Libros de métodos en inglés

Explora el fascinante mundo del aprendizaje del inglés con nuestra colección de libros especializados. Desde cursos de iniciación hasta recursos avanzados para los estudiantes más experimentados, ofrecemos una amplia gama de materiales para ayudarte a mejorar tus habilidades en inglés. Con métodos de enseñanza innovadores, ejercicios prácticos y recursos audiovisuales, estos libros te guiarán en tu camino hacia la fluidez en inglés de manera efectiva y entretenida.

Studio Elementary (A2) Workbook + E Zone Helbling 9783990459065
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23,35€ 22,18€
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Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Third Edition Student'S Book+Dvd
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Cutting Edge 3rd edition edition builds on the task-based learning approach that has made. Cutting Edge so popular. With fresh, new, integrated dvd material and digital components, learners can be confi dent of improving their language skills through acar
51,00€ 48,45€
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New Total English Elementary Student'S Book+Mylab
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New Total English retains all the popular features ofthe original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer ateach level.
70,35€ 66,83€
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More! Level 1 Student'S book With Cyber Homework Andonline Resources 2Nd Edition
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MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from recognised authors for lower secondary students.This new edition is bursting with added features andan even more user-friendly design to capture young teenagers' imagination and help improve their learning.The course encourages reading for pleasure with newadventure photostories and engaging texts. Both CLILsections, now an integral part of each lesson, and mini-projects inspire teenagers' natural curiosity. Inaddition to dedicated grammar, vocabulary and skillssections, MORE! also helps improve your students' exam results with new exam skills sections and learningtips in the Workbook. Each level of MORE! offers 80-90 hours of teaching material and a rich choice of digital components for you and your students. Cyber Homework and web resources make homework and language practice enjoyable for students, while the PresentationPlus DVD-ROM, Testbuilder CD-ROM and DVD provide additional support with teaching and monitoring your students' progress.
40,90€ 38,85€
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Cutting Edge Elementary Third Edition Student'S Book+Dvd
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Cutting Edge 3rd edition edition builds on the task-based learning approach that has made. Cutting Edge sopopular. With fresh, new, integrated dvd material and digital components, learners can be confi dent of improving their language skills through acarefully balanced range of activities.
51,00€ 48,45€
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Touchstone Level 4 Workbook B 2Nd Edition
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Touchstone, together with Viewpoint, is a six-level English program based on research from the Cambridge English Corpus. Touchstone Second Edition Workbook, Level 4B provides practice of the language studied in Units 7-12 of the Student's Book. Activities can be used for homework or in class.
15,90€ 15,10€
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Empower Pre-Intermediate/B1 Combo B With Digital Pack
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36,90€ 35,05€
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33,05€ 31,40€
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OUP English File ADV 3E/SB+WB Oxford LG 9780194502092
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47,40€ 45,03€
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39,20€ 37,24€
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OUP Voyage B1+/+DVDR
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Voyage A2 Student book + Workbook Oosp W/O
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OUP Voyage A2/SB+WB+OnlSkills
47,30€ 44,93€
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Voyage B1 Student book + Workbook Oosp W/O
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OUP Voyage B1/SB+WB+OnlSkills
47,30€ 44,93€
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Speakout Advanced Plus 2Nd Edition Workbook With Key
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
26,90€ 25,55€
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Speakout Advanced Plus 2Nd Edition Students' book and Dvd-Rom Pack
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Real English in your classroom. Speakout is the English language course that includes video content from the BBC to engage students and make teaching easier.Itfollows a balanced approach to topics, language development and skills work. Speaking activities are prominent, but not at the expense of the other core skills of reading, writing and listening, which are developed systematically throughout.
44,70€ 42,46€
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Jetstream Split Elementary Student'S Pack A
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HBL B2 Jetstream Split ELE/SB A pack
29,00€ 27,55€
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Jetstream Split Upper-Int Student'S Pack B
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HBL B2 Jetstream Split UPP/SB B pack
29,00€ 27,55€
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New Plus Ele Tb
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MM New Plus ELE/TB
27,00€ 25,65€
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Keynote Upper A Student'S Book+Workbook+Dvdr
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34,35€ 32,63€
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Outcomes Pre-Intermediate Teacher'S book With Class Cd
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57,25€ 54,39€
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International Express Pre-Intermediate 3Th Edition Class Cd(2)
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27,12€ 25,76€
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HNL Our World AME 1/WB+CD
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HNL Our World AME 1/WB+CD
16,60€ 15,77€
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HNL Life INT/Combo Split A
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HNL Life INT/Combo Split A
33,30€ 31,63€
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HNL Aspire INT/WB Pack
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HNL Aspire INT/Workbook Pack
29,06€ 27,61€
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Inglés medio
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En este curso el vocabulario del alumno se aumenta gradualmente y se le dan oportunidades no solo de aprender, sino de utilizar las nuevas palabras. A medida que los pasajes de lectura se hacen más complicados, aparecen palabras de uso poco frecuente. Se deja la opción de no insistir demasiado en estas palabras. Por ejemplo, un alumno no necesita recordar icicle o phenomenon a estas alturas. Al explicar la gramática se ha tenido especial cuidado de no introducir muchos temas nuevos en una misma lección. También se han evitado las largas listas de palabras a aprender de memoria. Los verbos irregulares, por ejemplo, se aprenden en grupos de tres o cuatro, diseminados en el conjunto del libro, y no se hacen aprender al alumno listas de treinta o cuarenta verbos a un tiempo. En cada cinco lecciones se inserta una lección de revisión con ejercicios de pronunciación. Se han evitado casi por completo los textos puramente gramaticales, pues el objetivo del libro es enseñar inglés, no gramática.
11,00€ 10,45€
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HNL World Eng. Intro Combo A/SB+CDR
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HNL World Eng. Intro Combo A/SB+CDR
34,26€ 32,55€
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Empower Upper-Intermediate/B2 Student`S Book With Digital Pack, Academic Skills
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64,90€ 61,65€
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Oup English File C1.2 4E/Tg+Trc 9780194060868
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43,18€ 41,02€
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Hbl Studio Upp/Sb+ Ezone 9783990459119
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40,96€ 38,91€
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Mcm Your Influence B2/Sb Pk 9781380057761
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34,72€ 32,98€
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Through life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, Keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in English. Communication, collaboration and creative thinki
44,70€ 42,46€
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HNL Perspectives INT A SB+Onl.
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Perspectives is a four-skills series in American and British English that teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to find their own voice in English. The carefully-guided language lessons, real-world stories, and
22,36€ 21,24€
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HNL Great Writing 3 SB+Onl.
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The new edition of the Great Writing series provides clear explanations, extensive models of academic writing and practice to help learners write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. With expanded vocabulary instruction, sentence-level practice, and N
44,11€ 41,90€
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HNL Reading Explorer 1 B SB+Onl.
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Reading Explorer, a six-level reading series, prepares learners for academic success with highly visual, motivating National Geographic content that features real people, places, and stories.
28,15€ 26,74€
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HNL Reading Explorer 3 SB+Onl.
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Reading Explorer, a six-level reading series, prepares learners for academic success with highly visual, motivating National Geographic content that features real people, places, and stories.
37,25€ 35,39€
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HNL Keynote UPP A SB+WB+onl.
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Through life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, Keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in English. Communication, collaboration and creative thinki
27,25€ 25,89€
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