Libros de Narrativa y Novelas

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Diez gansos blancos
Hoy -5% en Libros

Bakker, Gerbrand

Una mujer extranjera alquila una solitaria granja en Gales. Dice que su nombre es Emilie. En la granja encuentra diez gansos que van desapareciendo sin que sepa la causa. Poco a poco conoceremos a la protagonista y querremos saber más. ¿De qué huye? ¿Por qué no echa el desconocido que aparece en la granja? ¿Qué hará cuando el marido la encuentre? Con estos elementos se podría pensar en un thriller convencional, pero en este libro por encima de todo encontramos una forma de narrar, la de Bakker, y una mujer que permanece en el recuerdo, o quizás en los sueños, durante mucho tiempo.
17,95€ 17,05€
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Dangerous kiss
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Collins, Jackie

Dangerous Kiss is a story of raw anger, love, lust, murder and revenge, and at its white-hot center is Lucky Santangelo, a strong, exciting woman who dares to take chances – and always wins. There have been many imitators, but only ever one Jackie Collins. With millions of her books sold around the world, and thirty-one New York Times bestsellers, she is one of the world’s top-selling novelists. From glamorous Beverly Hills bedrooms to Hollywood movie studios, from glittering rock concerts to the yachts of billionaires, Jackie chronicled the scandalous lives of the rich, famous, and infamous from the inside looking out.
16,25€ 15,44€
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Little Red Riding Hood and Other Stories
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Cousins, Lucy

'Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?'' asked the wolf. The old man pulled and pulled the enormous turnip… Multi-award-winning author Lucy Cousins retells three of her favourite fairy tales in spare, bold language and brilliant, vibrant pictures. The famous characters in Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and The Enormous Turnip are given new life and a sprinkle of modern magic.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Dark brilliance
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Strathern, Paul

Between the end of the Renaissance and the start of the Enlightenment, Europe lived through an era known as the Age of Reason. This was a period which saw advances in areas such as art, science, philosophy, political theory and economics. However, all this was achieved against a background of extreme turbulence in the form of internal conflicts and international wars. While the 'land of liberty' was beginning to import slaves from Africa.Focusing on key characters from the seventeenth to the eighteenth centuries, including Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Newton, Descartes, Spinoza, Louis XIV and Charles I, Dark Brilliance is a fascinating and wide-ranging history that explores the human costs of imposing progress and modernity.
22,00€ 20,90€
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The hobbit
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Tolkien, J.R.R.

The hobbit (9780261102217), by J. R. R. Tolkien. The Hobbit is a tale of high adventure, undertaken by a company of dwarves in search of dragon-guarded gold. A reluctant partner in this perilous quest is Bilbo Baggins, a comfort-loving unambitious hobbit, who surprises even himself by his resourcefulness and skill as a burglar. Encounters with trolls, goblins, wizards, elves and giant spiders, conversations with the dragon, Smaug, and a rather unwilling presence at the Battle of Five Armies are just some of the adventures that befall Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins has taken his place among the ranks of the immortals of childrens fiction. Written by Professor Tolkien for his own children, The Hobbit met with instant critical acclaim when published.
12,75€ 12,11€
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The queen's price
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Bishop, Anne

Enter the dark and sensual realms of the Black Jewels in this sweeping story in the New York Times bestselling fantasy saga of three young women who must navigate life within the powerful SaDiablo family. The Queen’s price is to stand against what you know is wrong. To stand and fight, no matter the cost to your court or to yourself. Especially to yourself. Zoey, a young Queen-in-training at SaDiablo Hall, is wounded...and vulnerable to taunts and criticism. When an opportunity arises to befriend a stranger seeking sanctuary at the Hall, she puts herself and others in danger by ignoring Daemonar Yaslana’s warning to back off.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Muñoz de Morales G., Javier

Anastasia o la recompensa de la hospitalidad, anécdota histórica de un casto amor contrariado (1818) fue uno de los hitos literarios más destacables en el desarrollo de la novela histórica española. Antes de que se popularizase el estilo de Walter Scott en suelo ibérico, y aún en plena Década Ominosa, Antonio Marqués y Espejo publicó esta novela sin que hubiese muchas otras tentativas semejantes. El texto, en realidad, partía de una obra autobiográfica suiza, que adaptaba y reconvertía al terreno de la ficción literaria. El presente volumen es una edición crítica de la obra, cotejada con el original en francés para resaltar la relevancia y creatividad que subyacen a esta versión. Por esta vía se pretende ofrecer una visión más amplia sobre la historia de la novela en suelo hispano y redimensionar la complejidad de un período en el que generalmente se ha señalado una dependencia generalizada hacia las literaturas inglesas. JAVIER MUÑOZ DE M,ORALES GALIANA es profesor de literatura española en la Universiteit Gent, con un contrato posdoctoral FWO. Se doctoró en la Universidad de Cádiz en 2022 y ha publicado una veintena de artículos y tres ediciones de obras literarias, junto con una decena de capítulos de libro. Sus líneas de investigación giran en torno a la historia de la novela española entre la Ilustración y el Romanticismo, con especial interés en autores como Vicente Martínez Colomer, Pablo de Olavide, Estanislao de Cosca Vayo y Manuel Fernández y González.
21,00€ 19,95€
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El llibre del riure i de l'oblit
Hoy -5% en Libros

Kundera, Milan

Mentre la Tamina, una jove viuda a l'exili, vol recuperar els seus diaris íntims per reconstruir amb ells els records cada vegada més difusos de la seva vida matrimonial, en Mirek, a Bohèmia, tracta de recuperar unes antigues cartes d'amor per esborrar part del seu passat. I és que El llibre del riure i de l'oblit és una novel·la en forma de variacions entorn de l'oblit, l'erotisme i l'humor. Com afirma el mateix Milan Kundera, «és una novel·la sobre la Tamina i, en el moment en què la Tamina surt d'escena, és una novel·la per a la Tamina. Ella n'és el principal personatge i el principal oient, i totes les altres històries són una variació de la seva història i es troben a la seva vida com en un mirall».
18,00€ 17,10€
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La ciudad ausente
Hoy -5% en Libros

Piglia, Ricardo

Un periodista sigue la pista de una compleja trama de intrigas: un museo secreto, la historia de una máquina capaz de elaborar sus propios relatos, una isla utópica, ficciones que se entretejen y que habitan dentro de otras ficciones. La ciudad ausente de Ricardo Piglia es un logro narrativo donde se funden admirablemente la novela policial y la literatura fantástica. Luis Scafati y Pablo De Santis han sabido interpretar esta vertiginosa historia hasta consumar una obra impar, un hito en el género de la novela gráfica.
17,50€ 16,62€
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Lonely Planet Best Day Walks France
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Lonely Planet's Best Day Walks France is your passport to 60 easy escapes into nature. Stretch your legs away from the city by picking a walk that works for you, from just a couple of hours to a full day, from easy to hard. Hike the Alps and the Pyrenees and admire lavender fields in Provence.
28,75€ 27,31€
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General relativity
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Susskind, Leonard

The latest volume in the New York Times bestselling physics series explains Einstein's the general theory of relativityHe taught us classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and special relativity. Now, physicist Leonard Susskind, assisted by a new collaborator, André Cabannes, returns to tackle Einstein's general theory of relativity. Starting from the equivalence principle and covering the necessary mathematics of Riemannian spaces and tensor calculus, Susskind and Cabannes explain the link between gravity and geometry. They delve into black holes, establish Einstein field equations, and solve them to describe gravity waves. The authors provide vivid explanations that, to borrow a phrase from Einstein himself, are as simple as possible (but no simpler).An approachable yet rigorous introduction to one of the most important topics in physics, General Relativity is a must-read for anyone who wants a deeper knowledge of the universe's real structure.
16,25€ 15,44€
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The fine art of uncanny prediction
Hoy -5% en Libros

Goddard, Robert

The second installment featuring unlikely private investigator Umiko Wada and the Kodaka Detective Agency.''Robert Goddard writes amazing novels of mystery/suspense.'' —Stephen KingUmiko Wada never set out to be a private detective, let alone become the one-woman operation behind the Kodaka Detective Agency. But so it has turned out, thanks to the death of her former boss, Kazuto Kodaka, in mysterious circumstances.Keen to avoid a similar fate, Wada chooses the cases she takes very carefully. A businessman who wants her to track down his estranged son offers what appears to be a straightforward assignment. But she should have known that the simplest cases are never really simple at all. Soon she finds herself pulled into a labyrinthine conspiracy with links to a twenty-seven-year-old investigation by her late employer and to the chaos and trauma of the dying days of the Second World War.As Wada uncovers a dizzying web of connections between then and now, it becomes clear that someone has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep the past buried. And the deeper Wada digs, the more danger she finds herself in. Soon those she loves most will be sucked into the orbit of one of the most powerful men in Tokyo. And he will do whatever it takes to hold on to his power...The Fine Art of Uncanny Prediction is another tour de force from the cunning mind of master storyteller Robert Goddard. Spanning seventy years, it takes the reader on a head-spinning journey of twist and counter-twist which keep you guessing until the final pages.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Star wars: knight errant
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Miller, John Jackson

A thousand years before Luke Skywalker, a generation before Darth Bane, in a galaxy far, far away...The Republic is in crisis. The Sith roam unchecked, vying with one another to dominate the galaxy. But one lone Jedi, Kerra Holt, is determined to take down the Dark Lords. Her enemies are strange and Lord Daiman, who imagines himself the creator of the universe, Lord Odion, who intends to be its destroyer, the curious siblings Quillan and Dromika, the enigmatic Arkadia. So many warring Sith weaving a patchwork of brutality—with only Kerra Holt to defend the innocents caught underfoot.Sensing a sinister pattern in the chaos, Kerra embarks on a journey that will take her into fierce battles against even fiercer enemies. With one against so many, her only chance of success lies with forging alliances among those who serve her enemies—including a mysterious Sith spy and a clever mercenary general. But will they be her adversaries or her salvation?
16,75€ 15,91€
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The beasts of Paris
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Penney, Stef

In Paris 1870, three wandering souls find themselves in a city set to descend into war.Anne is a former patient from a women's asylum trying to carve out a new life for herself in a world that doesn't understand her. Newcomer Lawrence is desperate to develop his talent as a photographer and escape the restrictions of his puritanical upbringing. Ellis, an army surgeon, has lived through the trauma of one civil war and will do anything to avoid another bloodbath.Each keeps company with the restless beasts of Paris' Menagerie, where they meet, fight their demons, lose their hearts, and rebel in a city under siege.A dazzling historical epic of love and survival, Stef Penney carries the reader captivated through war-torn Paris.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Las niñas salvajes
Hoy -5% en Libros

Ayamonte, May R.

Un thriller extremo que te mantendrá en vilo hasta su desgarrador final 1975, GRANADA: En el Virgen del Carmen, un colegio religioso y exclusivo para niñas, una de ellas espera con ilusión ser adoptada. Los años transcurren y su esperanza, cerca de desvanecerse, cambiará cuando reciba el aviso de que una familia está interesada en ella. 2017, UN BRUTAL ASESINATO: Jimena Cruz, una periodista en horas bajas, recibirá la noticia de que un cuerpo sin vida ha aparecido en el Albaicín. Cuando acude a la escena, descubre que pertenece a María, quien fue su maestra en la infancia y a quien consideraba su segunda madre. Hugo, su amante y uno de los oficiales al cargo de la investigación, intentará mantenerla al margen. Pero para Jimena, el caso acaba de convertirse en personal y nada ni nadie podrá detenerla. Y UNA REVELACIÓN QUE LO CAMBIARÁ TODO: Cuando el pasado irrumpe en el presente y los secretos que se creían enterrados salen a la luz, las vidas de todos los personajes que transitan esta novela cambiarán para siempre.
21,95€ 20,85€
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The essentials of psychoanalysis
Hoy -5% en Libros

Freud, Sigmund

In this selection of her father’s writings Anna Freud has defined and included, in a single volume, the essential, irreducible elements of psychoanalysis. She begins with the most appropriate of Freud’s own introductory essays, The Question of Lay Analysis , and follows the sequence of themes that he adopted in that work—the meaning of dreams, the concept of the unconscious, instinctual and sexual life, the structure of the personality, defense mechanisms, and symptom-formation. The result, with her own lucid commentaries supplementing her father’s writing in the authorized translations by James Strachey, is a coherent, manageable, and authoritative guide to the principal themes and concepts of psycho-analysis.
22,45€ 21,33€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Flaubert, Gustave

Flaubert escribió en Noviembre en 1842, cuando tenía apenas veinte años. Considerada la novela que cierra la producción de juventud de Flaubert (marcada por esta obra y por Memorias de un loco), estamos ante una auténtica bildungsroman sentimental, una sorprendente novela de iniciación amorosa, que explora los sutiles mecanismos de la atracción erótica y los remordimientos provocados por las relaciones adúlteras y el lado pasional de las relaciones humanas. En esta novela, de lectura adictiva, y un delicioso recorrido sobre la exaltación pasional, un muchacho, en el que podemos ver reflejado el propio Flaubert, medita en el curso de un paseo campestre sobre las mujeres (incluyendo a Marie, la prostituta que lo inició en los secretos de la carne, y que es, a partes iguales, «la mujer angélica e intocable, y la hembra fatal armada de un erotismo destructor» en palabra de Lluís Mª Todó). Noviembre es, probablemente, la genuina crónica de una obsesión amorosa, con un joven Flaubert de protagonista. Esta novela, que Flaubert no publicó en vida (era un escritor «enfermo de exactitud», y buena parte de su producción hasta Madame Bovary era considerada por él como «ejercicios de estilo»), pero que siempre consideró con un cariño especial, es una hábil disección del mundo amoroso, en la que se analiza la pasión y el sufrimiento asociado a ella, cuya profundidad psicológica presagia ya el estilo de obras futuras como Madame Bovary o La educación sentimental. En Noviembre apreciamos ya esa condición transgresora y algo irónica que caracteriza la escritura de Flaubert, así como su enfoque, tan contestado por la moral de su época, su fuerza literaria y sus obsesivas preocupaciones estéticas, en fin, todo lo que hará de él uno de los más grandes literatos europeos, puente entre Balzac y Proust, entre lo moderno y lo contemporáneo.
16,26€ 15,45€
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La virgen y el gitano
Hoy -5% en Libros

Lawrence, D. H.

«La virgen y el gitano» es una de las más provocativas y escandalosas novellas del inglés D.H. Lawrence. Escrita en 1926 en Italia, pero solo publicada tras la muerte del autor en 1930, fue inmediatamente reconocida como una obra maestra. En ella se relata la historia de Yvette, la hija de un reprimido vicario anglicano, quien, tras regresar de un viaje al extranjero, descubre que se siente asfixiada por el ambiente de su nuevo hogar, situado en la Inglaterra profunda, y en el que reina su abuela, una anciana ciega y avara. En el curso de una excursión campestre, junto con unos amigos, la virginal Yvette traba amistad con un gitano y con su familia. Súbitamente, se siente fascinada por el gitano, en el que descubre un espíritu libre, un igual, y empieza también a albergar deseos sexuales que hasta entonces le eran desconocidos. Novela en cierto modo oculta, maldita, muy en la línea de las obras más escandalosas de Lawrence, y poseedora de toda su fuerza transgresora, esta es la primera traducción realizada al castellano desde hace más de veinticinco años, y la primera totalmente nueva basada en la Edición Cambridge, que incorpora todos los elementos de la redacción original. En La virgen y el gitano encontramos, destiladas, todas las ideas de Lawrence sobre la sexualidad y la moralidad. Esta obra está impregnada de ternura y de un profundo conocimiento del alma humana.
17,60€ 16,72€
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The eye of the world
Hoy -5% en Libros

Jordan, Robert

The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.Moiraine Damodred arrives in Emond’s Field on a quest to find the one prophesized to stand against The Dark One, a malicious entity sowing the seeds of chaos and destruction. When a vicious band of half-men, half beasts invade the village seeking their master’s enemy, Moiraine persuades Rand al’Thor and his friends to leave their home and enter a larger unimaginable world filled with dangers waiting in the shadows and in the light.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Well done mummy penguin
Hoy -5% en Libros

Haughton, Chris

With his vibrant, stylish art and spot-on visual storytelling, Chris Haughton turns to Antarctica for an irresistible ode to family bonds and awesome moms.The sky may be dark over icy waters, but Mommy Penguin is off to catch some fish for dinner. As Daddy and Little Penguin watch in suspense, Mommy swims, jumps, and climbs up a slippery slope, barely avoiding a plunge back into the sea. Well done! There’s just one more hurdle to overcome, past some grumpy, just-awakened seals, before she returns to her anxiously waiting family. With a nod to the fascinating nature of penguin parenting, this boldly illustrated adventure from the creator of Little Owl Lost and Oh No, George! will have little ones happily on the edge of their seats as they root for Mommy Penguin.
11,50€ 10,92€
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Wraith squadron: star wars legends (x-wing)
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Allston, Aaron

The Rebel Alliance's elite strike force goes undercover in the first book of the Wraith Squadron series, the companion to the hit Rogue Squadron series. As the battle against the Empire rages, X-wing fighters risk life and machine to protect the Rebel Alliance. Now they must go on a daring undercover mission—as the crew of an Imperial warship. It is Wedge Antilles' boldest creation: a covert-action unit of X-wing fighters, its pilots drawn from the dregs of other units, castoffs and rejects given one last chance. But before the new pilots can complete their training, the squadron's base is attacked by former Imperial admiral Trigit, and Wraith Squadron is forced to swing into action—taking over an Imperial warship and impersonating its crew. The mission: to gain vital intelligence about Trigit's secret weapons, to sabotage the admiral's plans, and to lure him into an Alliance trap. But the high-stakes gamble pits Wraith Squadron's ragtag renegades against the Empire's most brilliant master of guile and deception.
16,75€ 15,91€
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Woman's lore
Hoy -5% en Libros

Clegg, Sarah

The history of a demonic tradition that was stolen from women - and then won back again. 'Remarkable work... Extraordinary, meticulous detail' Literary Review'Deftly fuses scholarly rigour, control of literary and archaeological sources' BBC History MagazineCreatures like Lilith, the seductive first wife of Adam, and mermaids, who lured sailors to their death, are familiar figures in the genre of monstrous temptresses who use their charms to entice men to their doom.
16,25€ 15,44€
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The broken elf king
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Stone, Leia

I never should have taken that loan but my aunt needed meds I couldn’t afford. Now I’ve been sold to slavery and the Elf King himself has bought me. It will take me five years to pay off the debt as his personal assistant. His council has tasked me with finding him a wife. That part should be easy: he’s rich, disgustingly handsome, and smart to boot. But, he’s rejecting every high-born female I send his way. The more time we spend together, the more we realize I’m not just some half elf. There is a deep power that runs through my veins. I enter into a fake marriage with him so that he can get the council off his back. A great idea, as long as I don’t fall in love with him...
12,75€ 12,11€
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Peppa Pig. Nursery rhymes
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Peppa and her friends are singing their favourite nursery rhymes at playgroup. This chunky tabbed board book is the perfect introduction to classic nursery rhymes. Sing along to: Mary had a Little Lamb, Hey Diddle Diddle, Hickory Dickory Dock, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Row Row Your Boat, The Wheels on the Bus and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Which is your favourite to sing?
11,50€ 10,92€
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