The little liar

Albom, Mitch

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Beloved bestselling author Mitch Albom returns with a powerful novel that moves from a small village in Greece during the Holocaust, to America, where the intertwined lives of three survivors are forever changed by the perils of deception and the grace of redemption. Eleven-year-old Nico Crispi never told a lie. When the Nazi’s invade his home in Salonika, Greece, the trustworthy boy is discovered by a German officer, who offers him a chance to save his family. All Nico has to do is convince his fellow Jewish residents to board trains heading towards “the east” where they are promised jobs and safety. Unaware that this is all a cruel ruse, the innocent boy goes to the station platform every day and reassures the passengers that the journey is safe. But when the final train is at the station, Nico sees his family being loaded into a large boxcar crowded with other neighbors. Only after it is too late does Nico discover that he helped send the people he loved—and all the others—to their doom at Auschwitz. Nico never tells the truth again. In The Little Liar, his first novel set during the Holocaust, Mitch Albom interweaves the stories of Nico, his brother Sebastian, and their schoolmate Fanni, who miraculously survive the death camps and spend years searching for Nico, who has become a pathological liar, and the Nazi officer who radically changed their lives. As the decades pass, Albom reveals the consequences of what they said, did, and endured. A moving parable that explores honesty, survival, revenge and devotion, The Little Liar is Mitch Albom at his very best. Narrated by the voice of Truth itself, it is a timeless story about the harm we inflict with our deceits, and the power of love to ultimately redeem us.

Biografía de Mitch Albom

Mitch Albom (Passaic, Nueva Jersey, EEUU, 1958). Se licenció en Sociología en la Universidad de Brandeis, en Periodismo en la Graduate School of Journalism de la Universidad de Columbia y en Administración de Empresas en la Graduate School of Business de la misma universidad. Empezó su vida profesional como músico antes de interesarse por el periodismo. Comenzó a trabajar en Nueva York, y se convirtó rápidamente en uno de los periodistas deportivos más populares del país. Cuenta con más de cuarenta millones de ejemplares vendidos en el mundo y ha sido traducido a más de cuarenta idiomas. Publicó su primer libro, Bo: Life, Laughs, and the Lessons of a College Football Legend, biografía deportiva del entrenador de fútbol americano Bo Schembechler, en 1989. En 1995 se reencontró con Morrie Schwartz, un antiguo profesor suyo aquejado de ELA. De sus conversaciones con Morrie, nació Martes con mi viejo profesor (1997), un libro que catapultó a Mitch Albom al estrellato literario. Sus obras siguientes, Las cinco personas que encontrarás en el cielo y Un día más han confirmado su éxito. Albom es miembro de numerosas organizaciones benéficas y ha fundado tres instituciones en la zona de Detroit.

Ficha técnica - The little liar

Tipo de producto: Libro
Idioma: Inglés
EAN: 9780062406651
Referencia Abacus: 1485495.08
Editorial: Harper Collins USA
The little liar

The little liar

Albom, Mitch

18,00€ 17,10€
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