Libros de Narrativa y Novelas

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El signe de Saturn
Hoy -5% en Libros

Forment, Albert

PREMI ENRIC VALOR DE NOVEL·LA   UN PERSONATGE de vida discreta, Juan Manuel Calasso, rep una oferta insòlita de mans del cèlebre Jean-François Deschamps: vol que l'ajude a muntar una exposició per al Reina Sofia de Madrid sobre Lleonard Torres, el famós artista valencià, compromés amb el comunisme, que va morir a l'exili a Berlín. Però primer haurà de resoldre un gran enigma: Torres va ajudar a assassinar Trotski a Mèxic? La investigació pictoricodetectivesca que ha d'encetar el protagonista esdevé de seguida un viatge inquietant, replet de pistes falses, als inferns de l'art, conduït pel seu mentor Deschamps, un intel·lectual cruel. La trama històrica del pintor Lleonard Torres i la contemporània de Juan Manuel Calasso conflueixen en una apoteosi final sorprenent. Entre la realitat i la ficció, entre la denúncia i el malson, El signe de Saturn, Premi Enric Valor de Novel·la 2006, és una novel·la d'intriga que planteja interrogants inquietants. I si l'art no fóra solament la millor i més excelsa creació de l'ésser humà, sinó també el lloc on pot niuar el mal?
22,95€ 21,80€
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Las flores del mal
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Baudelaire, Charles

Una de las obras poéticas más importantes y conocidas de la literatura universal.La vida de Charles Baudelaire estuvo marcada por los excesos y fue acusado de atentar contra la moral pública, lo que le convirtió en un poeta maldito. Enfrentado y atraído durante toda su vida por lo divino y lo diabólico, sus poemas encuentran la belleza y lo sublime en la realidad más trivial y lo ''no bello'', imprimiendo así una nueva estética en la poesía moderna. 
12,95€ 12,30€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Crouch, Blake

5 Days Ago a rash of bizarre murders swept the country. Senseless. Brutal. Seemingly unconnected. . .A cop walked into a nursing home and unloaded his weapons on elderly and staff alike. A mass of school shootings. Prison riots of unprecedented brutality. Mind-boggling acts of violence in every state.4 Days Ago the murders increased ten-fold. . .3 Days Ago the President addressed the nation and begged for calm and peace. . .2 Days Ago the killers began to mobilize. . .Yesterday all the power went out. . .Tonight they're reading the names of those to be killed on the Emergency Broadcast System. You are listening over the battery-powered radio on your kitchen table, and they've just read yours. Your name is Jack Colclough. You have a wife, a daughter, and a young son. You live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. People are coming to your house to kill you and your family. You don't know why, but you don't have time to think about that any more. You only have time to R - U - N!
18,75€ 17,81€
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Yo fui a EGB 2
Hoy -5% en Libros

Ikaz, Javier

El segundo volumen del fenómeno de internet que arrasa en redes sociales y librerías. Más nostalgia, más recuerdos, más ilustraciones y más sorpresas en esta segunda parte del libro de no ficción más vendido del momento. De la colonia Chispas a Arconada, del betamax al Spectrum, del bote de Pralin al primo de Zumosol, de AC/DC a Hombres G, del conejito de Duracell a Mr. Proper, de Candy Candy al Un dos tres..., el fenómeno que nos ha trasladado a la mejor época de nuestra vida refresa ahora con más recuerdos, más ilustraciones y más sorpresas. Después de que Jorge y Javi, los creadores de Yo fui a EGB, auparan la «egbmanía» al puesto más alto de ventas y convirtieran el libro en el más vendido del año, ahora vuelven a acompañarnos en un viaje por todo aquello que hizo que los 70, los 80 y los 90 permanezcan todavía en nuestro recuerdo. Sobresaliente para un fenómeno único que, revolucionando las redes sociales con sus 800.000 seguidores en Facebook y su blog, no acepta imitaciones y merece la matrícula de honor. Desde el Cococrash, la Nancy, los marcianitos, Mimosín, el Exin Castillos, las colecciones de cromos, el TENTE hasta el gotelé, Tino Casal o los Fraggle, el nuevo libro de Yo fui a EGB viene cargado de novedades en torno a la música, el cine, la televisión, la comida, el deporte, la tecnología, el mobiliario o las fiestas. Más rico en anécdotas, curiosidades y fotografías, si tú también fuiste a EGB, ¿a qué esperas para volver a clase? En los blogs... «Son unos libros que tienen que estar en cualquier estantería, porque son magníficos, no solo para recordar épocas increíbles, sino para enseñar a tus hijos la de cosas que hacías tú en esos tiempos y lo bien que te lo pasabas sin estar pegado a una pantalla. Recomendadísimo.» Blog Los mundos de Blue
22,90€ 21,75€
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For There Is Always Light
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Gorman, Amanda

An inspirational journal filled with rousing quotes from Presidential inaugural poet and activist Amanda Gorman's #1 New York Times bestsellers The Hill We Climb and Call Us What We Carry.For there is always light,If only we're brave enough to see it,If only we're brave enough to be it.Pulsing with hope and the fire to make change, Amanda Gorman's poetry is a call to action. Her poems insist on the pursuit of positive change, the power of a single voice, and the universality of the human experience--that we all must come back to each other to create a better future.As the youngest presidential inaugural poet, Gorman has established herself as a dynamic wordsmith with the power to inspire. Here for the first time is a journal that invites you to actively engage with her poetry. Flip from page to page to find over fifty quotes that challenge, uplift, and prompt dreams of a bright future, with an occasional poem reprinted in its entirety.With vibrant, graphic designs, this journal provides readers an opportunity to consider their own influence on their communities, their dreams for the future, and the plans for positive change that are available within all of us.
19,50€ 18,52€
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Contes del neguit
Hoy -5% en Libros

Conrad, Joseph

Els relats que conté transcorren a l’arxipèlag malai, a l’Àfrica, a la ruralia bretona i dins els límits d’una respectable casa anglesa. Però tots ells ens desperten la mateixa sensació de seure sota el repic eixordador d’una tempesta tropical, en tots ells se’ns emporta el mateix llenguatge tens i ondulant, que avança com les onades de l’oceà i arrossega les partícules més lluminoses i els residus més foscos de la consciència humana.
22,80€ 21,66€
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El gigante del puente
Hoy -5% en Libros

Valris, Giny

Libro infantil para lectores a partir de 4 años. El puente que separa el reino morado del amarillo hoy está diferente. Algo extraño ha sucedido y nadie sabe cómo arreglarlo. ¿Te atreves a ayudarlos?
7,95€ 7,55€
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Ànima de la vall, L'
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Cerarols, Lluís

El quadern escrit per un soldat a la Guerra de Cubaens recupera la vida d'una vall isolada de la Catalunya interior a finals del segle xix. La pretensió de l'autor del quadern és encomanar una missió íntima a qui sigui capaç de llegir-lo i se'n deixi convèncer, davant la possibilitat que no pugui retornar de Cuba.En Julio serà qui entomarà aquesta missió. La darreralectura del quadern que fa en Julio, des dels nostres dies, li desvetlla records i vivències. El contrastdel present amb un món que durant segles o mil·lennis ha estat estretament lligat a la naturalesa i al seu ritme, i que allarga els seus tentacles fins als anys seixanta, permet adonar-se i reflexionar sobre elcanvi radical però subtil que s'ha produït en la nostra sensibilitat i en la nostra manera de ser.
20,00€ 19,00€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Delillo, Don

Pammy y Lyle Wynant son una pareja, moderna, que parece tenerlo todo. Sin embargo, tras su vida ideal ronda un tedio persistente y una desesperación contenida que les llevan a vivir aventuras diferentes, pero igual de letales. Lyle ve a un hombre muerto e
7,95€ 7,55€
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Jujutsu kaisen vol 3
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Akutami, Gege

To gain the power he needs to save his friend from a cursed spirit, Yuji Itadori swallows a piece of a demon, only to find himself caught in the midst of a horrific war of the supernatural!In a world where cursed spirits feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feared demon Ryomen Sukuna have been lost and scattered about. Should any demon consume Sukuna’s body parts, the power they gain could destroy the world as we know it. Fortunately, there exists a mysterious school of jujutsu sorcerers who exist to protect the precarious existence of the living from the supernatural!Tensions are high as the Goodwill Event between the Tokyo and Kyoto campuses of Jujutsu High approaches. But before the competition can even begin, a couple of Kyoto students confront Fushiguro and Kugisaki. Meanwhile, Yuji’s training gets interrupted by a mysterious crime involving grotesque bodily alterations caused by a cursed spirit...
11,50€ 10,92€
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By the rivers of Babylon
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Lobo Antunes, Antonio

Incapacitated after the removal of a malignant tumour, the narrator, António, spends his days in a Lisbon hospital enduring the humiliations of severe illness. As he drifts in and out of consciousness, he revisits fragments of his life and the people who passed through it. He recalls the village where he lived as a child near the Mondego River amid the eucalyptus and pines, his parents and grandparents and their tight-knit community of potato farmers and tungsten miners, and the woman he loved—an unexpected polyphony.
22,75€ 21,61€
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Art of war /the book of lord shang
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Sun, Tzu

A Buddhist Bible has inspired and delighted readers since its publication in 1934. It contains key texts from the Zen (or Chan) Buddhist tradition. The Lankavatara Sutra shaped the teachings of the Zen (originally Lanka) school, a copy of the Sutra was passed from the patriarch of this school to his successor. The Diamond Sutra and the Sutra of Transcendental Wisdom are key texts from the canon of Mahayana Buddhism. The Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch tells the remarkable story of Huineng, the sixth Chan patriarch, and is the basis for all later schools of Chan and Zen Buddhism. Details of the life of the Buddha are well documented in the literature of early Buddhism, but the first inspirational account of his life was not written until five hundred years after his death.
7,25€ 6,89€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Centola, Damon

23,15€ 21,99€
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Beijing dk eyewitness top 10 travel guides
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A city of sublime contrasts, Beijing has ancient temples, winding Hutongs and the Forbidden city, as well as edgy art districts, futuristic architecture and trendy restaurants - all within a stones-throw of the awe-inspiring Great Wall of China. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around Beijing with absolute ease.Our newly updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Beijing into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best museums, places to eat, shops and festivals.
13,95€ 13,25€
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Budapest dk eyewitness top 10
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From the historic Obuda ruins to the majestic Royal Palace, this book is your guide to exploring the Paris of Eastern Europe. Climb up Castle Hill to Old Town or relax in the thermal waters of Kiraly Baths with this quick reference guide. Maps and suggested itineraries aim to help you make the most of your time in this city of Budapest.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Of mice and men
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Steinbeck, John

Introducing Little Clothbound irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith.Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil.Drifters in search of work, George and his childlike friend Lennie have nothing in the world except the clothes on their back - and a dream that one day they will have some land of their own. Eventually they find work on a ranch in California's Salinas Valley, but their hopes are dashed as Lennie becomes a victim of his own strength. Tackling universal themes of friendship and shared vision, and giving a voice to America's lonely and dispossessed, Of Mice and Men remains Steinbeck's most popular work, achieving success as a novel, Broadway play and three acclaimed films.
12,50€ 11,87€
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Cuando seas libre
Hoy -5% en Libros

Janer, Maria de la Pau

Una historia de solidaridad entre mujeres a la conquista de su libertad.Una novela cautivadora que enlaza nuestro presente con las leyendas de Las mil y una noches. Una historia de solidaridad entre mujeres que se enfrentan a la adversidad y no se rinden nunca en el camino de la emancipación. Desde los palacios del lejano Bagdad a los escenarios contemporáneos más inhóspitos, las mujeres de esta novela deben pasar una serie de pruebas, vivir pasiones vertiginosas, maravillarse con luminosas promesas, sufrir toda suerte de infortunios, traiciones y desamor. Y nada tan poderoso como la conciencia de ser portadoras de un plan elaborado siglos atrás, de ser las piezas fundamentales para que se cumpla un sueño.
22,00€ 20,90€
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A Light in the Darkness
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Suárez-Pajares, Javier

Joaquín Rodrigo is best known as the composer of one of the most popular works of music in the classical repertoire―the Concierto de Aranjuez for guitar and orchestra. Jazz great Miles Davis said of the work, “After listening to it for a couple of weeks,... I couldn’t get it out of my mind”, and used it as inspiration for his album Sketches of Spain. But Javier Suárez-Pajares and Walter Aaron Clark demonstrate in this musical biography that Rodrigo’s work and influence extend far beyond that singular work. Blinded in infancy, Rodrigo didn’t allow visual limitations to prevent him from pursuing his passion for music, travelling to study in Paris, connecting with a wide range of musicians, authors, and artists, and navigating the political and cultural complexities of Franco’s Spain. Though firmly grounded in the traditional music of Spain, his creative reach extended to a wide variety of styles, genres and media. He was as versatile as he was prolific and, one hundred years after his first serious composition, remains a figure of global renown.
36,50€ 34,67€
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Porto insight pocket guides
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Insight Pocket Guides: ideal itineraries and top travel tips in a pocket-sized package. Now with free eBook, and a pull-out map. Plan your trip, plan perfect days and discover how to get around - this pocket-sized guide is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do and see in Porto, from top attractions to hidden gems. Compact, concise, and packed with essential information about Where to Go and What Do, this is an ideal on-the-move companion when you're exploring Porto.
10,85€ 10,31€
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Pride and prejudice (clothbound classics)
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When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited, he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. In the sparkling comedy of manners that follows, Jane Austen shows the folly of judging by first impressions and superbly evokes the friendships,gossip and snobberies of provincial middle-class life.
21,25€ 20,19€
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Barcelona 12th ed rough guide
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Enjoy the ultimate city break with the most incisive and entertaining guidebook on the market. Whether you plan on exploring the Sagrada Família, hitting the tapas trail in La Ribera or chilling out on one of the city's glorious beaches, this new edition of The Rough Guide to Barcelona will show you the ideal places to sleep, eat, drink, shop and visit along the way. Inside The Rough Guide to Barcelona - Independent, trusted reviews writtenwith Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and insight, to help you get the most out of your visit. - Full-colour maps throughout and a handy city plan - navigate the back alleys of the Barri Gòtic or the Eixample's grid of modernista buildings without needing to get online. - Stunning, inspirational images - a rich collection of inspiring colour photography. - Things not to miss - Rough Guides' rundown of Barcelona's best sights and experiences. - Itineraries - carefully planned routes to help you organize your trip. - Detailed city coverage - whether visiting the big sights or venturing off the tourist trail, this travel guide has in-depth practical advice for every step of the way. Areas covered include: the Ramblas, the Barri Gòtic, El Raval, Sant Pere, La Ribera, Ciutadella, Barceloneta, Port Olímpic, Port Vell, Montjuïc, Dreta de l'Eixample, Esquerra de l'Exiample. Glòries, Gràcia, Parc Güel, Horta, Les Corts, Pedralbes, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, Tibidabo, Pacr de Collserola. Attractions include: Sagrada Família, Casa Batlló, La Pedrera, Fundació Joan Miró, La Seu, Transbordador Aeri, La Bouqeria, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC), Museu Picasso, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Camp Nou. - Listings - honest and insightful reviews of all the best places to stay, eat, drink and shop, with options to suit every budget, along with the latest on Barcelona's clubs, live-music venues, theatres, galleries and LGBT scene, plus in-depth sections on the city's sports and outdoor activities, festivals and events, and children's attractions. - Basics - essential pre-departure practical information including getting there, local transport, the media, tourist information, entry requirements and more - Background information - a Contexts chapter devoted to history and books and with a handy language section covering Castilian (Spanish) and Catalan.
21,50€ 20,42€
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Ahmed Khodja, Bouziane

«Un grito, uno solo, y Makeda fue desgarrada para siempre». Makeda fue víctima, como muchas más, de prácticas brutales fruto de tradiciones arraigadas. Creencias que pasan de generación en generación y que se afirman en la creencia de que, si no te purificas, eres una puta, una mala mujer a la que miran los hombres, si te maquillas o no vistes ropas tradicionales. Por estas razones, esa mañana, Makeda se somete al proceso de purificación, aunque no sepa muy bien qué es una puta. Ningún detalle sobre «su fiesta», esa que cambiará su vida para siempre, y que no iba a ser fácil para ella. Una vida escrita por otros, por las tradiciones, pero hay luz al final del túnel, hay una manera de vengarse, de renacer.
18,50€ 17,57€
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New York. Portrait of a City
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Golden, Reuel

Celebrate the energy, beauty, and grit of New York with this evocative city portrait, featuring pictures from the mid-19th century to the present day alongside an appendix showcasing books, movies, and records inspired by the city that never sleeps. Featured photographers include Weegee, Margaret Bourke-White, William Claxton, and Steve Schapiro.
15,00€ 14,25€
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La venganza de las olas
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González de la Cuesta, José Ma

Un macabro crimen en la tranquila isla de Tabarca es la tarjeta de presentación de un asesino cuyas puestas en escena resultan especialmente llamativas. Como refuerzo ante las particulares circunstancias y debido a sus distinciones en el cuerpo, el inspector Beltrán, de Sevilla, es requerido por la comisaría de Policía Nacional de Alicante. El andaluz se embarcará en un extraño viaje junto a su nuevo compañero, el inspector Ferrer, que le llevará a investigar la amenaza que se cierne sobre este paraíso del Mediterráneo, descubriendo sus bondades al tiempo que los asesinatos se suceden, minando el ánimo de tabarquinos y turistas. Autoridades y cuerpos de seguridad acuerdan mantener en silencio esta situación para no perjudicar los intereses de la isla, objetivo que se hará imposible con el paso de los días. El astuto Beltrán tendrá que descender a la realidad de Tabarca para comprender todo aquello que le envuelve, y que la confianza es una frágil presunción. «Novela policiaca y de misterio, con tintes de género negro y de corte regionalista. El lector se verá asediado por unas sospechas que le atraparán desde los compases iniciales».
17,90€ 17,00€
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The fates divide carve the mark (2)
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Roth, Veronica

In the second book of the Carve the Mark duology, globally bestselling Divergent author Veronica Roth reveals how Cyra and Akos fulfill their fates. The Fates Divide is a richly imagined tale of hope and resilience told in four stunning perspectives.The lives of Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth are ruled by their fates, spoken by the oracles at their births. The fates, once determined, are inescapable.Akos is in love with Cyra, in spite of his fate: he will die in service to Cyra’s family. And when Cyra’s father, Lazmet Noavek – a soulless tyrant, thought to be dead – reclaims the Shotet throne, Akos believes his end is closer than ever.As Lazmet ignites a barbaric war, Cyra and Akos are desperate to stop him at any cost. For Cyra, that could mean taking the life of the man who may – or may not – be her father. For Akos, it could mean giving his own. In a stunning twist, the two will discover how fate defines their lives in ways most unexpected.
12,75€ 12,11€
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School for good and evil 1 special edition
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Chainani, Soman

A beautiful Collector's Edition of the first in the bestselling School for Good and Evil series - perfect for gifting! Soon to be a major Netflix film with an all-star cast. Every four years, two girls are kidnapped from the village of Gavaldon. Legend has it these lost children are sent to the School for Good and Evil, the fabled institution where they become fairytale heroes or villains.
18,25€ 17,34€
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When the professor got stuck in the snow
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13,85€ 13,16€
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Detective Esqueleto: El reino de los malvados [Skulduggery Pleasant]
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Landy, Derek

La magia se extiende como una enfermedad. En todo el país, miles de personas que han sido perfectamente normales hasta ahora empiezan a desarrollar poderes desatados... y peligrosos. Solo el Santuario puede socorrerlos, ayudarles a controlar su magia para que no se destruyan a sí mismos y a quienes los rodean. Y solo Skulduggery y Valquiria pueden organizar esa ayuda. Ah, y también está lo de Kitana y sus amigos, una pandilla de adolescentes que se contagian de magia. Y les gusta. Y, claro, deciden arrasar la ciudad con sus nuevos poderes aparentemente infinitos. Sí: parece que hoy también va a ser uno de esos días...
16,95€ 16,10€
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Nadie te oirá gritar
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Marsons, Angela

Cada muerte tiene un secreto. Cada secreto, un principio. En la oscuridad de la noche cinco figuras se turnan para cavar una tumba, un hoyo pequeño en el que entierran los restos de una vida inocente. Nadie dice nada, les une un pacto de sangre que no romperán... Años más tarde, Teresa Wyatt es brutalmente asesinada en la bañera de su casa, y tras ella se suceden más muertes violentas. Todas las víctimas tienen algo en común, y la detective al frente del caso, Kim Stone, pronto se da cuenta de que la clave para detener al asesino que está sembrando el pánico en la ciudad es resolver un crimen del pasado. Está claro que alguien esconde un secreto y está dispuesto a todo para que no salga a la luz.
5,95€ 5,65€
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¡Yo soy tu padre!
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Vesterra, Jorge

Cómo llevar a tus hijos al lado oscuroSer padre y friki no es tarea sencilla. Las sesiones nocturnas de videojuegos han sido sustituidas por ''la hora del cuento'', no hay manera de estar al día con las series porque en casa sólo se ve Pocoyó y tu sancta sanctorum se ha convertido en la ''guarida de la bestia''.Si éste es tu caso, sólo hay una solución para no convertirse en un ser gris amante de los realities y los chiquiparks: llevar a tus pequeños al lado oscuro. Este manual te ofrece todas las herramientas y técnicas, incluso las más arteras, para seguir siendo un nerd y arrastrar a los tuyos en tus obsesiones, desde los mandamientos del padre friki y varios tests de frikismo para tus hijos, hasta consejos para mantener tu territorio frente al enemigo y actividades para la familia friki. Una completa guía para ser un padre fanático sin dejar de ser guay. Tú puedes hacer que la saga continúe...
14,95€ 14,20€
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Too Good To Be True
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A woman is found dead in an apparent suicide – but there may be something darker at play. Featuring Inspector Jimmy Perez, Too Good To Be True is a gripping Quick Read from Ann Cleeves' bestselling Shetland series.Now a major BBC One drama, Shetland, starring Douglas Henshall.When young teacher Anna Blackwell is found dead in her home, the police think her death was suicide or a tragic accident. After all, Stonebridge is a quiet country village in the Scottish Borders, where murders just don't happen.But Inspector Jimmy Perez soon arrives from far-away Shetland when his ex-wife, Sarah, asks him to look into the case. The local gossips are saying that her new husband, Tom, was having an affair with Anna. Could Tom have been involved with her death? Sarah refuses to believe it – but needs proof.Anna had been a teacher. She must have loved kids. Would she kill herself knowing there was nobody to look after her daughter? She had seemed happier than ever before she died. And to Perez, this suggests not suicide, but murder . . .Quick Reads are short books from bestselling authors, perfect for a fast and satisfying read – whether you're a regular reader, or just getting started. With Too Good To Be True, you can get a taste of the thrilling story of Shetland's Inspector Jimmy Perez. Start the series with book one, Raven Black.
6,24€ 5,93€
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Llepades de llop
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Torres i Malpesa, Gabriel

Setze narracions que us conviden a entrar en un món fascinant que emergeix de les arrels gabellines i cala-rajaderes de l'autor. Un món que ha sabut crear, a través d'expressions familiars, un univers d'històries. Mitjançant disciplines com la paleoantropologia, l'arqueologia i la psicologia, l'autor ens mostra que, malgrat els canvis, la humanitat roman en el seu redol. Darrere aquesta gent hi trobareu el batec del Llevant mallorquí, malgrat l'advertiment sobre l'obra ''verinosa'' que teniu entre les mans.
23,00€ 21,85€
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Vagabond 10
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Inoue, Takehiko

To Live by the SwordReal-life figure Miyamoto Musashi was the most celebrated samurai of all time. The quintessential warrior-philosopher, Musashi authored A Book of Five Rings, a classic treatise in the canon of world philosophy and military strategy. But the path to enlightenment is an endless journey, and to get there through violent means—by way of the sword—makes mere survival an even greater challenge.What does a man do after he accomplishes the impossible and lives to survive? Musashi is at what is quite possibly the greatest crossroads of his life after he single-handedly defeats 70 bloodthirsty men from the Yoshioka clan. Shall he continue to live by the sword, or should he settle down to a quiet and happy life? But before he can take his next step, Musashi must recover from his battle wounds—and it remains to be seen whether he'll even be able to walk again…
24,25€ 23,04€
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Now we're together
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Edwards, Nicola

This life-affirming picture books takes readers on an adventure away from the glare of phone screens. Admire the wonderful world around us and take a moment to appreciate spending time with loved ones.Gentle rhyming text from Nicola Edwards and stirring, inspiring artwork from Jenny Bloomfield reminds us how much wonder and magic is out there if we put down our phones.From the author of What a Wonderful Phrase and Happy: A Children's Book of Mindfulness.
11,75€ 11,16€
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El que no està dibuixat / That which is not drawn
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Kentridge, William

L'artista sud-africà William Kentridge no es refia d'aquells que abracen cegament les pròpies certeses sense tenir en compte els dubtes i les paradoxes. L'ambigüitat i les contradiccions són al centre de la seva obra, que ha crescut i s'ha transformat al ritme de la polièdrica Sud-àfrica. El setembre del 2020, la periodista Gemma Parellada va entrevistar William Kentridge al seu estudi de Johannesburg amb motiu de l'exposició que l'artista preparava per al CCCB. Kentridge va parlar de segregació, de les repercussions del colonialisme i de la lluita antiracista, dels desequilibris i dels abusos de poder, del privilegi i del paper de l'art a l'hora de repensar els relats dominants.
8,00€ 7,60€
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Revista Archiletras 24. Revista de lengua
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Euskera 360º La lengua vasca, al desnudoAkira Toriyama y la inmersión lingüísticaBola de Dragón se tradujo en los 90 al catalán antes que al castellano. Toda una generación de aragoneses aprendieron catalán gracias a la serie.El por qué de los nombres de las marcas deportivas Entrevistas a Carlos Varcancel, influencer de la interlingua, y a Mamen Horno, autora del libro ‘Un cerebro lleno de palabra.Cuentos chinos, ruletas rusas, cabezas de turco... Expresiones que dan la vuelta al mundo.La lengua oficial en La Raya (frontera España-Portugal) y en miles de kilómetros de frontera entre Brasil y sus países vecino.Y artículos de opinión de... Pedro Álvarez de Miranda, Rafael del Moral, Elena Álvarez Mellado, Flor Plaza, David Serrano-Dolader, Nacho Chaparro, Concepción Maldonado, Carmen Chacón, Francisco Carriscondo, Beatriz Valdeón, Rosario López y Sol Genafo.
13,00€ 12,35€
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