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Given 4
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Natsuki, Kizo

Sometimes a song can save your life.Love of music unites the four members of the band Given: hotheaded guitarist Uenoyama, playboy drummer Akihiko, gentle bassist Haruki, and Mafuyu, a singer gifted with great talent and burdened by past tragedy. Their struggles and conflicts may drive them apart, but their bond to the music—and to one another—always brings them back together again.As the band focuses on creating new songs and preparing for a music festival tryout, Haruki grows more and more intimidated by the talents of younger members Mafuyu and Uenoyama. Worried that he’s holding them back, he accepts his ex-girlfriend’s request to play in her band. Meanwhile, Akihiko realizes that Haruki has fallen in love with him, setting the stage for a major change in their relationship.
12,50€ 11,87€
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El pez de colores número catorce
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Holm, Jennifer. L

A Ellie no le gustan nada los cambios. Echa de menos la escuela primaria, a su mejor amiga Brianna e incluso a Nemo, el pez que había sido su mascota durante años. Un día, su madre, que es profesora de teatro en el instituto, llega a casa con un chico muy
15,00€ 14,25€
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Spider-Man y sus amigos
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El superespía Nick Furia intenta entrenar a una nueva generación de superhéroes. Spidey por fin podrá desarrollar todo su potencialgracias a la tecnología más avanzada y a unos compañeros de lucha inmejorables: Nova, Puño de Hierro, Tigre Blanco y Power
9,95€ 9,45€
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Schachinger, Tonio

«Ein Roman, der grundsätzlich den richtigen Ton trifft, zwischen spöttischer Distanz, Analyse und Einfühlung, sodass sich das herzerwärmende Tschick-Gefühl von Wolfgang Herrndorf einstellt.» ORFEin elitäres Wiener Internat, untergebracht in der ehemaligen Sommerresidenz der Habsburger, der Klassenlehrer ein antiquierter und despotischer Mann. Was lässt sich hier fürs Leben lernen? Till Kokorda kann weder mit dem Kanon noch mit dem snobistischen Umfeld viel anfangen. Seine Leidenschaft sind Computerspiele, konkret: das Echtzeit-Strategiespiel Age of Empires 2. Ohne dass jemand aus seiner Umgebung davon wüsste, ist er mit fünfzehn eine Online-Berühmtheit, der jüngste Top-10-Spieler der Welt. Nur: Wie real ist so ein Glück?Tonio Schachinger erzählt von einer Jugend zwischen Gaming und Klassikerlektüre, von Freiheitslust, die sich bewähren muss gegen flammende Traditionalisten - und von dem unkalkulierbaren Rest, der nicht nur die Abschlussklasse 2020 vor ungesehene Herausforderungen stellt. Dabei sind die Wendungen so überraschend, sein Humor so uneitel und nahbar: Echtzeitalter ist Beispiel und Beweis für die zeitlose Kraft einer guten Geschichte. Und ein großer Gesellschaftsroman.
29,95€ 28,45€
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El libro y la hermandad
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Iris Murdoch

Como en la comedia de Shakespeare, con la excusa de una fiesta de antiguos alumnos de Oxford, un grupo de amigos se reúne bajo el cielo estrellado de una noche de verano. Allí se encuentran el carismático Gerard Hernshaw y Rose Curtland, enamorada de él en silencio desde hace años, Duncan Cambus y su infatigable esposa Jean, Tamar Hernshaw, la atormentada sobrina de Gerard, y, por último, David Crimond, el extravagante genio marxista. Hace años, todos ellos decidieron crear una hermandad con el único propósito de financiar un libro de filosofía en el que Crimond, su carismático líder, se encargaría de plasmar sus ideas políticas. Pero con el paso del tiempo las lealtades han cambiado y durante esa velada los vengativos fantasmas del pasado se presentan para sacudir el presente y destruir la plácida existencia de unos amigos que quizá ya no lo sean tanto. Inteligente, bella e ingeniosa, esta novela, finalista del Premio Booker y considerada una de las cumbres de la narrativa de Murdoch, es un agudo análisis de los estragos del tiempo en las aspiraciones individuales y las antiguas relaciones.
24,95€ 23,70€
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Cuentos de Roal Dahl
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Dahl, Roald

Un gastrónomo sibarita que durante una cata de vino a ciegas acaba apostándose a su hija, una pierna de cordero convertida en arma contundente, un hombre que acepta jugarse el dedo meñique a cambio de poder ganar un Cadillac, un tipo que lleva tatuada en la espalda lo que resulta ser una valiosísima obra de arte, dos maridos libertinos que maquinan una ingeniosa estratagema en la que se verán involucradas sus esposas...En los cuentos aquí reunidos Roald Dahl demuestra ser un maestro retorciendo la normalidad, introduciendo lo inquietante en lo cotidiano, dándoles la vuelta de un modo inesperado a situaciones aparentemente predecibles... Es capaz de sorprendernos gracias a su portentoso dominio de los mecanismos de relojería del relato. No es extraño que varias de estas historias fuesen adaptadas en la famosa serie televisiva Alfred Hitchcock presenta, porque cineasta y escritor comparten el gusto por los giros imprevistos, las atmósferas perturbadoras, el humor negro, los toques macabros...Dahl aplica su desbordante imaginación a estos cuentos para adultos cargados de retorcida perfidia, salvaje ironía y sobre todo de una descomunal habilidad en el manejo de la tensión narrativa. Sus historias apelan al perverso polimorfo que todo lector lleva dentro, exploran nuestros miedos y deseos más ocultos y nos provocan escalofríos, carcajadas y asombro, son un placer libertino y gourmet, una golosina literaria altamente adictiva.
24,90€ 23,65€
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Los diarios de Adán y Eva
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Twain, Mark

Sin perder un ápice de su habitual ingenio y su encanto particular, Mark Twain nos presenta en este breve relato cómico los avatares y problemas que generan la vida en pareja y la convivencia, no siempre fácil, aunque sea en el Paraíso. A través de los relatos paralelos de los padres de la humanidad, y con un texto que combina en igual medida diversión y profundidad, primero Adán y luego Eva nos hacen partícipes de unas cuitas que, a decir verdad, no son muy distintas de las de cualquier relación de nuestro tiempo. Un clásico de culto donde el ingenio y el humor, salpicados de momentos de profunda melancolía, alcanzan cotas de ironía y mordacidad insospechadas.
17,95€ 17,05€
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Lo único que importa
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Ledig, Agnès

Una emotiva novela sobre el amor y la esperanza a través de unos personajes que se tienden la mano cuando la vida hiere y aprendenjuntos a mirar hacia adelante.
5,95€ 5,65€
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Cuentos reunidos
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Ozick, Cynthia

La gran heredera de Henry James. «Peleo con cada frase, sílaba a sílaba. Bien mirado, escribir es en el fondo un acto de valor.» Cynthia Ozick Al hablar de la condición humana en general se corre el riesgo de caer en la frivolidad, pero basta con leer cualquiera de los cuentos de Cynthia Ozick para olvidarse de las frases hechas y asumir lo que es ajeno como nuestro. En esta recopilación de cuentos descubrimos a hombres y mujeres que a primera vista podrían parecer seres patéticos, pero que en el fondo conservan y muestran su dignidad, a menudo gracias a la ironía, siempre tan oportuna. Si, como decía Mark Strand, vivir consiste en estar alerta y prestar atención al mundo, Cynthia Ozick es el testigo que buscábamos.
34,90€ 33,15€
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Debritto, Abel

En la década de 1960, las revistas literarias, los periódicos «underground» y las publicaciones de la prensa alternativa comenzaron a convertirse en el escaparate de la explosión literaria del momento. De entre la vorágine de escritores en ciernes surgió Charles Bukowski, objeto de burla y desprecio por parte de muchos autores y críticos que consideraban que su obra era producto de un sátiro beodo e ignorante que no sabía escribir. Abel Debritto nos presenta un estudio crítico en donde rastrea, basándose en archivos, entrevistas y material inédito, la trascendencia y vigencia de Bukowski. Además, realiza un estudio cronológico de las revistas y los periódicos que fueron un punto de inflexión en su carrera, ya que constituyeron la válvula de escape idónea para su creatividad y sus ansias de reconocimiento, y le permitieron transformarse en una figura crucial en las letras norteamericanas y en el autor más publicado del periodo.
22,00€ 20,90€
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Cuando te envuelvan las llamas
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19,90€ 18,90€
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Spell bound
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Rue, Gretchen

Since moving to Raven Creek, Phoebe Winchester has had a lot on her plate.She's renovating the Victorian manor she inherited from her Aunt Eudora, running a tea shop (and secret magical apothecary), and learning to be a witch. But when she discovers a dead body at an estate sale, and suspicion falls on her, even Phoebe wonders if this is simply too much.Forced to take action to clear her name, Phoebe enlists Rich Lofting, handsome private detective and childhood friend, to assist with her investigation, all while sorting out her unresolved feelings for him.Is there something more sinister lurking in the shadows of this small tight-knit town? And does Phoebe really want to find out?
14,75€ 14,01€
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Jujutsu kaisen vol 12
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Akutami, Gege

To gain the power he needs to save his friend from a cursed spirit, Yuji Itadori swallows a piece of a demon, only to find himself caught in the midst of a horrific war of the supernatural!In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna have been lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!
11,50€ 10,92€
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Alice's adventures in Wonderland
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Carroll, Lewis

Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll. With an Introduction and Notes by Michael Irwin, Professor of English Literature, University of Kent at Canterbury This selection of Carroll's works includes Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass, both containing the famous illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. No greater books for children have ever been written. The simple language, dreamlike atmosphere, and fantastical characters are as appealing to young readers today as ever they were. Meanwhile, however, these apparently simple stories have become recognised as adult masterpieces, and extraordinary experiments, years ahead of their time, in Modernism and Surrealism. Through wordplay, parody and logical and philosophical puzzles, Carroll engenders a variety of sub-texts, teasing, ominous or melancholy. For all the surface playfulness there is meaning everywhere. The author reveals himself in glimpses.
5,75€ 5,46€
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Haikyu!! vol 16
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Furudate, Haruichi

11,50€ 10,92€
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Dr Stone vol 22
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Inagaki, Riichiro

11,75€ 11,16€
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Before we were innocent
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Berman, Ella

Ten years ago, after a sun-soaked summer in Greece, best friends Bess and Joni were cleared of any involvement in their friend Evangeline's death. Although they were found innocent, the case made them infamous and they've not seen each other since.Except now Joni wants a favour, and when she turns up at her old friend's doorstep in need of an alibi, Bess has no choice but to say yes. After all, she still owes her.But can you ever leave the past behind, when the whole world believes you're guilty?
14,50€ 13,77€
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The magic mountain
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Kaufmann, Thomas

27,50€ 26,12€
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The man that corrupted hadleyburg
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Twain, Mark

One of Twain's most celebrated novellas, The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg is a satirical retelling of the Garden of Eden story in the Bible, in which the author, mocking the supposed honesty and incorruptibility of the inhabitants of an imaginary American town, shows how man is fundamentally bad and cannot resist the temptations of gold. This collection also includes another acclaimed novella, ''A Double-Barrelled Detective Story'', a spoof of the mystery genre featuring Sherlock Holmes in the American West, as well as lesser-known narratives such as ''The Belated Russian Passport'' and ''The Death Disk''. Together, these tales are a testament to Twain's inexhaustible gift for invention and his skills as a storyteller...
11,95€ 11,35€
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The Cuckoo
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Lackberg, Camilla

A community torn apartAs a heavy mist rolls into the Swedish coastal town of Fjällbacka, shocking violence shakes the small community to its core. Rolf Stenklo, a famous photographer, is found murdered in his gallery. Two days later, a brutal tragedy on a private island leaves the prestigious Bauer family devastated.A town full of secretsWith his boss acting strangely, Detective Patrik Hedström is left to lead the investigation. Tensions rise threatening cracks in the team of officers at Tanumshede police station and pressure mounts as the press demand answers.A reckoning in bloodIn pursuit of inspiration for her next true-crime book, Patrik’s wife Erica Falck leaves behind their three children and travels to Stockholm to research the unsolved decades-old murder of a figure from Rolf’s past. As Erica searches for the truth, she realizes that her mystery is connected to Patrik’s case. These threads from the past are woven into the present and old sins leave behind long shadows.
18,75€ 17,81€
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Island in the sun
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Fforde, Katie

When Cass is asked by her father to take on a rare photography project in the Caribbean islands, she really can't see a reason to say no. But she soon discovers she has more on her plate than photographs, as the remote island has just been hit by a severe hurricane, leaving mass destruction in its wake. And then she meets Ranulph who it turns out is a bit of an expert in finding the rare rock carvings her father wants her to photograph. Ranulph insists they must first help the locals in clearing the island and re-building it before they begin their own expedition. Their journey leads Cass down a path of bravery and self-discovery, and she soon falls for the handsome Ranulph who has been by her side every step of the way. But does he feel the same? A tale of friendship, courage and romance, the new Katie Fforde novel is here.
19,75€ 18,76€
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Traitors Gate
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Archer, Jeffrey

24 hours to stop the crime of the century The race against time is about to begin… THE TOWER OF LONDON… Impenetrable. Well protected. Secure. Home to the most valuable jewels on earth. But once a year, the Metropolitan Police must execute the most secret operation in their armoury when they transport the Crown Jewels across London. SCOTLAND YARD… For four years, Chief Superindendent William Warwick – together with his second-in-command Inspector Ross Hogan – has been in charge of the operation. And for four years it’s run like clockwork. THE HEIST… But this year, everything is about to change. Because master criminal Miles Faulkner has set his heart on pulling off the most outrageous theft in history – and with a man on the inside, the odds are in his favour. Unless Warwick and Hogan can stop him before it’s too late… An unputdownable new thriller from the master storyteller 'Archer always delivers, and this heist thriller hits the spot again' The Sun 'Archer can still tell a gripping yarn' The Sunday Times ‘Probably the greatest storyteller of our age’ Mail on Sunday ‘If there were a Nobel Prize for storytelling, Archer would win’ Daily Telegraph ‘Peerless master of the page turner’ Daily Mail.
13,50€ 12,82€
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That time I got reincarnated as a slime vol. 5
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14,75€ 14,01€
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Kennedy, Raven

'My life has been shaped and controlled by the greed of others, but that ends now. I have burned down the court of King Midas and from those flames, I will rise and wield my own power. The problem is, when you turn against a King - everyone turns against you. But with Slade by my side we will fight the monarchs that come for us. And if we need to become the villains, then so be it. Because as long as I live in this world, I won't be used again. I must be strong. I must be undefeatable. I will shine like the sun - and blind our enemies...''
15,00€ 14,25€
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