Literatura infantil

Fomenta la lectura entre los más pequeños y las más pequeñas con nuestra selección de literatura infantil. Una amplia y variada selección de historias ideales para leer antes de ir a la cama. Descubre nuestro catálogo completo de libros y compra en nuestra tienda online.

Lili Chantilly 5. Nueva moda en clase
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Ubac, Claire

Lili Chantilly La Galera
8,95€ 8,50€
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ALFC MO Sis contes revoltats
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Roca Costa, Maria Carme

8,00€ 7,60€
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La meva àvia és africana
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Schwarz, A.

L’Eric és un nen de deu anys que viu a Alemanya. La seva mare i ell hi han nascut, però el seu pare és africà. Per això, de vegades, l’Eric se sent rebutjat pel color de la seva pell. Quan, a la fi, acompanyat pel seu amic blanc, en Flo, pot viatjar a Ghana per conèixer la seva àvia, tots dos descobriran un món fascinant.
11,90€ 11,30€
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La pilota
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Col·lecció amb 20 títols per a l¿aprenentatge progressiu de la lectura on es treballen els diferents sons i grafies a partir d¿un vocabulari bàsic. Tots els contes possibiliten una lectura comprensiva a partir de petites històries que agraden als infants.
3,30€ 3,13€
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Un estiu a Borneo
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Garriga, Pilar

En Martí, per qüestions familiars, ha d'anar a passarl'estiu amb la seva tieta Rosa, a Indonèsia. La Rosaés veterinària i treballa en una clínica, al costatde la selva de Borneo, on té cura de més de 180 orangutans, amb l'ajut de cent daiaks, els indígenes de l'illa. En Martí primer no hi vol anar, però després d'uns esdeveniments inesperats, decideix viatjar finsa la selva, on viurà moltes aventures i coneixerà elrei dels orangutans, en Kosasi, les mares adoptives que tenen cura dels orangutanets més petits, l'Eso, uncuidador que l'ajudarà en les seves tribulacions, iun munt d'orangutanets amb qui passarà un estiu ple d'emocions i vivències noves. En Martí, a nivell personal, experimentarà un gran canvi en la seva vida durant aquest estiu a Borneo. Deixarà de ser un noi despistat, que sempre està a la lluna i que mai no té interès per les coses, i es tornarà més madur, més conscient i amb ganes de fer moltes coses. Aquesta novel·la està basada en la realitat. L'autora s'ha inspirat en la seva germana Rosa, que és veterinària, especialitzada en primats i que durant cinc anys ha treballat en una clínica d'orangutans a Borneo.
9,90€ 9,40€
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Valverde, Mikel

8,50€ 8,07€
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8,50€ 8,07€
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Yellow Van 10. Max eta Mia indiarrekin
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Dickinson, Vita

Yellow Van La Galera
7,95€ 7,55€
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Max eta Mia eskimalen lurraldean
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Dickinson, Vita

Yellow Van La Galera
7,95€ 7,55€
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Max e Mía e os dragóns
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Dickinson, Vita

Yellow Van La Galera
6,95€ 6,60€
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Xut d'amor
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Ben Kemoun, Hubert

8,40€ 7,98€
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Menudos bichos menudos
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S. N.

Los protagonistas de estos cuentos en verso son unos bichos muy, muy menudos... un ciempiés bailarín, una araña tejedora, polillas con un hambre voraz y un piojo con pesadillas. Historias divertidas que ofrecen una visión de la vida no muy diferente a la humana. Una serie de relatos que buscan acercar la poesía a los más pequeños.
8,00€ 7,60€
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Erreskatatzaile Magikoak 1. Eta Irudimeniarako atea
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11,50€ 10,92€
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Arbre presumit, L' - Lligada
Hoy -5% en Libros

Costa, Nicoletta

L'arbre Jan és molt feliç perquè cada dia li surt una fulla nova. És tan presumit que no deixa que ningú s'hi acosti: té por que li facin malbé les fulles.
7,50€ 7,12€
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The Last Life of Lori Mills
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Boucherat, Max

Gaming, adventure and an incredible friendship combine in this one-of-a-kind, heart-pounding, spine-tingling adventure that takes place in the space of a single night. Eerie, exciting, funny and deeply moving, THE LAST LIFE OF LORI MILLS is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods
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Riordan, Rick

Readers new to the Percy Jackson universe and long-time fans will love this epic adventure - full of legendary heroes, mythical creatures, ancient Greek gods and enduring friendship - from the global bestseller Rick Riordan.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Max e Mía na Prehistoria
Hoy -5% en Libros

Dickinson, Vita

Yellow Van La Galera
6,95€ 6,60€
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Yellow Van 12. Max eta Mia Antzinako Erroman
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Dickinson, Vita

Yellow Van La Galera
7,95€ 7,55€
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Nosaltres abans i després
Hoy -5% en Libros

Iacopelli, Jennifer

Lluna roja La Galera
16,95€ 16,10€
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Max eta Mia Printzesen gazteluan
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Dickinson, Vita

Yellow Van La Galera
7,95€ 7,55€
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Max eta Mia itsaslamiekin
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Dickinson, Vita

Yellow Van La Galera
7,95€ 7,55€
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Max e Mia no espacio
Hoy -5% en Libros

Dickinson, Vita

Yellow Van La Galera
6,95€ 6,60€
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Tramuntana a la granja!
Hoy -5% en Libros

Sala i Vila, Carles

9,30€ 8,83€
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La Ratonera
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Christie, Agatha

La obra de teatro más famosa del mundoLectura correspondiente a la materia de Lengua y literatura del nivel educativo de E.S.O., perteneciente a la colección Aula De Literatura. Fue escrita en 1952 y se estrenó el 6 de octubre de ese mismo año en Londres. Ambientada en la década de los 40, es una obra al más puro estilo Agatha Christie: ocho personajes quedan atrapados en la casa de huéspedes de Monkswell Manor, debido a una nevada, y se ven envueltos en un crimen ocurrido en Londres, ya sea como víctimas o como sospechosos. La ratonera (The mouse trap) es la obra teatral más representada en la historia de la humanidad. Lleva 62 años representándose en Londres de manera ininterrumpida, acumulando 25.000 funciones y 10 millones de espectadores.
10,50€ 9,97€
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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Chbosky, Stephen

Charlie is a shy and introspective teenage boy, a wallflower always standing on the edge of the action. We learn about him through the letters he writes to someone of an undisclosed name, age and gender, a stylistic technique which adds to the heart-wrenching earnestness of the story. More intimate than a diary, Charlie's letters are singular and unique, hilarious and devastating.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Els tres cavallers alts
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Cuadrench, Antoni

Àlbums il·lustrats La Galera
6,00€ 5,70€
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8,90€ 8,45€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Walliams, David

Bedlam is one of the most dangerous places on Earth – home to a host of wicked villains. Nothing and nobody is safe from these evil criminals. The city needs its own superhero to defeat the supervillains. But who?
11,75€ 11,16€
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Rainbow Colors
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Carle, Eric

Discover the colors of the rainbow with The Very Hungry Caterpillar!In this delightful board book with rainbow-colored edges, young readers will experience a different vibrant shade on each spread. Find the red ladybug, the green tree, and more in this bright book featuring fun things in every color of the rainbow!
13,00€ 12,35€
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Impossible creatures
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Rundell, Katherine

The day Christopher saved a drowning baby griffin from a hidden lake would change his life forever. It’s the day he learned about the Archipelago, a cluster of unmapped islands where magical creatures of every kind have thrived for thousands of years—until now. And it’s the day he met Mal, a girl on the run who desperately needs his help.Mal and Christopher embark on a wild adventure, racing from island to island, searching for someone who can explain why the magic is fading and why magical creatures are suddenly dying. They consult sphinxes, battle kraken, and negotiate with dragons. But the closer they get to the dark truth of what’s happening, the clearer it becomes: No one else can fix this. If the Archipelago is to be saved, Mal and Christopher will have to do it themselves.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Mitos griegos
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Angelidou, María

Descubre los mitos griegos más asombrosos Una inmejorable introducción al universo de la mitología. Catorce mitos griegos, los más famosos y atractivos, narrados de forma amena y con auténtico ritmo literario. Con magníficas ilustraciones del artista búlgaro Svetlín.
10,50€ 9,97€
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Carta a la reina dïAnglaterra
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Pagès Jordà, Vicenç

4,75€ 4,51€
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Spot Says Goodnight: Book & Toy Gift Set
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Hill, Eric

It's time for bed - but Spot has lots of ''Goodnights'' to say before he can settle down to sleep...This classic picture book will help toddlers wind down for sleep as they follow along with the fun of Spot's night-time routine through sturdy interactive flaps for little hands.This set includes a board book edition of the bestselling original story, together with a cuddly Spot soft toy to hug at bedtime.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Bella The Storyteller
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Naylor-Ballesteros, Chris

What makes a great story? How are stories made? This clever and unique look at storytelling can help us to understand that great stories need more than exciting and imaginative settings...Meet Bella – she’s not that rabbit, nor the squirrel, she’s the hills, and the trees, and everything in the background. But today, she’s taking control and creating her own story. Today, she’s Bella the Storyteller, and she wants her story to have dragons and dinosaurs and pirates and unicorns and aliens in space! This is going to be the best story ever...but Rabbit and Squirrel might not agree.
11,75€ 11,16€
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The Repair Shop Stories: The Christmas Doll
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Sparkes, Amy

Evie is very young when she is evacuated from wartime London and sent to live with a foster family in the countryside. Unsure of her new surroundings and desperately missing her family, she doesn't hold much hope for the months ahead. Then, on Christmas morning, she is given a doll and Evie thinks this must be the best present she has ever had. Yet standing here now in the Repair Shop, thinking back on her childhood, she realizes that in fact the greatest gift was the kindness bestowed upon her by her foster family and her ability to remember it always as she holds her precious doll close to her.This heart warming Christmas story about a little girl who discovers the enduring power of kindness and understanding is the perfect tale for this very special time of year.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Oxford Children's Classics: Peter Pan
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Barrie, J.M.

This Oxford Children's Classic features an introduction by Geraldine McCaughrean and other bonus material including insights for readers, facts, activities, and more . . .One night, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell whisk the Darling children away from their London home and through the sky to Neverland-a magical world of lost boys, fairies, and mermaids. It's a dangerous place too, where evil lurks in the form of the dastardly Captain Hook and his villainous pirate crew.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Compra libros de literatura infantil online

En esta sección encontrarás la mejor literatura infantil para niños y niñas de todas las edades, de 3 a 5, de 6 a 9, de 10 a 12 y para más de 13 años en adelante. Disponemos de series de libros como Harry Potter, Isadora Moon, Gerónimo Stilton, Los forasteros del tiempo, Diario de Greg, entre otros, así como títulos independientes.