Libros de Narrativa y Novelas

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Experiments amb la veritat
Hoy -5% en Libros

Auster, Paul

Paul Auster analitza de manera exhaustiva l'obsessió per fer literatura. En el conjunt d'entrevistes, així com en ''El quadern vermell'', fa una reflexió sobre la seva pròpia feina, l'art d'escriure, i el motiu pel qual està ficat de ple en la literatura. En aquesta reflexió s'endinsa, també, en la qüestió de la necessitat de destruir els límits entre viure i escriure, i de l'ús de certes convencions de gènere per penetrar en la memòria i la identitat. En els ''Assajos'', d'altra banda, Auster fa un passeig per la literatura francesa i l'anglesa al llarg dels anys, de la mateixa manera que observa amb deteniment les peripècies d'un malabarista damunt la corda fluixa i les vivències d'un antropòleg al costat dels indis guaiaki.
12,50€ 11,87€
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The Wedding of the Year
Hoy -5% en Libros

Mansell, Jill

It's set to be the perfect wedding - till the chauffeur is asked to keep driving the bride round the church. This wedding is not going as planned.Lottie is a guest at the wedding when she sees Max for the first time in fifteen years. No kiss since has matched their last kiss together. They were on the brink of a beautiful love story. Then something shocking happened that tore them apart. Now here he is, handsome as ever, teasing Lottie in the old way - and that tingling electric attraction is back. But Max is out of bounds.Ruby has been the perfect vicar's wife. But when she finds out the truth about her husband Peter, outrage and disbelief drive her to act impulsively, without a thought for the consequences. And nothing will ever be the same again.There will be a wedding of the year - but maybe not yet. When love is in the air, anything can happen . . .The gorgeous new romance from the beloved and bestselling Jill Mansell!
14,75€ 14,01€
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El cementiri dels reis menors
Hoy -5% en Libros

Malkoc, Zoran

El tour de force narratiu de Zoran Malkoč, publicat després d’haver guanyat el premi Ranko Marinković, ens du a l’Eslavònia dels anys de la guerra i la postguerra a Croàcia, en uns espais que podríem qualificar de perduts (però de cap manera inexistents), si no fos perquè són inscrits al mapa de la prosa contemporània croata pels herois de Malkoč: uns perdedors i vencedors ben particulars. Membres del club d’aficionats del Hajduk, bèsties humanes, combatents decebuts i nans que, com en un projecte d’estat secret, eliminen les mines i transformen els racons oblidats d’Eslavònia en un paradís turístic... Tots aquests reis menors de corones rovellades aconsegueixen fer que l’excursió cap al fràgil castell aeri de la prosa de Malkoč esdevingui un viatge del qual no volem (ni podem) tornar. La narrativa de Zoran Malkoč evoca els esperits de Babel, Dostoievski, Marinković, Bukowski…, però el to i l’esperit d’aquests contes pertanyen només al seu autor i als lectors. Brutal, atroç, però estranyament bell, situat al marge de qualsevol moda o tendència, d’una sinceritat que fa mal.
18,00€ 17,10€
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Acqueforti brasiliane
Hoy -5% en Libros

Arlt, Roberto

Negli articoli che compongono questa antologia, tradotta per la prima volta in italiano, troviamo un ritratto molto lucido, preciso e con grande senso dell'umorismo non solo del Brasile del 1930, ma anche dell'Argentina dello stesso periodo. Alle prime note elogiative seguono testi sempre più critici e caustici, in cui Buenos Aires e l’intera società argentina appaiono come un contrappunto moderno e civile all'arretratezza del Brasile e della sua capitale a quell'epoca. Le ultime cronache descrivono il ritorno di Roberto Arlt in Argentina, con la compagnia aerea appena inaugurata tra Rio de Janeiro e Buenos Aires: diciassette ore a bordo di un idrovolante, con numerosi scali. Pochi mesi dopo, due colpi di stato militari avrebbero posto fine alla Prima Repubblica in Brasile e alla presidenza di Hipólito Yrigoyen in Argentina, portando cambiamenti decisivi nella storia di entrambi i Paesi.
16,00€ 15,20€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Grace, Hannah

Presented in June As a chronic procrastinator, Henry Turner always knew his junior year in college wasn’t going to be easy. That was before he made ice hockey captain as well as landing himself in a difficult class with his least favourite professor. Thankfully, it’s then that Henry meets Halle, a fellow junior who he immediately befriends. Academic pressure has never been a struggle for Halle, but as an introverted people pleaser with a tendency to overcommit herself, she can’t help but offer to help Henry pass his class. In turn he offers to help make college life a little more inspiring – just the thing she needs as an aspiring novelist… Failure isn’t an option for either of them but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a little room for distraction…
14,75€ 14,01€
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El defecte
Hoy -5% en Libros

Tulli, Magdalena

Davant dels ulls del lector una plaça d’una gran ciutat sense nom i el tramvia que hi circula cobren vida. En aquest escenari minimalista es desenvolupa una història sobre les vides quotidianes i les passions ocultes dels seus residents. Tot el seu món el controla el personal invisible interessat només a maximitzar els beneficis i a infectar, amb un enfocament omnipresent, destructiu i improvisat, expressió de la seva arrogància, els residents i enverinar-ne les emocions. El desdeny posa en acció un mecanisme de violència i exclusió quan la plaça s’omple d’una multitud de refugiats que, sobtadament desposseïts de les seves llars, hi arriben amb el tramvia. La visió dels altres com un tot, sense singularitats i desproveïts de qualsevol emoció o empatia, fa possible veure’ls com un conjunt de problemes i molèsties que cal resoldre sense objectivar-ne les possibles carències i dificultats. Tulli realitza un exercici magistral d’escriptura envers la definició de la subjectivitat de la persona i de com s’enfronta als conflictes socials. En la seva literatura es poden percebre influències de José Saramago, Antonio Tabucchi o Paul Auster.
16,00€ 15,20€
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La metamorfosis. Edición especial 100 aniversario
Hoy -5% en Libros

Kafka, Franz

«Una mañana, al despertar de un sueño intranquilo, Gregorio Samsa se encontró en la cama transformado en un insecto monstruoso. Estaba acostado sobre la espalda, que era dura, como acorazada, y levantando un poco la cabeza pudo ver su vientre convexo, color pardo, dividido por unos arcos rígidos, la manta había resbalado sobre esa superficie y solo una punta lo cubría todavía. Sus patas numerosas, de una delgadez lamentable en relación con el volumen del cuerpo, se agitaban frente a sus ojos.»Así comienza una de las ficciones más célebres de la literatura del siglo XX. Pieza clave dentro de su producción literaria, La metamorfosis es una vasta y vívida pesadilla donde gravita una intensidad ejemplar. Las ilustraciones del gran artista argentino Luis Scafati recrean admirablemente los peculiares ambientes y tortuosos personajes de este relato, invitando al lector a una aventura memorable.Con motivo del centenario de su publicación, Libros del Zorro Rojo ofrece esta edición especial que, merced a su presentación, añade un valor singular a la traducción de César Aira y las ilustraciones de Luis Scafati. Su trabajo sobre este clásico ha sido objeto de varias exposiciones en Latinoamérica y Europa que lo han reconocido como una de las mejores interpretaciones gráficas realizadas sobre la angustiosa historia de Gregor Samsa. Desde su aparición en Libros del Zorro Rojo, se ha traducido y publicado en numerosos países de Europa y Asia, ahora, con esta nueva edición, queremos rendir homenaje al escritor «cuyo mundo —en palabras del crítico alemán Walter Benjamin— es un teatro universal».
19,99€ 18,99€
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Un per tots, tots per Stilton!
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stilton, Ger�nimo

Cavalls, espases i molta valentia! Geronimo Stilton coneixerà als Tres Mosqueters, segur que serà un viatge de bigotis...
5,95€ 5,65€
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Arianwyn 3. Una bruixa de veritat
Hoy -5% en Libros

Nicol, James

La sèrie perfecta per als amants de la fantasia. La guerra ha acabat i l'Arianwyn ha descobert el secret dels jeroglífics, però els seus problemes no han acabat. La seva feina com a bruixa de Lullés complicat: ha arribat l'hivern i, amb ell, el maltemps, els diablets de gel i les confuses tradicionsYule. Però quan la seva àvia és segrestada per un traïdor al Consell, la nostra bruixa haurà de fer frontal desafiament més gran que s'ha trobat fins ara. Quèet converteix en una bruixa de veritat? La nostra estimada heroïna està a punt de descobrir-ho. Una màgica història plena de cor, acció i fantasia.Ideal per amants de bruixes tendres però una mica temeràries amb noms estrambòtics.L'últim episodi de la coneguda trilogia de James Nicol, perfecte pels fans de Harry Potter o de l'autora Diana Wynne Jones.
17,95€ 17,05€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Fité, Anna

Charles y Guillaume, los dos bisnietos favoritos delGato con Botas, se dirigen al castillo de Carabás. Subisabuelo tiene un mensaje sorpresa para ellos. Se acercan sus cumpleaños y les ha preparado un regalo muy especial... Pero para conseguirlo, solo tienen tresdías para demostrarle que se lo merecen.
14,90€ 14,15€
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Finlay Donovan jumps the gun (book 3)
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Cosimano, Elle

Finlay Donovan is ready to bite the bullet. She’s done with her accidental life of crime. But first, there’s the small matter of her debt to the Russian mob.Her task should be simple: locate a rogue hitman before the cops do. The catch? This killer might be a cop himself.From inside the citizens’ police academy, run by distractingly hot Detective Nicholas Anthony, Finlay needs to sleuth out her target – and some fresh ideas for her new crime novel.Can she get to her edits and the hitman in time?She’ll give it her best shot.With more dating, diapers and dodging bullets, the third book in the hilarious, irresistibly lovable Finlay Donovan series is perfect for fans of Dial A for Aunties, Only Murders in the Building, and Killing Eve.
14,75€ 14,01€
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Joy at work
Hoy -5% en Libros

Kondo, Marie

27,50€ 26,12€
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Cleopatra and frankenstein
Hoy -5% en Libros

Mellors, Coco

For readers of Modern Lovers and Conversations with Friends, an addictive, humorous, and poignant debut novel about the shock waves caused by one couple's impulsive marriage.New York is slipping from Cleo’s grasp. Sure, she’s at a different party every other night, but she barely knows anyone. Her student visa is running out, and she doesn’t even have money for cigarettes. But then she meets Frank. Twenty years older, Frank's life is full of all the success and excess that Cleo's lacks. He offers her the chance to be happy, the freedom to paint, and the opportunity to apply for a green card. She offers him a life imbued with beauty and art—and, hopefully, a reason to cut back on his drinking. He is everything she needs right now. Cleo and Frank run head-first into a romance that neither of them can quite keep up with. It reshapes their lives and the lives of those around them, whether that’s Cleo's best friend struggling to embrace his gender identity in the wake of her marriage, or Frank's financially dependent sister arranging sugar daddy dates after being cut off. Ultimately, this chance meeting between two strangers outside of a New Year’s Eve party changes everything, for better or worse. Cleopatra and Frankenstein is an astounding and painfully relatable debut novel about the spontaneous decisions that shape our entire lives and those imperfect relationships born of unexpectedly perfect evenings.
14,75€ 14,01€
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El Principito
Hoy -5% en Libros

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de

La preciosa historia que Antoine de Saint-Exupéry escribió e ilustró, y su obra más famosa, en una fantástica edición para que jóvenes y adultos disfruten consu forma tan original de tratar temas profundos comola soledad, la amistad, el amor...
15,95€ 15,15€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Hewlett, Rosie

A dark and epic feminist retelling that boldly reclaims the myth of the most formidable and feared witch in Ancient Greece. Shunned. Persecuted. Tormented. Medea longs for a different life. Since childhood, she has been separated from her sister, shunned by her mother, and persecuted and tormented by her brother and father. All because of a unique and dangerous talent: witchcraft. Fierce. Powerful. Sorceress. But when a dashing young hero, Jason, arrives to claim the famed Golden Fleece that her father protects, Medea sees her opportunity to escape. Her offer to help Jason overcome the trials set by her father sets in motion a journey that will test every ounce of her strength, magic and loyalty, a journey that will see her battle monsters, dethrone kings and fall in love. When faced with the ultimate betrayal, Medea is driven to an act of desperation so brutal it rips apart the lives of everyone involved...
17,75€ 16,86€
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Our missing hearts
Hoy -5% en Libros

NG, Celeste

Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving father, a former linguist who now shelves books in a university library. His mother, Margaret, a Chinese American poet, left without a trace when he was nine years old. He doesn’t know what happened to her—only that her books have been banned—and he resents that she cared more about her work than about him.Then one day Bird receives a mysterious letter containing only a cryptic drawing, and soon he is pulled into a quest to find her. His journey will take him back to the many folktales she poured into his head as a child, through the ranks of an underground network of heroic librarians, and finally to New York City, where he will learn the truth about what happened to his mother and what the future holds for them both.Our Missing Hearts is an old story made new, of the ways supposedly civilized communities can ignore the most searing injustice. It’s about the lessons and legacies we pass on to our children and the power of art to create change.
18,25€ 17,34€
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The help (film)
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Stockett, Kathryn

Enter a vanished and unjust world: Jackson, Mississippi, 1962. Where black maids raise white children, but aren't trusted not to steal the silver... There's Aibileen, raising her seventeenth white child and nursing the hurt caused by her own son's tragic death, Minny, whose cooking is nearly as sassy as her tongue, and white Miss Skeeter, home from College, who wants to know why her beloved maid has disappeared. Skeeter, Aibileen and Minny. No one would believe they'd be friends, fewer still would tolerate it. But as each woman finds the courage to cross boundaries, they come to depend and rely upon one another. Each is in a search of a truth. And together they have an extraordinary story to tell...
9,25€ 8,79€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Saramago, José

Called ‘the book lost and found in time’ by its author, Skylight is one of Saramago’s earliest novels. The manuscript was lost in the publishers’ offices in Lisbon for decades, and is only now being published in English.Lisbon, late-1940s. The inhabitants of an old apartment block are struggling to make ends meet. There’s the elderly shoemaker and his wife who take in a solitary young lodger, the woman who sells herself for money, clothes and jewellery, the cultivated family come down in the world, who live only for each other and for music, and the beautiful typist whose boss can’t keep his eyes off her. Poisonous relationships, happy marriages, jealousy, gossip and love – Skylight brings together all the joys and grief of ordinary people.
15,50€ 14,72€
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The hawthorne legacy
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Lynn Alvarez, Jennifer

Barnes is a master of puzzles and plot twists' E. Lockhart, author of We Were Liars Intrigue, riches, and romance abound in this thrilling sequel to the global bestselling The Inheritance Games. Perfect for fans of Karen McManus and Holly Jackson. A DEADLY GAME. A PUZZLE TO SOLVE. A FORTUNE AT STAKE. One step forward. Avery thought that solving the riddle left by billionaire Tobias Hawthorne would reveal why he left her - a complete stranger - his entire fortune. Two steps back. But as the cryptic clues tale an unexpected twist and the handsome and enigmatic Hawthorne grandsons continue to pull her in different directions, Avery can't help but wonder who she can really trust and who is just looking out for themselves. What happens when the truth just hides more secrets? Soon Avery realizes this game is no longer just about money and power. Now she's play.
11,60€ 11,02€
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Book lovers
Hoy -5% en Libros

Henry, Emily

One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn't see coming...Nora Stephens’ life is books—she’s read them all—and she is not that type of heroine. Not the plucky one, not the laidback dream girl, and especially not the sweetheart. In fact, the only people Nora is a heroine for are her clients, for whom she lands enormous deals as a cutthroat literary agent, and her beloved little sister Libby.Which is why she agrees to go to Sunshine Falls, North Carolina for the month of August when Libby begs her for a sisters’ trip away—with visions of a small-town transformation for Nora, who she’s convinced needs to become the heroine in her own story. But instead of picnics in meadows, or run-ins with a handsome country doctor or bulging-forearmed bartender, Nora keeps bumping into Charlie Lastra, a bookish brooding editor from back in the city. It would be a meet-cute if not for the fact that they’ve met many times and it’s never been cute.If Nora knows she’s not an ideal heroine, Charlie knows he’s nobody’s hero, but as they are thrown together again and again—in a series of coincidences no editor worth their salt would allow—what they discover might just unravel the carefully crafted stories they’ve written about themselves.
12,50€ 11,87€
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¿Que qué me pasa, muchacho?
Hoy -5% en Libros

Melini, Nicolás

En un desolador viaje interior, el autor aborda temas como las desigualdades, la condición del suicida, el azar o la postmodernidad de la creación artística.Un libro en el que se cruzan los grandes temas de la modernidad, como la especulación financiera o las desigualdades, y la posmodernidad de la creación artística.Para titular este libro, el autor ha buscado en él la frase más desoladora: ¿Que qué me pasa, muchacho? Comienza con «Supongo que soy un suicida que se ha propuesto llegar a viejo» y continúa con los cuentos, en primera persona, de alguien que viaja, hace cine, pierde a su madre, va al banco o se enamora de una mujer de rompe y rasga. Cáustico, aquí el autor de Pulsión del amigo y Talón se acerca a sí mismo como a una ficción, para, entre tanto, abordar temas como el azar, la pobreza, la condición del suicida o la pérdida de un ser querido.
19,90€ 18,90€
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Printze txikia
Hoy -5% en Libros

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de

Antoine de Saint-Exupéryk idatzi eta ilustratu zuen istorio ederra, haren obrarik ezagunena, gazte eta helduentzako edizio bikaina, bakardadea, adiskidetasuna,maitasuna... bezalako gai sakonak modu ezin originalagoan lantzeko.
3,95€ 3,75€
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Maybe not
Hoy -5% en Libros

Hoover, Colleen

When Warren has the opportunity to live with a female roommate, he instantly agrees. It could be an exciting change.Or maybe not.Especially when that roommate is the cold and seemingly calculating Bridgette. Tensions run high and tempers flare as the two can hardly stand to be in the same room together. But Warren has a theory about Bridgette: anyone who can hate with that much passion should also have the capability to love with that much passion. And he wants to be the one to test this theory.
13,25€ 12,59€
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Cute animals +5 years
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Busquets, Carmen

Bring animals to life with this fun sticker book! Choose the stickers for each animal and complete the pictures. This series for 2-5 year-olds will spark imagination while introducing children to the world of animals.
3,45€ 3,28€
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El secret del casalot abandonat
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López Bernués, Pilar

La idea de passar l'estiu en un poblet remot del Pre-pirineu no entusiasma l'Anna, però, quan coneix la Núria, l'Àlex, en Víctor, en Jordi i, sobretot, en Rafa, no triga a canviar d'opinió. I és que resoldre el misteri que envolta un vell casalot abandonat es convertirà en una aventura apassionant per a aquesta collade joves. Intriga, acció, amistat i amor en unes vacances plenes de sorpreses. Disponible Joc de Lectura(n. 67), de la col·lecció Lectura Eficaç. També en format ebook (codi 7171330).
10,50€ 9,97€
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Gatos vs robots
Hoy -5% en Libros

Stohl, Margaret

De todos es sabido que los gatos y los robots son enemigos naturales. De hecho, en nuestra galaxia existendos facciones que llevan eones enfrentadas: el GranImperio Felino y la Federación Robótica. Pero el finde la guerra podría estar cerca porque, en un pequeñoy primitivo planetoide llamado Tierra, los padres deMin y Max han inventado el chip de singularidad. Este podría hacer que los gatos sobrevivieran a sus siete vidas y que la batería de los robots fuera infinita. Así empieza una carrera entre los dos bandos para hacerse con el invento en el que se verán involucradoshumanos, robots, electrodomésticos y gatos espaciales y terrestres. ¿Quién conseguirá hacerse antes con el chip?
14,90€ 14,15€
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Breasts and eggs
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Kawakami, Mieko

On a hot summer’s day in a poor suburb of Tokyo we meet three women: thirty-year-old Natsuko, her older sister Makiko, and Makiko’s teenage daughter Midoriko. Makiko, an ageing hostess despairing the loss of her looks, has travelled to Tokyo in search of breast enhancement surgery. She's accompanied by Midoriko, who has recently stopped speaking, finding herself unable to deal with her own changing body and her mother’s self-obsession. Her silence dominates Natsuko’s rundown apartment, providing a catalyst for each woman to grapple with their own anxieties and their relationships with one another.Eight years later, we meet Natsuko again. She is now a writer and find herself on a journey back to her native city, returning to memories of that summer and her family’s past as she faces her own uncertain future.
15,20€ 14,44€
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Hoy -5% en Libros

Almond, David

Michael was looking forward to moving into a new house. But now his baby sister is ill, his parents are frantic, and Doctor Death has come to call. Michael feels helpless. Then he steps into the crumbling garage and encounters a strange being who changes his world forever.
8,70€ 8,26€
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Isadora Moon sunny days activity book 2
Hoy -5% en Libros

Muncaster, Harriet

Isadora Moon is half fairy, half vampire and totally unique. This summer you can take Isadora on holiday!This fantastic activity book is packed with colouring-in, drawing, puzzles and all sorts of Isadorable fun and games.Bursting with 50 activities, this seasonal activity book is perfect for keeping fans of the multimillion copy bestselling Isadora Moon series busy over the summer break.
10,25€ 9,74€
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The witcher vol 1: a grain of truth
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20,25€ 19,24€
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Diary of a wimpy kid: best friends box
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Kinney, Jeff

Give the gift of friendship—the perfect introduction to the #1 international bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff KinneyThere are two sides to every story—the Diary of a Wimpy Best Friends Box contains the first book by Jeff Kinney in the #1 international bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series along with a copy of the instant #1 global bestseller Diary of an Awesome Friendly Rowley Jefferson’s Journal. This collectible boxed set comes in a specially designed package—a must-have gift for fans new and old.
29,00€ 27,55€
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Victory City
Hoy -5% en Libros

Scheffler, Axel

She will whisper an empire into existence - but all stories have a way of getting away from their creators,,. In the wake of an insignificant battle between two long-forgotten kingdoms in fourteenth-century southern India, a nine-year-old girl has a divine encounter that will change the course of history. After witnessing the death of her mother, the grief-stricken Pampa Kampana becomes a vessel for a goddess, who tells her that she will be instrumental in the rise of a great city called Bisnaga - literally 'victory city' - the wonder of the world. Over the next two hundred and fifty years, Pampa Kampana's life becomes deeply interwoven with Bisnaga's as she attempts to make good on the task that the goddess set for her: to give women equal agency in a patriarchal world, But all stories have a way of getting away from their creator, and as years pass, rulers come and go, battles are won and lost, and allegiances shift, Bisnaga is no exception,
18,50€ 17,57€
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La fi dels secrets
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Esteve, Miquel

Política, poder, finances i passions a la Barcelona dels inicis de la banca. Una història projectada en el passat del que hem viscut darrerament. El 10 de novembre de 1360, en la ciutat de Barcelona, el canvista Francesc Castelló es degollat damunt la seva taula de canvis castigat per insolvència. La crisis financera que fustiga la ciutat, la insolvència de molts canvistes, la pèrdua de les estovalles en les seves taules, símbol de garantia, i fins i tot la demora en el pagament de les pensions dels violaris i censals per part del clavari del municipi, el cap de les finances públiques, ha molestat la ciutadaniai Francesc Castelló es castigat públicament per a escarni dels canvistes insolvents i per tranquil·litzar la població angoixada. Mentre el poble ras pateix les seqüeles severes de la pesta i de la crisis econòmica i financera, els habitants del Call s'enriqueix amb els seus «prests» i unes castes privilegiades com l'Església i els «ciutadans honrats» eludeixen la pressió fiscal mentre que el poble ha de pagar els impostos per bens de consum bàsics com el blat o la carn.Una família de «ciutadans honrats» de la ciutat, els Gualbes, aprofita la conjuntura de crisis i confusió per fer realitat la seva desmesurada ambició.Una història de poder, finances, amors i desamors que reflecteix amb realisme crític una estampa de la ciutat de Barcelona en el període baix medieval amb personatges reals i d'altres ficticis, com ara el botxí o «morro de vaques» de la ciutat, l'esposa del canvista degollat, els usurers del Call, Azriela una jueva bellíssima, Begonya, la bruixa del Call, Guaspa l'esclava mora dels Gualbes o el mateix Ferrer de Gualbes, conseller de la ciutat i home fort de la família.
19,00€ 18,05€
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Peripecias del no
Hoy -5% en Libros

Chitarroni, Luis

En abril de 1988, surge en Buenos Aires la revista literaria Babel, uno de los hitos culturales más estimulantes de la posdictadura argentina. Su aparición supondrá el salto a la palestra del grupo literario Shanghai, a cuyos componentes, hartos de los efectos residuales del boom, se tildaría maliciosamente de dandies y posmodernos europeizantes y cuya propuesta estética e ideológica sostenía la autonomía de la literatura tanto ante la política como ante el mercado. A su alrededor se congregaron, entre otros, autores como el propio Chitarroni, María Moreno, Daniel Samoilovich, Sergio Chejfec, Sergio Bizzio, Martín Caparrós, Daniel Guebel o Alan Pauls, varios de los cuales transitan de forma recurrente, bien que transfigurados, por las páginas de Peripecias del no, una novela en clave sobre los fulgores y fracasos de la literatura argentina moderna, armada a partir de apuntes diarísticos, citas, listas, diálogos, ensayos, cuentos truncados, artículos o poemas de escritores apócrifos: órganos independientes pero no autónomos que funcionan como un solo cuerpo, y en los que Chitarroni, uno de los grandes ironistas contemporáneos en lengua española, prescinde de la trama para desplegar con escepticismo y mordacidad los grandes motivos borgeanos de la erudición, la construcción del canon y la consagración literaria. No casualmente, Peripecias del no se nos presenta como una obra en marcha, babélica, digresiva, gozosamente inconclusa, que dinamita las convenciones del género a fin de soslayar lo que Bioy Casares dio en llamar el «riesgo de lo novelesco», y en la que las fronteras que separan tradición y experimentación quedan definitivamente desdibujadas.
18,00€ 17,10€
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21,25€ 20,19€
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White, Elwyn Brooks

E.B. White publicó su primer artículo en la para entonces recién fundada revista The New Yorker cuatro años después de graduarse en Artes por la Universidad de Cornell. A lo largo de las siguientes seis décadas produjo una larga serie de ensayos y se convirtió en su más importante colaborador cuando ésta era la más influyente revista literaria estadounidense. Fue autor de más de diecisiete libros de prosa y poesía y fue elegido para la Academia Americana de Artes y Letras en 1973. Ganó innumerables premios como la Medalla Nacional de Literatura de 1971, el Premio Laura Ingalls Wilder y el Premio Pulitzer especial en 1978 por toda su obra. También recibió la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad en 1963 y la Medalla de Oro a los ensayos y críticas del Instituto Nacional de Artes y Letras.
22,00€ 20,90€
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