
Este Juego de lectura es un material de trabajo basado en actividades que han de realizarse tras la lectura del libro Marcelo Crecepelos, número 17 de la colección Altamar. El cuaderno está dividido en unidadesdidácticas, de modo que cada unidad está compuesta deuno o dos capítulos del libro de lectura (que los alumnos leen inicialmente) y de una serie de ejerciciosreferidos al texto de dicho capítulo o capítulos: comprensión, vocabulario, habilidad visual... Recomendado para 5.º y 6.º de Primaria.
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Join Us for English is a fun course for young learners aged 7-10 years. The Language Portfolio is an indispensable learning aid for all primary pupils, allowing them to build a record of their progress through the school year. The structure of the portfolio followsthe units of Join Us for English, while the self-assessment sections correspond to those outlined by theCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages.
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Two complete practice tests for the brand-new OxfordTest of English, B1 level. The practice tests containexam tips and strategies to help you attain a B1 CEFR level when you take the exam.
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CUP Join Us 4/Teacher's book
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Join Us for English is a fun course for young learners aged 7-10 years. The Language Portfolio is an indispensable learning aid for all primary pupils, allowing them to build a record of their progress through the school year. The structure of the portfolio followsthe units of Join Us for English, while the self-assessment sections correspond to those outlined by theCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages.
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Objective IELTS es un curso de dos niveles, Intermediate y Advanced, que sirve para preparar el examen Cambridge English: IELTS en sus modalidades General y Academic. El curso emplea lecciones cortas y dinßmicas,y utiliza el anßlisis de los errores frecuentes paraevitar que los cometan los futuros candidatos.
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Join Us for English is a fun course for young learners aged 7-10 years. It is organized in lesson plans for each class session. These lesson plans give suggestions on different ways of exploiting the activities,plus extra ideas and materials. It includes clear andconcise instructions with step-by-step explanationswhich simplify lesson-planning for the teacher.
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Step Up to IELTS covers essential exam skills and language for IELTS in approximately sixty hours of teaching time, and familiarises students quickly with theexam. The course covers both the Academic and GeneralTraining modules. Shorter, achievable exam-type tasks build students' exam skills, before students try the more challenging tasks at authentic test level. Thetest practice sections at the end of each unit together constitute a whole sample IELTS test. The 'Self-study' edition contains a full answer key and information on the exam, making it ideal for students preparing independently. Audio CDs are available separately.
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Real World opens the door to a fascinating world of English language knowledge and skills for the 21st century teenage learner. It helps students develop not only the ability to communicate well in English but also the skills and confi dence to participate as educated citizens in the global community.
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Action Plan for IELTS is a short, self-study guide for students about to take the IELTS test. The book isorganised by paper and examines each question type indetail. It gives students a last-minute action plan,providing examples, mini practice tasks and strategies to maximise their band score in the test. Action Plan for IELTS is available for both the Academic andGeneral Training module. The Academic module is suitable for students around Band 6+ and the General Training module for students around Band 5+. A Self-studyStudent's Book and an Audio CD are also available.
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Libro de ejercicios + Glosario con la traducci≤n delvocabulario que corresponde al nivel europeo A1 cursode alemßn para la E.S.O.
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CUP Objective IELTS ADV/Teacher's
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Prepare es un curso de inglés general que integra preparación intensiva para las titulaciones de Cambridge, en el que cada examen de Cambridge queda cubierto por dos niveles de Prepare. En Student’s Book hay 20 unidades de práctica integrada de gramática, vocabulario y destrezas que cubre todos los temas del examen,e incluye reviews después de cada 4 unidades, nuevassecciones de Cultura y Life Skills y práctica exhaustiva de los exámenes en los niveles 3, 5 y 7.
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CUP Objective IELTS INT/Teacher's
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Join Us for English is a fun course for young learners aged 7-10 years. The Language Portfolio is an indispensable learning aid for all primary pupils, allowing them to build a record of their progress through the school year. The structure of the portfolio followsthe units of Join Us for English, while the self-assessment sections correspond to those outlined by theCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages.
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Complete es un método que cubre todo! Millones de candidatos en todo el mundo confían en Complete y le permite maximizar el rendimiento de los estudiantes conel enfoque Completo para el desarrollo del lenguaje yla capacitación de exámenes. El Libro del estudiantesin respuestas proporciona 14 unidades de lenguaje integrado, habilidades y práctica de examen, revisiones después de cada 2 unidades, y una introducción al examen A2 Clave para escuelas. La sección de prácticade inglés para hispanohablantes ofrece consejos sobreortografía problemática, actividades de escucha paraaumentar la conciencia de la pronunciación en inglés, ejemplos de errores gramaticales y cómo corregirlosy palabras y expresiones de uso común y cómo difieren en el uso de sus equivalentes en español.
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Real World opens the door to a fascinating world of English language knowledge and skills for the 21st century teenage learner. It helps students develop not only the ability to communicate well in English but also the skills and confi dence to participate as educated citizens in the global community.
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Join Us for English is a fun course for young learners aged 7-10 years. The Language Portfolio is an indispensable learning aid for all primary pupils, allowing them to build a record of their progress through the school year. The structure of the portfolio followsthe units of Join Us for English, while the self-assessment sections correspond to those outlined by theCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages.
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