Bit by bit i learn more and i grow big

Burgueño, Esther

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Pardo is a hilarious baby Cheetah, who cannot be without his pacifier. He gets very angry when he doesn't have his binky...
Will you help Pardo say goodbye to pacifiers? Will Superpardo be able to do it?
This fantastic interactive story is perfect for playing with your little ones and helping them give up their pacifier, just like Pardo! Pardo doesn't need his binky anymore, what about you?
Bye-bye Pacifier is part of the Bit by bit I learn more and I grow big collection, which is a reference collection designed for children from 0 to 3 years old.

Collection features:
- Deals with a child's first big challenges, featuring animals as the main characters.
- Overseen by childhood educators.
- The stories are interactive: the children must play and help the different animals.
- The books are made of cardboard with a handle shape and cut-out, so children can carry them more easily.
- Illustrations are fun and eye-catching, and stand out against bright backgrounds.
- The last page has a flap to open, where children can see and learn about the characters before and after facing each challenge.
- The main animal in each story encourages a friend to learn too.
- They are short stories, designed little one's attention span in mind.
- The collection is a fun tool to encourage children to do the same things as the main characters in the stories.
- The writing is in UPPER CASE, which is what children learn first.
- It's the ideal book collection to help babies with their first big challenges!

Titles in the series:
•I Want a Bath
•Let's Go to Sleep
•Time to Eat
•I Can Brush My Teeth
•Bye-bye Pacifier
•No More Diapers
•I Dress Myself
•I Tidy Up After I Play
•Let's Play Without Screens

Biografía de Esther Burgueño

Esther Burgueño es ilustradora especializada en libro infantil. Trabaja también en el ámbito editorial, prensa y comercial. Se licenció en Bellas Artes en la UB especializándose en grabado y estampación. Entre otros libros, ha ilustrado Unos tigres diminutos como mosquitos, Juegos mientras esperas y 25 cuentos para leer en 5 minutos. En el 2009 ganó el VI Premio de Ilustración Lola Anglada por Els contes d’Ukanaburu. Unos años más tarde, ilustraría Musgo, novela ganadora del XXI Premio Edebé de Literatura Infantil 2013.

Ficha técnica - Bit by bit i learn more and i grow big

Tipo de producto: Libro
Páginas/Hojas: 90
Edad recomendada: A partir de 1 año
Año de edición: 2021
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de tapa: Dura
EAN: 9788417210397
Referencia Abacus: 1381294.98
Editorial: El Pirata

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Bit by bit i learn more and i grow big

Bit by bit i learn more and i grow big

Burgueño, Esther

59,00€ 56,05€
5% descuento
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