
Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Fairyland is a six-year course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where learning becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Captivating dialogues that motivate and intrigue pupils Presentation of vocabulary through posters and flash cards Inspiring texts and contextualised activities that promote active learning Craftwork, projects and portfolio activities Green sections promoting respect for the environment Cartoon strips to promote reading for pleasure Activity Book in full colour Step-by-step interleaved Teacher's Book
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Situacions 4. Física i Química. Llibre de consulta
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Situacions 2. Llengua catalana i Literatura. Llibre de consulta.
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Family and Friends 2nd Edition Starter. Activity Book Pack
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Entrelíneas 2. Comprensión lectora, estrategias y producción escrita
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Family and Friends 2nd Edition Starter. Class Book Pack Revise Edition
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A partir de los dos años y medio, el niño empieza a garabatear con el lápiz, tratando de imitar el efecto maravilloso que ve surgir de los dedos del adulto. Para lograr este objetivo, el niño ha debido alcanzar antes una maduración cortical que le permita no sólo “sujetar o agarrar algo”, sino “coger para trazar algo”: importancia de la intencionalidad como base de la diferenciación entre la inteligencia infantil y la no humana. La preescritura y escritura “precisan” ciertos movimientos de la mano, de los dedos índice, pulgar y corazón, mientras el anular y el meñique sirven de soporte deslizante. Estos movimientos, a su vez, son posibles gracias a la mielinización de ciertas células cerebrales, que se ven favorecidas con la práctica y el tiempo: a los niños y niñas inmaduros aún se les aprecia falta de control y de organización, sincinesias, descargas motoras incontroladas... Estas premisas nos permiten poder resaltar debidamente la importancia de los ejercicios visomotores que proponemos como un medio instrumental graduado de maduración en el dominio cerebral de movimientos finos. La edad adecuada para los tipos de ejercicios que proponemos va desde los cuatro-cinco años a los siete, edades que coinciden con la preparación, inicio y afianzamiento de la escritura. Al principio nuestra meta será lograr una progresiva inhibición en los movimientos manuales, circunscribiéndolos a una amplitud cada vez más limitada, con lo que indirectamente estamos actuando sobre la estabilidad de la atención y de la conducta. Estos ejercicios se hacen, por tanto, particularmente recomendables para niños y niñas inestables psicomotores o para inhibidos y tímidos, a los que exigiremos un esfuerzo muscular de expansión y expresión. Ofrecemos un tipo de papel normal, aconsejando que lo apoyen sobre planchas de corcho o cartón blando que sirvan de almohadilla. Si nos interesa modificar la tonicidad del niño, demasiado agresivo o, por el contrario, hipotónico, lo apoyaremos sobre material más duro: plásticos o hules, o bien sobre telas.
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Physics and Chemistry 2 ESO
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Física y química 3 ESO
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Biology and Geology 3 ESO
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Biology and Geology 4 ESO
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Biología y Geología 1 ESO
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SB Naturals +TD 5è Primària
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Developed in cooperation with the IB, our bestselling Course Book has been revised and updated to provide the most comprehensive support for the new DP Economics syllabus, for first teaching in September 2020.
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SB Naturales +TD 6º Primaria
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