Mundo profesional

Explora los secretos del mundo profesional en inglés con nuestra selección de libros especializados. Desde guías prácticas para la entrevista de trabajo hasta recursos para mejorar tus habilidades de comunicación en el lugar de trabajo, ofrecemos una variedad de materiales para ayudarte a alcanzar el éxito profesional en un entorno angloparlante. Con consejos de expertos y estrategias prácticas, estos libros te prepararán para enfrentar los desafíos y aprovechar las oportunidades profesionales.

English for Nursing 1 Student'S book Pack
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PEAR English for Nursing 1/SB pack
35,80€ 34,01€
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OUP Business Result PRE 2E/SB+onlWB
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English for Everyone Intermedio Business English Ejercicios
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El innovador método de autoaprendizaje de inglés,English for Everyone, ahora presenta Business English, dos manuales específicos para aprender inglés de negocios en dos niveles: inicial e intermedio. English for Everyone Business English refuerza las habilidades claves de la lengua inglesa, sus reglas gramaticales y el vocabulario haciendo especial énfasis en la terminología de los negocios. El libro de actividades en su nivel intermedio afianza los conocimientos aprendidos en English for Everyone. Business English. Nivelinicial y suma a estos ejercicios y audios relacionados con las habilidades interpersonales, el vocabulario inglés de las reuniones de trabajo, los correos electrónicos formales entre trabajadores y clienteso útiles consejos sobre cómo afrontar entrevistas detrabajo en inglés, temas tan necesarios en el día adía laboral en la actualidad. Este libro de actividades, además, propone prácticos ejercicios que ayudarán a que el alumno comprenda y desarrolle lo aprendido con ejercicios que simulan situaciones realesen el ámbito laboral. Además, este libro de inglés intermedio cuenta con numerosos ejercicios paraponer en práctica lo aprendido con el libro de estudio y está dividido en unidades, en cada una de ellas te encontrarás: - Un resumen sobre lo que vas apracticar en cada unidad - Diferentes móduloscon diversas temáticas de negocios, vocabulario y gramática inglesa - Vocabulario con las expresiones, palabras y frases más útiles en el inglés para negocios - Una guía visual con imágenes y gráficos que te ayudarán a retener todo lo aprendido - Audio de apoyo que te ayudará a mejorar la expresión y comprensión del inglés Cada uno de los ejercicios de este libro de inglés, está diseñado paraque apliques y contrastes lo que has aprendido en cada unidad, lo que te permitirá conseguir un inglés más fluido. Descripción general del curso DK presenta English for Everyone un innovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesadesarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercado con un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar. El curso de inglés cuenta con cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de actividades que se complementan, además, con un amplio abanico de audios y ejercicios digitales. Este curso completo de inglés, que ayuda en la preparación de los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC, está diseñado para cubrir todas las necesidades de aprendizaje gracias a contenidosmuy estructurados y atractivos con gráficos e ilustraciones que facilitarán la comprensión de las unidades didácticas y harán que estudiar inglés sea más ameno. Todos los libros para aprender inglés que componen el curso English for Everyone cuentan con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.
16,95€ 16,10€
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Hoy -5% en Libros
EP CF Mechanics/18
24,35€ 23,13€
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Market Leader 1 Pre Intermediate Flexi
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Market Leader: British English / 5 Levels / A1 - C2.Develop confident, fluent speakers who can successfully use English in a work environment Market Leader 3rd Edition Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers. It has been developed in association withthe Financial Times, one of the leading sources of business information in the world. Financial Times material introduces students to topical business issuesand builds the professional language and communication skills required for the modern world of business. Market Leader is a five-level English course developedtogether with the Financial Times. 'Premier Lessons'offer a constantly-updated bank of lessons based onthe latest Financial Times articles
29,85€ 28,36€
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Hoy -5% en Libros


Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
24,35€ 23,13€
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English Information Technology 1 Student'S book Pack
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The Pearson Vocational English series meets the English language needs of learners in a range of specialisations. English for Information Technology combines a strong grammar syllabus with the specialist vocabulary students need to succeed in this area. I
35,80€ 34,01€
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English for International Tourism Pre Intermediate Second Edition Workbook+Key+Cd
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20,10€ 19,09€
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Restaurants & Catering Workbook
Hoy -5% en Libros
BUR CF Restaurants & Catering/WB
17,75€ 16,86€
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Ep Cf Art<(>&<)>Desing
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EP CF Art&Desing
24,35€ 23,13€
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Computing Student Book
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Express Publishing

Computing Student Book
24,35€ 23,13€
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Construction 1 Buildings
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Express Publishing

Construction 1 Buildings
24,35€ 23,13€
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Taxi drivers
Hoy -5% en Libros


Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Command & control
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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English for emergency medical technician
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39,45€ 37,48€
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Construction 2 roads & highways
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Restaurants & Catering Student'S
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BUR CF Restaurants & Catering/SB
27,15€ 25,79€
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Hoy -5% en Libros


Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Cp Nursing Eng.
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EP CF Nursing/Eng.
24,35€ 23,13€
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Cp Paramedics Student'S Book
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
24,35€ 23,13€
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Science Student's Book
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EP Career Paths Science/SB
24,35€ 23,13€
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English Engineering Student'S Book+Cd
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Cambridge English for Engineering develops the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of engineering professionals, enabling them to communicate more confidently and effectively with colleagues and customers. The ten standalone units cover topics common to all kinds of engineering (including civil, electrical and mechanical) such as procedures and precautions, monitoring and control, and engineering design. Authentic activities, from describing technical problems and suggesting solutions to working with drawings, make the course relevant and motivating.The course requires no specialist knowledge on the part of the teacher and comprehensive teacher's notesare available online. It is also ideal for self-study.
39,90€ 37,90€
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English for Everyone Inicial Business English
Hoy -5% en Libros


El innovador método de autoaprendizaje de inglés,English for Everyone, ahora presenta Business English, dos manuales específicos para aprender inglés de negocios en dos niveles: inicial e intermedio. English for Everyone. Business English refuerza las habilidades claves de la lengua inglesa, sus reglas gramaticales y el vocabulario haciendo especial énfasis en la terminología de los negocios. El Libro de estudio en su nivel inicial se centra en algunos de los temas empresariales más importantes como negociación de condiciones, reuniones de empleados, presentaciones técnicas enel ámbito laboral o lenguaje telefónico formal sin olvidar vocabulario inglés específico de negocios queincluye economía, finanzas o ciencia entre otros muchos temas tan necesarios en el día a día en la actualidad. Este libro de estudio nivel inicial estádividido en unidades y en cada una de ellas te encontrarás: - Un resumen sobre lo que vas a practicar en cada unidad - Diferentes módulos con diversas temáticas relacionadas con el inglés para negocios - Nuevo vocabulario y gramática inglesa para acelerar el aprendizaje del idioma - Audiode apoyo que te ayudará a mejorar la expresión y comprensión del inglés - Ejercicios para poner enpráctica lo aprendido y consolidar las nuevas habilidades Descripción general del cursoDK presenta English for Everyone uninnovador curso de autoestudio de lengua inglesa desarrollado por los mejores profesionales de enseñanza del inglés para dar respuesta a la demanda del mercadocon un sistema visual, sencillo y fácil de utilizar.El curso de inglés cuenta con cuatro niveles divididos en cuatro libros de estudio con sus correspondientes libros de actividades que se complementan, además,con un amplio abanico de audios y ejercicios digitales. Este curso de inglés completo ayuda en lapreparación de los exámenes oficiales TOEFL, MECR, IELTS y TOEIC y está diseñado para cubrir todas las necesidades de aprendizaje gracias a contenidos muy estructurados y atractivos con gráficos e ilustraciones que facilitarán la comprensión de las unidades didácticas y harán que estudiar inglés sea más ameno. Todos los libros para aprender inglés que componen el curso English for Everyone cuentan con audios gratuitos que, además, puedes encontrar en y en la app gratuita para smartphones disponible para Android e iOS.
20,95€ 19,90€
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Business English Para Dummies
Hoy -5% en Libros
¿Necesitas el inglés para ascender en tu trabajo? ¿Te sientes inseguro en las reuniones con clientes y proveedores extranjeros? ¿Quieres ampliar las fronteras de tu empresa? Esta práctica guía te presenta 80 situaciones habituales del mundo de los nego
12,95€ 12,30€
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Mechanical engineering
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Food service industries
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Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Business Partner B1 Workbook
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Business Partner gives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps learners to make measurable progress in learning English while helping to make them more employable.Business Partner does not assume any knowledge of the workplace, and is designedfor students with no work experience. It also provides many suggestions and alternative ways to use the material for those students already in work.Each levelis written to a syllabus based on the Global Scale ofEnglish Learning Objectives for Professional Englishto help learners evaluate their progress.
25,45€ 24,18€
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Curso de inglés definitivo 4
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El Curso de inglés definitivo se trata de un curso íntegramente diseñado para estudiar por cuenta propia y en él se sintetizan las principales líneas del sistema de enseñanza de Richard Vaughan.
20,95€ 19,90€
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Hoy -5% en Libros


Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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English for International Tourism Pre Intermediate Second Edition Student'S Book+Dvd
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English for International Tourism is a three-level series designed to meet the English-language needs of professionals working in the tourism industry and students of tourism in further education. Using photos and maps from the world&#x02019,s best-loved guidebooks, Dorling Kindersley&#x02019,s Eyewitness Travel Guides, this is a highly-motivating way for learners to:develop language awareness,acquire specialized terminology, build confidence in professional skills neededin the tourism industry, practise language skills inrealistic Case Studies. The DVD-ROM accompanying theCoursebook includes travel DVDs with accompanying worksheets.
36,15€ 34,34€
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Facilities maintenance student's book (with digibooks)
Hoy -5% en Libros


Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Hotel&Hospitality English +Cd(2)
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COL Hotel&Hospitality English/+CD(2)
23,50€ 22,32€
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Merchant navy
Hoy -5% en Libros


Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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Natural resources 1 forestry
Hoy -5% en Libros


Get the passport to a promising international career. These books are designed for professionals and students in vocational schools and colleges to help them develop the language skills they need to succeed in a professional work environment. • 3 books in one • 45 units in total • Integration of all 4 language skills in each lesson • Authentic material • Practice of language and skills based on real-life situations • Guided speaking and writing exercises
23,65€ 22,47€
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