Libros de literatura en otros idiomas

Cats. Photographs 1942-2018
Hoy -5% en Libros

Michals, Susan

Una noche de invierno de 1949 en Nueva York, el joven estudiante de marketing y fotógrafo en ciernes Walter Chandoha se encontró un gatito abandonado en medio de la nieve, lo cubrió con su abrigo y se lo llevó a casa. Poco podía imaginar que acababa de conocer a la musa que guiaría su vida. Chandoha se puso a retratar a su nuevo amigo felino, al que llamó Loco, y le gustaron tanto los resultados que empezó a fotografiar a los mininos de un refugio de la ciudad. Estas imágenes fueron el punto de partida de una carrera extraordinaria que se prolongaría siete décadas. Mucho antes de Internet y #gatosdeinstagram, Chandoha cautivó al público con los protagonistas peludos de sus fotografías. De anuncios a tarjetas de felicitación, pasando por puzzles y envases de comida para gatos, en sus imágenes confluían un afecto genuino por los animales, una ética profesional intachable y gran maestría. La glamurosa técnica de iluminación de Chandoha, con la que el pelaje de los gatos quedaba perfectamente definido, sentó las bases del vocabulario visual del retrato de animales durante generaciones e inspiró a maestros como Andy Warhol, que siguió el ejemplo de los encantadores retratos de Chandoha para ilustrar su libro de gatos. The Cat Book salta hasta los archivos del artista que sentó las bases de un género fotográfico. A través de retratos en color de estudio y otros ambientes, imágenes callejeras en blanco y negro, escenas de certámenes antiguos de felinos y mucho más, este libro constituye un merecido homenaje no sólo a estos animales fascinantes, sino también a un artista, fallecido en enero de 2019 a la edad de 98 años, cuyo amor por ellos se percibe en cada una de sus fotografías.
15,00€ 14,25€
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The works, paul cookson
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Cookson, Paul

11,24€ 10,68€
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Cartas a Camondo
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De Waal, Edmun

Invitado a exponer sus piezas de cerámica en el museo Nissim de Camondo, Edmund de Waal disfrutó del inesperado privilegio de adentrarse en uno de los palacetes más lujosos de París, antigua propiedad de una influyente familia sefardí. Construido por deseo del filántropo y coleccionista de arte Moïse de Camondo en 1 9 1 2, el edificio acoge desde entonces una extraordinaria colección de arte francés del siglo xviii. Sin embargo, como ocurrió a los antepasados de De Waal, los Ephrussi, también los Camondo se convirtieron pronto en blanco del antisemitismo. El infausto destino de este ilustre linaje sobrecogió a De Waal, que comenzó a escribir las cartas reunidas en este libro para rendir homenaje al recuerdo de una familia perdida y «contrarrestar el silencio del desdén». El resultado es una conmovedora y personalísima reflexión sobre el precio de la asimilación, la melancolía, los vínculos familiares, el arte, las vicisitudes de la historia y el valor de la memoria.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Walk me home
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Fitzek, Sebastian

The terrifying new psychological thriller by internationally bestselling phenomenon Sebastian Fitzek. Walk Me Home is Fitzek's most enthralling work to date.The Walk Me Home telephone helpline service has proved indispensable. Staffed by volunteers, it provides a reassuring voice at the end of the phone, helping to protect lone women as they walk home at night.Jules has only been working for Walk Me Home for a short time and has never had to deal with a truly life-threatening situation. But that all changes one Saturday night when Klara calls.The young woman is terrified. She thinks she is being followed by a man. A man from her past. A man who drew a date in blood on her bedroom wall. And that day dawns in less than two hours...For Klara - and Jules - the stakes have never been higher. Will either of them ever make it home again?
14,50€ 13,77€
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Athena and Arachne
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Aracne, que es la representación del talento en esta leyenda, tenía un gran defecto por creerse una chica perfecta. Presumida y creyéndose la mejor, retó a la Diosa Atenea provocando que esta le diera una lección de sencillez y humildad para toda la eternidad.
14,95€ 14,20€
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The Indonesian Table
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Pandean-Elliott, Petty

Con más de 17 000 islas, Indonesia es conocida como las Islas de las Especias, hogar de aromáticos como la nuez moscada, la macis y el clavo, ingredientes evocadores que impregnan su picante cocina. The Indonesian Table explora el rico patrimonio alimentario de Indonesia a través de las historias y recetas personales de Petty Pandean-Elliott, desde los recuerdos de la infancia de cocinar con su abuela en Manado hasta sus viajes por el archipiélago, y presenta recetas indonesias clásicas e icónicas como el picante sambal con chile, el satay de pollo a la parrilla, el nasi goreng y el rendang de res, considerado por muchos como el plato más delicioso del mundo. La colección también presenta platos regionales, que incluyen curry de coco fragante, laksas sabrosos, sotos fortificantes y postres tradicionales. Las 150 recetas accesibles se han adaptado para cocineros caseros, con ingredientes fáciles de obtener y métodos de cocción sencillos. Con una introducción a la cultura culinaria de Indonesia, impresionantes imágenes de recetas y cultura local, e historias personales que revelan la rica historia y la inspiración detrás de cada receta, este es el compañero perfecto para la cocina indonesia.
34,95€ 33,20€
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The liitle Prince
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Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de

First published in April 1943, The Little Prince is a poetic tale by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry, a French aviator and writer whose works are the unique testimony of a pilot and a warrior who glanced at adventure and danger with a poet’s eyes.His fable Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) has become a modern classic. It is a tender tale of friendship, love, and loss in which, a pilot strands in the desert and meets a young prince fallen to Earth from a tiny asteroid. The story is philosophical and includes social criticism, commenting on the strangeness of the adult world. While it looks like a children’s book, it targets adult relationships with deep thoughts on how adults perceive life with each other. The book will take its readers on a trip to see the world differently and learn what is really substantial. It is one of the most-translated books in the world and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France.Translated into 300 languages and dialects, selling nearly two million copies annually, it has become one of the best-selling books ever published, universally cherished by children and adults alike.
29,50€ 28,02€
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Domènech i Montaner.
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Domènech Girbau, Lluís

«Domènech is often hailed as the most modern of the modernists, notably for his mastery of lightweight steel construction.» Andrew Ferren, The New York Times «His particular gift lay in his masterful ability to harness the phenomenal pool of talent still available at the tail end of the 19th century bringing together the most outstanding craftsmen of the day.» Eddi Fiegel, The Telegraph «In a European context, the works of Domènech i Montaner are related to the contemporary developments of Berlage in Amsterdam, Horta in Brussels, Wagner in Vienna, Mackintosh in Glasgow and beyond.» Hans Ibelings, professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Toronto Lluís Domènech Girbau (Barcelona, 1940) holds a doctorate in Architecture and has taught Architecture in Barcelona, Milan and Madrid. He is president of the Fundació Lluís Domènech i Montaner and a member of the board of the Fundació Orfeó Català - Palau de la Música Catalana.
11,90€ 11,30€
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La cultura es mala para ti
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Brook, Orian

La cultura es parte esencial de la vida de la mayoría de las personas. Cultura es ver un programa de televisión o dejarse absorber por el mundo del videojuego. Es leer un libro o escribir un poema, ir a ver un concierto, hablar de cine con amigxs. La cultura es cantar en un coro, actuar sobre un escenario o hacer manualidades para regalárselas a la familia. Sin duda alguna, la cultura forma parte esencial de lo que significa ser humano.Pero este libro explica las razones por las que tenemos que ser cautxs con ella, demostrando que está estrechamente relacionada con la desigualdad.
25,00€ 23,75€
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Zeiten des wandels
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Bellmonte, Carme

15,25€ 14,49€
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Elmer's day: tabbed board book
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Mckee, David

From dawn to dusk, with lots of food and fun between, join Elmer on his day! This chunky board book with easy-grip toddler tabs on every page is perfect for the very youngest Elmer fans.
9,80€ 9,31€
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The Alps
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Schoellgen, Sebastian

Una inspiradora colección de hoteles boutique de lujo yprivados, así como guías regionales especializadas en el volumen definitivo para viajar a los Alpes durante el añoEste atractivo libro, profusamente ilustrado, es la guía autorizada de los destinos alpinos más exclusivos de Europa. Sebastian Schoellgen, reputado experto hotelero y fundador de 84 Rooms, presenta una selección única de 84 hoteles boutique de lujo y familiares en los cinco países alpinos (Francia, Suiza, Italia, Austria y Alemania) con más de 180 magníficas fotografías, relatos animados e información práctica.A lo largo de todo el libro, el autor y otros expertos, como el hotelero Arnauld Zannier, ofrecen guías sobre los lugares más elegantes y pintorescos para ir de compras, cenar, pasear y relajarse después de un largo día en las pistas.
49,95€ 47,45€
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The fireless dragon
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Grau, Maria

Once upon a time, there was a little dragon named Pascual who was sad because he couldn't breathe fire. Until one day he became friends with some children from the town of Olot and they had an idea: there were volcanoes in the town,and volcanoes have fire. Fourth story from the Learn to Read collection in UPPER CASE and lowercase letters, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, with number 1 being the easiest and number 9 being the most challenging. Each page contains the same text: above in lowercase letters and below in CAPITAL LETTERS (upper case). It enables capital letters and the change towards printed characters to be worked on. At the end of the book, you can discover a message to think about it. Collection titles: 1) Bernard, The Fireman 2) Brave 3) Small, A Happy Grain Of Sand 4) The Fireless Dragon 5) Simba The Lion 6) The Pirate's Treasure 7) The Man With Three Hairs 8) The Yellow Car 9) Long Trunk The collection is designed to learn to read and is arranged according to reading difficulty. __________________ Había una vez un pequeño dragón que se llamaba Pascual y que estaba triste porque no tenía fuego. Hasta que un día se hizo amigo de unos niños de Olot y tuvo una idea: allí había volcanes, y los volcanes tienen fuego. Quizá podría bajar a buscarlo? El dragón que no tenía fuego es el cuarto cuento de la colección Aprender a leer en letra MAYÚSCULA e imprenta, que está ordenada en función de la dificultad lectora siendo el número 1 el más sencillo y el número 9 el más complejo. El texto está escrito en ambas letras para facilitar el salto de un tipo de letra a otro. En cada página se encuentra el mismo texto: arriba en letra de imprenta y abajo en letra de PALO (mayúsculas). Permite trabajar la lectura en letra mayúscula y el cambio hacia la letra de imprenta.¡Aprende a leer con Pascual el dragón!, que forma parte de la colección aprender a leer en letra MAYÚSCULA y de imprenta.COLECCIÓN APRENDER A LEER? 1. Daniel, el bombero? 2. Valiente? 3. Pequeño, el granito de arena travieso? 4. El dragón que no tenía fuego? 5. Simba, el león? 6. El tesoro del pirata? 7. El hombre que tenía tres pelos? 8. El coche amarillo? 9. Trompa largaLa colección está pensada para aprender a leer y se ordena en función de la dificultad lectora.
7,00€ 6,65€
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My great book of marine animals
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Ortiz, Isabel

Open this great book of marine animals and discover the incredible creatures inhabiting the seas all over the planet! Whether giant, tiny, colourful or bioluminescent... they are all waiting for you to dive in to meet them!Have fun!
6,95€ 6,60€
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Check and mate
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Hazelwood, Ali

In this clever and swoonworthy new novel from the New York Times and Sunday Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis, life's moving pieces bring rival chess players together in a match for the heart. Mallory Greenleaf is done with chess. Every move counts nowadays, after the sport led to the destruction of her family four years earlier, Mallory's focus is on her mom, her sisters, and the dead-end job that keeps the lights on. That is, until she begrudgingly agrees to play in one last charity tournament and inadvertently wipes the board with notorious 'Kingkiller' Nolan Sawyer: current world champion and reigning Bad Boy of chess. Nolan's loss to an unknown rookie shocks everyone. What's even more confusing? His desire to cross pawns again. What kind of gambit is Nolan playing? The smart move would be to walk away. Resign. Game over.
13,95€ 13,25€
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The armour of light
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Follett, Ken

The grand master of gripping fiction is back. International No.1 bestseller Ken Follett returns to Kingsbridge with an epic tale of revolution and a cast of unforgettable characters.Revolution is in the air.1792. A tyrannical government is determined to make England a mighty commercial empire. In France, Napoleon Bonaparte begins his rise to power, and with dissent rife, France’s neighbours are on high alert.Kingsbridge is on the edge.Unprecedented industrial change sweeps the land, making the lives of the workers in Kingbridge’s prosperous cloth mills a misery. Rampant modernization and dangerous new machinery are rendering jobs obsolete and tearing families apart.Tyranny is on the horizon.Now, as international conflict nears, a story of a small group of Kingsbridge people – including spinner Sal Clitheroe, weaver David Shoveller and Kit, Sal’s inventive and headstrong son – will come to define the struggle of a generation as they seek enlightenment and fight for a future free from oppression . . .Taking the reader straight into the heart of history with the fifth novel in the ground-breaking Kingsbridge series, The Armour of Light is master storyteller Ken Follett’s most ambitious novel to date.
28,95€ 27,50€
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Gagner n'est pas un jouer
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Coben, Harlan

Un vieil homme est sauvagement assassiné à New York. A ses côtés, une toile de maître disparue depuis vingt ans et une valise portant les inscriptions WHL III. Windsor Horne Lockwood III. Win. Un privé aux méthodes très spéciales, héritier d'une influente famille américaine. Quel lien entre ce crime abject et les Lockwood ? Si le FBI peine à comprendre, Win sait qu'il tient ici la chance de résoudre enfin l'énigme de l'enlèvement de sa cousine, survenu vingt ans plus tôt lors du vol du tableau.Il faut dire qu'il a trois atouts qui manquent au FBI : un lien direct avec l'affaire, une grande fortune et un sens de la justice très personnel...
12,50€ 11,87€
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The complete father brown stories
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Chesterton, G. K.

Shabby and lumbering, with a face like a Norfolk dumpling, Father Brown makes for an improbable super-sleuth. But his innocence is the secret of his success: refusing the scientific method of detection, he adopts instead an approach of simple sympathy, interpreting each crime as a work of art, and each criminal as a man no worse than himself. This complete edition brings together all of the Father Brown stories, including two not previously available in Penguin: 'The Donnington Affair', in which Chesterton rises to the challenge of solving a murder-mystery half written by someone else (Max Pemberton), and 'The Mask of Midas', which was found in Chesterton's papers after his death.
13,25€ 12,59€
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A year of last things
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Ondaatje, Michael

From the acclaimed Booker Prize-winning novelist, a gorgeous and most of all surprising poetry collection about memory, love, and the act of looking back. Following several of his internationally acclaimed, beloved novels, A Year of Last Things is Michael Ondaatje's long-awaited return to poetry. In pieces that are sometimes wittily funny, moving and always wise, we journey back through time by way of alchemical leaps, unearthing writings by revered masters, moments of shared tenderness, and abandoned landscapes we hold onto to rediscover the influence of every border crossed, Moving from a Sri Lankan boarding school to Moliere's chair during his last stage performance, to Bulgarian churches and their icons, to a California coast, and his beloved Canadian rivers, Michael Ondaatje casts a brilliant eye that merges his past and present, in the way memory and the distant shores of art and lost friends continue to influence all that surrounds him. These poems reflect the life of a writer, traveller and watcher of the world who has never conformed to western traditions - always describing himself as a 'mongrel', someone who contains multitudes, Looking back on a life of displacement and discovery, love and loss, this is an intercultural and brave book, Poetry - where language is made to work hardest - is what Ondaatje has returned to, and this is both an intimate personal record of a life lived and a great artist's guide to the vital, various world around us,
19,25€ 18,29€
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Uncle Tom's Cabin
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Beecher Stowe, Harriet

Find out if the Shelby family's slaves win their freedom.
7,75€ 7,36€
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House of odysseus
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North, Claire

From the author of the critically acclaimed Ithaca - A Sunday Times Historical Fiction Book of the Year - comes an exquisite and gripping new tale that breathes life into ancient myth. This is the story of Penelope of Ithaca, famed wife of Odysseus, as it has never been told before.On the isle of Ithaca, Queen Penelope maintains a delicate balance of power. Many years ago, her husband, Odysseus, sailed to war with Troy and never came home. In his absence, Penelope uses all her cunning to keep the peace - but this is shattered by the arrival of Orestes, king of Mycenae, and his sister Elektra.Orestes's hands are stained with his mother's blood. Not so long ago, the son of Agamemnon took Queen Clytemnestra's life on Ithaca's sands. Now, racked with guilt, he is slowly losing his mind.Penelope knows destruction will follow in his wake as surely as the Furies circle him. His uncle, Menelaus, the battle-hungry king of Sparta, longs for Orestes's throne - and if he can seize it, no one will be safe from his violent whims.Trapped between two mad kings, Penelope fights to keep war from Ithaca's shores. Her only allies are Elektra and Helen of Troy, Menelaus's enigmatic wife. And watching over them all is the goddess Aphrodite, who has plans of her own.Each woman has a secret. And their secrets will shape the world.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The bookbinder of Jericho
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Williams, Pip

The captivating new novel from the internationallybestselling author of The Dictionary of Lost Words A Reese's Book Club Pick'Vivid and moving ... I absolutely loved it!' Ruth Hogan, author of The Keeper of Lost Things'Charming, original and beautifully researched' Rachel Hore, author of A Beautiful Spy'Your job is to bind the books, not read them.'When the men of Oxford University Press leave for the Western Front, Peggy, her twin sister Maude and their friends in the bookbindery must shoulder the burden at home. As Peggy moves between her narrowboat full of memories and the demands of the Press, her dreams of studying feel ever more remote. She must know her place, fold her pages and never stop to savour the precious words in front of her.From volunteer nurses to refugees fleeing the horrors of occupation, the war brings women together from all walks of life, and with them some difficult choices for Peggy. New friends and lovers offer new opportunities, but they also make new demands and Peggy must write her own story.'A fresh, exciting new voice in historical fiction' Paula McLain, author of The Paris Wife'A compelling homage to the transformational power of books' Daisy Wood, author of The Forgotten Bookshop in Paris.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Steel, Danielle

Palazzo is a riveting novel about family, love and legacy set in the cut-throat world of Italian fashion, from the billion-copy bestselling author Danielle Steel.After her parents perish in a tragic accident, Cosima Saverio assumes leadership of her family’s haute couture Italian leather brand. While navigating the challenges of running a company at twenty-three, Cosima must also maintain the elegant four-hundred-year-old family palazzo in Venice and care for her younger siblings: Allegra, who survived the tragedy that killed their parents, and Luca, who has a penchant for wild parties, pretty women and poker tables.Cosima navigates her personal and professional challenges with a wisdom beyond her years, but her success has come at a cost: her needs are always secondary. She’s married to the business, and her free time is given to those who rely on her . . . until she meets Olivier Bayard, the founder of France’s most successful ready-to-wear handbag company.But Luca’s gambling habit gets out of control and Cosima is forced to make an impossible choice to save him. The palazzo, the family business, or cut Luca loose? Or is there another way to rescue everything she has fought for before it goes up in flames?
11,75€ 11,16€
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City of dreams
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Winslow, Don

Hot on the heels of the “superb” (Stephen King) New York Times bestseller City on Fire comes the explosive second novel in an epic crime trilogy from #1 internationally bestselling author Don Winslow.Hollywood.The city where dreams are made.On the losing side of a bloody East Coast crime war, Danny Ryan is now on the run. The Mafia, the cops, the FBI all want him dead or in prison. With his little boy, his elderly father and the tattered remnants of his loyal crew of soldiers, he makes the classic American migration to California to start a new life.A quiet, peaceful existence.But the Feds track him down and want Danny to do them a favor that could make him a fortune or kill him.And when Hollywood starts shooting a film of his former life, Danny demands a piece of the action and begins to rebuild his criminal empire.Then he falls in love.With a beautiful movie star who has a dark past of her own.As their worlds collide in an explosion that could destroy them both, Danny Ryan has to fight for his life in a city where dreams are born.Or where they go to die.From the shores of Rhode Island to the deserts of California where bodies disappear, from the power corridors of Washington where the real criminals operate to the fabled movie studios of Hollywood where the real money is made, City of Dreams is a sweeping saga of family, love, revenge, survival and the fierce reality behind the dream.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Search in the giant book. The world of fairy tales
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Susaeta, Equipo

Open the pages of this amazing book and look in its giant pictures for lots of characters and objects that have been lost in the world of fairy tales.
19,95€ 18,95€
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De ganados y de hombres
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Maia, Ana Paula

«Ahora tenemos la oportunidad de conocer en nuestro idioma a una de las más importantes escritoras brasileñas». Iván Thays, BabeliaEdgar Wilson trabaja en un matadero como aturdidor, es el encargado de darles a los animales el golpe que los deja inconscientes antes de que los degüellen y faenen. Edgar hace su trabajo con pericia, él no hace sufrir a los animales, ya que eso endurece la carne, pero además porque es un hombre compasivo. Una mañana, la desaparición misteriosa de un grupo de vacas sorprende a Edgar y a los trabajadores del matadero mientras el dueño está de viaje, y los obliga a suspender sus tareas y emprender la búsqueda. Lo que en principio parece ser un robo termina siendo un suicidio colectivo, algo difícil de creer ya que los animales, sencillamente, no se suicidan.Las conversaciones, estrategias, confesiones e hipótesis que desata el hecho dejarán al descubierto la permeabilidad de los límites entre lo humano y lo animal, la brutalidad en todos los ámbitos de una sociedad que, paradójicamente, desprecia y cuestiona a personas como Edgar por un trabajo que no es sino un engranaje indispensable del proceso de fabricación de los productos que consumen.
16,90€ 16,05€
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The making of another major motion picture masterpiece
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Hanks, Tom

Part One of this story takes place in 1947. A troubled soldier, returning from the war, meets his talented five-year-old nephew, leaves an indelible impression, and then disappears for twenty-three years.Cut to 1970: The nephew, now drawing underground comic books in Oakland, California, reconnects with his uncle and, remembering the comic book he saw when he was five, draws a new version with his uncle as a World War II fighting hero. Cut to the present day: A commercially successful director discovers the 1970 comic book and decides to turn it into a contemporary superhero movie.Cue the cast: We meet the film’s extremely difficult male star, his wonderful leading lady, the eccentric writer/director, the producer, the gofer production assistant, and everyone else on both sides of the camera.Bonus material: Interspersed throughout are three comic books that are featured in the story—all created by Tom Hanks himself—including the comic book that becomes the official tie-in to this novel’s “major motion picture masterpiece.”
14,75€ 14,01€
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Fangirl down
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Bailey, Tessa

New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey launches a super sexy sports romance series with a rom-com about a bad boy professional athlete who falls for his biggest fan... Wells Whitaker was once golf’s hottest rising star, but lately, all he has to show for his “promising” career is a killer hangover, a collection of broken clubs, and one remaining supporter. No matter how bad he plays, the beautiful, sunny redhead is always on the sidelines. He curses, she cheers. He scowls, she smiles. But when Wells quits in a blaze of glory and his fangirl finally goes home, he knows he made the greatest mistake of his life. Josephine Doyle believed in the gorgeous, grumpy golfer, even when he didn’t believe in himself. Yet after he throws in the towel, she begins to wonder if her faith was misplaced. Then a determined Wells shows up at her door with a wild proposal: be his new caddy, help him turn his game around, and split the prize money. And considering Josephine’s professional and personal life is in shambles, she could really use the cash…
14,75€ 14,01€
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Snow fall
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Horst, Jorn Lier

BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO DISCOVER THE GRIPPING NEW MYSTERY FEATURING DETECTIVE WILLIAM WISTING . . .When true crime fanatic Astri Arctander disappears, Detective William Wisting is called upon to investigate.Alongside her fellow amateur sleuths, Astri had been trying to uncover what really happened to Ruby Thompson, a backpacker whose body was recently discovered in Palamós, Spain.Astri was ready to unmask Ruby’s killer. Then she vanished.Wisting is determined to solve the case – to find justice for Ruby, and to bring Astri home unharmed.But he soon finds himself at the heart of a dark and twisted cat-and-mouse chase, that will take him from the snowy depths of Norway to the hot Catalan hills.Wisting is willing to go to extreme lengths to find the truth.But his enemy will go further to keep it buried – and the closer Wisting gets, the more dangerous they become . . .
14,75€ 14,01€
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There's a tiger on the train
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Dulak, Mariesa

On an extraordinary journey to the sea, a tiger boards the train, along with a jungle of other animals - all without dad even looking up from his phone! From debut author, Mariesa Dulak, and award-winner Rebecca Cobb, illustrator of The Everywhere Bear. A boy and his dad board the train. Dad is stuck into his phone and misses the fact that a tiger boards the train too… and so does a family of hippos, and a band of crocs, and a mum with her piglets, and a pug in a boa - or two. . . On the way to the seaside pandemonium ensues, and then the tiger roars. . . Has he finally had enough? And what will dad say? Will he even notice?
11,75€ 11,16€
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Infinity alchemist
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Three young alchemists embark on a quest leading them towards unexpected love and unimaginable power - the debut YA fantasy from the bestselling and award-winning Kacen Callender. Ash Woods isn’t supposed to perform alchemy – he’ll be arrested if anyone ever finds out. But when he’s caught by the condescending Ramsay Thorne, instead of handing him over to the reds, Ramsay blackmails Ash into helping with a dangerous personal mission: finding the legendary Book of Source, said to make its reader an all-powerful alchemist.
13,25€ 12,59€
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The armor of light - book 5
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Follett, Ken

An epic continuation of the series that began with The Pillars of the Earth, The Armor of Light heralds a new dawn for Kingsbridge, England, where progress clashes with tradition, class struggles push into every part of society, and war in Europe engulfs the entire continent and beyondThe Spinning Jenny was invented in 1770, and with that, a new era of manufacturing and industry changed lives everywhere within a generation. A world filled with unrest wrestles for control over this new world order: A mother’s husband is killed in a work accident due to negligence, a young woman fights to fund her school for impoverished children, a well-intentioned young man unexpectedly inherits a failing business, one man ruthlessly protects his wealth no matter the cost, all the while war cries are heard from France, as Napoleon sets forth a violent master plan to become emperor of the world. As institutions are challenged and toppled in unprecedented fashion, ripples of change ricochet through our characters’ lives as they are left to reckon with the future and a world they must rebuild from the ashes of war.Over thirty years ago, Ken Follett published his most popular novel, The Pillars of the Earth. Now, with this electrifying addition to the Kingsbridge series we are plunged into the battlefield between compassion and greed, love and hate, progress and tradition. It is through each character that we are given a new perspective to the seismic shifts that shook the world in nineteenth-century Europe.
29,00€ 27,55€
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Sword catcher
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Clare, Cassandra

In the vibrant city-state of Castellane, the richest of nobles and the most debauched of criminals have one thing in common: the constant search for wealth, power and the next hedonistic thrill.Kel is an orphan, stolen from the life he knew to become the Sword-Catcher – the body-double of a royal heir, Prince Conor Aurelian. He has been raised alongside the prince, trained in every aspect of combat and statecraft. He and Conor are close as brothers, but Kel knows he has one destiny: to die for Conor. No other future is possible.Lin Caster is one of the Ashkar, a small community who still possess magical abilities. By law, they must live behind walls in the city, but Lin, a physician, ventures out to tend to the sick and dying of Castellane. Despite her skills, she cannot heal her best friend Mariam without access to forbidden knowledge.After a failed assassination attempt brings Lin and Kel together, they are drawn into the web of the mysterious Ragpicker King, the criminal ruler of Castellane’s underworld. He offers them each what they want most, but as they descend into his world of intrigue and shadow, they discover a conspiracy of corruption that reaches from the darkest gutters of Castellane to the highest tower of its palaces. As long-kept secrets begin to unravel, they must ask themselves: Is knowledge worth the price of betrayal? Can forbidden love bring down a kingdom? And will Lin and Kel’s discoveries plunge their nation into war – and the world into chaos?
22,50€ 21,37€
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The (anti) wedding party
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Knott, Lucy

It's the biggest day of their best friends' lives... and they might just ruin it.Andi hates weddings. So when her best friend Alex tells her she's getting married in Italy, and asks her to be her maid of honour, she knows she's the wrong woman for the job. But Alex won't take no for an answer, and so begins a week-long trip to a beautiful villa in Italy, full of potential disasters that it's Andi's job to avoid. But what if she's the one causing them?Enter Owen, fellow wedding-hater, Best Man and also the worst person for the job. Tall, sexy and warm, Andi can't help but feel the ice around her heart begin to melt when he's around. But as Andi and Owen grow closer, the disasters begin to multiply, try as they might to keep them at bay. Together, can they put their feelings aside and pull off a successful wedding for those they love most?
14,75€ 14,01€
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Alone with you in the ether
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Blake, Olivie

Chicago, sometime. Two people meet in the armory of the Art Institute by chance. Prior to their encounter, he is a doctoral student who manages his destructive thoughts with compulsive calculations about time travel, she is a bipolar counterfeit artist undergoing court-ordered psychotherapy. After their meeting, those things do not change.Everything else, however, is slightly different.Both obsessive, eccentric personalities, Aldo Damiani and Charlotte Regan struggle to be without each other from the moment they meet. The truth - that he is a clinically depressed, anti-social theoretician and she is a manipulative liar with a history of self-sabotage - means the deeper they fall in love, the more troubling their reliance on each other becomes.
14,25€ 13,54€
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The complete guide to middle-earth
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Foster, Robert

A peerless A–Z guide to the names, places and events in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, fully illustrated in colour throughout by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith.J.R.R. Tolkien’s works of epic adventure and fantasy, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion have delighted many millions of fans since they were first published, and are now more popular than ever before.The Complete Guide to Middle-earth has been compiled to enhance the reader’s enjoyment of Tolkien’s books by bringing together in an A-Z sequence all the key facts and information about names, places, languages and events from The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion.Accompanied with numerous genealogical tables and a unique Chronology of the First Age, it will provide an indispensable aid to every reader’s discovery of Tolkien’s world.The first, and definitive, encyclopedia, The Complete Guide to Middle-earth is now reissued to complement the illustrated hardbacks of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, and is lavishly illustrated with more than 50 full-colour paintings by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith, with many appearing exclusively in this edition.
14,25€ 13,54€
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