
Key 2nd edition Exam Trainer with Online Practice is a comprehensive self-study book for university entrance exams. It will guide your students through all the different exam task types, teach them effective strategies and help them to acquire the necessary skills and abilities to succeed in the exam.
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Prepare Level 8 Workbook With Digital Pack
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34,72€ 32,98€
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Express Publishing

i Wonder NEW is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects, in line with the new LOMLOE requirements. It brings the wonder and excitement of the real world into the language classroom and motivates young learners to develop a lifelong love of learning. Cross-curricular Language Learning extending and enriching the pupils' language experience Mediation activities to help pupils process and transmit information Reflective Learning Evaluation for pupils to consolidate what and how they learn and become more autonomous learners Learning Situations allow pupils to assume active roles and find solutions to challenging real-world situations Development of Social and Emotional Skills (role play, mediation tasks, craftwork, games, songs and values) Circle-time activities providing low-stress yet highly effective learning opportunities
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Open Up your world Activate your students through a course which takes video to the next level and taps into their real world. Develop the tools needed for authentic communication and the values of global citizenship, mediation, emotional wellbeing and intercultural openness. Enjoy all the benefits of using the print and the digital book whenever the situation requires, both in and outside the classroom through the blended solution.
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Open Up your world Activate your students through a course which takes video to the next level and taps into their real world. Develop the tools needed for authentic communication and the values of global citizenship, mediation, emotional wellbeing and intercultural openness. Enjoy all the benefits of using the print and the digital book whenever the situation requires, both in and outside the classroom through the blended solution.
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Manual de curs de Llengua catalana i literatura amb informació rigorosa i completa distribuïda en seqüències de comunicació i seqüències de literatura. Se centra en l'aprenentatge de l'alumne/a i té un enfocament competencial. Proposa gran quantitat d'activitats de tot tipus: sistemàtiques, de consolidació, competencials, etc. que connecten els aprenentatges amb la realitat. Inclou una llicència digital per a l'alumne/a i una guia docent amb eines per programar i avaluar per competències i molts recursos digitals per ajudar el professorat a preparar les classes.
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Libro de texto de la editorial Teide Text 9788430771752
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OUP Skills World L&S 3/SB
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Libro de texto de Burlington Teamwork Eso 3 Wb Cat recomendado para la asignatura de Inglés y para el curso de 3º ESO con una edad 14 a 15 años. Es un libro de texto editado por Burlington, editado el año 2020 con el código EAN 9789925304707. En este caso, se trata de un libro de texto en formato papel en Catalán.
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Kid'S Box Esp 2E 4 Activity Book+Onl+Cdr+My Ho
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Este curso de siete niveles es un sólido punto de partida para iniciar el aprendizaje de inglés, convierten las clases en todo un placer para los profesores. El curso se ha actualizado con nuevo vocabulario y actividades para cubrir los contenidos de los exámenes de Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) que estaránvigentes a partir de 2018.
28,93€ 27,48€
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OUP S2 Together/WB
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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Everybody is talking about the Phantom of the Opera, the ghost that lives somewhere under the Opera House. The Phantom is a man in black clothes. He is a body without a head, he is a head without a body. He has a yellow face, he has no nose, he has black holes for eyes. Everybody is afraid of the Phantom... But who has actually seen him?
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Come quickly, Dr. Watson,' says Mrs. Hudson. 'Sherlock Holmes is dying!'Sherlock Holmes was trying to solve a murder. But now he has a terrible illness, and he is not his normal self. Can his friend Watson help him? Or will Sherlock Holmes die?Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities, and exciting, fully dramatized audio for every story, the new edition of the series makes reading motivating for students while making it easy for you to develop their reading and language skills.
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Practica i aprèn Matemàtiques 6 Baula
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Quadern Practica i aprèn Matemàtiques 6 Baula recomanat per Matemàtiques per al curs de 6è Primària amb una edat recomanada de 11 a 12 anys. Es un quadern de la editorial Baula, editat l’any 2018 amb el codi EAN 9788447936984. En aquest cas es tracta d'un quadern en format paper en Català.
28,00€ 26,60€
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Barcanova Text

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Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR.Listen along with downloadable MP3 audio.Victor Frankenstein thinks he has found the secret of life. He takes parts from dead people and builds a new 'man'. But this monster is so big and frightening that everyone runs away from him - even Frankenstein himself! The monster is like an enormous baby who needs love. But nobody gives him love, and soon he learns to hate. And, because he is so strong, the next thing he learns is how to kill...
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Por qué saltan las ballenas fuera del agua? ¿Qué hace que nuestros cuerpos se muevan? Guess What! tiene las respuestas. A través de hermosas fotografías, vídeos absorbentes y temas fascinantes, este curso lleva a los alumnos a través de un sorprendente viaje, permitiéndoles explorar el mundo mientras aprenden inglés. Se hace especial énfasis en la auto-reflexión, permitiendo a los niños aprender con confianza y conseguir grandes resultados. El Activity Book, a todo color, practica y consolida todo lo que se aprende en el Pupil's Book. Los alumnos pueden llevar un registro de su aprendizaje con las secciones de Evaluación, y mejorar su vocabulario con un diccionario visual. Incluye pegatinas, recortables, y (en la edición actualizada) letra ligada en los niveles 1 y 2. El Digital Pack para alumnos en Cambridge One está accesible mediante un código impreso en el libro. Para más información sobre este Digital Pack, disponible para la edición actualizada del curso, ir a la sección de Digital. El Activity Book se vende en un pack conjunto con el Home Booklet.
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Maria de Bell-lloc 2 ESO. Dossier. Llengua catalana
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Situacions 2. Geografia i Història. Quadern d'aprenentatge
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¡Ya Calculo! 1
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Cuaderno de refuerzo Aljibe 9788497004107 ALJIBE E1 ¡Ya calculo! 1
3,00€ 2,85€
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Lecturas Comprensivas 10 GEU
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Grupo Editorial Univ

MEJORA LA LECTURA Y ESCRITURA: incluye una gran variedad de lecturas y ejercicios con ilustraciones divertidas para mejorar su comprensión paso a paso. TRABAJA LOS TEXTOS 4: mediante actividades como marca la respuesta correcta, completa el siguiente texto o escribe una frase con cada grupo de trabajo.TRABAJA SU AUTONOMÍA: les motiva a realizar el trabajo de forma autónoma e independiente, ya que es un material accesible y fácil de seguir. PREVIENE DIFICULTADES EN EL LENGUAJE: puede utilizarse tanto como cuaderno de refuerzo en casa, ampliación para quienes necesiten más actividades o como actividades complementarias en grupo-clase. GARANTÍA DE DEVOLUCIÓN: Editorial GEU ofrece a todos sus productos una garantía de devolución de 30 días. Si tiene alguna duda puede ponerse en contacto con nuestro equipo de atención al cliente.
9,99€ 9,49€
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Quadern Ara Ja Puc 4 Problemes Primària recomanat per Matemàtiques per al curs de Primària amb una edat recomanada de 6 a 12 anys. Es un quadern de la editorial Teide Text, editat l’any 2011 amb el codi EAN 9788430705344. En aquest cas es tracta d'un quadern en format paper en Català.
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First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests With Answers and Teachers Notes With Audio 2Nd Edition
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Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools. First for Schools Trainer offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam combined with easy-to-follo
41,20€ 39,14€
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Four-level English course with a simple approach that helps adults learn quickly - one page, one lesson, one focus.
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Essential exam task practice for class or home study for use alongside a coursebook or intensively before the exam. Focus on essential exam practice for the revised 2020 exams with the Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools. Maximise learners' potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. 48 exam tasks practise each part of the exam three times while exam facts provide practical information. Exam tips provide useful advice on how to approach the exercises and 'Get it right' boxes highlight typical candidate errors in the exam. This student edition Exam Booster is suitable for both B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools. The downloadable audio is available from www.cambridge.org/preliminarybooster2.
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Social Science 4 Outside the Box Activity Book es un libro de actividades para la asignatura bilingüe de Science de 4o de Educación Primaria en formato impreso.
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Hueber Internacional

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