Géneros Literarios

All this I will give to you
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Redondo, Dolores

The award-winning international bestseller about the secrets and lies of one man that lead another into a treacherous house of strangers...When novelist Manuel Ortigosa learns that his husband, Álvaro, has been killed in a car crash, it comes as a devastating shock. It won’t be the last. He’s now arrived in Galicia. It’s where Álvaro died. It’s where the case has already been quickly closed as a tragic accident. It’s also where Álvaro hid his secrets.The man to whom Manuel was married for fifteen years was not the unassuming man he knew.Álvaro’s trail leads Manuel deep into one of Spain’s most powerful and guarded families. Behind the walls of their forbidding estate, Manuel is nothing but an unwelcome and dangerous intruder. Then he finds two allies: a stubbornly suspicious police lieutenant and Álvaro’s old friend - and private confessor - from seminary school. Together they’re collecting the pieces of Álvaro’s past, his double life, and his mysterious death.But in the shadows of nobility and privilege, Manuel is about to unravel a web of corruption and deception that could be as fatal a trap for him as it was for the man he loved.
16,20€ 15,39€
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Things have gotten worse since we last spoke
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14,25€ 13,54€
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The water rituals
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Saenz, Eva Garcia

Kraken is back for the second installment in the acclaimed White City Trilogy, and this time he investigates a series of ritualistic murders that target expectant parents, only to find that the key to uncovering the killer may be found in his own past.
19,55€ 18,57€
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Kiss the sky (addicted 4)
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Ritchie, Becca

Fall in love with Rose and Connor in this edgy new adult romance set in a world of lust, fame, swoonworthy men, and friendships that run deeper than blood in this special edition with bonus materials—in print only!
17,00€ 16,15€
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Addicted after all (addicted 7)
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17,00€ 16,15€
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Sharpe's command
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Cornwell, Bernard

18,25€ 17,34€
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Black butterflies
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Morris, Priscilla

12,75€ 12,11€
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Flying angels
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Steel, Danielle

19,65€ 18,67€
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Strange planet: existence chronicle
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Pyle, Nathan W.

Based on the hit #1 New York Times bestselling series Strange Planet, this charming guided journal will feature the fascinating inhabitants of Nathan W. Pyle's colorful world in an exciting new format. Perfect for the holiday season.
15,50€ 14,72€
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Five escape brexit Island
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Vincent, Bruno

It is the night of the referendum and the Five have retired to Kirrin Island to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, fed up with the rancour of public debate. George is firmly a 'remainer,' whilst Julian, who is in the 'Brexit' camp, is tolerated on the grounds that Anne cannot bear to go camping without him. (Timmy, largely apolitical but not keen on cats or rabbits, joins them too.)The night is tempestuous in more ways than one. George has managed to rig up a satellite link with the mainland so they can keep abreast of the news, and they sit huddled around the fire, amidst some tension, as George's initial hope that the 'remainers' will triumph proves premature . . .Meanwhile, a violent storm whips up. The damage is apparent as the new day dawns and George declares a new meaning for Brexit: Kirrin Island is exiting Britain. . . . that is until the red tape becomes too much of a challenge and their happy life together is under threat.
12,40€ 11,78€
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100 novels that changed the world
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27,25€ 25,89€
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Momotaro. Xander y la isla de los monstruos
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Dilloway, Margaret

Xander no es un chico como los demás: en el colegio le señalan por sus orígenes japoneses, y su talento para dibujar cómics le destaca del resto. Pero Xander aún no ha descubierto que él es muy especial. Sin proponérselo, un día empieza a dibujar figur
14,95€ 14,20€
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The frame-up
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Bond, Gwenda

Dani Poissant is the daughter and former accomplice of the world’s most famous art thief. There was no job too big for Maria and her loyal crew. The secret to their success? A little thing called magic, kept rigorously secret from the non-magical world. They seemed unstoppable . . . until a teenage Dani turned her mother over to the FBI. Ten years later, with Maria still in prison, Dani finds herself approached for a job that only Maria and her crew could pull off . . . if any of them were still speaking to her. But it’s the job of a lifetime and might just be the lure Dani needs to reconcile with her mother and be reunited with her mother’s old gang—including both the love of her life and her former best friend.
17,25€ 16,39€
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The deep. Las profundidades
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Katsu, Alma

De la aplaudida autora de El Hambre nos llega una inquietante y psicológica vuelta de tuerca a una de las tragedias más famosas de la historia, el hundimiento del Titanic, y al infortunado viaje de su barco gemelo, el Britannic. Algo, una presencia, embruja el barco. Eso es lo único que puede explicar la cadena de desgracias que han asolado a los viajeros del Titanic desde que zarparon del puerto. Desapariciones misteriosas, muertes repentinas... Durante los cuatro días que dura el célebre viaje inicial del buque, los pasajeros se encuentran inmersos en una escalofriante y perturbadora zona crepuscular, casi al margen del paso del tiempo. Mientras los viajeros se familiarizan unos con otros, sin preocuparse demasiado por los extraños sucesos que se desarrollan a bordo, algunos, entre ellos la camarera Annie Hebbley, el pasajero Mark Fletcher, la millonaria Madeleine Astor y el famoso periodista W. T. Stead están convencidos de que a bordo está ocurriendo algo más siniestro... Hasta que se produce la catástrofe. Años después, Annie, que sobrevivió a aquella aciaga noche, trabaja como enfermera en el sexto viaje del Britannic, el cual, tras el arranque de la Primera Guerra Mundial, ha sido reacondicionado como buque hospital. Incapaz de escapar a los recuerdos del viaje anterior, Annie se esfuerza por rehacer su vida, cuando de repente se reencuentra con Mark, ahora un soldado inconsciente debido a sus heridas. Incrédula, y poco dispuesta a aceptar que haya sobrevivido al hundimiento, Annie tendrá que enfrentarse a las consecuencias de un antiguo pacto y al riesgo de sacrificarse por la persona amada. The Deep, que reúne un gran elenco de personajes y combina de forma magistral el desastre histórico con la narración sobrenatural, es una magnífica exploración del amor y el destino, el deseo y la inocencia, y, sobre todo, un intento de comprender cómo cada una de nuestras decisiones nos guía de forma inexorable hacia nuestra perdición.
19,95€ 18,95€
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Edat del dubte, L'
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Camilleri, Andrea

14,50€ 13,77€
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Cabeza del profesor Dowell, La
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Beli�iev, Aleksandr R.

18,75€ 17,81€
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Hereus del Tercer Herich, Els
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17,90€ 17,00€
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Nobody's angel
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Conan Doyle, Arthur

QUENTIN TARANTINO on NOBODY'S ANGEL: “My favourite fiction novel this year was written by a taxi driver who used to hand it out to his passengers, It’s a terrific story and character study of a cabbie in Chicago during a time when a serial killer is robbing and murdering cabbies, Kudos to Hard Case Crime for publishing Mr, Clark’s book,” TWO KILLERS STALK THE STREETS OF CHICAGO―CAN ONE TAXI DRIVER CORNER THEM BOTH? Eddie Miles is one of a dying breed: a Windy City hack who knows every street and back alley of his beloved city and takes its recent descent into violence personally, But what can one driver do about a killer targeting streetwalkers or another terrorizing cabbies? Precious little―until the night he witnesses one of them in action,,,
15,95€ 15,15€
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Thilliez, Franck

La radioactivitat no travessava ni l'aigua ni el plom, però quasi tota la resta sí. L'Andrei havia respirat pols de iode 131, estronci 90, cesi 137, poloni 210. Tenia l'àtom a dins. L'Andrei ja no era un home, sinó un reactor nuclear destinat, ell també, a esclatar.Christophe Gamblin, periodista de successos, és assassinat i tancat dins del seu congelador. Valérie Duprès, la seva col·lega, desapareix en un viatge mentre investiga els llocs més contaminats del món. I l'antic cas d'unes dones segrestades torna a sortir a lasuperfície.La tinent Lucie Henebelle i el comissari Franck Sharko s'han instal·lat a París, on proven de recuperar-se de la tragèdia que gairebé els va separar. Estan mirant de tenir un fill, però uns dies abans de Nadal descobriran que el que els espera està benlluny de ser l'anunci d'un esdeveniment feliç.
21,00€ 19,95€
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Introducci als gneres 2. Narrativa
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11,95€ 11,35€
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Jordan, Jack

HE TRUSTS HIS LAWYER WITH HIS LIFE , , , HE SHOULDN'T Wade Darling stands accused of killing his wife and teenage children as they slept and burning their house to the ground, When the case lands on barrister Neve Harper’s desk, she knows it could make her career, A matter of days before the case, as Neve is travelling home for the night, she is approached by a man, He tells her she must throw the case or the secret about her husband’s disappearance will be revealed, Failing that, he will kill everyone she cares about, until she does as she is told. Neve must make a choice – go against every principle she has ever had, or the people she loves will die. For fans of Steve Cavanagh, Linwood Barclay and Gillian McAllister, this is the latest novel from the master of the moral dilemma, Jack Jordan,
12,95€ 12,30€
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Rostros escritos: monlogos con creadore
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Saladrigas, Robert

Comprometido desde muy joven con dar a conocer las obras y losautores de su tiempo, Robert Saladrigas comenzó en 1968 su colaboracióncon el semanario «Destino», el más prestigioso e influyente de cuantosse editaban en la España de los años sesenta y setenta, con una serie deentrevistas singulares a escritores consagrados y jóvenes promesas. Comorecuerda el mismo Saladrigas, «eran charlas planteadas con ambición deprofundidad, un diálogo incondicional llevado a cabo sin agobios detiempo». Leídas hoy, las conversaciones con Juan Marsé, José AgustínGoytisolo, Francisco Umbral, Ana María Matute, Francisco Ayala, ManuelVázquez Montalbán, Max Aub, Rosa Chacel, Camilo José Cela, José ManuelCaballero Bonald, Miguel Delibes, Carmen Martín Gaite, o losjovencísimos Eugenio Trías o José María Guelbenzu, entre muchos otros,nos trasladan de una manera intensa, profunda y muy viva, a la España definales del franquismo, con sus temores y esperanzas, los límites a lalibertad de expresión, la represión de cualquier actividad política y laconsolidación de una conciencia cívica a favor de la democracia y de laslibertades. De todo ello, los escritores eran a menudo los portavoces ala vez que se esforzaban, como cualquier creador, para elaborar una obrapersonal. Así pues, desvelos personales y colectivos se mezclan en estevolumen que recupera unos testimonios de primera mano y de máximaimportancia para revivir los años finales de la dictadura franquista enla voz de los grandes escritores de su tiempo.
21,00€ 19,95€
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Thorne, Jennifer

White Lotus meets Hereditary in this uproarious and unsettling dissection of a dysfunctional family and their ghosts, both literal and metaphorical, Perfect for fans of Grady Hendrix and Ronald Malfi. Anna only has one rule for the annual Pace family vacations: tread lightly, and survive, It isn't easy when she's the only who doesn't seem to fit in, Her twin brother Benny goes with the flow so much he's practically dissolved, and her high-strung older sister Nicole is so used to everyone-including her blandly docile husband and two young daughters-falling in line that Anna often ends up chastised for simply asking a question,Her Mom is baffled by Anna's life choices (why waste her artistic talent at an ad agency?), and her Dad-well, he just wants a little peace and quiet. The gorgeous villa outside a remote Tuscan town seems like the perfect place to endure so much family time-not to mention Benny's demanding new boyfriend, Christopher, If her family becomes too much to handle, then at least Anna can wander off to a wine tasting or lose herself in an art gallery, That is, until strange things start to happen-strange noises at night, food rotting within hours, dreams that feel more like memories, Then, the unsettling warnings from the locals: don't open the tower door. But Anna does open it. And what she releases threatens to devour her family-that is, if her family doesn't tear itself apart first,
15,95€ 15,15€
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The gathering
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Tudor, C.J.

The bestselling Queen of Horror turns her hand to VAMPIRES...A small Alaskan town.A brutal murder.Echoes of a killing twenty-five years ago.An out-of-state detective brought in to assist the sheriff who investigated the original case.But as the snow thickens and the nights grow longer…are they hunting a twisted psychopath or something even more terrifying?
19,25€ 18,29€
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Girl friends
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Dahl, Alex

You think you met her by chance.You're wrong.Charlotte has it all: the successful career, the loving family. But, secretly, she is dangerously bored of her rigid and structured life.Bianka is a free spirit, always the life and soul. When she and Charlotte meet, it feels like fate – Bianka is exactly the person that Charlotte needs.When they escape to Ibiza for a girls' trip, home is soon forgotten. Charlotte dives head first into a life that is looser, wilder. But the holiday soon spirals out of control with fatal consequences – someone doesn't return home.Charlotte soon regrets ever breaking out of her carefully constructed routine. And as the aftermath of the trip ricochets disastrously through her life, she wonders whether meeting Bianka was really an accident – or something much more calculated . . .A fabulously creepy simmering 'glam-noir' thriller, perfect for fans of Caroline Kepnes, BA Paris, TM Logan and Verity by Colleen Hoover.Readers can't get enough of Alex Dahl . . .
14,75€ 14,01€
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Tras la pista del espejo de Buda
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18,90€ 17,95€
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Càsting - cat, El
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Quan la Núria torna de vacances té un desengany amorós important. El noi francès amb qui s'havia estat petonejant i amb qui esperava mantenir una relació a distància no ha trigat gaire a penjar al facebook una foto amb una altra noia. Sort que aquest any la tornadaa l'institut té un alicient: el Pol Nubiala, un actor de serials de TV3, anirà a la seva classe. És guapoi famós, i a més, té l'encàrrec de buscar una noia que faci un paper secundari en la sèrie que està rodant. La Núria i la seva amiga Sara s'hi presenten i benaviat descobreixen que les proves del càsting són molt especials...
17,95€ 17,05€
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Tras las líneas: sobre la lectura contem
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Cassany, Daniel

Tras las líneas: sobre la lectura contemporánea
12,90€ 12,25€
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Hijo de las sombras
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Kenyon, Sherrilyn

5,95€ 5,65€
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Fin de los escribas, El
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Cooper, Glenn

21,90€ 20,80€
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Robinson, Kim Stanley

21,95€ 20,85€
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Caso del mayordomo asesinado, El
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18,90€ 17,95€
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Sacerdotisa blanca, La
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Canavan, Trudi

Magia y aventuras, guerra y amor, en el inicio de una saga fantástica protagonizada por una joven hechicera lista y valiente en un nuevo e intrigante universo. Cuando Auraya fue elegida sacerdotisa nunca imaginó
24,90€ 23,65€
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Deseos al anochecer
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Cole, Kresley

8,95€ 8,50€
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Tolkien y la Ciencia
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Para comprender en su totalidad los mundos de Tolkien faltaba aún algo fundamental: estudiar su obra desde el punto de vista de la ciencia. Gracias a este libro vamos a poder descubrir al hombre cultivado en botánica, paleontología, geología y a un ferviente apasionado de la arqueología y de la química. Como auténtico autodidacta en el terreno científico, J. R. R. Tolkien era un observador incansable y se hacía mil preguntas sobre la fauna, la flora, las corrientes marinas o los volcanes. Fue así como dio credibilidad a sus universos imaginarios y a sus personajes. Treinta y ocho expertos entre los que figuran arqueólogos, astrofísicos, filósofos, paleontólogos, economistas, psicoanalistas, vulcanólogos, botanistas, químicos, médicos, etc. han profundizado en los numerosos relatos, poesías y correspondencia de J. R. R. Tolkien para explicarnos las raíces científicas de todos sus textos.
42,00€ 39,90€
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Los ejércitos del conquistador
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Gal, Jean-Claude

Los ejércitos del conquistador relata la aventura de Arn, un despiadado guerrero y la temible y desconocida horda que se propone invadir el mundo. En un tiempo tan remoto que la memoria de los hombres lo ha olvidado, en tierras asoladas por la guerra, el orgullo de los hombres y su sed de poder, Arn experimenta la humillación y el exilio. Desterrado de su reino, despreciado por sus enemigos, nunca dejará de buscar venganza y recuperar su dignidad perdida... Este tomo no solo contiene relatos cortos asociados a la temática principal, sino que alberga anexos y contenido extra para poder conocer de primera mano a los autores, el proceso de elaboración de la historia y todos los detalles y entresijos que encierra.
34,95€ 33,20€
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