Libros de Narrativa y Novelas

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La recta intencin
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Barba, Andr�s

Una adolescente y casi mefistofélica anoréxica, un corredor de maratón obsesionado con su carrera, una mujer que contempla la decrepitud de su madre y un viejo amante homosexual son los protagonistas de las cuatro nouvelles que componen este libro, cuatro historias unidas por la incomunicación, el miedo a relacionarse con los otros y a ser rechazados por la persona amada. Cuatro textos que confirman plenamente las expectativas creadas por el autor con su anterior libro.
12,00€ 11,40€
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La tumba de sus antepasados
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Kipling, Rudyard

«La Noche llega cuando Ningún Hombre puede Trabajar». Estas palabras figuraban en la biblioteca de Rudyard Kipling, su lugar de trabajo, cuando vivía en Vermont con su esposa americana hacia 1892. El volumen que entregó entonces a la imprenta llevaba el título de El trabajo de cada día y contenía una serie de historias diversas que ejemplifican la lucha esforzada e intensa de los hombres y las máquinas (en definitiva, los elementos de la civilización) contra el caos de la naturaleza salvaje. Así ocurre en La tumba de sus antepasados, que cuenta la historia de un soldado cuya familia ha servido en la India desde el principio del Imperio, y a quien los indígenas toman por un dios. El soldado ha de convencer a la población indígena de la necesidad de una vacuna contra un mal que les amenaza con la extinción. En El diablo y la mar profunda asistimos a los esfuerzos de la tripulación de un barco de no muy buena reputación legal, que ha de poner en juego toda su capacidad y energía para salir de una situación límite. En El barco que se encontró a sí mismo los personajes son las distintas piezas de un vapor recién botado, que han de enfrentarse a una furiosa tormenta atlántica. El Gato Maltés está considerado como el mejor relato sobre el deporte del polo que se ha escrito nunca, y narra una final de copa desde el punto de vista y las conversaciones de los caballos de «humilde pedigrí» de un modesto equipo indígena, frente a los poderosos adversarios británicos.
18,10€ 17,19€
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Prophet song
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Lynch, Paul

A fearless portrait of a society on the brink as a mother faces a terrible choice, from an internationally award-winning author.On a dark, wet evening in Dublin, scientist and mother-of-four Eilish Stack answers her front door to find the GNSB on her step. Two officers from Ireland’s newly formed secret police are here to interrogate her husband, a trade unionist.Ireland is falling apart. The country is in the grip of a government turning towards tyranny and Eilish can only watch helplessly as the world she knew disappears. When first her husband and then her eldest son vanish, Eilish finds herself caught within the nightmare logic of a collapsing society.How far will she go to save her family? And what – or who – is she willing to leave behind?Exhilarating, terrifying and propulsive, Prophet Song is a work of breathtaking originality, offering a devastating vision of a country at war and a deeply human portrait of a mother’s fight to hold her family together.
24,25€ 23,04€
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Minik, el esquimal de Nueva York
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Harper, Kenneth

En 1897, el explorador Robert Peary recogió a un grupo de esquimales de Groenlandia para ser estudiados en el Museo de Historia Natural de Nueva York. Meses más tarde sólo el pequeño Minik quedaba con vida.
16,00€ 15,20€
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A modest proposal and polite conversatio
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Swift, Jonathan

In response to the dire economic conditions in eighteenth-century Ireland, A Modest Proposal ironically exhorts the poor to provide their offspring as food to the rich.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Collected stories
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Kafka, Franz

Kafka was an obsessive writer who produced a huge volume of stories, novels, diaries and letters in his brief lifetime. The present volume includes all his available shorter fiction in a new collection edited and introduced by Gabriel Josipovici. The stories, which range from tiny fragments to substantial narratives, have been arranged both to illuminate one another and to illustrate Kafka's evolution as a writer - which, as Professor Josipovici shows, is more complex and radical than often thought.The extensive prefatory essay is an introduction not only to the stories but also to Kafka's work as a whole.
18,80€ 17,86€
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His perfect wife
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Bell, Natasha

12,25€ 11,64€
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Enciclopedia de fenómenos paranormales Pippo y Ricardo
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García, Rodrigo

Siempre lejos de dogmas y convenciones, el nuevo libro de Rodrigo García ofrece una interpretación divertida e impetuosa de una enciclopedia de fenómenos paranormlaes. Pippo y Ricardo desafían las leyes del universo y de lo que haga falta inspirados por las hipótesis a menudo descabelladas, pero no por ello inverosímiles, de Charles Fort en El libro de los condenados.
18,00€ 17,10€
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The prophet and the idiot
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Jonasson, Jonas

12,75€ 12,11€
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Filha esquecida
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Correia, Armando Lucas

23,25€ 22,09€
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The ex girlfriend
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Moriarty, Nicola

12,25€ 11,64€
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The language of buildings
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30,75€ 29,21€
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Medianoche de amor
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Tournier, Michel

En Medianoche de amor Michel Tournier nos ofrece un espectáculo de primera magnitud, basado en la recreación de mitos y su transformación en un conjunto de relatos legendarios, satíricos y llenos de magia encaminados a mostrar al lector la salvación a través de las palabras. Tras varios años de felicidad, Yves y Nadège forman una pareja que ha dejado de entenderse. Decididos a separarse, invitan a sus amigos a una velada en su casa con el fin de comunicarles la triste noticia. Durante una noche entera, delante de una mesa repleta de exquisitos manjares, los invitados a esta Medianoche de amor -al igual que los comensales de El Decamerón de Bocaccio- rivalizarán en ingenio y deberán contar cada uno de ellos un cuento o una historia que supere a la anterior en fuerza y belleza. Estos relatos cambiarán las relaciones de pareja. Al amanecer, cuando ya se han marchado los invitados, Yves y Nadège saben que no se separarán jamás.
16,10€ 15,29€
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Winkler, Michael

Ningún editor se atrevió con la primera novela de Michael Winkler, así que decidió publicarla él mismo. Gracias a los dioses de la literatura, Grimmish aterrizó en el panorama narrativo con su estilo desenfrenado y sus excesos. Esta «novela de no ficción explosiva» se basa en la historia real de Joe Grim, un boxeador italoamericano de principios del siglo XX famoso por su capacidad para soportar el castigo asalto tras asalto. El dolor era la autoexpresión de Grim, su medio de vida y su razón de ser. En 1908, llegó a Australia para recorrer el circuito nacional de boxeo· en 1909, era un recluso involuntario en el asilo psiquiátrico de Perth. Entre medias, jugó con el concepto y la realidad del dolor de una forma impactante que no se había visto antes ni volvió a verse después. Winkler entrelaza la historia de Grim en Australia y sus meditaciones sobre el dolor con reflexiones sobre la masculinidad y la vulnerabilidad, en un hachazo altamente creativo.
19,80€ 18,81€
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El particular
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Strauss, Botho

La visión de una mujer a punto de suicidarse despierta en la pasajera de un automóvil el eco de su propia historia, los años de convivencia con un hombre encantador de puertas afuera y aborrecible en la intimidad del hogar. En el estudio de un pintor, un personaje posa para un retrato mientras otro retrato -psicológico y moral- se dibuja en su mente al evocar su propia vida... Los relatos contenidos en este volumen constituyen una radiografía sutil y al tiempo cruda del amor, escrita con lenguaje fulgurante, cargado de poesía y dramatismo.
17,90€ 17,00€
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The exchange
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Grisham, John

#1 New York Times bestselling author John Grisham delivers high-flying international suspense in a stunning new legal thriller that marks the return of Mitch McDeere, the brilliant hero of The Firm.What became of Mitch and Abby McDeere after they exposed the crimes of Memphis law firm Bendini, Lambert & Locke and fled the country? The answer is in The Exchange, the riveting sequel to The Firm, the blockbuster thriller that launched the career of America’s favorite storyteller. It is now fifteen years later, and Mitch and Abby are living in Manhattan, where Mitch is a partner at the largest law firm in the world. When a mentor in Rome asks him for a favor that will take him far from home, Mitch finds himself at the center of a sinister plot that has worldwide implications—and once again endangers his colleagues, friends, and family. Mitch has become a master at staying one step ahead of his adversaries, but this time there’s nowhere to hide.
22,25€ 21,14€
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Moderato cantabile
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Duras, Marguerite

A distressed young man murders the woman he loves in a café, watched by a large crowd. Fascinated by the crime she has witnessed, Anne Desbaresdes returns several times to the scene, forming a relationship with a man who also saw the murder, and drinking through the afternoon with him as he patiently answers her eager questions. Slowly, they find themselves being taken over by forces which threaten their own stability. Moderato Cantabile is a carefully woven tapestry of emotion, in which the characters’ inner lives are reflected by the story’s spaces and landscapes.
13,45€ 12,78€
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The collector
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Oviedo Silva, Daniel

On the morning after the Venice Preservation Society’s annual black-tie gala, art restorer and legendary spy Gabriel Allon enters his favorite coffee bar on the island of Murano to find General Cesare Ferrari, the commander of the Art Squad, eagerly awaiting his arrival. The Carabinieri have made a startling discovery in the Amalfi villa of a murdered South African shipping tycoon―a secret vault containing an empty frame and stretcher matching the dimensions of the world’s most valuable missing painting. General Ferrari asks Gabriel to quietly track down the artwork before the trail goes cold.“Isn’t that your job?”“Finding stolen paintings? Technically speaking, yes. But you’re much better at it than we are.”The painting in question is The Concert by Johannes Vermeer, one of thirteen works of art stolen from Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in 1990. With the help of a most unlikely ally, a beautiful Danish computer hacker and professional thief, Gabriel soon discovers that the painting has changed hands as part of an illicit billion-dollar business deal involving a man code-named the Collector, an energy executive with close ties to the highest levels of Russian power.The missing masterpiece is the lynchpin of a conspiracy that if successful, could plunge the world into a conflict of apocalyptic proportions. To foil the plot, Gabriel must carry out a daring heist of his own, with millions of lives hanging in the balance.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Madame bovary
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Flaubert, Gustave

Beautiful Emma Bovary dreams of love and riches but her marriage to Charles, a dull country doctor, is far from satisfying. In an attempt to escape the narrow confines of her life, she embarks on a series of passionate affairs, hoping to find the romantic ideal she always dreamed about in the arms of other men, but it soon becomes clear that she is hurtling towards tragedy . . .Gustave Flaubert’s daring portrait of adultery caused a national scandal when Madame Bovary was first published, and this masterpiece of realist literature has lost none of its impact today.This beautiful Macmillan Collector’s Library edition of Madame Bovary is translated by Eleanor Marx Aveling and features an afterword by the playwright, screenwriter and actor, Peter Harness.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector’s Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much-loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector’s Library are books to love and treasure.
13,95€ 13,25€
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The secret
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Child, Lee

Chicago. 1992. A hospital patient wakes to find two strangers by his bed.They show him a list of names and ask a simple but impossible question. Minutes later he falls to his death from his twelfth-floor window - a fall which generates some unexpected attention.That attention comes from the Secretary of Defense, who calls for an inter-agency task force to investigate. Jack Reacher, recently demoted from Major, is assigned as the Army's representative. If he gets a result, great. If not, he's a convenient fall guy.Reacher may be an exceptional military investigator, but office politics aren't what gets him up in the morning. As he races to identify a cold-blooded killer and uncover a secret that stretches back 23 years, he must navigate around his new partners.Will Reacher bring the bad guys to justice the official way... or his way?
19,75€ 18,76€
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The house at old vine
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Lofts, Norah

The doomed love story of Josiana Greenwood and Walter Rancon sets the scene as the destiny of the great Suffolk house known as the Old Vine continues to unfold. Haunted by the stubbornness of its founder, Martin Reed, and the mystical gypsy blood of his wife, their descendants, both innocent and guilty, are caught up in a world of witch-hunts, wars and revolution over two centuries-between the days of Christopher Columbus and the Restoration of Charles II. The House at Old Vine is the second in Norah Lofts' enduringly popular Suffolk Trilogy which began with The Town House and concludes with The House at Sunset. Fans of Norah Lofts' work particularly appreciate how her characters who live around the Suffolk town of Baildon interact with one another between different books. Here, we also learn more of the notorious Hatton family and Merravay, featured in Bless This House, in an enthralling series of stories of believable characters who were prepared to live, to fight, to kill and to die for what they believed.
18,35€ 17,43€
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Como desvendar segredos
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19,75€ 18,76€
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Maps of our spectacular bodies
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14,75€ 14,01€
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These violent delights
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12,75€ 12,11€
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