Libros de Narrativa y Novelas

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The high mountain court
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Mulford, A.K.

13,00€ 12,35€
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The weirdstone of brisingamen
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10,85€ 10,31€
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Click clack
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Jones, Pip

An adorable picture book about warmth and togetherness that’s perfect for fans of Oi Frog. Nitwig is tired of being alone, so she sets out to find a friend. And when she does, she uses her click-clacking knitting needles to make them something special.
11,75€ 11,16€
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Hotel Portofino
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Romance, intrigue, and dangerous ambitions combine to create the perfect escape: welcome to the beautiful Hotel Portofino on the magical Italian Riviera. ***NOW A MAJOR TV DRAMA*** It is the summer of 1927 and Hotel Portofino is prospering under Bella’s stewardship. As the season begins, Bella is keenly looking forward to her son Lucian’s imminent arrival and the chance to discuss with him her plans to convert the hotel’s basement into a spa. But then Bella’s husband Cecil turns up unannounced, Over the course of several hot weeks in the middle of the Italian summer, Bella is forced to confront the reality of her relationship with Cecil and to decide to what extent she is prepared to go against social convention to get what she wants. As she welcomes her guests, old and new, an anonymous visit from a travel guide inspector threatens to make or break the hotel’s future. Enjoy a new season at Hotel Portofino, a heady historical drama set during the 1920s. Perfect for fans of Downton Abbey and The Durrells.
14,75€ 14,01€
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The Sartorialist. India
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Tewari, Bandana

Scott Schuman, aka The Sartorialist, has been traveling to India to capture its wildly original beauty in markets, music festivals, city streets, and cricket fields. The result gathers all the unique qualities that have brought him worldwide renown: a photojournalist’s eye, a humanist’s empathy, and a fashion aficionado’s appreciation for design.
15,00€ 14,25€
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Jabberwocky and other nonsense
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Carroll, Lewis

This is the first collected and annotated edition of Carroll's brilliant, witty poems. Our hb edition of Alice in Wonderland (2009) has sold 11,700 copies in the UK and 44,500 worldwide (Vista).
19,90€ 18,90€
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Alice's adventures in Wonderland
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Carroll, Lewis

Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll. With an Introduction and Notes by Michael Irwin, Professor of English Literature, University of Kent at Canterbury This selection of Carroll's works includes Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, both containing the famous illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. No greater books for children have ever been written. The simple language, dreamlike atmosphere, and fantastical characters are as appealing to young readers today as ever they were. Meanwhile, however, these apparently simple stories have become recognised as adult masterpieces, and extraordinary experiments, years ahead of their time, in Modernism and Surrealism. Through wordplay, parody and logical and philosophical puzzles, Carroll engenders a variety of sub-texts, teasing, ominous or melancholy. For all the surface playfulness there is meaning everywhere. The author reveals himself in glimpses.
5,75€ 5,46€
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The moravian night
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Handke, Peter

18,20€ 17,29€
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Tess of the d'urbervilles (clothbound classics)
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19,90€ 18,90€
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A book of nonsense
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Lear, Edward

«There was an Old Derry down Derry,Who loved to see little folks merry,So he made them a Book,And with laughter they shookAt the fun of that Derry down Derry.»First published in 1846 under the pseudonym “Old Derry down Derry”, A Book of Nonsense is a collection adapted from the limericks and illustrations Edward Lear created to amuse the grandchildren of Lord Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby, while he was staying with the family at Knowsley Hall.Embodying Lear's passion for nonsense, the limericks, each accompanied by one of Lear's beguiling original illustrations, are fun, lyrical, lively and hilarious, and have enchanted children and adults since their first appearance in the middle of the nineteenth century.
12,50€ 11,87€
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The battle of the books
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Swift, Jonathan

Inspired by Boileau’s Lutrin and illustrating the debate within European intellectual circles between the “Ancients”, who argued that all essential knowledge was to be found in classical texts, and the “Moderns”, who claimed that contemporary learning superseded the old sources, The Battle of the Books shows Swift at his wittiest and most trenchant. In this early satire, various books in St James’s Library take on a life of their own and come into conflict with one another, in a pastiche of the heroic epic genre.As well as providing humorous reflections on the nature of scholarship and education, Swift seizes the opportunity to take swipes at several authors and critics. The result is a timeless and entertaining parody by one of the most enduringly popular writers in the English language.
11,95€ 11,35€
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Sputnik sweetheart
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Murakami, Haruki

24,75€ 23,51€
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Vanity fair
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Thackeray, William M

15,00€ 14,25€
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Life in the country
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Verga, Giovanni ...

Published in 1880, one year before Verga’s influential novel The Malavoglias, Life in the Country first marked his stylistic shift towards the verismo school of Italian realism. The collection’s centrepiece, ''Rustic Honour'' (''Cavalleria rusticana'') – which was famously adapted into a play by the author before becoming an opera by Mascagni – tells the tale of Turiddu, a poor young man who returns from military service and finds himself embroiled in adultery and a feud with a rival.Also including the well-known stories ''She-Wolf'' and ''Foxfur'', Life in the Country captures, in an objective, non-judgemental prose, the difficult conditions and personal struggles of the peasant class in his native Sicily at the turn of the twentieth century.
9,25€ 8,79€
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Tales of mystery and imagination
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13,95€ 13,25€
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Cuando nadie me ve
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Jorge, Javier

Rubén es famoso porque sale diciendo gilipolleces en televisión sobre Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Simeone y compañía, vive en Madrid, en un coqueto piso en Malasaña, el barrio de moda, y folla por encima de sus posibilidades con montones de mujeres que se le apelotonan en las redes sociales. Lo tiene todo a favor. Pero él no ha ido a Madrid a eso. Rubén necesita escribir la novela definitiva, una historia que sea reflejo de lo que sueña, siente y piensa sobre la vida y todo lo demás. Ante la dificultad de plasmar el texto y bajo la premisa de que vivir es de alguna forma nutrir de experiencias a su futura novela, se deja arrastrar por la imprevisible vida de Madrid, por sus bares, sus cañas, sus noches, por esas mujeres que a todas horas buscan pasar un rato con el famoso de la tele sin importarle quién hay detrás. Solo se impone tres reglas: no enamorarse, no follar por Tinder y no vender el tiempo que necesita para escribir la novela. Pero las cosas no salen según lo planeado y en esta vorágine que es su vida, Rubén tendrá que resolver una cuestión a la que jamás pensó tener que enfrentarse: ¿Cuántas veces puede un hombre tocar fondo sin volverse loco?
20,90€ 19,85€
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Yakari 13: El misteri del penya-segat
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12,50€ 11,87€
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Secret Belfast
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Bacino, Lorenza

Small, yet bursting with history and mystery, Belfast, far from the crowds and the usual clichés, is a reserve of well-concealed treasures that only reveal themselves to those who know how to wander off the beaten track, whether residents or visitors.An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew Belfast well, or who would like to discover the hidden face of the city.
18,95€ 18,00€
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Cuatro reinas
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Ventura Grimau, Esther

Londres. Marzo de 2001. Irene Márquez aspira a lograrun papel en el musical Fame. Pulsa el timbre de la casa de Meredith Anderson y espera. Dotada de un don paranormal, pronto descubre que su armario acoge el espíritu de un niño, el cual se comunica con su madre através de desconcertantes mensajes. Isabella Giordano acepta escribir a desgana las memorias de la retirada actriz Anderson, deseando así encumbrarse en el mundo literario. Rosemary Wilkins sobrevive a un matrimonio desgastado. El recuerdo de un asesinato que presenció a bordo del Queen Mary en octubre de 1958, cuando tenía dos años de edad, aflorará bruscamente en sumente gracias a un impactante cuadro que pende en laNational Gallery.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Canción de Navidad
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Hurley, Tonya

¡¡Oh, negra navidad!! En Canción de Navidad Charlotte Usher tendrá ocasión de valorar su propia vida... aunque sea en el Más Allá. No te pierdas esta cuarta entrega de la saga «Ghostgril». Esta Navidad Charlotte se despierta ¡otra vez llena de vida! en el instituto Hawthorne, como si el trágico incidente con el osito de goma nunca hubiese sucedido. De pronto, vuelven todos los deseos que tenía antes de morir: ser amiga de Petula, conquistar a Damen y dejar de ser invisible para todo el mundo. Pero, mientras trata de reconquistar su vida anterior, Charlotte irá olvidando su vida en el Más Allá.+ ¿Conseguirá la Navidad hacer recordar a Charlotte quiénes son sus verdaderos amigos?
14,95€ 14,20€
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L'Hospital de La Vall
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Vilagut, Jordi

L'inestable regnat de Ferran VII d'Espanya, unit a les males collites i al temor per part de l'Església de perdre els seus privilegis, propicia el sorgiment a la Catalunya rural d'un sentiment ultraconservador i que es propagui un clima de Guerra Civil. Des de quatre escenaris diferents sorgeixen quatre històries paral·leles que acabaran confluint anys després en un recòndit mas del Solsonès convertit, de manera improvisada, en hospital de sang en plena guerra carlina. Una monja, un jove metge o un capellà bel·licós que fa costat als guerrillers il·lustren una història on es barregen la tensió, la intriga i els sentiments i passions més difícils de controlar. Un relat basat en episodis reals succeïts durant les guerres carlines que aconsegueix estremir per la cruesa d'alguns dels seus passatges i que ens acosta a la psicologia d'uns personatges que veuen com el context bèl·lic acaba marcant les seves vides.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Un per tots, tots per Stilton!
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Stilton, Ger�nimo

Cavalls, espases i molta valentia! Geronimo Stilton coneixerà als Tres Mosqueters, segur que serà un viatge de bigotis...
5,95€ 5,65€
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Los extraños
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Bilbao, Jon

Jon y Katharina pasan el invierno en la costa cantábrica, en la vieja casa familiar de él, demasiado grande para dos personas. Cuando Katharina se queda embarazada sin desearlo, empieza a preguntarse si irse a vivir con él fue buena idea. Una noche, unas luces extrañas aparecen en el cielo. A la mañana siguiente, Markel, un primo lejano de Jon se presenta por sorpresa en la casa. Le acompaña la atractiva y silenciosa Virginia. Los primos no recuerdan haberse visto nunca y Jon duda de que Markel sea quien dice ser, la presencia de Virginia se hace cada vez más amenazadora y, poco a poco, los visitantes empiezan a apropiarse de la casa. Pese a todo, Jon y Katharina se sienten fascinados por esos extraños en los que ven un remedio para su aburrimiento y quizá también para sus problemas.
17,25€ 16,39€
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Simply lies
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Baldacci, David

NO TRUTHFormer Jersey City detective and single mother of two, Mickey Gibson, now works for global investigation company, ProEye, to track down assets of the wealthy who have tried to avoid their creditors. One day she gets a call from a colleague, Arlene Robinson, asking her to visit the home of a notorious arms dealer who has cheated some of ProEye’s clients in the past. Mickey arrives at the mansion to discover the body of a man hidden in a secret room.NO LIMITSIt turns out that nothing is at it seems. The arms dealer did not exist, and nobody at ProEye knew of Arlene Robinson. Mickey had been tricked and now the cops were involved. The body was that of Harry Langhorne, who’d been in Witness Protection having had links with the mob.NO FEARNow begins a cat-and-mouse showdown between hardened ex-cop, Mickey, and a woman with sociopathic tendencies who has no name and a mysterious past. She intends to get what she wants and people who get in her way will die. For Mickey to stop her, she must first discover her true identity and what damaged her all those years ago. And the truth behind why she selected Micky to become her nemesis...Simply Lies is an intense thriller featuring Mickey Gibson, a former New Jersey detective, from the number one bestselling author David Baldacci.
12,75€ 12,11€
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¿Buscas un escritor en particular? Estos son solo algunos de los autores nacionales e internacionales de los que disponemos novelas: Javier Castillo, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Almudena Grandes, Dolores Redondo, Ildefonso Falcones, Santiago Posteguillo, Sarah Lark, Elísabet Benavent, Matilde Asensi, Paula Hawkins, Isabel Allende, etc.

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