
Proyecto: FanFest. Ciencias De La Naturaleza 3
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13,25€ 12,59€
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Proyecto: FanFest. Ciencias de la Naturaleza 1 - Cuaderno
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13,25€ 12,59€
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Cuaderno proyecto Fanfest Ciencias sociales 3º primaria
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13,25€ 12,59€
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Proyecto: FanFest. Ciencias Sociales 1 - Cuaderno
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13,25€ 12,59€
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The Black Cat
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9,45€ 8,98€
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Llengua 5 EP - Activa. ProDigi
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37,06€ 35,21€
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De cap a peus
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Aquest llibre, que es presenta sota la forma d'un fitxer didàctic amb 98 il·lustracions, va dirigit al professorat i als aprenents de català (com a segona llengua) que volen apropar-se al món de les frases fetes (com tenir el cap ple de pardals o pujar la mosca al nas). En aquesta presentació s'explicarà com s'ha dissenyat el contingut del llibre i quina importància i utilitat pedagògiques té el tipus d'il·lustracions escollides. També es mostrarà com aquesta eina didàctica pot contribuir a facilitar a l'alumne estranger l'etapa inicial de descobriment, comprensió i memorització de les expressions catalanes. Finalment, també es comentaran les dificultats del projecte inicial de realització i la feina dels il·lustradors.
12,00€ 11,40€
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Este libro de Cultura Clásica 3º ESO adaptado a la LOMCE consta de diez unidades, en cada una de ellas los contenidos aparecen estructurados en cuatro epígrafes principales que facilitan y hacen más asimilable el aprendizaje de los temas.
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Our geese have gone (Libro + CD/Mp3) (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series)
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Twenty-five years ago, people in my village did not know that wild geese should be under protection from hunting. Among the huniers, my grandpa was the best. He brought the geese he shot back to town and sold them to pay for my schooling. However, grandpa did not shoot one single goose on that day. It was all because of the vigilant Icad goose in the flock. But at the moment when the flock was flying away, an eagle came. The eagle was hungry for young geese and pounced on one ! The lead goose fought and fought with the eagle. But the eagle was too strong, and the lead goose was injured. Without hesitation, grandpa repelled the eagle away. He brought the wounded lead goose home and took good care of it. Before long, the lead goose's mate flow over to join him in our home. Grandpa, the best hunter of wild geese, now had two goose friends...
6,00€ 5,70€
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Whom do you like more? Level 1: 300 words level (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader Series)
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Chinese Breeze is a large and innovative Chinese graded reader series that will offer over 60 titles of enjoyable stories at eight language levels. It is designed for college and secondary school Chinese language learners from beginning to advanced levels (including AP Chinese students), offering them a new opportunity to read for pleasure and simultaneously developing real fluency, building confidence, and increasing motivation for Chinese learning. Each title comes with an audio CD containing recordings of the text. In simplified characters, with pinyin and English in vocabulary lists. There are also short exercises and answer keys at the end of each book.CONTENT OF THIS BOOK: A smart young man suddenly gets into big trouble. He just fell in love with a pretty girl, but now the police come and want to arrest him. The bank he works for just lost ten million dollars, and the police list him as a suspect. Of course he is not the robber! He even knows who did it. But can he find evidence to prove it to the police? It's all just too much. Also, will he be able to see his girlfriend again?
6,00€ 5,70€
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Wrong, Wrong, Wrong! (Chinese Breeze Graded Reader)
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Chinese Breeze is a large and innovative Chinese graded reader series that will offer over 60 titles of enjoyable stories at eight language levels. It is designed for college and secondary school Chinese language learners from beginning to advanced levels (including AP Chinese students), offering them a new opportunity to read for pleasure and simultaneously developing real fluency, building confidence, and increasing motivation for Chinese learning. Each title comes with an audio CD containing recordings of the text. In simplified characters, with pinyin and English in vocabulary lists. There are also short exercises and answer keys at the end of each book.CONTENT OF THIS BOOK: June 8. Beijing. A pretty girl lies dead on the floor of her luxury home. A slip of paper found on her body reads, ''''I am tired. Let me leave...'''' At the bottom of the slip is a signature: Lin Shuang-shuang. Shuang-shuang has a twin-sister called Dui-dui. The two girls look so similar that others can hardly tell who's who. Is the one who died really Shuang-shuang? Then where is Dui-dui? If the one who died is Dui-dui as someone claimed, then why is the signature on the slip Lin Shuang-shuang?
6,00€ 5,70€
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I really want to find her... (libro + mp3) level 1
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'I Must Find Her'' (Level 1, 300-word level of ''Chinese Style'' Graded Chinese Reader) tells that the girl is so beautiful that Dai Wei, Jeff and Akita all went to find her when they saw her photo! The photo was given to them by the teacher before she died, but they didn't know where the Chinese girl in the photo was. In the end, how did they find the girl in China? What did the girl say to them again? ''I Must Find Her'' (Level 1, 300-word level of ''Chinese Style'' Graded Chinese Reader Series): ''Chinese Style'' is a large-scale Chinese graded extensive-reading series. This series of books is based on the basic concept of ''learners can improve their language proficiency, cultivate their sense of language, enhance their interest in Chinese and learn self-confidence through easy and extensive reading''. There are more than 60 volumes in total, each volume is 8000 to 30000 words.
6,00€ 5,70€
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Can I dance with you? (Libro + Cd-mp3) Level 1
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A smart young man suddenly gets into trouble. He just fell in love with a pretty girl, but now the police come and want to arrest him. The bank he works for lost 10 million dollars, and the police list him as a suspect. Of course he is not the robber ! He even knows who did it. But can he find evidence to prove it to the police ? It's all just too much. Also, will he be able to see his girlfriend again ?
6,00€ 5,70€
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Two children seeking the Joy Bridge (Libro + mp3) Level 1
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Chinese Breeze is a large and innovative Chinese graded reader series that will offer over 60 titles of enjoyable stories at eight language levels. It is designed for college and secondary school Chinese language learners from beginning to advanced levels (including AP Chinese students), offering them a new opportunity to read for pleasure and simultaneously developing real fluency, building confidence, and increasing motivation for Chinese learning. Each title comes with an audio CD containing recordings of the text. In simplified characters, with pinyin and English in vocabulary lists. There are also short exercises and answer keys at the end of each book.CONTENT OF THIS BOOK: Two children, one aged seven and the other eight, run away to the airport to buy ''''air-tickets''''. Beyond their wildest dreams, crooks call their parents and demand ransom! And of course, nobody even knows the location of the Joy Bridge that the two children seek to visit. A mystery adventure sure to thrill and delight readers.
6,00€ 5,70€
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Diccionario conciso Español-Chino / Chino-Español
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Este diccionario ha sido diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes, turistas, comerciantes, técnicos, funcionarios y todo aquel que necesite una respuesta rápida y fiable frente a los problemas de traducción. En este diccionario se recogen en lo más posible las definiciones básicas, contiene además un vocabulario básico de uso cotidiano, una terminología especializada de diversas áreas como la informática, las finanzas, las comunicaciones y el deporte,etc.En este diccionario se ha puesto el Hanyu Pinyin (alfabeto fonético chino) y la forma complicada original del carácter chino.
23,40€ 22,23€
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Poison: Medicine, Murder, and Mystery High Intermediate Book with Online Access
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. Poison has often played a part in fictional and real-life mysteries. This reader goes into the history of poison, from the everyday dangers in our food to the elaborate murders of the past. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the reader!
9,90€ 9,40€
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Get Smart: Our Amazing Brain Intermediate Book with Online Access
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. The human brain is an amazing organ controlling our speech, making our heart beat, and solving problems. Come and explore how our brains work and make us who we are. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the reader!
9,90€ 9,40€
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Mark Your Territory Intermediate Book with Online Access
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. How do we decide where a country ends and begins? Come examine the ideas of borders and territory, on Earth and beyond. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the reader!
9,90€ 9,40€
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Punch: All About Boxing Intermediate Book with Online Access
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. Discover the history of boxing, from the ancient Greeks to Daniel Mendoza to Muhammad Ali. Find out why this wild and thrilling sport has been entertaining us for years! Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the reader!
9,90€ 9,40€
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Bounce! The Wonderful World of Rubber Upper Intermediate Book with Online Access
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. It's in our shoes, cars, bikes, golf balls, clothing, kitchens . . . what would we do without rubber? Learn about where rubber comes from, how we use it, and how we depend on it more and more. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the reader!
9,90€ 9,40€
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Bright Lights on Broadway: Theaterland Low Intermediate Book with Online Access
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. Beautiful music, energetic performers, memorable dancing - you can find it all in a Broadway show. Take a special look behind the scenes of New York City's theater world. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the reader!
9,90€ 9,40€
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Rescued: The Chilean Mining Accident Intermediate Book with Online Access
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. In 2010, 33 miners were trapped inside a mine for 69 days. This reader investigates the complicated rescue mission, the difficulties of life underground, and - most of all - how the miners' families never stopped hoping for their safe return. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the reader!
9,90€ 9,40€
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Weird Weapons Intermediate Book with Online Access
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Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. Boomerangs! Catapults! Sword rockets! Bat bombs! Throughout history, people have had no trouble finding ways to harm one another. Discover some of the strangest and most dangerous weapons that people have ever made. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises. Plus, download a free e-book version of the reader!
9,90€ 9,40€
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