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Barcelona, viatge a la perifèria criminal
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Vint autors, deu dones i deu homes, escriuen sobre deu barris de la Barcelona més criminal i perifèrica Barcelona o Barcelones? Potser no ho havíeu pensat, però la capital de Catalunya amaga moltes possibles ciutats en el seu interior. I en totes shi produeixen crims. O com a mínim això pensen vint dels millors escriptors de novel·la negra del país, que per parelles ens esbudellen deu barris de la ciutat i els converteixen en objecte literari. Negre, és clar. Perquè hi ha molta vida i molta mort més enllà de les Rambles i del passeig de Gràcia. I mereix que algú ens els expliqui. I és que des de les Olimpíades —ara fa vint-i-cinc anys—, Barcelona sha transformat de forma espectacular. Duna banda hi ha hagut la recuperació del front marítim, primer al Poblenou i més recentment, amb el Fòrum, a la zona del Besòs. Després hi ha hagut les intervencions puntuals en barris com el Raval —obertura de la Rambla— o la zona de Glòries, que vol convertir-se en el nou districte empresarial i tecnològic amb el 22@, una mica frustrat per la crisi econòmica. I després amb el pla de millora de tots i cadascun dels districtes. Deu noves Barcelones i vint relats us esperen. Mireia Llinàs + Josep Lluís Roig (MONTBAU) Empar Fernández + Lluís Bosch (VERDUM) Margarida Aritzeta + Andreu Martín (POBLENOU) Graziella Moreno + Albert Figueras (GUINARDÓ) Núria Cadenes + Juli Alandes (BELLVITGE) Susana Hernández + David Marín (VERNEDA) Anna Maria Villalonga + Rafa Melero (CARMEL) Raquel Gámez Serrano + Lluís Llort (POBLE-SEC) Esperança Camps + Emili Bayo (HORTA) Sílvia Mayans + Jordi de Manuel (BESÒS)
20,00€ 19,00€
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Solana, Teresa

20 de setembre del 2017. Queden només onze dies perquè se celebri el referèndum i entre els Mossos d'Esquadra hi ha mala maror. Amb l'1 d'octubre acostant-se, Barcelona és plena d'estelades i banderoles que animen a votar mentre el Piolín es troba atracat al port i resta expectant. Al mateix temps, l'assassinat d'un presumpte actor retirat, que, de fet, sembla un robatori que ha acabat malament, obligarà la inspectora dels Mossos Norma Forester i el seu equip a traslladar-se al barri de Gràcia per iniciar la investigació d'un cas que es complicarà quan descobreixin que la víctima vivia sota una identitat falsa. Norma està amoïnada pel futur: en primer lloc, pel del seu equip, que ara està format per un sergent i una jove caporala sense cap experiència en homicidi, i per un inclassificable sotsinspector Agustí Carrasco, a qui la seva incapacitat per adaptar-se a la nova sensibilitat feminista ha estat a punt de fer que l'expulsin del cos. En segon lloc, per la peculiar i histriònica família, on la divisió d'opinions sobre la qüestió de la independència amenaça amb convertir una celebració familiar festiva en una agra discussió en què tothom pot sortir malparat. Un cop més, Teresa Solana ens ofereix no només un domini exuberant de la novel·la policíaca, sinó tot un retrat contemporani de la nostra actualitat que continua teixint les trames i engrandint uns personatges carregats d'història i que ja van fer el seu debut literari a Negres tempestes i La casa de les papallones.
18,00€ 17,10€
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The whisperer
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Fossum, Karin

SHORTLISTED FOR THE PETRONA AWARD 2019. Ragna Riegel works in a supermarket and still lives in her childhood home. She's alone in the world since her only son moved to Berlin. She longs for a Christmas or birthday card from him.
13,95€ 13,25€
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The rise of magicks- chronicles of the one book 3
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Roberts, Nora

The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Year One and Of Blood and Bone concludes her stunning new trilogy praised as ''A match for end-of-the-world classics like Stephen King's The Stand.
11,95€ 11,35€
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Jensen, Jens Henrik

Edición limitada a un precio especial de la serie que ha conquistado a los amantes del thriller nórdico.La serie que ha conquistado a los amantes del thriller nórdico.La lucha de un hombre contra sus demonios y contra el poder.Algunos de los hombres más influyentes de Dinamarca han muerto en extrañas circunstancias y Niels Oxen, un experimentado soldado de élite ya retirado, es el principal sospechoso. Al parecer, no hay conexión entre los casos, excepto por una peculiar coincidencia: los perros de las víctimas fueron ahorcados poco antes de la muerte de los amos...
8,95€ 8,50€
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Nesbo, Jo

A Nèmesi, l'inspector Harry Hole es troba immers en la investigació d'un atracament en un banc d'Oslo quan rep la trucada d'una antiga amant, Anna Bethsen, que el convida a sopar a casa seva. Ell accepta la invitació i l'endemà es desperta sense recordar res de la nit anterior. Hores més tard, l'Anna apareix morta i el cas es tanca com un suïcidi. En Harry, però, no s'ho acaba de creure i, paral·lelament al cas del banc, decideix investigar la mort de la seva amiga pel seu compte. Sempre valent-se de mètodes eficaços però trepitjant la fina ratlla de la llei, Harry resoldrà dos crims que no eren ben bé el que semblaven de bon principi.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Night will find you
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Heaberlin, Julia

Vivvy Bouchet, respected scientist and reluctant psychic, saved a boy's life after a premonition when she was a child.That boy is now a Texas police officer.He convinces Vivvy to help him solve a high-profile cold case, working alongside detective Jesse Sharp, a sceptic of anything but fact.Three-year-old Lizzie Solomon disappeared in broad daylight from her home.A body was never found, but the child's mother, Nicolette,is in prison for the disappearance, loudly proclaiming her innocence.When a popular podcaster hears of Vivvy's involvement in the case,his conspiracy theories about the missing child, and Vivvy's background,have an army of fans hanging on every dangerous word.But when it becomes clear there may be a kidnapper- or killer - still on the loose,Vivvy knows there's more to lose than her reputation.Because the difference between the truth and a lie can mean life or death . . .A sharply observed psychological thriller, Night Will Find You explores the dangerous meeting of conspiracy theories and our need to believe - and the line between fact and what we can't explain.
13,25€ 12,59€
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The boy
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Hoag, Tami

In THE BOY, Tami Hoag - the Sunday Times bestselling author - returns to the world of her bestselling title A THIN DARK LINE and explores every mother's worst nightmare.
13,80€ 13,11€
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The half burnt house
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North, Alex

Katie always looked after her beloved younger brother Chris - until she left him alone for one selfish afternoon, and their picture-perfect family fell apart. Although Chris survived the attack, the scars ran deeper than the ones left across his face. Now they're adults, and they haven't spoken in years. Then she gets a call, from Detective Laurence Page.Page is facing an unusually disturbing crime scene. Alan Hobbes, a distinguished and wealthy philosophy professor, has been brutally murdered. Hobbes was living in a sprawling mansion - but one that remains half-ruined by a decades-old fire, wind and rain howling through the gaping, creaking roof.Page only has one suspect: Chris, caught on CCTV at the house. But he has plenty of questions. What could cause a man as wealthy as Hobbes not to repair his home? Why did he seem to know his death was coming, yet do nothing to stop it? And why was he obsessed with a legendary local serial killer?But Katie only has one thing on her mind. She knows this is her last, best chance to finally save her brother, and make up for her negligence all those years ago.But she can't possibly imagine just how much danger he's in...
13,25€ 12,59€
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The tiger in the smoke
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Allingham, Margery

An impenetrable fog has descended on the streets of post-war London and, lurking in the shadows, a violent murderer is on the rampage. Gentleman detective, Albert Campion, is on the trail of a mysterious man posing as the dead husband of a war widow with a wealthy new fiancé, but his expedition into the city's criminal underworld reveals something far more sinister than blackmail...
13,95€ 13,25€
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The boys from biloxi
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Grisham, John

The next astonishing thriller from the master of the legal thriller.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Deep Harbour
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Alsterdal, Tove

The no. 1 internationally bestselling High Coast series returns with a case that entangles Detective Eira Sjodin's own family with a decades-old murder. As the spring warmth melts the ice, divers search the wreckage at the bottom of the Ångermanland River – but the murdered man they recover was put there much more recently than the historic artefacts they were seeking. Brilliant female lead: This small-town police procedural is led by local detective Eira Sjödin, tough, smart, attuned to the community, and determined to succeed – perfect for fans of Will Dean, Ann Cleeves and Susie Steiner.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Griffin, Kate

Jane Eyre meets Amy Dunne in this dark and twisted gothic thriller from the author of the Kitty Peck Mysteries.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Rogue justice
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Abrams, Stacey

The #1 New York Times bestselling author of While Justice Sleeps returns with another riveting and intricately plotted thriller, in which a blackmailed federal judge, a secret court, and a brazen murder may lead to an unprecedented national crisis.Supreme Court clerk Avery Keene is back, trying to get her feet on solid ground after unravelling an international conspiracy in While Justice Sleeps.But as the sparks of Congressional hearings and political skirmishes swirl around her, Avery is approached at a legal conference by Preston Davies, an unassuming young man and fellow law clerk to a federal judge in Idaho. Davies believes his boss, Judge Francesca Whitner, was being blackmailed in the days before she died. Desperate to understand what happened, he gives Avery a file, a burner phone, and a fearful warning that there are highly dangerous people involved.Another shocking murder leads Avery to a list of names – all federal judges – and, alarmingly, all judges on the FISA Court (the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court), also known as America’s ''secret court.'' It is this body which grants permission to the government to wiretap Americans or spy on corporations suspected of terrorism. As Avery digs deeper, she begins to see a frightening pattern – and she worries that something far more sinister may be unfolding inside the nation’s third branch of government. With lives at stake, Avery must race the clock and an unexpected enemy to find the answer.Drawn from today’s headlines and woven with her unique insider perspective, Stacey Abrams combines twisting plotlines, wry wit, and clever puzzles to create another immensely entertaining suspense novel.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Kill For Me Kill For You
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Cavanagh, Steve

One dark evening in New York City, two strangers meet by chance.Over drinks, Amanda and Wendy realise they have so much in common.They both feel alone. They both drink alone.And they both desperately want revenge against the two men who destroyed their families.Together, they have the perfect plan.If you kill for me, I'll kill for you...
13,95€ 13,25€
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Los cinco de Cambridge
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Lemaire, Valérie

Basada en hechos reales, esta cautivante historia nos transporta a la década de los años 50, cuando, a pesar que la Segunda Guerra Mundial ya había llegado a su fin, una nueva amenaza comienza a acechar desde las fronteras: el auge del comunismo y la posterior Guerra Fría. En ese momento, cinco intrépidos espías británicos ya operaban clandestinamente, transmitiendo valiosa información para el régimen comunista desde diversos rincones del mundo. En tiempos en que cada paso podría sellar tu destino como traidor, la improvisación no tiene cabida. Por ello, estos hábiles espías deberán sortear todas las trampas, desafíos y tentaciones que encuentren en su camino.
32,00€ 30,40€
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L'Espion qui aimait les livres
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Le Carré, John

Julian a quitté son job lucratif à la City pour devenir libraire dans une station balnéaire paisible du Norfolk. Mais à peine est-il installé qu’un visiteur vient bouleverser sa nouvelle vie. Edward, immigré polonais, semble en savoir beaucoup sur sa famille et s’intéresse de très près à son entreprise... Une fois de plus John le Carré souligne les affres et les doutes des agents secrets dans ce roman passionnant, point d’orgue d’une œuvre immense.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Just another missing person
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Mcallister, Gillian

22 years old.No history of running away.Last seen on CCTV, entering a dead-end alley.And not coming back out again.Missing for one day and counting . . .Julia is the detective heading up the case.She knows what to expect. A desperate family, a ticking clock, and long hours away from her daughter.But Julia has no idea how close to home it's going to get.Because her family's safety depends on one thing: Julia must NOT find out what happened to Olivia - and must frame somebody else for her murder . . .What would you do?
13,25€ 12,59€
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Las lágrimas del escorpión
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Merino Gonzalez, Alberto

Un sicaria ahogada por los recuerdosUn abogado obsesionado con la venganzaUn viejo lobo y su cachorro cazando juntos por primera vezUna sombra corrupta y cruelUn crimen que los uneUn destino que avanza implacableUna ciudad que todo lo callaPensamos que, ante todo es un libro de personajes, de historias de vidas y de decisiones que se traman y entrecruzan para construir una novela muy, muy negra. Muy de género. Te va a gustar. Seguro. Si te apetece, luego nos cuentas.
16,95€ 16,10€
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Highsmith, Patricia

NOW A MAJOR NEW NETFLIX SERIESTom Ripley wants money, success, and the good life - and he's willing to kill for it.Struggling to stay one step ahead of his creditors (and the law), Ripley leaps at the chance to start afresh on a free trip to Europe. But when his new-found happiness is threatened, his response is as swift as it is shocking.Now a major new Netflix series, The Talented Mr Ripley is the first in Highsmith’s classic series featuring the character of Tom Ripley – fiction’s most terrifying con-man.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Un oeil dan la nuit
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Minier, Bernard

Le retour du commandant Servaz pour une enquête dans l'univers fascinant du cinéma d'horreur.Dans les montagnes, retiré du monde, un réalisateur de films d'horreur, Morbus Delacroix.Culte, misanthrope, fou.Parmi ses fans, une étudiante en cinéma.Fascinée, intrépide, inconsciente.À Toulouse, un as des effets spéciaux est retrouvé mort, ligoté sur un lit d'hôpital.Et si ce meurtre trouvait sa source dans un film maudit ?Pour le commandant Martin Servaz, peut-être la plus grande énigme de sa carrière...
13,50€ 12,82€
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In Too Deep
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Child, Lee

Reacher had no idea where he was. No idea how he had got there. But someone must have brought him. And shackled him. And whoever had done those things was going to rue the day. That was for damn sure.Jack Reacher wakes up, alone, in the dark, handcuffed to a makeshift bed. His right arm has suffered some major damage. His few possessions are gone. He has no memory of getting there.The last thing Reacher can recall is the car he hitched a ride in getting run off the road. The driver was killed.His captors assume Reacher was the driver's accomplice and patch up his wounds as they plan to make him talk.A plan that will backfire spectacularly . . .
20,50€ 19,47€
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En el lago
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Martos Angulo, Javier

A orillas del lago Torridon los acontecimientos se suceden al lento ritmo de las Tierras Altas escocesas: el café se bebe muy solo, las redes se llenan de peces y la gente se pierde a menudo para no regresar jamás. En el recóndito pueblo de Selkon's Cave, Adam Newell, lobo de mar y de lago, apura sus últimos años convertido en capitán y timonel de la silla de ruedas sobre la que descansan sus nalgas. Aislado en mitad del bosque por voluntad propia, Adam tendrá que decidir si los insólitos viajes que hace su cabaña son reales o son solo fruto de su imaginación. Con el regreso de su nieto Edward al pueblo, las aguas del lago sacudirán el tiempo y el espacio, desvelando la añeja y misteriosa historia que se esconde al abrigo del fiordo escocés. Poco a poco, el jovencísimo y problemático Edward Newell aprenderá que su apellido es el epicentro de numerosos sucesos extraños. Y que cuando un lago tan profundo decide guardar silencio es porque desea mantener oculta la verdad que aguarda bajo su superficie.
18,95€ 18,00€
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La asesina de los ojos bondadosos
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Moreno Ortega, Felisa

A través de un viaje iniciático por Jaén, la protagonista de esta historia, Raquel, una periodista de investigación, reconstruye los hechos que llevaron a la cárcel y al manicomio a Severina, una mujer serena y profunda que, sin embargo, fue acusada de cometer un crimen atroz. Lo que descubre la periodista acerca de esta mujer, de misteriosos rasgos mestizos aindiados, compone el núcleo narrativo de una novela que seduce al lector página a página. Escrita con una delicada sensibilidad, bebe directamente del género negro.Con una narración ágil, al tiempo que profunda y reflexiva, Felisa nos adentra en el mundo de dos mujeres marcadas por la culpa. Así como en un proceso de introspección personal que permite a Raquel asumir su pasado.
12,00€ 11,40€
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No hay santos
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Iglesias, Gabino

Fernando es un ilegal y un vendedor de droga de poca monta que ha conocido días mejores. Tras escapar de México hacia los Estados Unidos para alejarse de un grupo de personas que lo querían muerto, ve cómo, de nuevo, la fatalidad se ceba con él: secuestros, maras, brujería, santería, matones rusos, muerte, violencia desenfrenada y el atisbo de un acechante horror ancestral se dan la mano en este vertiginoso noir con ciertas dosis de weird.
16,95€ 16,10€
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The Heiress
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Hawkins, Rachel

With the death of his adopted mother, Camden McTavish hopes that he can finally be free of his scandalous family. Ruby McTavish was North Carolina's richest woman, and its most notorious: the victim of a famous childhood kidnapping and a widow four times over.
16,25€ 15,44€
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The collector
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Silva, Daniel

#1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva delivers another stunning thriller in his action-packed tale of high stakes international intrigue.On the morning after the Venice Preservation Society’s annual black-tie gala, art restorer and legendary spy Gabriel Allon enters his favorite coffee bar on the island of Murano to find General Cesare Ferrari, the commander of the Art Squad, eagerly awaiting his arrival. The Carabinieri have made a startling discovery in the Amalfi villa of a murdered South African shipping tycoon—a secret vault containing an empty frame and stretcher matching the dimensions of the world’s most valuable missing painting. General Ferrari asks Gabriel to quietly track down the artwork before the trail goes cold.
13,50€ 12,82€
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For you and only you
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Kepnes, Caroline

JOE GOLDBERG IS BACK, AND THIS TIME HE'S WRITING HIS OWN HAPPILY EVER AFTER . . . Joe Goldberg is ready for a change. Instead of selling books, he’s writing them. And he’s off to a good start. Invited to join a tight-knit writing fellowship at Harvard, Joe thinks he’s finally found a place where talent matters more than pedigree. Where anything is possible, even happy endings. At least until he meets his uber-privileged, already-published, already-distinguished peers.Thankfully, Wonder enters the picture. They have so much in common: no college degrees, no pretensions, just a love for literature. They could be those rare literary soulmates who never fall prey to their demons. If only Wonder could just commit herself to the writing life.But Joe has faith in Wonder. He will sacrifice his art for hers. And, if he must, he will kill her darlings for her.
12,95€ 12,30€
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A Death in Cornwall
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Silva, Daniel

Art restorer and legendary spy Gabriel Allon has slipped quietly into London to attend a reception at the Courtauld Gallery celebrating the return of a stolen self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh. But when an old friend from the Devon and Cornwall Police seeks his help with a baffling murder investigation, he finds himself pursuing a powerful and dangerous new adversary.
19,25€ 18,29€
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Tokyo Noir
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Adelstein, Jake

Adelstein has a new gig these days: due-diligence work, or using his investigative skills to dig up information on entities whose bosses would prefer that some things stay hidden. Underneath layers of paperwork, corporations are thinly veiled fronts for the yakuza. Pachinko parlors are a hidden battleground between disenfranchised Japanese Koreans and North Korean extortion plots. TEPCO, the electric power corporation keeping the lights on for all of Tokyo, scrambles to hide its willful oversights that ultimately led to the 2011 Fukushima meltdown. And the Japanese government shows levels of corruption that make gangsters look like philanthropists.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Secret Hours
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Herron, Mick

An Instant Sunday Times Bestseller*A gripping standalone thriller with a riveting reveal about a disastrous MI5 mission in Cold War Berlin a dazzling entrypoint to Mick Herron's writing and an unmissable read for Slough House fans.*uA BBC Radio 4 Book at Bedtimeu'I doubt I'll read a more enjoyable novel all year' Paula Hawkins'Pitchperfect' Lee Child'Terrific' The Times'Never has a work of popular fiction delighted me more' The Spectator'A modern rival to Ian Fleming and John le Carré' Sunday Times'One of his best books yet' Daily TelegraphTwo years ago, the Monochrome inquiry was set up to investigate the British secret service. Monochrome's mission was to ferret out misconduct, allowing the civil servants seconded to the inquiry, Griselda Fleet and Malcolm Kyle, unfettered access to confidential information in the service archives.But with progress blocked at every turn, Monochrome is circling the drain . . . Until the OTIS file appears out of nowhere.What classified secrets does OTIS hold that see a longredundant spy being chased through Devon's green lanes in the dark? What happened in a newly reunified Berlin that someone is desperate to keep under wraps? And who will win the battle for the soul of the secret service or was that decided a long time ago?Spies and penpushers, politicians and PAs, highflyers, timeservers and burnouts . . . They all have jobs to do in the daylight. But what they do in the secret hours reveals who they really are.
12,95€ 12,30€
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Traitors Gate
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Archer, Jeffrey

24 hours to stop the crime of the century The race against time is about to begin… THE TOWER OF LONDON… Impenetrable. Well protected. Secure. Home to the most valuable jewels on earth. But once a year, the Metropolitan Police must execute the most secret operation in their armoury when they transport the Crown Jewels across London. SCOTLAND YARD… For four years, Chief Superindendent William Warwick – together with his second-in-command Inspector Ross Hogan – has been in charge of the operation. And for four years it’s run like clockwork. THE HEIST… But this year, everything is about to change. Because master criminal Miles Faulkner has set his heart on pulling off the most outrageous theft in history – and with a man on the inside, the odds are in his favour. Unless Warwick and Hogan can stop him before it’s too late… An unputdownable new thriller from the master storyteller 'Archer always delivers, and this heist thriller hits the spot again' The Sun 'Archer can still tell a gripping yarn' The Sunday Times ‘Probably the greatest storyteller of our age’ Mail on Sunday ‘If there were a Nobel Prize for storytelling, Archer would win’ Daily Telegraph ‘Peerless master of the page turner’ Daily Mail.
13,50€ 12,82€
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The Bourne Defiance
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Freeman, Brian

Jason Bourne is back... and this time he's the hunted one. The latest electrifying entry in Robert Ludlum's #1 New York Times bestselling series. Around the world, Treadstone agents are being hunted down and murdered... and Jason Bourne may be next on the list. Someone high up in the U.S. government is erasing all evidence of a shocking mission from Bourne's past, known as Defiance - and that evidence includes Bourne himself. Staying one step ahead of a team of killers, Bourne follows a global trail that leads him to one of the government's darkest secrets. But exposing the truth about the Defiance mission will also bring Bourne face to face with his arch-enemy, the assassin known as Lennon, for a final deadly confrontation. Reviewers on Brian Freeman: 'Freeman has a firm grasp of Bourne's tangled background plus the skills to keep the action front and center. Bourne fans will hope for an encore from this talented author.' Publishers Weekly 'This guy can tell a story.' Michael Connelly 'Some of the most literate and stylish writing you'll find anywhere today.' Jeffery Deaver
15,95€ 15,15€
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Quantum Radio
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Riddle, A.G.

FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF LOST IN TIME. At CERN, a scientist has just made an incredible discovery - a breakthrough that may answer the deepest questions about human existence. But what he's found is far more dangerous than he ever imagined. Dr. Tyson Klein is a quantum physicist who has dedicated his entire life to his research. At CERN, he analyses data generated by the Large Hadron Collider, the world's biggest and most powerful particle accelerator. Now, Ty believes he's found a pattern in its output. It looks like an organised data stream, being broadcast over what he calls a quantum radio. Could it be a signal from another universe? A message sent from the future? Or something else entirely? As Ty peels back the layers of his discovery, he learns that what he's found isn't what he thought it was. The encoded message is far more profound. It may alter our understanding of human existence and the universe. But Ty is not the only one looking for it. Someone has been following his research for a long time. And they'll do anything to prevent him from unravelling what is being broadcast by the quantum radio... Because the first one to discover the truth may well control the future.
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Meurtres Et Tarte Au Citron Meringuée 4
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Fluke, Joanne

Du sucre, de la bonne humeur, et un zeste de mystère...Le quatrième tome des aventures d'Hannah Swensen enfin en poche !Lake Eden s’apprête à célébrer le 4 Juillet, mais l’humeur d’Hannah n’est pas au beau fixe. Elle doit se mettre au régime, et Norman, son prétendant, est sur le point d’acheter une maison pour qu’ils s’y installent ensemble, ce qui lui semble prématuré. Mais quand elle découvre le corps de la propriétaire de la maison devant une tarte au citron meringuée de sa boutique, Hannah ne résiste pas à l’envie de savoir lequel de ses clients est coupable…
10,50€ 9,97€
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Good half gone
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Inoue, Takehiko

An explosive new thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Never Never!‘A defiant stand against the things that haunt us, The ending shattered me in a way only Tarryn Fisher can!’ Colleen HooverIris Walsh saw her twin sister, Piper, get kidnapped – so why does no one believe her?Iris narrowly escaped her pretty, popular twin sister’s fate as a teen – vanished long before the cops agreed to investigate, With no evidence to go on but a few fractured memories, the case quickly went cold. Now an adult, Iris wants one thing – proof, And if the police still won’t help, she’ll just have to find it her own way, by interning at the isolated Shoal Island Hospital for the criminally insane, where secrets lurk in the shadows and are kept under lock and key. But Iris soon realizes that something even more sinister is simmering beneath the surface of the Shoal, and that the patients aren’t the only ones being observed…
13,50€ 12,82€
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