Oxford University Press

Sin duda, la motivación es la puerta para construir el hábito lector, tanto para pequeños como para mayores. Por eso, Oxford propone una amplia variedad de lecturas en inglés y en castellano, con historias cercanas, temas interesantes y con diferentes niveles.

La lectura es esencial para desarrollar el aprendizaje: recicla el vocabulario en diferentes contextos, refuerza la gramática, mejora las destrezas de escritura y comunicación, promueve el pensamiento crítico… Para los estudiantes es fundamental para aumentar su confianza en el día a día de su desarrollo académico.

Ahora es el momento de elegir tu próxima lectura con Oxford.

Historias secretas en la noche
Hoy -5% en Libros

Gisbert, Joan Manuel

Konrad, el Ecuánime, titular del señorío de Warlavia, allá en la Europa lejana, decide convocar un singular concurso de narradores. Después de mucho buscar por tierras lejanas, encontrarán a dos candidatos, se trata de un hombre y una mujer, de muy distintos orígenes, Ismal y Nubis. Durante una noche, contarán cada uno historias increíbles que harán que Konrad tenga que tomar una decisión muy complicada.
9,50€ 9,02€
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Una tropa de hermanos
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Álvarez, Blanca

Jacobo comienza una nueva vida cuando sus padres adoptan a Yermoné, una bonita niña negra. Los celos le hacen no estar muy dispuesto a facilitar las cosas a Yermoné, pero la «visita» de los niños africanos apadrinados por sus padres le hacen comprender el valor de compartir y ejercer, por vez primera, de hermano mayor. El amor fraterno aparece reflejado en una entrañable historia que añade pinceladas del desconocido mundo africano.
9,50€ 9,02€
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Rosie, Ben, Alice, and Clunk are playing a game. The children look and look, but where's Clunk?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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La serie de lecturas Reading Stars de Oxford University Press ha sido diseñada para acompañar a niños pequeños desde su primera experiencia con la lectura en inglés y guiarles hacia el objetivo de leer de forma independiente. El lenguaje está cuidadosamente graduado y la cantidad de texto aumenta gradualmente en cada uno de los tres niveles disponibles. Todas las lecturas de la serie vienen acompañadas de audio, una guía para el profesor, una guía para padres, videos para padres y actividades de acompañamiento. Las actividades ayudan a los niños a desarrollar sus destrezas de lectura. También hay vínculos con otras áreas curriculares, como Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, de modo que el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa de los niños se integra con su desarrollo educativo más amplio. ¡Acompaña a tus personajes favoritos de Dora la Exploradora en sus aventuras!
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Buzón de voces
Hoy -5% en Libros

Martín Ramos, Juan Carlos

Los poemas que conforman este libro le ponen voz a lo cotidiano, a lo que nos rodea, con un lenguaje cercano, sencillo y sugerente para que el paso del tiempo, la noche, el mar, un tren o una veleta nos cuenten y podamos escuchar sus murmullos. Por otra parte, las ilustraciones de Juan Vidaurre enriquecen los poemas y hacen un guiño al lector infantil para que adivine, juegue y se divierta.
9,50€ 9,02€
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Ferrer, Pepe

Un lápiz que se dedica a realizar garabatos en todas partes huye de una goma que lo persigue para borrar sus garabatos, atónita ante el hecho de que el lápiz no sea capaz de expresarse escribiendo o dibujando cosas bellas. La goma decide visitar al sacapuntas y exponerle su rechazo al hecho de que el lápiz no haga buen uso de su poder.
9,50€ 9,02€
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Close your eyes and think of a sports star. Who do you see? Perhaps it's someone from your country. Everyone has a favourite. Every sports star is famous because they never give up! Read about some of the world's sports stars, past and present - men, women, Olympians, Paralympians - who fight for their dreams.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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Oxford CLIL literacy connects English language learning and learning in content subjects taught in English: it has been created specifically to work on content in English, while developing a variety of skills, including critical and analytical reading skills, oral expression of ideas and personal opinions and creative writing. Teacher's material is digital only, while the student has a workbook with activities on each page to work on content at the same time as developing Reading, Speaking and Writing skills.
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El trasto de la señora Adela
Hoy -5% en Libros

Duran, Teresa

Adela es una señora mayor, vive sola y se aburre. Se aburre mucho, hasta que un día aparece un tractor que le complicará la existencia, pero le alegrará la vida. Aunque ella no entiende nada de lo que dice, finge comprenderle, y él la ayudará a ser feliz.
9,50€ 9,02€
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Periodistas, búlgaros y rubias
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9,90€ 9,40€
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La serie de lecturas Reading Stars de Oxford University Press ha sido diseñada para acompañar a niños pequeños desde su primera experiencia con la lectura en inglés y guiarles hacia el objetivo de leer de forma independiente. El lenguaje está cuidadosamente graduado y la cantidad de texto aumenta gradualmente en cada uno de los tres niveles disponibles. Todas las lecturas de la serie vienen acompañadas de audio, una guía para el profesor, una guía para padres, videos para padres y actividades de acompañamiento. Las actividades ayudan a los niños a desarrollar sus destrezas de lectura. También hay vínculos con otras áreas curriculares, como Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas, de modo que el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa de los niños se integra con su desarrollo educativo más amplio. ¡Acompaña a tus personajes favoritos de Dora la Exploradora en sus aventuras!
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Read and discover all about animals in art, all around the world... Where can you see animals in art? What are the oldest animal pictures?These motivating non-fiction readers are rich in content and beautifully illustrated. Fascinating information in carefully graded language appeals to a broad range of students and supports English across the curriculum, making the series perfect for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Stunning colour photos, maps, diagrams and charts support understanding, while activities and projects develop language and critical thinking skills.
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