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Tish, Ben

Across the Mediterranean, from Spain to Morocco, via Italy, Sicily, Greece and Lebanon, one delicious food influence gives way to the next. The whole region is a rich seam of deeply delicious food, and the recipes in this mouth-watering collection are gathered far and wide from anywhere the Mediterranean Sea touches the shore.
38,25€ 36,34€
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Bad blood
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Sage, Lorna

15,50€ 14,72€
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Slow Escapes
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Responsible hospitality connects to rural communities and creates lasting impressions. Travel ennobles the spirit and puts away with prejudices- Oscar Wilde- Travel is evolving, ever more aware of reducing its environmental impact. The next step is a kind of experience that revives rural areas in a sustainable way. A growing number of hospitality venues use only local craftspeople, celebrate local skills and produce, and reinvigorate the land around them. Visitors here are more than guests, they are in direct contact with a whole culture and help strengthen the bonds within the community. In Slow Escapes, sustainable tourism expert Clara le Fort introduces converted monasteries, transformed windmills, and many other enchanting places around the world, that embrace slow living and breathe new life into a region. This book shows us how travel can be a saving grace for the long term. It is for everybody who wishes to be more than a mere consumer of place.
45,00€ 42,75€
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The essentials of psychoanalysis
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Freud, Sigmund

In this selection of her father’s writings Anna Freud has defined and included, in a single volume, the essential, irreducible elements of psychoanalysis. She begins with the most appropriate of Freud’s own introductory essays, The Question of Lay Analysis , and follows the sequence of themes that he adopted in that work—the meaning of dreams, the concept of the unconscious, instinctual and sexual life, the structure of the personality, defense mechanisms, and symptom-formation. The result, with her own lucid commentaries supplementing her father’s writing in the authorized translations by James Strachey, is a coherent, manageable, and authoritative guide to the principal themes and concepts of psycho-analysis.
22,45€ 21,33€
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The power of regret
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Pink, Daniel H.

15,50€ 14,72€
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30-Second Physics: The 50 most fundamental concepts in physics, each explained in half a minute
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Clegg, Brian

From electromagnetic waves that enable us to connect in an instant to the gravity that keeps our feet firmly on the ground, this book is the fastest way to get up to speed with rocket science--and the rest. In a world where physics is an everyday essential and new quantum developments make headline news, you need to know your atoms from your antimatter, learn just enough to speak with fluidity about Fluid Dynamics and be certain about the Uncertainty Principle. Each idea, no matter how complex, is explained in just two pages, 300 words, and one picture, making this the quickest way to understand gravity, light, energy and more. This is 50 key concepts and complexities, each explained without the jargon. The bestselling 30-Second series offers a new approach to learning about those subjects you feel you should really understand. Every title takes a popular topic and dissects it into the 50 most significant ideas at its heart,explained in just two pages that are easily digested in only half a minute.
16,05€ 15,25€
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La dona sota l'horitzó
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Queffelec, Yann

11,96€ 11,36€
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El Sistema
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Menéndez Salmón, Ricardo

En una época futura, nuestro planeta se ha convertido en un archipiélago en el que conviven dos fuerzas: los Propios, súbditos de las islas, y los Ajenos, desterrados tras disputas ideológicas y económicas. Dentro del Sistema existe una isla llamada Reali
19,90€ 18,90€
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Diari d'Anna Frank, El
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Frank, Ana

Aquesta és l'edició definitiva del cèlebre Diari d'Anne Frank. El seu text amplia en una quarta part les edicions anteriors i ofereix una visió completa i fidedigna de la terrible odissea viscuda durant la Segona Guerra Mund
9,95€ 9,45€
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Briggs, Philip

Bradt's Uganda has for many years been considered the go-to source of information for travellers heading to or interested in this extraordinary country. This new ninth edition of the most comprehensive guide available has been fully updated by Philip Briggs, arguably the world's most experienced guidebook author and certainly the most experienced writer on Africa, and also includes a new full-colour wildlife section with over 100 colour photographs.Mountain gorilla tracking is Uganda´s most popular activity and this new edition provides expanded coverage of gorilla-tracking options, describing the gorilla groups and their locations - in short, everything anyone who dreams of encountering these remarkable primates needs to know. Accommodation listings and descriptions have also been completely revised, taking into account the rapid increase in choice of places to stay, and providing a more critical appraisal of the best options in every price bracket.Bradt's Uganda includes detailed maps of the country, updated or created from scratch using GPS by the author, and this new edition also offers increased coverage of Karamoja and the northeast, a major growth area for tourism. Uganda boasts the most biodiverse - and arguably most exciting - safari circuit in Africa, ranging from the lush montane forests of Bwindi, which protect one of the world's largest remaining populations of mountain gorillas, to the tree-climbing lions of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Whether you are visiting on safari, for birdwatching, white-water rafting on the Nile or trekking some of Africa's highest mountains, Bradt's Uganda remains the essential companion guide.
28,00€ 26,60€
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Sherlock Holmes: the dark mysteries
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Conan Doyle, Arthur

In Sherlock Holmes: The Dark Mysteries, Sherlock Holmes expert David Stuart Davies has selected the cases of the great detective that best reflect Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's deep interest in the supernatural. The first is the terrifying novel The Hound of the Baskervilles, followed by nine Gothic adventures: 'The Sussex Vampire', 'The Creeping Man', 'Shoscombe Old Place', 'The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax', 'The Veiled Lodger', 'The Devil's Foot', 'The Blanched Soldier' and 'The Cardboard Box'. All of the stories are accompanied by their original illustrations.Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. With an introduction by the collection's editor, David Stuart Davies.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Vides de Dante i de Petrarca
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Bruni, Leonardo

Nosaltres, lectors del segle XXI, sabem que Dante, Petrarca i Boccaccio són els escriptors més importants del Renaixement, però els primers biògrafs del Quattrocento, moguts segurament pel seu afany de recuperar a tot preu els clàssics grecollatins, no els van incloure en el seu cànon. I els entesos asseguren que devem en bona part a Leonardo Bruni —i al mètode biogràfic que empra en aquest llibre— la resurrecció de Dante, la consolidació de Petrarca i la reivindicació de la llengua vulgar per escriure sobre qualsevol qüestió de caire elevat. Gràcies a aquestes Vides, podreu endinsar-vos amb un guia segur a les deus de l’humanisme.
12,00€ 11,40€
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En las profundidades del silencio
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Ávila Cazorla, Manuel

Una joven mujer y su pequeña hija son brutalmente asesinadas en su propio hogar. La investigación, asignada a la recién ascendida Inspectora Sandra Lago y su equipo, se va complicando con el paso del tiempo según reciben nuevos homicidios con el mismo modus operandi. Julio Sáez, el afligido marido de una de las víctimas, obsesionado por calmar su dolor, decide iniciar una peculiar investigación por sus propios medios con una ayuda inesperada. Nunca podrán imaginar ambos protagonistas que sus investigaciones se enlazarán de un modo tan decisivo para el desenlace de esta misteriosa y desgarradora historia de terror.
19,00€ 18,05€
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El escándalo
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Grisham, John

Un rumor polémico... Un escándalo nacional... Muy pronto Theo descubrirá que sacar buenas notas nunca había sido tan peligroso. Sexta entrega de «Theodore Boone», la serie juvenil d
18,95€ 18,00€
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Cántico de sangre (Crónicas Vampíricas 10)
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Rice, Anne

En Cántico de sangre, décima entrega de la mítica saga «Crónicas Vampíricas», Lestat se encontrará de nuevo con varios de los personajes de la legendaria serie de Anne Rice «Las Brujas de Mayfair». Lestat, que una vez fue esencia de la maldad, lucha ahora contra su propia condición de vampiro, pues anhela alcanzar la pureza. Al mismo tiempo, se enfrenta a diferentes fantasmas, leyendas y secretos, así como al misterio de Taltos, mientras trata de reconducir el destino de su amada Rowan Mayfair. «Conseguiré satisfacerle. Así que tranquilícese y siga leyendo. No se arrepentirá. ¿Cree que no deseo captar nuevos lectores? Mi nombre es sinónimo de sed, querido. ¡Estoy deseando apoderarme de usted!»No obstante, dado que me he tomado un respiro en mi obsesión por convertirme en santo, permítame que dedique unas palabras a mis leales seguidores. Ustedes, los nuevos, síganme. No les costará ningún esfuerzo. ¿Por qué iba yo a hacer algo que les resultara difícil? Sería como echar piedras sobre mi propio tejado.»
19,90€ 18,90€
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Holland, Tom

Beginning in 69AD, a year that saw four Caesars in succession rule the empire, and ending some seven decades later with the death of Hadrian, Pax presents a dazzling history of Rome at the height of its power. From the gilded capital to realms beyond the frontier, historian Tom Holland portrays the Roman Empire in all its predatory glory. Vivid scene follows vivid scene: the destruction of Jerusalem and Pompeii, the building of the Colosseum and Hadrian's Wall, the conquests of Trajan. Vividly sketching the lives of Romans both ordinary and spectacular, from slaves to emperors, Holland demonstrates how Roman peace was the fruit of unprecedented military violence.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Lizcano, Pedro

Una historia trasversal la cual se ve atravesada por la narración furtiva de diez relatos.En un futuro cercano, nada imprevisible ha ocurrido. Al contrario, todo es un poco más frío, más distante. Los ancianos, los sentimientos o la vida de los outsiders valen menos y las fronteras, más. Esta es la historia de Shasta, hija de un disidente y locutor furtivo de relatos. Ambos construyen emisoras de radio en un taller secreto de su casa. Con ellas realizan incursiones nocturnas y narran historias que forman parte de un plan cuyo propósito completo Shasta desconoce. También es la historia de Matt Scott, director del cuerpo de seguridad de fronteras, el peor enemigo de los disidentes y vecino de Shasta. La trama los unirá en un duelo psicológico de mutuos intereses escondidos en conversaciones íntimas que ninguno elude. La intuición y la inteligencia serán las únicas armas de un juego que poco a poco se intuye fatal. Disidentes se plantea con todo el suspense de un thriller de ciencia ficción. No obstante, la tensión argumental de esta novela no es su máximo valor, el diseño de su arquitectura permite que asome en la novela una nueva capa más profunda, más vital. Disidentes está construida por una historia trasversal la cual se ve atravesada por la narración furtiva de diez relatos. Diez relatos de gran fuerza visual, cosidos sobre ella de tal forma que cada uno aporta un eco importante a su paso. En cada narración, el suspense del thriller deja lugar a materias más íntimas. El amor, la vejez, los recuerdos, el concepto del tiempo o del mal flotan en la trama de cada relato y, gracias a ellos, la historia trasversal consigue revelarse en todas sus dimensiones llegando a tomar una entidad y un calado inesperados.
16,95€ 16,10€
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Demon copperhead
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Kingsolver, Barbara

Demon Copperhead is set in the mountains of southern Appalachia. It's the story of a boy born to a teenaged single mother in a single-wide trailer, with no assets beyond his dead father's good looks and copper-colored hair, a caustic wit, and a fierce talent for survival. In a plot that never pauses for breath, relayed in his own unsparing voice, he braves the modern perils of foster care, child labor, derelict schools, athletic success, addiction, disastrous loves, and crushing losses. Through all of it, he reckons with his own invisibility in a popular culture where even the superheroes have abandoned rural people in favor of cities.Many generations ago, Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield from his experience as a survivor of institutional poverty and its damages to children in his society. Those problems have yet to be solved in ours. Dickens is not a prerequisite for readers of this novel, but he provided its inspiration. In transposing a Victorian epic novel to the contemporary American South, Barbara Kingsolver enlists Dickens' anger and compassion, and above all, his faith in the transformative powers of a good story. Demon Copperhead speaks for a new generation of lost boys, and all those born into beautiful, cursed places they can't imagine leaving behind.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Martin Bauman
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Leavitt, David

En los albores de la era Reagan, Martin Bauman, un joven de diecinueve años, inteligente, ambicioso e inseguro, se matricula en una universidad prestigiosa y obtiene una difícil plaza en el seminario que imparte el legendario y enigmático Stanley Flint, un hombre que puede hacer o deshacer carreras de escritores con apenas un chasquido de sus dedos. Martin se halla en el umbral de su vida literaria y abriga el doble deseo de publicar y atreverse a «salir del armario».
17,43€ 16,56€
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Death and the King's Horseman
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Soyinka, Wole

'This play, by the winner of a Nobel Prize for Literature, asks: 'On the authority of what gods' the white aliens rupture the world. It puts exciting political theatre back on the agenda...a masterpiece of 20th century drama'' (Guardian) Elesin Oba, the King's Horseman, has a single destiny. When the King dies, he must commit ritual suicide and lead his King's favourite horse and dog through the passage to the world of the ancestors. A British Colonial Officer, Pilkings, intervenes to prevent the death and arrests Elesin. The play is a set text for NEAB GCSE, NEAB A Level and NEAB A/S Level. ''A transfixing work of modern world drama'' (Independent), ''clearly a masterpiece...he achieves the full impact of Greek tragedy'' (Irving Wardle, Independent on Sunday), ''the action of the play is as inevitable and eloquent as in Antigone: a clash of values and cultures so fundamental that tragedy issues: a tragedy for each individual, each tribe'' (Michael Schmidt, Daily Telegraph)
16,70€ 15,86€
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Novell, Nèstor

Una novel·la coral on es mostren els fragments d'una memòria personal i col·lectiva esquinçada i incompleta, els vestigis limitats i deformats derivats d'uns fets colpidors i silenciats durant anys. Els protagonistes d'aquest llibre testimonial van sobreviure, físicament i emocional, al fatal destí com a perdedors de la Guerra Civil espanyola, víctimes del franquisme. Patiment, perplexitat, misèria viscuts des de l'exili interior -la presó, el silenci, la repressió- i l'exili exterior: l'expatriació forçada per la bel·ligerància, l'hostilitat i la revenja amb què es va acarnissar el règim feixista implantat després de la guerra.
19,00€ 18,05€
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The pole and other stories
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Coetzee, J. M.

The Pole tells the story of Wittold Walccyzkiecz, a vigorous, white-haired pianist who becomes infatuated with Beatriz, a stylish patron of the arts, after she helps organize his Barcelona concert.Although Beatriz, who is married, is initially unimpressed by Wittold, she soon finds herself pursued and ineluctably swept into his world. As he sends her letters, extends countless invitations to travel, and even visits her husband's summer home in Mallorca, their unlikely relationship blossoms, though only on her terms.As the power struggle between them intensifies -- Is it Beatriz who limits their passion by controlling her emotions? Or is it Wittold, trying to force into life his dream of love? Evocative of Joyce's 'The Dead,' The Pole is a haunting work, evoking the 'inexhaustible palette of sensations, from blind love to compassion' (El País) typical of Coetzee's finest novels.
17,25€ 16,39€
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North, Anna

Sophie Stark es una joven cineasta llena de talento pero también una experta en manipular emocionalmente a los que la rodean para conseguir una buena película. Al utilizar sus vidas para sus propias historias consigue destruir, en nombre del arte, su
19,50€ 18,52€
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Lost book of the white
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Clare, Cassandra

Magnus Bane, a centuries old High Warlock, has taken possession of one of the great relics of the supernatural world, a powerful spell book of dark magic known as The Book of the White and there are many who want to claim it for themselves.
17,10€ 16,24€
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En nuestro catálogo de novelas online encontrarás la mejor literatura clásica de todos los tiempos, como por ejemplo, la Divina Comedia de Dante, la Metamorfosis de Ovidio, La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas, La Ilíada y La Odisea de Homero, entre otros, así como una selección de lo último en novelas nuevas, en la que se encuentran títulos como La chica de nieve, Reina roja, Sakura, El pintor de almas, La chica del tren, El día que se perdió el amor, Largo pétalo de mar y muchas más.

¿Buscas un escritor en particular? Estos son solo algunos de los autores nacionales e internacionales de los que disponemos novelas: Javier Castillo, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Almudena Grandes, Dolores Redondo, Ildefonso Falcones, Santiago Posteguillo, Sarah Lark, Elísabet Benavent, Matilde Asensi, Paula Hawkins, Isabel Allende, etc.

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