€ 15,20€
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La metamorfosi
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Kafka, Franz

Franz Kafka (Praga, 1883-Viena, 1924), escriptor central del segle xx, és considerat un mestre en l'art d'iniciar un text i en aquesta frase primera condensa una imatge pura, per bé que tèrbola, que regirà la narració que teniu a les mans en cada un dels seus incidents, circumstàncies o detalls. La insòlita transformació de Gregor Samsa constitueix un relat emblemàtic de la nostra època, majestuós en la seva simplicitat, i dur i descarnat en el retrat de l'alienació i de la intempèrie a què es troba llançat l'individu en societat. Aquesta història és protagonitzada per uns insectes que s'allotjaran, lector, en el teu imaginari, i que respiraran en el teu record amb uns pessigolleigs i uns xiulets tan contorbadors que mai més no els podràs oblidar.
9,45€ 8,98€
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Fry, Stephen

The epic FINAL chapter to Stephen Fry's outstanding retellings of the Greek MythsThe Odyssey is the story of Odysseus, the Greek king of Ithaca, on his way home from fighting in the Trojan War. His journey takes ten years - on the high seas, he encounters the cyclops, the lotus-eaters, the alluring sirens as well as the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece that readers have come to know and love.Shipwrecks, battles, monsters, threats natural and supernatural - Odysseus must keep his wits if he is to reach home safely.
21,75€ 20,66€
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Goodnight Tokyo
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Yoshida, Atsuhiro

A symphony of interconnected lives that offers a compelling reflection on life in modern-day metropolises at the intersection of isolation and intimacy in Yoshida’s English-language debut.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Johansson, Hanna

Antiquity follows its unnamed narrator, a lonely woman in her thirties who becomes enamoured of a chic older artist, Helena, after interviewing her for a magazine. Helena invites the narrator to join her in the Greek city of Ermoupoli where she summers with her teenage daughter Olga. At first an object of jealousy, Olga morphs into an object of desire as the pull of Helena is transposed onto her daughter and the prospect of becoming someone’s first, if perverse, lover.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Oates, Joyce Carol

A brilliant young philosophy student bent on seducing her famous philosopher-mentor finds herself outmaneuvered, diabolically clever high school girls wreak a particularly apt sort of vengeance on sexual predators in their community, a woman stalked by a would-be killer may be confiding in the wrong former lover, a young woman is morbidly obsessed by her unfamiliar new role as “mother.” In the collection’s longest story, a much-praised cutting-edge writer cruelly experiments with “drafts” of his own suicide.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store
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Mcbride, James

In 1972, when workers in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, were digging the foundations for a new development, the last thing they expected to find was a skeleton at the bottom of a well. Who the skeleton was and how it got there were two of the long-held secrets kept by the residents of Chicken Hill, the dilapidated neighbourhood where Jewish immigrants and African Americans lived side by side through the 1920s and '30s.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Cadillac Ranch
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Tocornal, Antonio

Los relatos de un grande del género reunidos por primera vez.Un viaje por la Ruta 66 en el que un hombre se reencuentra con su pasado en forma de insectos muertos, un apartamento que se expande sin cesar, un pintor atrapado por un éxito en el que no se reconoce, un cuarto clausurado en la casa familiar de una mujer y que aloja todos los miedos, un banquero corrupto que es incapaz de salir de su automóvil, la construcción de una piscina que convierte a su dueño en náufrago, un jardinero jubilado que cultiva la muerte con paciencia...Cadillac Rach incluye una docena larga de relatos en los que la soledad del ser humano ocupa el lugar central, en los que los protagonistas se ven confrontados con un elemento insólito que trastoca su rutina y se presenta ante ellos como un espejo que les obliga a mirarse como nunca antes se habían visto.Antonio Tocornal, tras publicar cuatro novelas premiadas, nos ofrece ahora su primer libro de relatos como un ejemplo de su faceta más auténtica, porque cualquiera de sus novelas, al igual que cualquier vida, puede ser leída como una sucesión de relatos.
18,00€ 17,10€
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1984 nineteen-eighty four
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Orwell, George

Among the seminal texts of the 20th century, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a rare work that grows more haunting as its futuristic purgatory becomes more real. Published in 1949, the book offers political satirist George Orwell's nightmare vision of a totalitarian, bureaucratic world and one poor stiff's attempt to find individuality. The brilliance of the novel is Orwell's prescience of modern life--the ubiquity of television, the distortion of the language--and his ability to construct such a thorough version of hell. Required reading for students since it was published, it ranks among the most terrifying novels ever written.
9,25€ 8,79€
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Anne of green gables (deluxe edition)
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Montgomery, Lucy Maud

Anne Shirley is an eleven-year-old orphan who has hung on determinedly to an optimistic spirit and a wildly creative imagination through her early deprivations. She erupts into the lives of aging brother and sister Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, a girl instead of the boy they had sent for. Thus begins a story of transformation for all three, indeed the whole rural community of Avonlea comes under Anne's influence in some way. We see her grow from a girl to a young woman of sixteen, making her mistakes, and not always learning from them. Intelligent, hot-headed as her own red hair, unwilling to take a moral truth as read until she works it out for herself, she must also face grief and loss and learn the true meaning of love. Part Tom Sawyer, part Jane Eyre, by the end of Anne of Green Gables, Anne has become the heroine of her own story.
22,00€ 20,90€
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