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Cuadernos de Geografía e Historia Una de las novedades de nuestro proyecto son estos cuadernos, materialesflexibles que ofrecen diferentes aplicaciones:   Atender a alumnos con desfases curriculares o con carencias sobre contenidos anteriores.   Ofrecer materiales complementarios para programas de diversificación curricular.   Facilitar el aprobado del curso cuando la materia ha quedado pendiente.   Estudiar y repasarlos contenidos del curso durante el verano.     .
13,61€ 12,93€
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Basado en un enfoque metodológico que responde a loscriterios PAU. Se centra en plantear numerosos análisis lingüísticos,  así como un trabajo exhaustivo sobre el comentario de texto. Incluye CD con pruebas deacceso resueltas y cuaderno del S. XVIII
42,16€ 40,05€
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CAC P3 Carlota granota-traço/Belluguets Casals 9788421840764
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Activitats de grafomotricitat que parteixen de propostes vivencials per consolidar el traç. Inclou una pissarra i un retolador de tinta esborrable.
1,70€ 1,61€
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CEAC Francés para Dummies
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Backpack Gold features seven colourful levels, full of activities and projects for today¿s English students. With catchy songs and chants, hands-on projects and content connections, along with extensive reading and writing materials, Backpack Gold gets to the heartof every student¿s needs. Now with an Active Teach for the IWB, a robust test package, a Test Generator and so much more, Backpack Gold is the one to reach for when you are reaching for gold!
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LAR Italiano/Método Express
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Bright, innovative, easy-to-use-four-level ESO coursereflecting the lives and experiences of modern teenagers. &#x02022, Engaging up-to-the-minute topics, real-life issues and clear structured lessons will helpyour students to make progress.&#x02018,Across cultures&#x02019, and CLIL skills lessons develop students&#x02019, knowledge of the world beyond the classroom.&#x02022, A variety of supplementary materials willhelp you to cater for diversity with multilevel photocopiable materials and My Life Essentials A, B, C y Dfor specific needs. Exercises at two levels and extra practice exercises in the Students&#x02019, Book engage fast finishers and support weaker students. &#x02022, My Life Essentials specific books to help all your students follow your classes. &#x02022, Wide range of attractive and easy-to-use offline and online digital Tools and Online, including new Digital ActiveWorkbook with Gradebook, great new Active Teach IWB software and New Test Generator Online for teachers tocreate their own tests.
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Bright, innovative, easy-to-use-four-level ESO coursereflecting the lives and experiences of modern teenagers. &#x02022, Engaging up-to-the-minute topics, real-life issues and clear structured lessons will helpyour students to make progress.&#x02018,Across cultures&#x02019, and CLIL skills lessons develop students&#x02019, knowledge of the world beyond the classroom.&#x02022, A variety of supplementary materials willhelp you to cater for diversity with multilevel photocopiable materials and My Life Essentials A, B, C y Dfor specific needs. Exercises at two levels and extra practice exercises in the Students&#x02019, Book engage fast finishers and support weaker students. &#x02022, My Life Essentials specific books to help all your students follow your classes. &#x02022, Wide range of attractive and easy-to-use offline and online digital Tools and Online, including new Digital ActiveWorkbook with Gradebook, great new Active Teach IWB software and New Test Generator Online for teachers tocreate their own tests.
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Bright, innovative, easy-to-use-four-level ESO coursereflecting the lives and experiences of modern teenagers. &#x02022, Engaging up-to-the-minute topics, real-life issues and clear structured lessons will helpyour students to make progress.&#x02018,Across cultures&#x02019, and CLIL skills lessons develop students&#x02019, knowledge of the world beyond the classroom.&#x02022, A variety of supplementary materials willhelp you to cater for diversity with multilevel photocopiable materials and My Life Essentials A, B, C y Dfor specific needs. Exercises at two levels and extra practice exercises in the Students&#x02019, Book engage fast finishers and support weaker students. &#x02022, My Life Essentials specific books to help all your students follow your classes. &#x02022, Wide range of attractive and easy-to-use offline and online digital Tools and Online, including new Digital ActiveWorkbook with Gradebook, great new Active Teach IWB software and New Test Generator Online for teachers tocreate their own tests.
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Bright, innovative, easy-to-use-four-level ESO coursereflecting the lives and experiences of modern teenagers. &#x02022, Engaging up-to-the-minute topics, real-life issues and clear structured lessons will helpyour students to make progress.&#x02018,Across cultures&#x02019, and CLIL skills lessons develop students&#x02019, knowledge of the world beyond the classroom.&#x02022, A variety of supplementary materials willhelp you to cater for diversity with multilevel photocopiable materials and My Life Essentials A, B, C y Dfor specific needs. Exercises at two levels and extra practice exercises in the Students&#x02019, Book engage fast finishers and support weaker students. &#x02022, My Life Essentials specific books to help all your students follow your classes. &#x02022, Wide range of attractive and easy-to-use offline and online digital Tools and Online, including new Digital ActiveWorkbook with Gradebook, great new Active Teach IWB software and New Test Generator Online for teachers tocreate their own tests.
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Très bien! est une méthode basée sur la confiance etla progressivité. L&#x02019,élève est guidé dans sesdécouvertes lexicales, grammaticales, phonétiques etcommunicatives. De cette manière et grâce à la structure des unités didactiques, l&#x02019,élève construit son apprentissage en revenant sans cesse à des révisions de ses acquis et en les investissant dans de nouveaux contextes. Cette méthode tient compte à l&#x02019,intérieur même du processus d&#x02019,acquisitiondu français, de toutes les compétences de base, pourmieux contribuer au développement complet de l&#x02019,élève, ce qui lui permettra de s&#x02019,adapter et de réussir dans une société complexe et variée. Elle inclut aussi des contenus liés à d&#x02019,autres matières (sciences, musique, histoire&#x02026,) pour favoriser le travail interdisciplinaire, ainsi qu&#x02019,un apport supplémentaire en thèmes de civilisation.  La méthode s´accompagne des composants suivants : deux DVD, une clé USB Ressources, un Générateur de Tests, un CD-ROM Évaluations, un logicielpour TBI.
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Prom 196 atención 2
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9,00€ 8,55€
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ORTOGRAFÍA PARA LA REFORMA 17 Salvatella 9788472107373
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SALV E Ortografía para la reforma 17
3,50€ 3,32€
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ORTOGRAFÍA PARA LA REFORMA 11 Salvatella 9788472107311
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SALV E Ortografía para la reforma 11
3,50€ 3,32€
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Un diccionario innovador para empezar a aprender inglés: • 22.000 palabras y expresiones. • Una pedagogía sencilla. • Un vocabulario seleccionado en función de las necesidades de los principiantes. • 20.000 ejemplos de uso para situar cada palabra en su
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Este Juego de lectura es un material de trabajo basado en actividades que han de realizarse tras la lectura del libro Misterios desde el parapente, número 185de la colección Altamar. El cuaderno está dividido en unidades didácticas, de modo que cada unidad está compuesta de uno o dos capítulos del libro de lectura(que los alumnos leen inicialmente) y de una serie deejercicios referidos al texto de dicho capítulo o capítulos: comprensión, vocabulario, habilidad visual... Recomendado para 1.º y 2.º ESO.
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COMPETÈNCIES BÀSIQUES 3 SM Valencià 9788467540581
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SMV E3 Competències bàsiques
12,88€ 12,24€
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Nace Volteretas, un proyecto innovador cargado de vida y energía que pone a tu disposición un mundo apasionante para disfrutar con tus alumnos.
15,64€ 14,86€
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MACMILLAN SCIENCE READERS NIVEL 1 Una colección de libros divididos en 4 niveles para estudiantes de primaria que aprenden cienciasen inglés. Texto con lenguaje controlado y adecuado al nivel de los alumnos, práctica extra de lectura con tests de control de lenguaje, fotos e ilustraciones a todo color y un diccionario ilustrado con actividades para cada libro.
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EDV P4 Summer/Flip-Flops Edelvives 9788426375148
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EDV P4 Summer/Flip-Flops
19,70€ 18,71€
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EDV P5 Summer/Flip-Flops Edelvives 9788426375155
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EDV P5 Summer/Flip-Flops
19,70€ 18,71€
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ELE AVANZADO es un curso comunicativo de español dirigido a estudiantes adolescentes y adultos de nivel avanzado. Ha sido concebidocon el objetivo de ayudar al alumno a consolidar y desarrollar su nivel de competencia lingüística y comunicativa. El cua
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Teic b2 història de l'art/vitrall
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TEIC B2 Història de l'art/Vitrall
46,35€ 44,03€
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