Narrativa extranjera

Doctor thorne
Hoy -5% en Libros

Trollope, Anthony

Beautifully produced with gilt edges, a ribbon marker, illustrated cover and real cloth binding, every Macmillan Collector’s Library hardcover adheres to the same high production values.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Ways of sunlight
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Selvon, Sam

From the author of The Lonely Londoners, a short story collection of life in mid-century Trinidad and London, told with Selvon's unique wit and poetic sensibility.
14,75€ 14,01€
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How to be somebody else
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Pountney, Miranda

A person would have to be crazy to leave New York, the whole city's thinkingA novel about New York, being in your late thirties and letting go of everything you thought you wantedNew York, 2015, a Monday in spring. Dylan, about to turn thirty-eight, walks out of a successful career in advertising, sublets her apartment and agrees to housesit for Anna, an artist she has never met. She doesn't mention these life changes to her friends, her parents back in England or to Matt, her boyfriend living on the West Coast.In Anna's loft Dylan has time to think, space to write and a chance to try on a new kind of life. When her neighbour Kate invites her to a party and introduces her to Gabe, Dylan tries on a new kind of romance. Gabe happens to be married to Kate but, according to Gabe, 'it's not a thing'. The more time Dylan spends with Gabe, the more she begins to believe it. As spring turns to summer Dylan's experiments in living test her friendships, loyalties and the boundaries of herself, until an unexpected encounter between the two couples forces her to confront her future.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Babi Yar. The Story of Ukraine's Holocaust
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Anatoli, A.

This gripping story of Kyiv during the Second World War told by a young boy who saw it all.When the German army rolled into Kyiv in 1941 the young Anatoli was just twelve years old. He began writing down what he saw in his journals.Within ten days of the invasion, the Nazis had begun their campaign of fear and murder in Ukraine. Babi Yar (Babyn Yar in Ukrainian) was the place where the executions of Jews and many others took place. It was one of the largest massacres in the history of the Holocaust. Anatoli could hear the machine guns from his house.Anatoli’s clear, compelling voice, honesty and determination guide us through the horrors of that time. Babi Yar has the compulsion and narration of fiction but everything recounted here is true.
19,25€ 18,29€
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The private life of spies
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Mccall, Alexander

During WW2 there was a rumour that German spies were landing by parachute in Britain, dressed as nuns...Conradin Muller was an unusual spy. He was recruited in Hamburg in June 1943, much against his will, and sent on his first, and only, mission in late September that year. He failed to send a single report back to Germany, and when the War came to an end in May 1945, he fell to his knees and wept with relief.From a highly reluctant German spy who is drawn to an East Anglian nunnery as his only means of escape, to the strange tale of one of the Cambridge spy ring's adventures with a Russian dwarf, these are Alexander McCall Smith's intriguing and typically inventive stories from the world of espionage.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The history of a difficult child
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Sibhat, Mirhet

An exhilarating, tragicomic debut novel about the indomitable child of a scorned, formerly land-owning family who must grow up in the wake of Ethiopia’s socialist revolution Wisecracking, inquisitive, and bombastic, Selam Asmelash is the youngest child in her large, boisterous family. Even before she is born, she has a wry, bewitching omniscience that animates life in her Small Town in southwestern Ethiopia in the 1980s. Selam and her father listen to the radio in secret as the socialist military junta that recently overthrew the government seizes properties and wages civil war in the North. The Asmelashes, once an enterprising, land-owning family, are ostracized under the new regime. In the Small Town where they live, nosy women convene around coffee ceremonies multiple times a day, the gossip spreading like wildfire. As Selam’s mother, the powerful and relentlessly dignified Degitu, grows ill, she embraces a persecuted, Pentecostal God and insists her family convert alongside her. The Asmelashes stand solidly in opposition to the times, and Selam grows up seeking revenge on despotic comrades, neighborhood bullies, and a ruthless God. Wise beyond her years yet thoroughly naive, she contends with an inner fury, a profound sadness, and a throbbing, unstoppable pursuit of education, freedom, and love. Told through the perspective of its charming and irresistible narrator, The History of a Difficult Child is about what happens when mother, God, and country are at odds, and how one difficult child finds her voice.
17,75€ 16,86€
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Calvino, Italo

Escrito en 1963, Marcovaldo, o sea las estaciones en la ciudad es una serie de fábulas modernas de claridad notable, cuyo protagonista, un obrero ingenuo y melancólico, padre de familia numerosa y subalimentada, cobra vida a través de las acuarelas del notable artista italiano Alessandro Sanna.
24,90€ 23,65€
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La caída de la casa Usher
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Poe, Edgar Allan

La caída de la Casa Usher es la quintaesencia del cuento gótico: una casa embrujada, un paisaje lúgubre, dos hermanos gemelos, una enfermedad misteriosa… Todos los elementos del género son fácilmente identificables y, sin embargo, parte del terror que inspira esta historia se debe a su vaguedad no podemos decir a ciencia cierta en qué parte del mundo o exactamente cuándo tiene lugar la historia. Estamos solos con el narrador en este espacio embrujado, y ni nosotros ni el narrador sabemos por qué. Publicado por primera vez en la revista Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine en 1839, es una de las obras de Poe preferidas por la crítica, y la que el propio autor consideraba la más lograda que había escrito.
16,50€ 15,67€
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Carta al pare
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Kafka, Franz

Kafka va escriure Carta al pare quan tenia 36 anys, amb motiu del trencament del seu prometatge (el tercer!) amb Julie, filla d’un servent de sinagoga. Tot i que el pare s’havia mostrat contrari a aquest matrimoni, Kafka sent la necessitat de justificar-se. El text constitueix, de fet, un esbós d’autobiografia i un nou intent de salvar-se en la literatura. Kafka acusa el pare dels seus mals i reconstrueix la història de la seva convivència sense callar anècdotes cruels ni estalviar-se explicacions humiliants amb un estil minuciós, cortès, exhaustiu. Cada plany, cada confessió o cada retret semblen excessius i tot plegat sembla desorbitat, sense que s’arribi a un judici definitiu, cosa que fa pensar que malgrat la confrontació personal, Kafka se les heu amb un enemic impersonal, tot allò que no és ell, el món, el defora o el curs de la vida.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Treme tu amor
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Bukowski, Charles

Se sabe que Charles Bukowski y Robert Crumb, cronistas complementarios de la vida y las pesadillas en los pliegues más incómodos de su sociedad, se vieron una sola vez, y que se profesaban admiración y respeto. «Para mí —opinó Crumb sobre Bukowski— dice las cosas como hay que decirlas. Creo que para ser artista o escritor en el mundo moderno hace falta una fuerte dosis de alienación. Si eres muy equilibrado, no tienes nada interesante que decir». «En la gente que él dibuja —dijo Bukowski sobre Crumb— hay energía y resplandor. Una de las personas más verdaderas que he conocido. Sería para mí un mágico honor que ilustrara algunos de mis ruinosos personajes». Entre 1975 y 1984, Robert Crumb ilustró los tres notables relatos que componen este libro: «Tráeme tu amor», «No funciona el negocio» y «Bop, bop, contra aquel telón», historias de perdedores obsesionados por la precariedad laboral, el alcohol y el sexo, a quienes la realidad controla para que no puedan salir de donde están.
11,90€ 11,30€
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Cuentos de muerte y demencia
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Poe, Edgar Allan

Un asesino exasperado por el latido del corazón aún palpitante de su víctima... Una institución mental dirigida por alguien ajeno al personal... Una caja misteriosa a bordo de un barco con un terrible secreto... La mirada del hipnotizador que, tal vez, podría paralizar a la misma Muerte... Ponte la cámisa de fuerza y abróchatela bien, porque en estas páginas hay historias de amor perdido, caminos errados... y mentes extraviadas. Esta entrega de los mejores relatos de Poe incluye «El corazón delator», «El sistema del doctor Tarr y el profesor Fether», «La caja oblonga» y «Los hechos del caso del Sr. Valdemar». El terror, lo macabro y el horror siguen alcanzando cotas sobrenaturales gracias a las escalofriantes ilustraciones de Gris Grimly. Abre el libro... si te atreves. «Las ilustraciones deliciosamente malévolas de Grimly son el complemento ideal a los cuentos macabros de Poe.» School Library Journal «Un espectacular cómic con cuatro terroríficos relatos de Poe»
19,95€ 18,95€
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Deu oques blanques
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Bakker, Gerbrand

El guanyador dels premis Impac i Llibreter torna amb la seva millor novel·la, guardonada amb l’Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2013, premi a la millor novel·la estrangera publicada al Regne Unit. Una dona estrangera lloga una solitària granja a Gal·les. Diu que el seu nom és Emilie. A la granja hi troba deu oques que van desapareixent sense que en sàpiga la causa. De mica en mica coneixerem la protagonista i voldrem saber-ne més. De què fuig? Per què no fa fora el desconegut que apareix a la granja? Què farà quan el marit la trobi? Amb aquests elements es podria pensar en un thriller convencional, però en aquest llibre per damunt de tot hi trobem una forma de narrar, la de Bakker, i una dona que roman en el record, o potser en els somnis, durant molt de temps.
17,95€ 17,05€
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Histries inversemblants, en general
Hoy -5% en Libros

Gray, Alasdair

«El primer llibre de relats de Alasdair Gray és una magistral col·lecció que, amb la seva novel·la Lanark, el va situar com un dels més originals i importants escriptors escocesos. Hi trobem relats, il·lustrats pel propi Gray, sobre l'estructura jeràrquica de la societat, el culte als óssos, l'explotació industrial dels ànecs, la construcció d'obres faraòniques o la lingüística del segle XVIII. Encara que, realment parla sobre aquests temes? Segons Jonathan Baumbach del New York Times, ''Alasdair Gray és un rebel que lluita de manera desesperada contra la tirania interioritzada'' i les seves ''Històries inversemblants, en general són violents gestos de llibertat estètica i moral. Uns melancòlics, i de vegades extáticos grinyols de cadenes que insisteixen-mitjançant l'exemple del seu humor, energia i bellesa-en la transcendència de la imaginació.»
20,95€ 19,90€
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El Gato con botas
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Perrault, Charles

Edición ilustrada del relato clásico de Perrault El gato con botas rea lizada por Javier Zabala, Premio Nacional de Ilustración 2005. Se trat a de un cuento popular europeo, recopilado en 1697 por Charles Perraul t en su Cuentos de mamá ganso y que ha dado lugar a múltiples adaptaci ones. El gato con botas basa su inteligencia en la observación y la l ógica. La traducción es nueva y, además, se trata de una edición bilin güe para lectores de todas las edades.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Historias inverosímiles, en general
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Gray, Alasdair

«El primer libro de relatos de Alasdair Gray es una magistral colección que, junto a su novela Lanark, lo situó como uno de los más originales e importantes escritores escoceses. En ella encontramos relatos, ilustrados por el propio Gray, sobre la estructura jerárquica de la sociedad, el culto a los osos, la explotación industrial de los patos, la construcción de obras faraónicas o la lingüística del siglo XVIII. Aunque, ¿realmente habla sobre esos temas? Según Jonathan Baumbach del New York Times, ''Alasdair Gray es un rebelde que lucha de forma desesperada contra la tiranía interiorizada'' y sus ''Historias inverosímiles, en general son violentos gestos de libertad estética y moral. Unos melancólicos, y a veces extáticos chirridos de cadenas que insisten -mediante el ejemplo de su humor, energía y belleza- en la trascendencia de la imaginación».
20,95€ 19,90€
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A contrallum
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Pynchon, Thomas

Una obra magna de la literatura contemporània. Per al New York Times: “Un trencaclosques gegantí, ambiciós sense ser provocador, el•líptic sense ser il•luminat, complex sense ser complicat”. La tripulació de l’Inconvenience, els Amics de l’Aventura, sobrevola mar i terra en una nova missió secreta, a finals del segle XIX. Però... A contrallum és una novel•la èpica? Un llibre de ciència-ficció? Un drama bèl•lic? Un exponent de la cultura pop? Una història d’anarquistes nord-americans? Una narració onírica? Un pamflet ecologista? Un jeroglífic? Un western? Un assaig científic? Un catàleg de depravacions sexuals? Un acudit llarguíssim? Una al•legoria del món actual? Thomas Pynchon barreja tots aquests ingredients i molts més en una novel•la indispensable, una obra explosiva que ja és un clàssic del nostre temps. “Imaginem per a ells un vector que travessa l’invisible, l’imaginari, l’inimaginable, transportant-los sans i estalvis al París de la postguerra on els taxis, veterans malmesos del mític Marne, ara només traginen amants i borratxos alegres.”
32,00€ 30,40€
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El sindicat de policies jueus
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Chabon, Michael

El districte de Sitka és una comunitat jueva creada a Alaska després de la segona Guerra Mundial. Però seixanta anys més tard, el somni del paradís jueu és a punt d'acabar-se i Sitka ha de tornar a mans nord-americanes. Per al detectiu del departament d'homicidis Meyer Landsman aquest només és un dels seus problemes. El seu matrimoni ha fracassat, la seva carrera és un desastre. I, quan mor en estranyes circumstàncies un antic nen prodigi dels escacs, fill del rabí més poderós de la comunitat, a l'hotel de mala mort on viu el detectiu, tot sembla confluir perquè les forces ocultes del poder comencin a actuar i les seves pitjors pors es materialitzin...
22,90€ 21,75€
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Una terra estranya
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Lahiri, Jhumpa

La guanyadora del premi Pulitzar ens presenta un recull immillorable de sis històries, les més profundes i emotives que ha escrit fins ara. Els protagonistes, fills d'immigrants indis que han prosperat als Estats Units, es debaten entre la vida americana i el desarrelament, el sentiment de pertinença als costums del país on han nascut i l'eco sempre present de la cultura dels seus pares. Una prosa rica y exquisida, travessada de saviesa emocional, i una delicada interpretació del conflicte entre generacions en l'amor i el desamor, en l'amistat i la família, de la mà d'uns personatges propers i univesals, éssers desorientats que habiten en una terra estranya. ''I allà, arran de la porta, es va adonar que per primer cop a la vida el pare s'havia enamorat.''
19,95€ 18,95€
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David Copperfield
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One of the most famous and celebrated Victorian coming-of-age novels, David Copperfield charts the adventures and vicissitudes of its eponymous hero's life, from the misery of his childhood after his mother's marriage to the tyrannical Mr Murdstone, through to his first steps as a writer and his search for love and happiness. Along the way he encounters a vast array of gloriously vivid characters -many of whom number among the most memorable in literature- such as the eccentric aunt Betsey Trotwood, the eloquent debtor Wilkins Micawber and the obsequious villain Uriah Heep.Replete with comedy and tragedy in equal measure, and cited by Dickens as ''his favourite child'', this partially autobiographical work provides tantalizing glimpses into Dickens's own childhood and remains one of the most enduringly popular novels in the English language.
11,40€ 10,83€
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Mansfield park
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13,95€ 13,25€
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Hotel Portofino
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Romance, intrigue, and dangerous ambitions combine to create the perfect escape: welcome to the beautiful Hotel Portofino on the magical Italian Riviera. ***NOW A MAJOR TV DRAMA*** It is the summer of 1927 and Hotel Portofino is prospering under Bella’s stewardship. As the season begins, Bella is keenly looking forward to her son Lucian’s imminent arrival and the chance to discuss with him her plans to convert the hotel’s basement into a spa. But then Bella’s husband Cecil turns up unannounced, Over the course of several hot weeks in the middle of the Italian summer, Bella is forced to confront the reality of her relationship with Cecil and to decide to what extent she is prepared to go against social convention to get what she wants. As she welcomes her guests, old and new, an anonymous visit from a travel guide inspector threatens to make or break the hotel’s future. Enjoy a new season at Hotel Portofino, a heady historical drama set during the 1920s. Perfect for fans of Downton Abbey and The Durrells.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The battle of the books
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Swift, Jonathan

Inspired by Boileau’s Lutrin and illustrating the debate within European intellectual circles between the “Ancients”, who argued that all essential knowledge was to be found in classical texts, and the “Moderns”, who claimed that contemporary learning superseded the old sources, The Battle of the Books shows Swift at his wittiest and most trenchant. In this early satire, various books in St James’s Library take on a life of their own and come into conflict with one another, in a pastiche of the heroic epic genre.As well as providing humorous reflections on the nature of scholarship and education, Swift seizes the opportunity to take swipes at several authors and critics. The result is a timeless and entertaining parody by one of the most enduringly popular writers in the English language.
11,95€ 11,35€
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Life in the country
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Verga, Giovanni ...

Published in 1880, one year before Verga’s influential novel The Malavoglias, Life in the Country first marked his stylistic shift towards the verismo school of Italian realism. The collection’s centrepiece, ''Rustic Honour'' (''Cavalleria rusticana'') – which was famously adapted into a play by the author before becoming an opera by Mascagni – tells the tale of Turiddu, a poor young man who returns from military service and finds himself embroiled in adultery and a feud with a rival.Also including the well-known stories ''She-Wolf'' and ''Foxfur'', Life in the Country captures, in an objective, non-judgemental prose, the difficult conditions and personal struggles of the peasant class in his native Sicily at the turn of the twentieth century.
9,25€ 8,79€
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Le soldat désaccordé
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Marchand, Gilles

Paris, années 1920. Un ancien combattant est chargé de retrouver un soldat disparu en 1917. Arpentant les champs de bataille, interrogeant témoins et soldats, il découvre peu à peu la folle histoire d'amour que le jeune homme a vécue au milieu de l'enfer. Alors que l'enquête progresse, la France se rapproche d'une nouvelle guerre. Notre héros se jette à corps perdu dans cette mission désespérée, devenue sa seule source d'espoir dans un monde qui s'effondre. On aime la plume poétique et tendre de l'auteur, l'hommage à cette jeunesse sacrifiée. Une incroyable histoire d'amour, lueur d'espoir dans ce monde désaccordé. Librairie L'Obèle, Pléneuf-Val-André. Empreint d'une poésie et d'une fantaisie à la Boris Vian, ce roman confirme l'immense talent de l'auteur. Librairie Fontaine Villiers, Paris. PRIX DES LIBRAIRES 2023 | PRIX EUGENE DABIT DU ROMAN POPULISTE 2023 | PRIX LIBRAIRES EN SEINE | PRIX INFINIMENT QUIBERON | PRIX LA BOETIE 2023 | PRIX LA PASSERELLE | GRAND PRIX NAISSANCE D'UNE OUVRE DU ROMAN FRANCOPHONE.
12,95€ 12,30€
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Love in the time of cholera
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García Márquez, Gabriel

An old man and his childhood sweetheart are united for the first time resulting in the consummation of a n amor interruptus that spans half a century. This uplifting love story is set on the Columbian coast in the early 20th century '
20,30€ 19,28€
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Ross poldark
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Graham, Winston

Beautifully produced with gilt edges, a ribbon marker, illustrated cover and real cloth binding, every Macmillan Collector’s Library hardcover adheres to the same high production values.
14,25€ 13,54€
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The three musketeers
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Dumas, Alexandre

15,90€ 15,10€
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The gods want blood
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France, Anatole

Set in Paris during the years of the Reign of Terror, The Gods Want Blood centres on the rise to power of Jacobin sympathizer Evariste Gamelin, a young painter who becomes a juror on a local Revolutionary tribunal. Caught up in the bloodthirsty madness surrounding him, he helps to dispense cruel justice in the name of his ideals, while at the same time succumbing to his own petty instincts of revenge when he jealously pursues a rival for the affections of his lover Elodie.
11,95€ 11,35€
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The canterbury tales (clothbound classics)
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Chaucer, Geoffrey

Moby-Dick is the greatest novel of the sea ever written and one of the most expansive feats of imagination in fiction. Melville unforgettably crews the Pequod, and at the book's mad, raging heart, Ahab's quest for the white whale is a symbol as powerful as any in all of literature.
26,75€ 25,41€
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Animal farm
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Orwell, George

Published in 1945, George Orwell's famous allegorical story Animal Farm is a satire about the corrupting effects of power which reflect Orwell's views on the failures of communism.
14,45€ 13,73€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Stoker, Bram

13,95€ 13,25€
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Death of a civil servant
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Chekhov, Anton

11,95€ 11,35€
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Bob honey who just do stuff
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Penn, Sean

From legendary actor and activist Sean Penn comes a scorching, ''charmingly weird'' (Booklist, starred review) novel about Bob Honey--a modern American man, entrepreneur, and part-time assassin.
18,45€ 17,53€
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The human origins of Beatrice Porter
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A dazzling debut novel weaving together Caribbean myth and the contemporary story of multiple generations of one immigrant family Zora and Sasha Porter don't know much of their Jamaican father Nigel's and Trinidadian mother Beatrice's pasts. What they do know: the mythic stories of Nigel's flight to America on the string of a purple balloon, the violent histories in Beatrice's book of Anansi Stories, that Nigel had a brother, once, and that Beatrice has a tangle of silvery scars on her back.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Greta and Valdin
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Reilly, Rebecca K.

Siblings Greta and Valdin have, perhaps, too much in common. They're flatmates, beholden to the same near-unpronounceable surname, and both make questionable choices when it comes to love.Valdin is still in love with his ex-boyfriend Xabi, who left the country because he thought he was making Valdin sad. Greta is in love with fellow English tutor Holly, who only seems to be using her for admin support. But perhaps all is not lost. Valdin is coming to realize that he might not be so unlovable, and Greta, that she might be worth more than the papers she can mark.Helping the siblings navigate queerness, multiracial identity, and the tendency of their love interests to either leave the country or not love them back, is the whole Vladisavljevic family: Maori-Russian-Catalonian, and as passionate and loving as they are eccentric and over-emotional.Rebecca K. Reilly's exploration of love, family, karaoke, and the generational reverberations of colonialism will make you laugh, might make you cry, and will certainly make you fall in love with Greta, Valdin and all of the Vladisavljevics.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Sweet soft plenty rhythm
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Warrell, Laura

It’s 2013, and Circus Palmer, a forty-year-old Boston-based trumpet player and old-school ladies’ man, lives for his music and refuses to be tied down. Before a gig in Miami, he learns that the woman who is secretly closest to his heart, the free-spirited drummer Maggie, is pregnant by him. Instead of facing the necessary conversation, Circus flees, setting off a chain of interlocking revelations from the various women in his life.Most notable among them is his teenage daughter, Koko, who idolizes him and is awakening to her own sexuality even as her mentally fragile mother struggles to overcome her long-failed marriage and rejection by Circus. Delivering a lush orchestration of diverse female voices, Warrell spins a provocative, soulful, and gripping story of passion and risk, fathers and daughters, wives and single women, and, finally, hope and reconciliation.
14,75€ 14,01€
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