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Sermons, vol. V: CXXV-CLI
Hoy -5% en Libros

Pere Crisòleg

El cinquè volum dels Sermons de Pere Crisòleg conté els sermons compresos entre el 125 i el 151.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Citygami London
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London's skyline springs to life in this ingeniously crafted book that lets you build your own paper city.Citygami London is a craft project, a diorama, a study in architecture, and, when it's finished, a stand-alone piece of art. Inspired by one of the world's great architectural cities, Clockwork Soldier have created a unique experience that lets readers replicate London's most famous buildings, while also gaining fascinating insight into their histories and significance. Here, scale models of the Shard, Tower Bridge, St. Paul's Cathedral, the London Eye, and other structures are presented in die-cut, pre-folded, cardstock pages. Clear, easy-to-follow instructions show you how to assemble each building. Accompanying the models are a set of detachable cards of the buildings, allowing readers to play against each other by comparing facts and figures about the structures. Best of all, when every building has been constructed, the result is a display-ready cityscape of London. As fun as it is educational, this craft book promises hours of absorbing activity and a lasting keepsake for years to come.
23,63€ 22,45€
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Cinematic storytelling
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Robotham, Thomas

This book presents a new, story-based approach to cinematic coverage and storytelling in film and video. It breaks from the conventional idea that shots are the fundamental unit of filmmaking, instead exploring the specifics of determining coverage. Keyframes in patterns are introduced, delivering scripted material in a context-rich presentation that supports the storytelling.
94,26€ 89,55€
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Llibre de les Corones
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El primer volum del Llibre de les corones de Prudenci presenta els primers nou poemes d’aquesta col·lecció de composicions religioses.
45,00€ 42,75€
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La naturalesa dels déus, vol. I
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El primer volum de La naturalesa dels déus de Ciceró conté el primer llibre d'aquesta obra filosòfica.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Discurs catequètic
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Gregori de Nissa

En aquest volum trobareu el Discurs catequètic de Gregori de Nissa.
45,00€ 42,75€
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The woman in the purple skirt
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Imamura, Natsuko

The Woman in the Purple Skirt is being watched. Someone is following her, always perched just out of sight, monitoring which buses she takes, what she eats, whom she speaks to. But this invisible observer isn't a stalker - it's much more complicated than that.
12,75€ 12,11€
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I am pilgrim
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Hayes, Terry

Can you commit the perfect crime? Pilgrim is the codename for a man who doesn't exist. The adopted son of a wealthy American family, he once headed up a secret espionage unit for US intelligence. Before he disappeared into anonymous retirement, he wrote the definitive book on forensic criminal investigation. But that book will come back to haunt him. It will help NYPD detective Ben Bradley track him down. And it will take him to a rundown New York hotel room where the body of a woman is found facedown in a bath of acid, her features erased, her teeth missing, her fingerprints gone. It is a textbook murder - and Pilgrim wrote the book. What begins as an unusual and challenging investigation will become a terrifying race-against-time to save America from oblivion. Pilgrim will have to make a journey from a public beheading in Mecca to a deserted ruins on the Turkish coast via a Nazi death camp in Alsace and the barren wilderness of the Hindu Kush in search of the faceless man who would commit an appalling act of mass murder in the name of his God.
11,34€ 10,77€
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In the shadow of the mountain
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Vásquez-Lavado, Silvia

YOU DON'T CONQUER A MOUNTAIN. YOU SURRENDER TO IT ONE STEP AT A TIME. Despite a high-flying career, Silvia Vasquez-Lavado knew she was hanging by a thread. Deep in the throes of alcoholism, and hiding her sexuality from her family, she was repressing the abuse she'd suffered as a child.When her mother called her home to Peru, she knew something finally had to change. It did. Silvia began to climb. Something about the sheer size of the mountains, the vast emptiness and the nearness of death, woke her up. And then, she took her biggest pain to the biggest mountain: Everest. The 'Mother of the World' allows few to reach her summit, but Silvia didn't go alone. Trekking with her to Base Camp, were five troubled young women on an odyssey that helped each confront their personal trauma, and whose strength and community propelled Silvia forward. Beautifully written and deeply moving, In the Shadow of the Mountain is a remarkable story of compassion, humility, and strength, inspiring us all to find have faith in our own heroism and resilience.
21,26€ 20,20€
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Gestes dels romans, vol. II i últim (llibre II)
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El segon volum de les Gestes dels romans de Florus conté el segon llibre d'aquesta obra.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Dissorts d'amor
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Parteni de Nicea

Aquest volum conté les Dissorts d’amor de Parteni de Nicea, una col·lecció de trenta-sis històries d’amor resumides, totes elles amb final tràgic, tant mitològiques com històriques.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Tragèdies, vol. VII
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El setè volum de les Tragèdies d'Eurípides presenta dues de les tragèdies més sorprenents del dramaturg atenès. En l'Hèlena Eurípides capgira el mite tradicional sobre la figura d'Hèlena per parlar sobre la relació entre veritat, mentida i aparença, un tema molt present en les discussions filosòfiques de l'Atenes clàssica. L'Ió, en canvi, aprofundeix en la qüestió de la identitat a través de la figura d'aquest fill d'Apol·lo i Creüsa -descendent de la línia reial atenesa per via materna- que desconeix els seus orígens. Eurípides ho aprofita per qüestionar un dels mites fundacionals atenencs, el de l'autoctonia, que marca el dret de ciutadania a la ciutat d'Atenes. Les tragèdies es presenten amb una acurada edició i traducció en vers de l'hel·lenista Jaume Almirall, que també ha redactat les notícies preliminars.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Art amatòria
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Aquest volum conté l'Art amatòria d'Ovidi, un poema didàctic que pretén ensenyar l'art de seduir i la manera de comportar-se en la vida de parella. Té un to molt humorístic i irònic, com també alguns passatges on critica la societat del seu temps (la romana del segle I).
45,00€ 42,75€
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Sobre l'esfera i el cilindre
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Sobre l'esfera i el cilindre és una de les principals obres del que és comunament considerat el més gran matemàtic de l'Antiguitat: Arquimedes (segle III aC). El text, com és habitual en l'autor, s'estructura mitjançant una sèrie de proposicions o teoremes destinats a demostrar les propietats enunciades en el pròleg. Així, al llarg dels dos llibres de què es compon l'obra, Arquimedes aporta una sèrie de resultats que relacionen la mesura d'esferes, cons i cilindres. En el primer llibre són abordades dues qüestions bàsiques: el càlcul de la superfície i del volum d'una esfera, el segon llibre, en canvi, és un recull heterogeni de problemes d'índole diversa, sense un objectiu comú. En definitiva, doncs, presentem un dels llibres bàsics per entendre la matemàtica antiga i els fonaments de la geometria moderna, del qual, gràcies a les notes explicatives, els diagrames i els textos introductoris de Ramon Masià Fornos, no sols els més entesos podran gaudir.
45,00€ 42,75€
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All que va alarmar Paul Celan
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Bonnefoy, Yves

És del tot lògic pensar que l'escriptor hagués estat profundament afectat per les calúmnies abjectes, les acusacions de plagi, que va patir per part de Claire Goll. Més sorprenent és que tota la seva vida patís per aquestes injúries, sobretot quan la majoria de lectors van prendre partit per ell d'una manera espontània. Aquest assaig busca les claus per comprendre les raons d'aquella irreductible aflicció i les troba en el més la fortíssima relació d'un poeta amb el seu concepte de poesia.
11,00€ 10,45€
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Walking methods
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Robertson, Brian

This book introduces and critically explores walking as an innovative method for doing social research, showing how its sensate and kinaesthetic attributes facilitate connections with lived experiences, journeys and memories, communities and identities. The book situates walking methods historically, sociologically, and in relation to biographical and arts-based research, as well as new work on mobilities, the digital, spatial, and the sensory.The book is organised into three sections: theorising, experiencing, and imagining walking as a new method for doing biographical research. There is a key focus upon the Walking Interview as a Biographical Method (WIBM) on the move to usefully explore migration, memory, and urban landscapes, as part of participatory, visual, and ethnographic research with marginalised communities and artists and as re-formative and transgressive. The book concludes with autobiographical walks taken by the authors and a discussion about the future of the walking interview as biographical method.Walking Methods combines theory with a series of original ethnographic and participatory research examples. Practical exercises and a guide to using walking as a method help to make this a rich resource for social science researchers, students, walking artists, and biographical researchers.
59,96€ 56,96€
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Treasure island
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Stevenson, Robert Louis

One of the best-loved adventure stories ever written, Treasure Island´s timeless tale of pirates has appealed to generations of readers ever since it was first published.
9,92€ 9,42€
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Before your memory fades
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Kawaguchi, Toshikazu

The third novel in the international bestselling Before the Coffee Gets Cold series, following four new customers in a cafe where customers can travel back in time.On the hillside of Mount Hakodate in northern Japan, Cafe Donna Donna is fabled for its dazzling views of Hakodate port. But that’s not all. Like the charming Tokyo cafe Funiculi Funicula, Cafe Donna Donna offers its customers the extraordinary experience of travelling through time.
14,17€ 13,46€
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Història, vol. VIII (llibres XIII-XVI)
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El vuitè volum de la Història de Polibi conté els llibres tretzè, catorzè, quinzè i setzè d'aquesta obra.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Diàlegs, vol. X: La República (llibres I-IV)
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El desè volum dels Diàlegs de Plató conté els primers quatre llibres de La República.
45,00€ 42,75€
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Contemporary Narratives of Ageing, Illness, Care
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This collection of essays explores cultural narratives of care in the contexts of ageing and illness. It includes both text-based and practice-based contributions by leading and emerging scholars in humanistic studies of ageing. The authors consider care not only in film (feature and documentary) and literature (novel, short story, children’s picturebook) but also in the fields of theatre performance, photography and music.The collection has a broad geographical scope, with case studies and primary texts from Europe and North America but also from Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, Argentina and Mexico. The volume asks what care, autonomy and dependence may mean and how these may be inflected by social and cultural specificities. Ultimately, it invites us to reflect on our relations to others as we face the global and local challenges of care in ageing societies.
240,00€ 228,00€
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Blinde furcht
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Castillo, Linda

Ein brutaler Mord in einem Motel schockiert ganz Painters Mill. Für Polizeichefin Kate Burkholder ist das Opfer keine Unbekannte. Rachael Schwartz war eine charmante, aber auch rebellische junge Frau, die der strengen Ordnung ihrer amischen Familie entfloh. Doch was nur wenige wissen: Rachael hütete ein dunkles Geheimnis. Eines, das auch der Mörder kennt.
13,50€ 12,82€
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Du Gehörst Uns
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Delaney, J. P.

Sie haben dein Kind. Doch du hast ihres.Es ist der Albtraum aller Eltern: Als Pete Riley eines Morgens die Tür öffnet, steht vor ihm ein Mann, der seinem zweijährigen Sohn Theo wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten ist. Was Miles Lambert ihm offenbart, bringt Petes Welt ins Wanken: Die Söhne der beiden Familien sind nach der Geburt vertauscht worden, Miles und seine Frau sind Theos biologische Eltern. Nach dem ersten Schock beschließen die beiden Paare, die Kinder nicht aus ihren Familien zu reißen. Sie wollen gemeinsam einen Weg finden, am Leben ihres jeweils leiblichen Sohnes teilzuhaben. Doch schnell stellt sich heraus, dass die Familien unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten. Pete traut der heilen Welt im Hause Lambert immer weniger. Dann bringt eine Klage gegen das Krankenhaus, in dem der Fehler passiert ist, Verstörendes ans Tageslicht …
14,95€ 14,20€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Harris, Robert

15,25€ 14,49€
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