

CAE S4 Informática/Linux
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English for Telephoning teaches students strategies for communicating by telephone, and trains them how tosequence a conversation. The course builds up students' confidence to communicate effectively during a telephone call. English for Telephoning has six units which deal with specific areas related to communicating by telephone, including spelling over the phone, and leaving and taking messages. Skills become more advanced as the course progresses. Exercises in every unit allow students to review their telephone English,learn new expressions, and practise core grammaticalstructures.
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Commerce 2is suitable for those who are studying fora career in commerce. It prepares students for a range of business situations, develops communication skills, and provides background to key business concepts.'It's my job' sections offer students an insight into the lives of real people who work in commerce. Theprofiles are based on authentic interviews and sources, and teach students about the skills required for different business environments. The 'Meeting Room' section presents functional language that students needto interact effectively in formal business scenarios, such as meetings. Listening tasks help students toanalyse the interaction, and role-plays allow them topractise the language in meaningful contexts. The 'Small Talk' section addresses informal social and conversational 'micro-functions' between colleagues. These are essential for effective communication in a professional environment, and include socializing at work, making requests, and raisi
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GEU Lecturas comprensivas 10 Grupo Editorial Univ 9788484914921
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7,99€ 7,59€
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VOX Gramática Lengua Española
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Prom 012 procrea 2
Hoy -5% en Libros
8,50€ 8,07€
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English for Customer Care is suitable for people whohave direct contact with customers in a variety of contexts, including hotels, banks, helpdesks and call centres. Students learn the language skills, professional techniques, and specific strategies they need tocommunicate successfully in English with customers. Each unit of English for Customer Care addresses the different forms of customer contact, such as face to face meetings, telephone calls, and written communication. The final unit presents the skills needed to solve problems and deal with customer complaints effectively.
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English for Human Resources is suitable for HR managers, their staff, and also those employed in personnelagencies. The course teaches students the relevant expressions and vocabulary they need to communicate effectively in their field. Each unit of English for Human Resources addresses different issues relevant tothe field of HR, including recruitment, employee relations, and rewards and benefits. The 'Useful Language' boxes offer additional help with the language needed for typical HR tasks, such as appraisals, interviews, and reports.
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Fully updated in line with the latest developments in Information Communications Technology (ICT), this course teaches students thelanguage and skills they need to understand and work in the world of computers. A focus on terminology is combined with vo
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Libro de ejercicios + CD-Audio (del Libro de ejercicios) que corresponde al nivel europeo B2 pertenecientea la serie Em, mΘtodo modular de nivel avanzado queprepara los conocimentos en todas las destrezas y para los exßmenes
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GRAFISMO Y ESCRITURA 2 PRIMARIA Bruño Quaderns 9788421659045
Hoy -5% en Libros
5,50€ 5,22€
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OUP English Presentations/+MRom/Express
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OUP English/Careers/Technology 1
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OUP English/Careers/Tourism 2
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OUP Oxford Word Skills BAS/SB Pack
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Cuaderno de ejercicios para afianzar los conocimientos adquiridos. Consta de quince unidades, que se corresponden con las del libro del alumno. Incluye un solucionario al final del cuaderno.
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Curso comunicativo de español dirigido a estudiantesadolescentes y adultos de nivel principiante, concebido con el objetivo de ayudar al alumno a alcanzar ungrado de competencia lingüística y comunicativa. El libro está estructurado en tres bloques, cada uno de ellos formado por cinco lecciones más otra de repaso.
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Consta de quince lecciones organizadas en torno a tres grandes bloques, a cada uno de los cuales sigue unrepaso. Cada una de las unidades se estructura de lasiguiente forma: - Presentación. Práctica de las destrezas orales - Contenidos socioculturales. Práctica de las destrezas escritas. Incluye un resumen gramatical.
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Abelló Vilella, Xavier

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Mediúscula topos 6-8 cuaderno+cd-r
Hoy -5% en Libros


Set de cuadernos de uso individual que presentan el cuento Talps con actividades para profundizar en la comprensión de su lectura. Incluyen CD-ROM con la versión animada del cuento y un editor de textos de imágenes para estimular la escritura creativa. En inglés,catalán y castellano.
14,95€ 14,20€
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