
Clés Nouveau Delf B1
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Una colecci≤n para practicar de cara al DELF B1 Los autores ofrecen un manual que pretende ir mßs allß dela simple preparaci≤n al examen. Su tφtulo, Les clΘsdu nouveau DELF B1, no ha sido elegido al azar, efectivamente, no solo pretende proporcionar ejercicios ypruebas, sino tambiΘn una grand cantidad de notas deuso de la lengua y, principalmente, sugerencias (o claves) para abordar cada una de las pruebas. Este libro cuenta con 5 unidades temßticas compuestas de: 4 pßginas con actividades de lΘxico y notas socioculturales 3 pßginas con actividades de gramßtica acompa±adasde un compendio gramatical 3 pßginas con documentosaudio y escritos, autΘnticos, variados y actuales, para realizar las actividades en contexto Una secci≤n ppara practicar de cara al DELF (Entraεnement au DELF)con ejemplos y sugerencias Se incluyen 6 simulacrosde examen al final del libro, de los cuales 3 corresponden al DELF scolaire et junior. Todos los exßmeneshan sido elaborados seg·n las recomendaciones oficiales. Los audios del manual estßn disponibles en Espacevirtuel
26,90€ 25,55€
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VOR E Protegim natura-ecosistemes/3
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BAU S Taller matemáticas 1
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BUR S4 New English in Use/BP Spanish
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OUP S4 Spectrum/SB
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.All he wanted to do was to marry the woman he loved. But his country said 'No!' He was Edward VIII, King of Great Britain, and King of many other countries. And he loved the wrong woman. She was beautiful and she loved him - but she was already married to another man. It was a love story that shook the world.
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EP S4 Smart Time/WB
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Ed.Fsica 2 Khronos
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SER S2 Ed.Física/Khronos
16,50€ 15,67€
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OUP P4 Dasy, Robin & Me Blue A
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OUPV S3 Biologia i geologia/Inicia
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GP S3 Dibuix tècnic-quadern/Crea/15
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GP S3 Matemàtiques/Resol/15
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HUE Menschen A2/AB+CD
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HUE Menschen A1/AB+CD-AB
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Nuevo Prisma A1 - Libro del alumno + Cd
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EDIN Nuevo Prisma A1/Alumno+CD
25,05€ 23,80€
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Castellano-Cuaderno 2 Pack Refuerzo
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Libro de texto de Castellano-Cuaderno 2 Pack Refuerzo recomendado para la asignatura de Lengua Castellana y para el curso de 2º ESO con una edad 13 a 14 años. Es un libro de texto editado por Oxford, editado el año 2012 con el código EAN 8435157406436. En este caso, se trata de un libro de texto en formato papel en Castellano.
15,55€ 14,77€
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Castellano-Cuaderno Refuerzo 1 Pack
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Libro de texto de Castellano-Cuaderno Refuerzo 1 Pack recomendado para la asignatura de Lengua Castellana y para el curso de 1º ESO con una edad 12 a 13 años. Es un libro de texto editado por Oxford, editado el año 2011 con el código EAN 8435157405613. En este caso, se trata de un libro de texto en formato papel en Castellano.
15,55€ 14,77€
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Embarque 1 - Libro del Alumno
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La secuencia didáctica de cada doble página concluye en una propuesta de acción para el estudiante. Embarque consta 8 módulos estructurados de la siguientemanera:- Doble página de introducción al módulo (objetivos, acciones, lista de contenidos de cada competencia y componente sociocultural, referencias en Internet).- 2 lecciones de 6 páginas cada una que contienen:- Doble página de ejercicios gramaticales de refuerzo.- Doble página de noticias a bordo: conocimiento del mundo hispano actual.- blogs: ocho, uno por cada módulo.Extensión digital: Los alumnos encontrarán en ''AulaVirtual'' material de apoyo gratuito paratrabajar con tablets (iPad, Android), Smartphone (iPhone, Android) y ordenador personal.
24,90€ 23,65€
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.You are in a small plane, going across the Rocky Mountains. Suddenly, the engine starts to make strange noises... Soon you are alone, in the snow, at the top of a mountain, and it is very, very cold. Can you find your way out of the mountain?
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Aprendo a Escribir 2 Escritura Salvatella
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Aprendo a Escribir, cuaderno número 2. Grafias que aparecen en este cuaderno: G – GUE – GUI – H – CA – CO – CU – QUE – QUI – B – CH – F – J – GE – GI – R – RR.
4,80€ 4,56€
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Tres en ratlla 09 Quaderns de Càlcul Mental Salvatella
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Cuaderno de refuerzo Salvatella 9788484123385 SALVC E Tres en Ratlla 9/Quaderns de
3,60€ 3,42€
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Starla needs help in the desert
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24 HEURES es una colección de aventuras para adolescentes que incluye: Recuadros culturales para descubrirdiversas ciudades y regiones. Actividades lúdicas para trabajar sobre la comprensión lectora. Un diccionario visual para enriquecer su vocabulario. Un glosario en inglés, alemán, español e italiano. Acceso gratuito a la lectura teatralizada del relato y a las soluciones de las actividades a través de Espace Virtuel.
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OUP CT3 Mulan
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It is early in the morning on a warm day in Roman Italy. Sixteen-year-old Tiro gets the water, makes breakfast, and works in the kitchen - like he does day after day. Tiro is a slave. He can never be free, nevereat when he wants to eat, or sleep when he wants to sleep. But today is different. He is going to Pompeiifor the first time. He is excited, but it is AD79: and on Mount Vesuvius, near Pompeii, very bad things are beginning to happen...
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Life is sweet for Othello. He is deeply in love with his new wife, Desdemona, and as the Duke's general, he is the most important person in Venice's army. But Othello does not know that his flag-bearer, Iago, hates him and wants revenge. As Iago begins to succeed with his clever plans, a frightening emotion takes hold of Othello's hear: will jealousy destroy him? This is one of Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, retold here as a story, not a play.
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Cuaderno Quadern Textgrup_4 Verd (Nou) Text recomendado para Expresión Escrita Catalán para el curso 4º Primaria con una edad recomendada de 9 a 10 años. Es un cuaderno de la editorial Text, publicado en 2018 con el código EAN 9788441231450. En este caso, se trata de un cuaderno en formato en papel en Catalán.
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OUP ORI1 Snow Tigers
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Ben, Rosie, and Grandpa go to a museum with Clunk. There are dinosaurs in the museum. Does Clunk like the new dinosaur?Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.The room was on the fourth floor, and the door was locked - with the key on the inside. The windows were closed and fastened - on the inside. The chimney was too narrow for a cat to get through. So how did the murderer escape? And whose were the two angry voices heard by the neighbours as they ran up the stairs? Nobody in Paris could find any answers to this mystery. Except Auguste Dupin, who could see further and think more clearly than other people. The answers to the mystery were all there, but only a clever man could see them.
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OUP OBL1 England/16
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Soon I felt something alive moving along my leg and up my body to my face, and when I looked down, I saw a very small human being, only fifteen centimetres tall... I was so surprised that I gave a great shout.' But that is only the first of many surprises which Gulliver has on his travels. He visits a land of giants and a flying island, meets ghosts from the past and horses which talk...
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.In a city in Arabia there lives a boy called Aladdin. He is poor and often hungry, but one day he finds an old lamp. When he rubs the lamp, smoke comes out of it, and then out of the smoke comes a magical jinnee. With the jinnee's help, Aladdin is soon rich, with gold and jewels and many fine things. But can he win the love of the Sultan's daughter, the beautiful Princess Badr-al-Budur?
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Little Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered, disagreeable child. When her parents die in India, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle in a big, lonely, old house. There is nothing to do all day except walk in the gardens - and watch the robin flying over the high walls of the secret garden... which has been locked for ten years. And no one has the key.
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