Novelas a partir de 7 años

La lectura desarrolla la capacidad imaginativa y creativa de los niños, mejora su comprensión lectora, incrementa su concentración y aumenta su vocabulario, entre otros beneficios. ¿Aún estás pensando por qué regalar novelas y libros de aventuras y misterio? Compra novelas y libros de aventuras y misterio online Te proponemos una serie de novelas y libros de aventuras y misterio a partir de 9. Una variada selección de lecturas de dos de los géneros por excelencia de la literatura. Encontrarás lecturas para todos los gustos: sagas de libros infantiles y adolescentes, libros de elegir tu propia aventura y adaptaciones de grandes obras clásicas, entre otros.

Les esbojarrades aventures de la Mabel Jones
Hoy -5% en Libros

Mabbitt, Will

T?ATREVIRIES a enfrontar-te a un ENORME ÓS SALVATGE? I a caminar sobre un TRAMPOLÍáGREIXAT sense caure al mar? O a començar la PERILLOSÍSSIMA recerca d?un TRESORámisteriós?La Mabel Jones ha fet això i molt més! Si pots llegir les seves aventures sense pixar-te deáriure, potser és que tens un autèntic esperit de pirata...Embarca amb la Mabel i la tripulació del Feroshus Maggot en un viatge extraordinari ambáherois inesperats i dolents eixelebrats.Un llibre apte només per a valents!
11,95€ 11,35€
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Seguint la pista del ieti
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Gerónimo

Per a mi l'amistat és una cosa important: vet aquíper què me'n vaig a la recerca del professor Volt, desaparegut als cims de l'Himàlaia, tot cercant el misteriós ieti. El trobaré? Entre petjades gegants i allaus, quants cops d'efecte en aquesta emocionant aventura!
8,95€ 8,50€
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Bicycles: Pop Up Book
Hoy -5% en Libros

Ehrhard, Dominique

The newest pop-up book from renowned paper engineer Dominique Ehrhard artfully traces two centuries of bicycling history and lore, Perfect for seasoned bikeaholics and budding pedal-pushers alike, this brief, whimsical history of the bicycle features eight meticulously crafted pop-up scenes. There's Karl Drais' 1817 invention that featured two wheels and little else to propel it, how technical advances at the end of the 19th century saw an upsurge in the popularity of bicycling among women, we see the first mountain bikes from the Klunkerz of California and Coloarado, and a scene from the Tour de France, From high-wheelers to hipsters on wheels, Dominique Ehrhard offers glimpses of biking trends that flickered briefly and flamed out and others that have stood the test of time, As biking grows in popularity as a climate-friendly alternative to the automobile, this gem of a book is a perfect keepsake for bike-lovers of all ages,
18,95€ 18,00€
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Here we are: notes for living on planet earth
Hoy -5% en Libros

Jeffers, Oliver

#1 New York Times Bestseller and #1 TIME Best Book of the Year for 2017! The exquisite and thought-provoking new book from the multi award-winning, internationally best-selling picture book creator of Lost and Found, Oliver Jeffers. Well, hello. And welcome to this Planet.
11,25€ 10,69€
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Cave baby 10th anniversary edition
Hoy -5% en Libros

Donaldson, Julianne

A special tenth anniversary edition of this glorious adventure story full of wonder and mischief, from the bestselling author Julia Donaldson and award-winning illustrator Emily Gravett.A hairy mammoth takes a cheeky little baby on a thrilling ride through a moonlit landscape populated by a sabre-toothed tiger, a leaping hare, a laughing hyena and even, just maybe, by a big brown bear . . . But where are they going? And what has it to do with the baby's scribblings on the cave wall?Celebrate ten years of this imaginative story with Cave Baby 10th Anniversary Edition, featuring the original story, plus bonus material.
10,15€ 9,64€
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The wizard of oz. Usborne classics
Hoy -5% en Libros


A superb adaptation of Dorothy's adventures for newly independent readers. Frank L. Baum's classic has been specially adapted for this wonderful, fully illustrated edition at the highest level of the Reading Programme. Enjoy Dorothy's journey in Oz, as she travels along the yellow brick road with the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion, before coming safely home again.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Peter and the wolf
Hoy -5% en Libros


Relive the magic of Peter and the Wolf through this extraordinary modern retelling by award-winning musicians Gavin Friday and Bono.When a wolf is found roaming the woods, Peter's grandfather warns him to stay at home. But Peter, who is mourning the loss of a parent, decides to venture into the deep, dark woods in search of this creature…This incredible retelling of the well-loved classic story, Peter and the Wolf takes children aged 7-9 on an adventure whilst exploring themes of love and loss. With its spellbinding punk rock illustrations, this book is a beautiful reminder that there is hope after loss and those we love most are never truly gone. A timeless and magical gift book, Peter and the Wolf will be treasured by all.
18,25€ 17,34€
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La Bruixa de les Tempestes
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Tea

El cel s'enfosqueix, el vent assota els núvols: l'encanteri de la Tempesta Final està a punt de començar. Ha arribat l'hora en què les princeses s'hauran d'enfrontar a la terrible bruixa Etèria, Senyora de les Tempestes i Mestressa dels Llamps...
15,95€ 15,15€
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La Bruixa de l'aire
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Tea

Un núvol avança per l'horitzó, engolint tot el que troba al seu pas. Sulfúria, la Bruixa de l'Aire i la Senyora de les Essències, està disposada a llançar el seu atac i enfrontar-se amb les princeses en un duel d'encanteris. A partir de 10 anys.
15,95€ 15,15€
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Operació Miss Bombó
Hoy -5% en Libros

Le Blanc, Cat

Les Berry Bees so&#x00301 n el trio d&#x02019 espies me&#x00301 s jove del mo&#x00301 n... Resolen qualsevol misteri! A Operacio&#x00301 Miss Bombo&#x00301 s&#x02019 hauran d&#x02019 infiltrar en un concurs de bellesa infantil: algu&#x00301 el vol b
4,95€ 4,70€
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Cuentos de la Selva
Hoy -5% en Libros

Quiroga, Horacio

Si te decides a leer este libro, encontrarás en él animales fabulosos, como el armadillo, que parece un auténtico caballero medieval, o el okapi, que es una mezcla de jirafa, caballo y cebra. Junto con otros animales, viven en una selva frondosa en la que habita algún que otro humano, corriendo aventuras emocionantes y a veces peligrosas. Y podrás comprobar como los animales tienen una relación de solidaridad realmente admirable y digna de imitar.
25,00€ 23,75€
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La Bruixa dels sons
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Tea

Una espantosa Tempesta de Sons cau sobre el Regne del Desert. L'encanteri porta el nom de Xisclòria, la implacable i pèrfida Bruixa dels Sons. Les princeses se n'hauran de defensar i repel·lir l'atac màgic abans que la Màgia Incolora destrueixi el Gran Regne?
15,95€ 15,15€
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La Bruixa de les flames
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Tea

Ara que el Rei Malvat i el Príncep sense Nom dormen a la Roca de la Son, s'anuncia una època de prosperitat per al Gran Regne. Però, just quan sembla que tot comença a anar bé, una ombra sinistra es perfila a l'horitzó: les Bruixes Grises han tornat. Les antigues aliades del Rei Malvat, uns éssers intemporals, estan decidides a combatre les Princeses amb les armes de la Màgia Incolora. En el curs d'un conflicte sense precedents, les cinc filles del Rei Savi descobriran que en el passat de les bruixes hi ha un secret amagat entre els plecs del temps, i l'hauran de desvelar per poder-les derrotar.
15,95€ 15,15€
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The princess with the balzing bottom
Hoy -5% en Libros


Sir Wayne and his dragon are BACK and this time they’re out to rescue a princess held captive by a Big Bad Beast. But WHO exactly will save her? Sir who can climb every wall - no moat is too deep, no tower too tall. Or so muscly and lean - he can fly and fart flames, he’s a fighting machine! If ONLY there was a way to get the best of both…This bestselling series is as funny as it is farty, for fans of The Dinosaur Who Pooped series, and I Need a New Bum !
9,50€ 9,02€
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El Laberint dels somnis
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Ger�nimo

Ombrívol ha aconseguit derrotar el poder malèfic de la Reina de les Bruixes i fer reviure l'antic orde dels Cavallers de la Rosa, però ara un nou perill amenaça el Regne de la Fantasia. Ara, l'objectiu és la misteriosa Illa Errant dels Somiadors, que des dels tempsmés remots vaga en els immensos mars del regne: aquíviu l'antic poble dels Somiadors, que en altres temps era capaç de fer realsels propis somnis i que ara,després d'una dura batalla amb l'Exèrcit Fosc, restaatrapat en un son secular. Però algú planeja conquerir l'illa i desperta els seus poderosos habitants. Tres joves Cavallers de la Rosa, Zordan, Alena i Alcuin,marzaran en missió peresbrinar què està passant.
16,95€ 16,10€
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El Club De La C.I.E.N.C.I.A.
Hoy -5% en Libros

Mazzanti, Marcelo-Eduardo

Què hauria passat si Albert Einstein s'hagués dedicat a investigar casos paranormals?Creus en els fantasmes? La Natàlia no. La seva gran passió és la ciència. «Les coses que existeixen de veritat», com ella diu. Per. quan el seu germà petit, en Beto, li explica que la casa d'una companya de classe està sent envaïda per aparicions misterioses, decideix que ha d'investigar-ho i aplicar els seus coneixements científics per desemmascarar el que, sense dubte, és una ensarronada. Segur. Veritat?El club de la C.I.E.N.C.I.A. barreja de manera molt divertida la ciència amb els elements paranormals.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Mágicos misterios en Chassburgo 1. La Voz Dentro De La Pared
Hoy -5% en Libros

Campos Martínez, Llanos

Valentina esta´ acostumbrada a las cosas raras: con una madre inventora y un padre explorador, no le queda otra. Tambie´n sus amigos son raros: Tashi, un nin~o tibetano, y He´ctor, un mago en ciernes. Sin embargo, cuando los tres empiecen a explorar a escondidas el antiguo Teatro Barona, las extravagancias se convertira´n en misterios ten~idos de magia...
2,95€ 2,80€
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A year in the castle
Hoy -5% en Libros

Ondaatje, Michael

These detailed spreads charting the course of a year in a fantasy medieval castle are packed to the brim with charming characters and hilarious adventures that young readers will return to again and again,
18,95€ 18,00€
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Izzy the Inventor and the Unexpected Unicorn
Hoy -5% en Libros

Davidson, Zanna

Meet Izzy the Inventor in the first of a laugh-out-loud series that brings together science, magic and a very lovable unicorn. Packed full of illustrations and easy-to-read text, this series is perfect for beginner readers and fans of Isadora Moon and The Naughtiest Unicorn.Izzy the Inventor LOVES science and does NOT believe in magic. That is until the day her Fairy Godmother appears and sends her to Fairytale Land to rescue Prince Charming from the Mountain of Doom, with an enthusiastic unicorn as her guide. To succeed, Izzy must use her science skills to outwit trolls, goblins and a bottomless lake of despair. But her quest will also teach her about the power of friendship and that we all need a little magic in our lives...
7,49€ 7,12€
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Viking Boy
Hoy -5% en Libros

Bradman, Tony

An action-packed blend of historical adventure and fantasy for junior readers, a blast of uncensored Viking adventure.Gunnar is the son of a Viking chieftain, living peacefully on his family steading with his mother, father and their people – until they are raided by Skuli and his Wolf Men, who raze his home to the ground and take his father's life. Gunnar swears an oath to avenge his father's death and save his mother from Skuli – but first he must run to save himself. Murderous raiders, hand to hand battles to the death, mythical flying wolves and a relentless sea journey to the Land of Fire and Ice... Unknown to Gunnar, his life has been foretold, and he finds he has a destiny greater than his own story.
8,75€ 8,31€
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Viking Boy: the Real Story
Hoy -5% en Libros

Bradman, Tony

A sparky non-fiction guide to the Viking world, told by the hero of Tony Bradman’s bestselling novel Viking Boy.Take a real-life tour of the everyday world of Gunnar, a teenage Viking boy: find out how the Vikings lived, what they believed, how they travelled and fought, and gained their legendary reputation as warriors. Gunnar tells us the real story of growing up as a Viking in an exciting first-hand account, introducing us to family and friends, famous warriors, sea-raiders and even a Norse god!Packed with historical facts, figures and anecdotes, with illustrated information panels on topics from Viking poetry to battle and bloodlust, this is a brilliant new read for Viking fanatics, both at home and in the classroom.
8,75€ 8,31€
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How Does Santa Go Down The Chimney?
Hoy -5% en Libros

Barnett, Mac

The multi-award-winning duo of Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen tackle a perennial question: how does Santa go down the chimney?When Santa arrives at a child’s house on Christmas Eve, does he go down the chimney feetfirst or headfirst? What if he gets stuck? What if there’s no chimney? Maybe he slides under the door, as thin as a piece of paper? Or is it possible he pours himself through the tap? What happens once he’s inside?Mac Barnett’s iconic talent for earnest deadpan humour and Jon Klassen’s irresistibly funny art honour this timeless question with answers both ridiculous and plausible, mounting in hilarity as the night continues. Channeling a child’s fanciful explanations, this latest collaboration by a bestselling team will find a secure spot among family Christmas traditions.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Mabel Jones i la Ciutat Prohibida
Hoy -5% en Libros

Mabbitt, Will

Què fas quan has sobreviscut a un segrest pirata, a un concurs de beure llet amb un ós gegantí i a una temporadeta a dins la panxa d'una balena? Si ets la Mabel Jones, fas tot el que pots per evitar una altra AVENTURA ESBOJARRADA! Però quan una MALVADA br
11,95€ 11,35€
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Isadora Moon helps out
Hoy -5% en Libros

Muncaster, Harriet

Half vampire, half fairy, totally unique!Isadora is special because she is different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and she's a bit of both.When Isadora's mum comes down with the fairy flu, Isadora wants to be the best nurse that she can be. Determined to make her mum feel better, she sets off on a series of helpful gestures. But when Isadora's attempts at magic go awry, she accidentally causes baby sister Honeyblossom to grow to giant proportions! Can she find a cure before the situation gets even bigger?Join Isadora Moon in this enchanting new story filled with laughter, mishaps, and unexpected surprises. Perfect for newly-confident readers who want their magic and sparkle with a bit of bite!
10,25€ 9,74€
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Les aventures d'en Hotdog! 3 - Que comenci l'espectacle!
Hoy -5% en Libros

Do, Anh

CONEIX EL HOTDOG, EL GOS SALSITXA I ELS SEUS AMICS! La Lizzie s'uneix al circ! La seva germana Emma és una estrella del trapezi volant, però a la Lizzie li fan PÀNIC les altures, així que es farà pallassa, la millor pallassa del món! En Hotdog i en Kev es moren de ganes de veure l'espectacle. Tot sortirà com estava previst?
12,00€ 11,40€
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La nena mágica
Hoy -5% en Libros

Correa, Liliana E.

La nena mágica cuenta la historia de una niña que se ve obligada a dejar su tierra natal y crecer en una cultura extranjera. Su amor por la naturaleza le da fuerza, y aprende que no importa a dónde la lleve la vida, porque ella puede pertenecer a dos culturas y a dos idiomas, sin sentir que tiene que declarar su lealtad a uno u otro.
15,95€ 15,15€
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Bip y Pol
Hoy -5% en Libros

Peix, Susana

Con Bip, el Señor de las estrellas,Pol podía ser el rey del mundo,viajar hasta la estrella polar o hablarpor los codos con su gato...Pero también podía encerrarse en su habitacióny no salir en todo el día, o pensar que todo lo hacía del revés...
12,00€ 11,40€
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Geronimo Stilton Reporter Vol. 15: Clean Sweep
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Gerónimo

Geronimo has to clean his family's reputation in this newest case!What in gouda is happening to New Mouse City? Thea Stilton is missing and someone has been burglarizing the most popular shops! Are the two connected? Geronimo, the famouse editor-in-chief of The Rodent’s Gazette, is on the case. But Sally Ratmousen, the owner of the Daily Rat newspaper, thinks Thea is the thief! Can Geronimo and his family find Thea and clear her name? Find out in this volume of GERONIMO STILTON REPORTER!
12,50€ 11,87€
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It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse!
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Gerónimo

Scary costumes? Spooky parties? Nobody hates Halloween more than Geronimo. But when he is given twenty-four hours to write a spooktacular Halloween book, Geronimo must journey to Creepella von Cacklefur’s chilling house to research the worst holiday of the year. Will this ‘fraidy mouse survive Halloween and will he get his book written in time?
6,50€ 6,17€
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Geronimo Stilton 77 - The Last Resort Oasis
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Gerónimo

When you're with Geronimo Stilton, it's always a fabumouse adventure! THE LAST RESORT OASIS It was a cold winter in New Mouse City when my grandfather William Shortpaws decided to take the whole family on vacation! We all climbed aboard the cheese-colored camper and set off on a relaxing retreat. But we took a wrong turn and somehow I found myself trying to round up a caravan of spitting camels. Could I get them all back to The Last Resort Oasis?
9,90€ 9,40€
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Geronimo Stilton, Secret Agent
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Gerónimo

Geronimo's in danger! At least, that's what secret agent Kornelius von Kickpaw thinks. Geronimo isn't convinced. Besides, he's got other problems to worry about - he's lost the deed of ownership to The Rodent's Gazette! Can Geronimo track it down before his nemesis, Sally Ratmousen, gets her paws on his beloved newspaper?
6,50€ 6,17€
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La selva animada
Hoy -5% en Libros

García Ruíz, Encarnación

Conocerás las historias de EL ELEFANTITO Y LA MARIPOSA, LA ZORRA ALIMAÑA, MI MASCOTA EL SURICATO, y EL SALTAMONTE SOÑADOR. Verás un sinfín de animales desfilando, y además, la historia de amor de LA PRINCESITA MELÁNCOLICA.En este mundo mágico serás capaz de usar tu imaginación para crear tu propios cuentos y dibujarlos. ¡Ánimo!
12,95€ 12,30€
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Have a Heart, Geronimo
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Gerónimo

When you're with Geronimo Stilton, it's always a fabumouse adventure! Great Gouda! There were hearts everywhere in New Mouse City. My friend, Creepella, had started a new dating and wedding-planning agency, and she chose me as her assistant! But someone was trying to sabotage the matches. Could I figure out who before hearts are broken?
9,90€ 9,40€
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The Treasure of Easter Island
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Gerónimo

Pee-yew! What's that pong? It's a letter from Thea she's in danger! Geronimo's sister has disappeared during a treasure hunt on Easter Island. Armed with a map and some cryptic clues, Geronimo and his friends rush to the rescue.Will they find Thea before she and the treasure are lost fur-ever?
6,50€ 6,17€
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Les renards de Bois-Pourri
Hoy -5% en Libros

Shireen, Nadia

Ted et sa grande soeur Nancy fuient la ville et ses caïds pour le calme de la forêt. Mais à Bois-Pourri, ils tombent sur de drôles d'habitants : écureuils en justaucorps, lapins rebelles et blaireaux fous du volant... Avec l'odieuse chatte Princesse Bouton à leurs trousses, c'est le début de délirantes et hilarantes aventures pour les deux petits renards !
14,00€ 13,30€
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Where To Hide A Star
Hoy -5% en Libros

Jeffers, Oliver

World-renowned artist and picture book creator Oliver Jeffers brings to life an endearing story about the magic of friendship—and sharing what brings us joy.Celebrate twenty years of The Boy in this highly anticipated new adventure from the internationally bestselling picture book creator of Lost and Found Oliver Jeffers!Once there was a boy who would often play hide-and-seek with his friends the star and the penguin. The star was always easy to find, but one day it went missing. So, the boy radioed the Martian for help, and soon found himself on an exciting spaceship rescue mission to the North Pole! But there, he discovered that he wasn’t the only one who had always dreamed of having a star as a friend . . .The out-of-this-world, long-awaited sequel to the much-loved Boy stories, loved all around the world—now introducing a brand-new character!
21,75€ 20,66€
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