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How To Know A Person
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Brooks, David

If you are going to care for someone, you must first understand them. If you're going to hire, marry, or befriend someone, you have to be able to see them. If you are going to work closely with someone, you have to be able to make them feel recognized and valued. As David Brooks observes, ''The older I get, the more I come to the certainty that there is one skill at the center of any healthy family, company, classroom, community or nation: the ability to see each other, to know other people, to make them feel valued, heard and understood.''And yet we humans don't do this well. All around us are people who feel invisible, unseen, misunderstood. In How to Know a Person, Brooks sets out to help us to do better, posing questions that are essential for all of us. Driven by his trademark sense of curiosity, Brooks draws from the fields of psychology and neuroscience, and from the worlds of theatre, history, and education, to present a welcoming, hopeful, integrated approach to human connection. How to Know a Person helps readers become more understanding and considerate towards others, it helps readers find the joy that comes from being seen. Along the way it offers a possible remedy for a society that is riven by fragmentation, hostility, and misperception.The act of seeing another person, Brooks argues, is a profoundly creative act: How can we look somebody in the eye and see something large in them, and in turn, see something larger in ourselves? How to Know a Person is for anyone searching for connection, seeking to understand and yearning to be understood.
13,75€ 13,06€
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El Blister de sobres de la magnífica colección de Trading Cards NERGYS 2024 permite hacerte con 48 cartas de la colección.¡CONOCE A LOS NERGYS! Seres hechos de energía pura que nacen de diferentes fenómenos meteorológicos de la naturaleza. ¡Hay muchos distintos! Necesitan energía para evolucionar y pueden absorberla de una fuente... ¡o robársela a otros Nergys! Así pasarán de versión micro a medius y, por último, mega. ¡Pero ojo, si pierden energía, también pueden involucionar! Existen diez tribus distintas en función del tipo de energía de cada Nergy… ¡descúbrelas!”¡No lo dejes escapar!
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Lo mejor de nuestras vidas
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Galán Bertrand, Lucía

Un recorrido por el maravilloso y a veces complejo mundo de las emociones de nuestros hijos de la mano de la voz más fresca de la pediatría.El primer gran éxito de Lucía, mi pediatra. «Lo mejor de nuestras vidas es el viaje apasionado de una madre de profesión pediatra. Un recorrido por el intenso y revelador mundo de las emociones de nuestros hijos con el que os sentiréis identificados desde la primera página, en la que me encuentro en la sala de partos, aterrada pero inmensamente feliz, hasta la difícil pero a la vez inspiradora etapa de la adolescencia. Un verdadero aprendizaje de vida, un descubrimiento profundo de mis emociones, de las de nuestros hijos y de los cientos de familias que pasan por mi consulta. ¿Qué siente mi hijo? ¿Qué pasa por su cabeza? ¿Por qué se comporta así? ¿Qué siento yo como madre? ¿O tú como padre? Una lectura para no desperdiciar ni un solo minuto de la vida de nuestros pequeños, instantes que ya no volverán. Mi pasión: mi consulta, mis pacientes y mi familia. Mi inspiración: mis hijos, motor de mi vida.  ¿qué te gustaría que recordaran tus hijos de su infancia cuando tú no estés?».
10,95€ 10,40€
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Byatt, A. S.

A beautiful hardback edition of the Booker Prize-winning novel. A romance, a literary quest, a modern classic.A pair of young scholars investigate the lives of two Victorian poets. Following a trail of letters, journals and poems they uncover a web of passion, deceit and tragedy, and their quest becomes a battle against time. Possession is an exhilarating novel of wit and romance, at once a literary detective novel and a triumphant love story.
24,50€ 23,27€
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Usted se encuentra aquí
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Barrio, Fabián

Todo lo que los filósofos griegos pensaron hace mucho tiempo para mejorar tu vida ahora mismo¿Qué le diría Epicuro a Elon Musk? ¿Y Diógenes a una celebrity de Instagram? Es más, ¿qué te dirían los viejos filósofos a ti? Sí, a ti. Eres más griego de lo que piensas, todo lo que te pasa les pasó antes a ellos, tus problemas son los mismos y sus recetas para la vida siguen estando vigentes, pero desgraciadamente las hemos olvidado o malinterpretado. Es hora de volver a ellos. El escritor y aventurero Fabián C. Barrio ha recorrido el mundo en busca de respuestas y las ha encontrado en los filósofos de hace tres mil años, cuyo pensamiento logró modelar quienes somos hoy. Sus enseñanzas son la base de este libro ameno, socarrón e iconoclasta que quiere subsanar «la duda más roedora a la que se enfrenta el primate moderno: ¿cómo coño consigo estar bien?». La clave está en las cuatro escuelas principales del pensamiento griego: el estoicismo, el epicureísmo, el escepticismo y el cinismo. Ellos nos enseñaron a controlar los placeres, a lidiar con el deseo, a sobrellevar los miedos y a cultivar la belleza. Estos «griegos apolillados» tienen mucho que decir al hombre moderno, y a nosotros sólo no toca aprender a releer conceptos como ataraxia, eudaimonía y epoché. Usted se encuentra aquí es un divertido e irreverente viaje al pasado para traer al presente, a nuestras aceleradas vidas del siglo xxi, la filosofía que lleva siglos ayudándonos a vivir mejor. Nadie como Fabián C. Barrio para que sus lecciones nos lleguen tan frescas como si hubiesen sido pensadas expresamente para ti.
19,90€ 18,90€
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Fábulas: Edición de lujo - Libro 16
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Imagínate que los personajes de los cuentos de hadas fueran reales y que vivieran en pleno corazón de Manhattan después de huir de un enemigo común que conquistó sus lugares de origen. Te suena la historia, ¿verdad? ¡Sí, Fábulas ha vuelto! Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham y Steve Leialoha retoman uno de los grandes éxitos de las últimas décadas en El bosque negro, que empieza justo cuando Manhattan se entera de que estos seres inmortales vivían en sus calles. Y mientras fábulas como Blancanieves, el Lobo Feroz y su familia regresan a las Tierras Natales para empezar una vida nueva, hay otras que reivindican un lugar en el mundo... y una que está a punto de volver a la vida de la forma más macabra posible.
42,00€ 39,90€
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No sé quién eres
Hoy -5% en Libros

Gómez, María

María Gómez regresa con un domestic noir trepidante.¿Cómo encontrar a alguien que no existe? Jan Balaguer es un joven periodista que viaja desde Barcelona hasta Azores para cubrir la cumbre diplomática previa a la invasión de Irak. Cuando el avión sobrevuela la zona de Picos de Europa, las condiciones atmosféricas adversas provocan un terrible accidente. Jan cree ser el único superviviente del siniestro, mientras sortea uno a uno los cadáveres de todos los pasajeros que volaban con él.Hasta que descubre, entre los escombros, a una mujer ensangrentada. Jan intenta ayudarla, pero es inútil. Con el último aliento la mujer le pide un favor: encontrar a su hija.
20,90€ 19,85€
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Llegué a casa y no había nadie
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Grupinska, Hanka

Llegué a casa y no había nadie es un documento excepcional, es la historia hablada del tiempo del Holocausto contada por sus protagonistas. A Hanka Grupińska le interesan historias individuales, sus motivaciones, su modo de ver y entender lo que ocurría dentro del gueto. Aún tuvo la suerte de poder hablar con ellos. Casi todos hablaron de aquella etapa de sus vidas por primera vez desde la guerra, por primera vez en polaco y lejos de Polonia. Son conversaciones dolorosas para ellos que abren heridas, pero también ayudan a domar el pasado. Para los lectores son reveladoras, apasionantes, y abren los ojos a todo lo que había detrás de la heroica lucha de los combatientes judíos.
29,90€ 28,40€
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Tomie (Edición flexibook) (Quinta edición)
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Ito, Junji

Tomie es una misteriosa chica cuyos encantos arrastran a los hombres hacia una pasión desaforada que desata en ellos la locura. Ella siembra el terror bajo sus diversas formas, unas veces lo hará sola y otras, ayudada por auténticos perturbados, víctimas de su estremecedor hechizo protagonizando una espiral de pasión, locura, obsesión, bizarrismo y sórdidas muertes.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Marvel Ultimate núm. 41
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Mark Millar, el creador de Los Ultimates y guionista de Lobezno: El viejo Logan y Kick-Ass, está de nuevo en el Universo Definitivo que ayudó a crear. ¿Y te podrás creer con quién ha venido? ¡Nada menos que Carlos Pacheco, el dibujante español más internacional, de regreso a La Casa de las Ideas después de una larga ausencia. Juntos desarrollan una saga que descubre una amenaza secreta que acosa al Capitán América. ¡Ha llegado la hora de que Nick Furia utilice sus viejas herramientas para poner en marcha algo completamente nuevo!
15,99€ 15,19€
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Batman: Cronología vol. 2 (1980-1989)
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En el año del 85 aniversario de la creación de Batman os presentamos Batman: Cronología, uno de los proyectos más ambiciosos y especiales que se han publicado hasta la fecha. En esta colección de ocho entregas quincenales en tapa dura podréis disfrutar de los mejores cómics del Hombre Murciélago, desde 1980 a 2019, en riguroso orden cronológico y de forma íntegra. Un material imprescindible, acompañado de ilustraciones y artículos que contextualizan cada historia y explican con todo detalle la historia del personaje, delante y detrás de la mesa de dibujo. ¡Las historias clave que han convertido a Batman en el icono más universal del noveno arte! Al dejar atrás el ecuador de la década de los ochenta nada volvería a ser lo mismo para el Caballero Oscuro. Crisis en Tierras Infinitas fue la base que permitió renovar su origen, al igual que el de numerosos personajes principales de DC. Y así, en 1987, se publicó la versión de este que muchos autores y lectores -como su editor, Dennis O’Neil- considerarían definitiva. Batman: Año uno, de Miller y Mazzucchelli, es ese clásico inapelable coprotagonizado por Jim Gordon, al que sigue el también revisado origen de Jason Todd como Robin. Junto a La broma asesina, de Moore y Bolland, Una muerte en la familia, de Starlin y Aparo, o Asilo Arkham, de Morrison y McKean, son relatos de tal magnitud que aquí no hay ni una página que no sea clave en la historia del Hombre Murciélago... Pero, por si faltase alguna, el tomo incluye textos creados expresamente para esta edición que detallan la trayectoria de Batman entre bastidores y explican muchos de sus sorprendentes cambios a través de los años.
56,50€ 53,67€
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My Vampire Plus-One
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Levine, Jenna

Amelia Collins is tired of constant questions about her non-existent dating life, so she decides to get everyone off her back once and for all by inviting the worst person she can find to pose as her date to a family wedding: Reginald Cleaves.Reginald is extremely handsome (which is not in his favour for Amelia's purposes), but he's also rude, infuriatingly arrogant, and wears a riot of clashing clothes that make him look like he got dressed in a skip - all factors in the plus column.And the date goes well: everyone at the wedding, including Amelia, is horrified by Reginald and his actions, which include crashing the bar, starting up a breakdancing routine on the dance floor, and encouraging the kids to play frisbee with the fine china being used for dinner. (It really is a shame he's so attractive).After the evening is over, Reginald admits to Amelia that he's a vampire, which doesn't frighten her the way he expects it will. In fact, she asks if he would be willing to accompany her to a few more events over the course of the summer to help her further her goals of getting everyone to leave her alone. But there's a fine line between love and hate, and the last thing either of them expects is there might be a growing spark between them...
14,75€ 14,01€
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A Stroke Of The Pen
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Pratchett, Terry

THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLERA truly unmissable, beautifully illustrated collection of unearthed stories from the pen of Sir Terry Pratchett, creator of the phenomenally successful Discworld series.INCLUDES THE NEWLY DISCOVERED SHORT STORY‘A treasure trove glistening with lost gems’ Financial TimesFrom one of the world’s best-loved storytellers, a truly unmissable collection of rediscovered stories, written under a pseudonym in the 1970s and 80s. These early tales hint at the worlds Terry would go on to create, containing all his trademark wit, satirical wisdom and fantastic imagination.Meet Og the inventor, the first caveman to cultivate fire, as he discovers the highs and lows of progress, haunt the Ministry of Nuisances with the defiant evicted ghosts of Pilgarlic Towers, visit Blackbury, a small market town with weird weather and an otherworldly visitor, and go on a dangerous quest through time and space with hero Kron, which begins in the ancient city of Morpork.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Black Wolf
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Gómez-Jurado, Juan

The highly anticipated sequel to Juan Gómez-Jurado's number 1 international bestseller, Red Queen, now an original series streaming on Amazon Prime.Antonia Scott is the lynchpin of the Red Queen project, created to work behind the scenes to solve the most dark, devious and dangerous crimes.In southern Spain, in the Costa del Sol, a key mafia figure is found brutally murdered in his villa. His pregnant wife, Lola Moreno, barely escapes an attempt to kill her – and is on the run. An unusual shipping container arrives to Spain from St Petersburg, holding the corpses of nine women.Now Antonia, with the help of her protector, Jon Gutierrez, must track down the missing Lola. But they aren’t the only ones – a dangerous hitman, known as the Black Wolf, is also on her trail. And Antonia Scott, still plagued by her personal demons, must outwit, out-manoeuvre, and, ultimately, face this terrible, mysterious killer.Translated by Nick Caistor and Lorenza Garcia, Black Wolf follows on from Red Queen and features Antonia Scott, the most compelling and original detective since Lisbeth Salander.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Fire and Bones
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Reichs, Kathy

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kathy Reichs returns with a twisty, unputdownable thriller, plunging forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan into the centre of a Washington, DC arson investigation that spawns deepening levels of mystery and violence.
18,75€ 17,81€
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The Magic Faraway Tree: Goodnight, Fairy
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Blyton, Enid

Silky is sleepy after a day of fun with her forest friends. Can you lift the flaps to get her ready for bed? Help her to tidy up, have a bubble bath, read a bedtime story and tuck her in!
12,00€ 11,40€
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The Food Book
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A true celebration of food in all its forms, The Food Book follows the human quest for sustenance through the stories of individual ingredients. It examines our millennia-long relationship with nearly 200 foods - from nuts and seeds to noodles and meat - with the help of sumptuous illustrations and tales from all over the world.
35,25€ 33,49€
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Bluey: Bus
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Join Bluey and Bingo as they play a game of bus in this fun-filled fiction novel!
10,50€ 9,97€
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Lonely Planet The Joy of Birdwatching
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Discover 60 uplifting birding adventures plus 120 extra ideas on bird-rich trips that explore the joys and pleasures of watching our feathered friends in nature.
36,00€ 34,20€
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The Tokyo Zodiac Murders
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Shimada, Soji

A bestselling and internationally-acclaimed masterpiece of the locked-room mystery genre.Japan, 1936 an eccentric artist has been found dead, in a room locked from the inside. His diaries reveal a terrible plan to kill seven of his female relatives, but it is not until after the discovery of his body that the plan is apparently carried out: the women are killed and later found dismembered and buried across rural Japan.A decade on, an illustrator and an astrologer set off around the country to solve the gruesome unsolved mystery of the Tokyo Zodiac Murders.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Gracias a la vida
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Delibes de Castro, Miguel

¿Por qué dependemos de la naturaleza y cómo nos beneficiamos de ella?«Quienes hayan leído hasta aquí podrán acusarme, no sin motivo, de haber hecho trampas en mi argumentación: ''Usted nos dice, por un lado, que demos gracias a los microbios, y por otro que afortunadamente hongos y malas hierbas han inventado los remedios para matarlos, también que necesitamos a los insectos, pero a la vez que agradezcamos que los murciélagos se los coman. ¿En qué quedamos? ¿O acaso existen microbios e insectos, biodiversidad, en definitiva, buena y mala, y deberíamos cuidar la una y erradicar la otra?''. Entiendo su perplejidad. (...) Pero la importancia de la vida de la que formamos parte no se puede parcelar, ya que en esencia es un enorme conjunto de pesos y contrapesos relacionados, que como resultado mantienen la biosfera en un equilibrio dinámico idóneo para nuestra especie (y las otras).»Del prólogo, Miguel Delibes de Castro
20,90€ 19,85€
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Out There Screaming
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Peele, Jordan

Jordan Peele, the visionary writer and director of Get Out, Us and Nope, curates this anthology of brand new stories of Black horror. Exploring not only the terrors of the supernatural but also the chilling reality of injustice that haunts our world.Featuring an introduction by Jordan Peele and an all-star roster of beloved writers and new voices, Out There Screaming is a masterclass in horror, and – like his spine-chilling films – its stories prey on everything we think we know about our world, and redefine what it means to be afraid. Very afraid . . .Two freedom riders take a bus that leaves them stranded on a lonely road in Alabama, where several unsettling somethings await them. A young girl dives into the watery depths in search of the demon that killed her parents. Monster-hunters fighting monsters, humanoid AIs fighting for their rights, and an Igbo woman standing up to a powerful spirit.Featuring stories by: Erin E. Adams, Violet Allen, Lesley Nneka Arimah, Maurice Broaddus, Chesya Burke, P. Djèlí Clark, Ezra Claytan Daniels, Tananarive Due, Nalo Hopkinson, N. K. Jemisin, Justin C. Key, L. D. Lewis, Nnedi Okorafor, Tochi Onyebuchi, Rebecca Roanhorse, Nicole D. Sconiers, Rion Amilcar Scott, Terence Taylor and Cadwell Turnbull.
16,25€ 15,44€
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The American Beast
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Lepore, Jill

A panoptical vision of modern America, from the brilliant mind of Jill Lepore.The 2010s marked a shift in America's trajectory, beginning with the run-up to Donald Trump's election, through to the chaos and confusion left in its wake. With the wit and verve that has made her the acclaimed national historian of a generation, Jill Lepore reflects on the consuming fissures of this era: culture wars and media corrosion, disruptive innovation and techno-utopianism, constitutional crises surrounding gun rights and a reckoning with a deep history of racial violence.These essays make sense of American life in a moment of polarization, capturing the tumultuous relationship between the country's violent past and fractured present.
16,75€ 15,91€
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Starling House
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Harrow, Alix E.

Step into Starling House, if you dare . . .Alix E. Harrow reimagines Beauty and the Beast in this gorgeously modern Gothic fantasy, perfect for fans of V. E. Schwab and Naomi Novik.This paperback edition includes a bonus short story that reaches beyond the house's gnarly, tangled gates.Opal is a lot of things – orphan, high-school dropout, full-time cynic. Most of all, she’s determined to find a better life for her younger brother. One that gets them both out of Eden, a town renowned for bad luck. So when Opal gets the chance to earn a good wage at Starling House, Eden’s very own haunted mansion, she can’t resist.Her new workplace is uncanny and full of secrets ­­– just like Arthur, its brooding heir. It also feels strangely, dangerously, like something Opal never had: a home. As sinister forces converge on Eden, Opal realizes she might finally have found a reason to stick around. But now she’ll have to fight for it . . .This is a romantic and spellbinding Gothic fairytale from Hugo, Nebula and Locus Award-shortlisted Alix E. Harrow.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Well Done, Mummy Penguin
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Haughton, Chris

The irresistible board book edition of Chris Haughton's funny, suspenseful celebration of mothers set against an atmospheric Antarctic backdrop.Mummy Penguin is off to find a fishy dinner for her family. She has to swim very fast, climb a slippery cliff – cu-crunch, cu-crunch, cu-crunch – and even tiptoe past some sleeping seals… Shh! All the while, Little Penguin looks on in awe and says: “Well done, Mummy Penguin!”The icy – and treacherous! – Antarctic landscapes are breathtaking in this funny and exciting celebration of all that mothers do, and all that mothers are.
11,75€ 11,16€
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The Tin Drum
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Grass, Günter

Bitter and impassioned, The Tin Drum delivers a scathing dissection of Germany and Poland under the Nazis.On his third birthday Oskar decides to stop growing. Haunted by the deaths of his parents and wielding his tin drum Oskar recounts the events of his extraordinary life, from the long nightmare of the Nazi era to his anarchic adventures in post-war Germany.
16,75€ 15,91€
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Surrounded By Liars
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Erikson, Thomas

From the Sunday Times bestselling author of the international phenomenon Surrounded by Idiots.Studies suggest two people who have never met before will tell three lies within the first five minutes. Astounding. But why?Why do we choose to lie even when we know it's wrong? To protect the people we love? To paint ourselves in a better light? To win short-lived praise? Or, are there simply far more obscure reasons behind why we lie?In Surrounded by Liars, international bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson unpacks the psychological reasons behind why we lie, and reveals the impact lying has on our relationships.With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, discover how to detect the liars in your life and shatter their deception for good!
16,25€ 15,44€
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Best Hex Ever
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El-Fassi, Nadia

A kitchen witch with a penchant for baking and a (literally) cursed love life meets someone who's worth breaking a hex for in this sweet and spicy debut romance.As a skilled kitchen witch, Dina Whitlock knows her way around a pastry recipe. In fact, she runs her very own London café serving magic-infused pastries for her loyal customers. But only a select few friends know about her magical abilities or the hex that has plagued her love life. It’s hard to fall in love when your partner is guaranteed to have a string of bad luck the second they start to have feelings for you.Scott Mason is back from traveling the world and is excited to begin his new job as a curator at the British Museum. After leaving London to heal from a brutal breakup two years ago, Scott only now realizes how much he missed out on. Now that his best friend’s wedding is right around the corner, Scott is determined to be the most amazing best man ever, but he doesn’t expect to be bewitched by the maid of honor, who also happens to be the owner of his new favorite café and, more surprisingly, a witch?!After a weekend in the countryside full of peculiar hedge mazes, palm readings by candlelight, and a midnight Halloween ritual, there’s no denying the chemistry between them. But there’s just one problem: The hex still holds, and Dina knows that Scott is in danger. In the past, she’s always cut her losses, but this time is different. Scott could be the one. Will Dina be able to undo the hex, before it’s too late?
18,25€ 17,34€
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The Ballerina Of Auschwitz
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Eger, Edith

In 1944, sixteen-year-old ballerina Edith was sent to Auschwitz and endured unimaginable experiences. When the camp was finally liberated, she was pulled from a pile of bodies, barely alive.Celebrated therapist and Holocaust survivor Edith Eger captivated millions with her incredible tale of survival and strength in her best-selling book The Choice.Now, in The Ballerina of Auschwitz, Edith revisits her wartime experiences in a deeply personal retelling, through the eyes and emotions of her teenage self. Through this reworking of her poignant narrative, Edith brings readers of all ages into the heart of her experiences, offering a compelling message of hope and resilience that will ensure her story is never forgotten.
16,25€ 15,44€
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The Labyrinth House Murders
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Ayatsuji, Yukito

THE TWISTY AND INGENIOUS FOURTH INSTALLEMENT IN THE BIZARRE HOUSE MYSTERIES.The famed mystery writer Miyagaki Yotaro lives a life of seclusion in the remote Labyrinth House. When Yotaro invites four young crime authors to his home for a birthday party, they are honoured to accept. But no sooner have they arrived than they are confronted with a shocking death, then lured into a bizarre, deadly competition…As the twisted contest gathers pace, murder follows murder. The ingenious sleuth Shimada Kiyoshi investigates, but can he solve the mystery of the house before all those trapped in its labyrinth are dead? And can you guess the solution before he does?
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Man Who Didn't Burn
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Moore, Brian

When an English expat is brutally murdered, his charred corpse left on a Loire Valley hillside, the police turn to juge d’instruction Matthieu Lombard to find the perpetrator.Instead, Lombard discovers a wealth of secrets, grudges and feuds in the idyllic town of Saint-Genèse-sur-Loire. He begins to suspect that the remaining members of the Comité des Fêtes know more about the death than they are letting on.But rather than towards an arrest, each clue he uncovers seems to point in one, unexpected direction: Joan of Arc. Is the answer to the murder hiding in the barroom gossip of the Lion d’Or? Or in another century altogether?
14,75€ 14,01€
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Roald Dahl: The Night Before Christmas
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Dahl, Roald

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all were in bed,When some chiddlers thought . . . “We’ll be naughty instead!”A gloriously naughty Christmas celebration, featuring a twist on the classic rhyme, a flap to lift on every spread and a surprise pop-up ending with the Enormous Crocodile!
12,00€ 11,40€
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What I Ate In A Year
Hoy -5% en Libros

Tucci, Stanley

‘Sharing food is one of the purest human acts'Food has always been an integral part of Stanley Tucci’s life: from stracciatella soup served in the shadow of the Pantheon, to marinara sauce cooked between rehearsals and costume fittings, to home-made pizza eaten with his children before bedtime.Now, in What I Ate in One Year Tucci records twelve months of eating, in restaurants, kitchens, film sets, press junkets, at home and abroad, with friends, with family, with strangers, and occasionally just by himself.Ranging from the mouth-wateringly memorable, to the comfortingly domestic, to the infuriatingly inedible, the meals memorialized in this diary are a prism through which he reflects on the ways his life, and his family, are constantly evolving. Through food he marks – and mourns – the passing of time, the loss of loved ones, and prepares himself for what is to come.Whether it’s duck à l’orange eaten with fellow actors and cooked by singing Carmelite nuns, steaks barbecued at a gathering with friends, or meatballs made by his mother and son and shared at the table with three generations of his family, these meals give shape and richness to his days.
25,75€ 24,46€
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Stay In The Light
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After her terrifying experience at the hands of the Watchers, Mina has escaped to a cottage on the west coast of Ireland. She obsessively researches her former captors, desperate to find any way to prolong the safety of humankind.When Mina encounters a stranger near her home, she fears the worst - for she knows the figure is not what it seems. Soon, people she has encountered start to disappear.Mina knows the Watchers' power is growing. She flees for her life, but when she reports her fears she finds her sanity questioned. Can she convince people that the Watchers are real, and ready to strike - or will she suffer the fate she has dreaded since she first encountered those malevolent beings?A chilling modern twist on the Gothic horror novel, perfect for fans of Kealan Patrick Burke, T. Kingfisher and classic horror.
22,00€ 20,90€
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How To Hide In Plain Sight
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Noyes, Emma

The unbreakable bonds of family and love are explored in this brilliant and tender story from the author of Guy's Girl.On the day she arrives in Canada for her older brother's wedding, Eliot Beck hasn't seen her family in three years. Eliot adores her big, wacky, dysfunctional collection of siblings and in-laws, but there's a reason she fled to Manhattan and buried herself in her work—and she’s not ready to share it with anyone. Not when speaking it aloud could send her back into the never-ending cycle of the obsessive-compulsive disorder that consumed her for years.Eliot thinks she's prepared to survive the four-day-long wedding extravaganza—until she sees her best friend, Manuel, waiting for her at the marina and looking as handsome as ever. He was the person who, when they met as children, felt like finding the missing half of her soul. The person she tried so hard not to fall in love with… but did anyway.Manuel's presence at the wedding threatens to undo the walls Eliot has built around herself. The fortress that keeps her okay. If she isn't careful, by the end of this wedding, the whole castle might come crumbling down.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Sweet Mercies
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Booth, Anne

Even saints need second chances...Discover the new heartwarming Christmas adventure with the Sisters of Saint Philomena, about friendship, family, and forgiveness. Perfect for fans of AJ Pearce, Katie Fforde and Call the Midwife.Everyone loves Sister Bridget. The cheerful Mother Superior of St Philomena's convent is friend to many in the town of Fairbridge and the irrepressible caller at the weekly Parish Bingo. There is nothing she can't sort out with a kind word, a cup of tea and a slice of her amazing chocolate cake.But as the Christmas tree goes up and festive cheer rises, a visitor arrives at the convent who doesn't like Sister Bridget one bit. Sister Bridget soon learns that secrets are bubbling to the surface back home in Ireland - especially for her younger sister Mary. She will need to face up to past deeds, however well-intended.With the help of her friends, and the power of love and forgiveness, maybe she can finally make things right.Sweet Mercies reminds us that none of us is perfect, and everybody deserves another chance at finding peace and happiness.
13,25€ 12,59€
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