
Savia Arts and Crafts motivates pupils through a practical hands-on approach to learning.  Designed to help bring out the creative side of pupils and develop their artistic ability.Interdisciplinary contents that are related to Social Science or Natural Science.A special focus on values in the The importance of... sections.Artistic autonomy through structured learning and simple language.Presentation of artistic techniques in order to practice creatively.
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El proyecto SAVIA para Música trabaja el aprendizaje a través de propuestas prácticas y muy motivadoras, con ilustraciones y dinámicas que atraen al alumno y fomentan su gusto por la música. Es un proyecto global, para toda Primaria, elaborado por autores con experiencia , docentes en activo, músicos profesionales y pedagogos. Cuenta con una cuidada progresión de contenidos adaptada a cada nive l. El proyecto sigue los postulados de la pedagogía musical activa . Ofrece una metodología práctica y se apoya en recursos digitales como musicogramas, karaokes, karaogramas y actividades interactivas Permite configurar una propuesta muy flexible adaptables a diferentes niveles mediante trabajo pautado y secciones. Con canciones son atractivas y de nueva creación .
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Objetive:  To know the environment to commit to respectful habits with it. The learning of the area serves to reflect on our way of relating to others and to the environment, and to promote supportive and sustainable behaviours. Revuela gets it by: - Competency approach. Inductive learning and transfers to familiar situations. - Problem-solving. Analysis of a real and close situation, and decision making at your fingertips.
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Objective: Analyze the past and present reality (or historical or geographical) of our planet and make use of the appropriate tools to make that analysis as critical and objective as possible. Revuela gets it by: - Establishing a dialogue between the students that allows solving the problems posed by the analyzed reality. - Presenting cases and situations which contextualise the historical and geographical reality of the planet. - Valuing team work as fundamental. - Knowing the past, students can understand the present.
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Objetive:  To know the environment to commit to respectful habits with it. The learning of the area serves to reflect on our way of relating to others and to the environment, and to promote supportive and sustainable behaviours. Revuela gets it by: - Competency approach. Inductive learning and transfers to familiar situations. - Problem-solving. Analysis of a real and close situation, and decision making at your fingertips.
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Objective: Interpret the nearest reality by field observation, experimentation and searching different sources to solve questions and contrast hypothesis. Revuela gets it by: - Competency approach. Approach to scientific questions based on direct or indirect observation of the world in common situations and contexts. - Understand to learn. Establishing connections with everyday situations awakening the creative and entrepreneurial spirit to develop scientific thinking.
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We are ExperienceWe have been providing educational products and services for over sixty years.We are IntegrationThe vehicular language, British English, is integrated into Savia with the utmost attention to linguistic quality.We are InnovationSavia incorporates  programmes that help  you use innovative teaching  methods. What's more, this plurilingual course is based on the principles of CLIL methodology.CLIL methodology in SaviaSavia uses the specific principles of CLIL methodology to help students learn subjects in English.
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Objective:Interpret the closest reality by analyzing the physical-chemical processes through experimentation as a basis for the construction of knowledge.Revuela gets it by:- Competency approach. Approach to scientific questions based on direct or indirect observation of the world in common situations and contexts.- Comprender para aprender. Establishing connections with everyday situations through the analysis and observation of processes in order to build science and develop scientific thinking.
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The MAS SAVIA Project for Natural Science takes advantage of different tools and methodologies to motivate the learning, understanding and application of the contents. The contents of each learning block are organized into three learning moments : Let's Get Started, Let's Understand and Let's use . Inserted between these are Make a Change (service-learning activities with many opportunities to work using co-operative strategies) in which both communicative and cognitive skills are put into practice. Many of the Let's Get Started and Let's Use sections take the form of experimental workshops. This general philosophy of promoting active learning is manifest in the final Making a Change task which integrates knowledge, skills and multiple intelligences. Natural Science takes the CLIL approach to making language and contents accessible with careful scaffolding of language and the visual summarizing of content. There are regular opportunities to review what has been learned. Attention to diversity is catered for by online testing which can give the teacher a clear and immediate evaluation of the class's performance by identifying students who may be having difficulties. Natural Science has been created in tandem with EPS: a new CLIL based English course for plurilingual primary schools which integrates closely with the Natural Science learning paths
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Objetivo:  Aprender a comunicarse. Lengua en uso, sin necesidad de definiciones teóricas. Un enfoque comunicativo y práctico. Revuela lo consigue mediante: - Enfoque competencial. Transferencia y contextualización en situaciones reales. - Trabajo a partir de modelos. Análisis y reflexión sobre un texto modelo y aplicación en contextos similares.
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Objetive: To know the environment to commit to respectful habits with it. The learning of the area serves to reflect on our way of relating to others and to the environment, and to promote supportive and sustainable behaviours.Revuela gets it by:- Competency approach. Inductive learning and transfers to familiar situations.- Problem-solving. Analysis of a real and close situation, and decision making at your fingertips.
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Objetivo:  Analizar la realidad pasada y presente (o histórica y geográfica) de nuestro planeta y hacer uso de las herramientas adecuadas para que ese análisis sea lo más crítico y objetivo posible.  Revuela lo consigue mediante:  Estableciendo un diálogo entre los alumnos que permita resolver los problemas que plantea la realidad analizada.  Exponiendo casos y situaciones que contextualicen la realidad histórica y geográfica del planeta.  Valorando el trabajo en equipo como fundamental.  Conociendo el pasado podemos entender el presente.
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Objective:  Interpret the closest reality by analyzing the physical-chemical processes through experimentation as a basis for the construction of knowledge.  Revuela gets it by:  Competency approach. Approach to scientific questions based on direct or indirect observation of the world in common situations and contexts.  Comprender para aprender. Establishing connections with everyday situations through the analysis and observation of processes in order to build science and develop scientific thinking.
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Objective: Interpret the closest reality by analyzing the physical-chemical processes through experimentation as a basis for the construction of knowledge. Revuela gets it by: - Competency approach. Approach to scientific questions based on direct or indirect observation of the world in common situations and contexts. - Comprender para aprender. Establishing connections with everyday situations through the analysis and observation of processes in order to build science and develop scientific thinking.
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En el área de Biología y Geología, #DeOtraManera plantea un acercamiento al entorno natural desde el rigor del pensamiento científico y apoyado en un desarrollo competencial mediante Situaciones de Aprendizaje en contextos reconocibles para el alumnado.
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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En el área de Biología y Geología, #DeOtraManera plantea un acercamiento al entorno natural desde el rigor del pensamiento científico y apoyado en un desarrollo competencial mediante Situaciones de Aprendizaje en contextos reconocibles para el alumnado.
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Situacions 4. Física i Química. Llibre de consulta
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A partir de los dos años y medio, el niño empieza a garabatear con el lápiz, tratando de imitar el efecto maravilloso que ve surgir de los dedos del adulto. Para lograr este objetivo, el niño ha debido alcanzar antes una maduración cortical que le permita no sólo “sujetar o agarrar algo”, sino “coger para trazar algo”: importancia de la intencionalidad como base de la diferenciación entre la inteligencia infantil y la no humana. La preescritura y escritura “precisan” ciertos movimientos de la mano, de los dedos índice, pulgar y corazón, mientras el anular y el meñique sirven de soporte deslizante. Estos movimientos, a su vez, son posibles gracias a la mielinización de ciertas células cerebrales, que se ven favorecidas con la práctica y el tiempo: a los niños y niñas inmaduros aún se les aprecia falta de control y de organización, sincinesias, descargas motoras incontroladas... Estas premisas nos permiten poder resaltar debidamente la importancia de los ejercicios visomotores que proponemos como un medio instrumental graduado de maduración en el dominio cerebral de movimientos finos. La edad adecuada para los tipos de ejercicios que proponemos va desde los cuatro-cinco años a los siete, edades que coinciden con la preparación, inicio y afianzamiento de la escritura. Al principio nuestra meta será lograr una progresiva inhibición en los movimientos manuales, circunscribiéndolos a una amplitud cada vez más limitada, con lo que indirectamente estamos actuando sobre la estabilidad de la atención y de la conducta. Estos ejercicios se hacen, por tanto, particularmente recomendables para niños y niñas inestables psicomotores o para inhibidos y tímidos, a los que exigiremos un esfuerzo muscular de expansión y expresión. Ofrecemos un tipo de papel normal, aconsejando que lo apoyen sobre planchas de corcho o cartón blando que sirvan de almohadilla. Si nos interesa modificar la tonicidad del niño, demasiado agresivo o, por el contrario, hipotónico, lo apoyaremos sobre material más duro: plásticos o hules, o bien sobre telas.
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Incluye código de licencia digital
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Family and Friends 2nd Edition Starter. Activity Book Pack
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Entrelíneas 2. Comprensión lectora, estrategias y producción escrita
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Biology and Geology 3 ESO
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