Lecturas graduadas en inglés

Aprovecha al máximo tu práctica de lectura en inglés con nuestra colección de libros sobre lecturas graduadas. Desde niveles iniciales hasta avanzados, estos libros ofrecen una variedad de historias interesantes y emocionantes adaptadas a tu nivel de competencia. Con vocabulario contextualizado y ejercicios integrados, estos materiales te ayudarán a mejorar tu comprensión lectora, a ampliar tu vocabulario y a disfrutar del placer de leer en inglés.

Ransom Of Red Chief & Other
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BUR BRS S4 Ransom of Red Chief & Other
8,00€ 7,60€
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MCM MCR2 Fun at the Beach
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Charlie & Sports Day Surprise Hello Kids Readers
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Colección de lecturas graduadas para niños de primaria. Charlie, el protagonsita, viva diferentes aventuras y descubrimientos ambientados en el Reino Unido.
8,50€ 8,07€
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MCM EX5 Bronze Bust Mystery
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Easystart: The Troy Stone book and Cd Pack
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9,40€ 8,93€
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La serie de lecturas Reading Stars de Oxford University Press ha sido diseñada para acompañar a niños pequeños desde su primera experiencia con la lectura en inglés y guiarles hacia el objetivo de leer de forma independiente. El lenguaje está cuidadosamente graduado y la cantidad de texto aumenta gradualmente en cada uno de los tres niveles disponibles. Todas las lecturas de la serie vienen acompañadas de audio, una guía para el profesor, una guía para padres, videos para padres y actividades de acompañamiento. Las actividades ayudan a los niños a desarrollar sus destrezas de lectura. También hay vínculos con otras áreas curriculares, como Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, de modo que el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa de los niños se integra con su desarrollo educativo más amplio. ¡Acompaña a tus personajes favoritos de Blaze y los Monster Machines en sus aventuras!
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Adame Doubtfire
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BUR BIR A2 Madame Doubtfire
10,60€ 10,07€
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OUP DOL1 Magic Number/18
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OUP OBL2 Jungle book/16
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Les Misérables Black Cat
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VV BC Les Misérables
13,15€ 12,49€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.General Sternwood has four million dollars, and two young daughters, both pretty and both wild. He's an old, sick man, close to death, but he doesn't like being blackmailed. So he asks private detective Philip Marlowe to get the blackmailer off his back. Marlowe knows the dark side of life in Los Angeles well, and nothing much surprises him. But the Sternwood girls are a lot wilder than their old father realizes. They like men, drink, drugs - and it's not just a question of blackmail.
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The men and the woman in this book - William Tell, Tom Blood, Lord Bao, King Matthias, Johnny Appleseed, and Lady Godiva - are all real people from history.But every time someone tells an old story, they change things in it, to make them bigger, better, and more exciting. So what is true in this book and what is not?
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Read and discover all about caring for our beautiful planet Earth. What is global warming? How can we keep our planet clean?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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Little Mermaid A2
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7,35€ 6,98€
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OUP OBF2 Olympic games
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BR – How To Be A Millionaire 4º ESO
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Paul McCartney, Tina Turner and Bill Gates are three of the best known millionaires in the world. This book traces the roots of their money-making talents and abilities in an entertaining and informative way. You may not be a millionaire when you finish this book, but you’ll have a better idea of what it takes to become one.
8,00€ 7,60€
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Ali Baba finds a thieves' treasure cave, and he is suddenly rich. Then his brother Kasim visits the cave, and things go wrong.Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities, and exciting, fully dramatized audio for every story, the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for students while making it easy for you to develop their reading and language skills.
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MCM MEEX 3 Magic Flute
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MCM MCR5 London: A Day in the City/19
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The canterville ghost
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Heighten your students' interest in the English language through drama by using the Showtime Readers! Enjoy the story as a reading text divided into several beautifully illustrated episodes, each of which is accompanied by language activities designed to help comprehension and consolidate learning. Bring the story to life as a musical play. At the end of the school year, the students can perform themselves, or use finger puppets.
9,40€ 8,93€
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Robin Hood Green Apple 2
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VV GA2 Robin Hood
13,15€ 12,49€
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Aladdin Earlyreads 5
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VV ER5 Aladdin
7,16€ 6,80€
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Nasreddin Ten Stories Earlyreads 5
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VV ER5 Nasreddin Ten Stories
7,50€ 7,12€
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Frankenstein lbr l6
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Team Ladybird Readers

Victor Frankenstein was a brilliant scientist. He wanted to create something beautiful, but he created something terrible - a monster!Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction, written for young learners of English as a foreign or second language.
8,90€ 8,45€
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When Caterina finds her great-great grandmothers diary in the attic she reads about her difficult life as a child worker in the local mill. Caterina starts thinking and soon she has started a campaign against a local boutique that sells cheap fashionable clothes.However the shop belongs to Jakes Uncle Sanjit.Can Caterina convince Sanjit to sell ethically made clothes? And are Sanjits suppliers what they seem?
14,85€ 14,11€
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1984. Free Audiobook
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1984. Con app. Con audio. Con e-book
10,40€ 9,88€
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Canterville Ghost Green Apple Green Apple
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12,50€ 11,87€
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Easystart: Flying Home book and Mp3 Pack
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PEN NPRE Flying Home
9,40€ 8,93€
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OUP DOM3 Hard Times/19
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Dolphin Readers are an exciting and varied series of readers for young learners. Covering a range of topics, both fiction and non-fiction, they are available at five levels.Level 1 contains 275 Headwords.
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One cold winter morning, a famous movie star and her teenage daughter are driving along a country road...A blue van is waiting for them. Tom is in the van, but he's not a kidnapper - he's an artist. He usually draws pictures for adventure stories. Now he's in a real life adventure.
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Clm02 At School
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3,10€ 2,94€
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OUP ORI4 Volcano Adventure/AB
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Prowse, Philip

Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. A struggling writer and a computer with a m
9,90€ 9,40€
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Level 1: The Crown book and Multi-Rom With Mp3 Pack
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13,40€ 12,73€
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Oxford Read and Imagine is a fiction series written for primary and pre-primary students. Young learners follow Rosie, Ben and Grandpa on their adventures and grow up with the characters as they read and learn.Rosie and Grandpa go to the zoo. They look at the penguins and the lions. What happens when they eat their sandwiches?CEFR Pre-A1Word count 120
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