Bernard the fireman

Grau, Maria

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Do you want to discover what a fireman does in his day to day? Learn to read with Bernard, the fireman! Bernard the Fireman is the first story from the Learn to Read collection in UPPER CASE and lowercase letters, which is ordered according to reading difficulty with number 1 being the easiest and number 9 being the most challenging. Each page contains the same text: above in lowercase letters and below in CAPITAL LETTERS (upper case). It enables capital letters and the change towards printed characters to be worked on. At the end of the book, you can discover a message to think about it. Collection titles: 1) Bernard, The Fireman 2) Brave 3) Small, A Happy Grain Of Sand 4) The Fireless Dragon 5) Simba The Lion 6) The Pirate's Treasure 7) The Man With Three Hairs 8) The Yellow Car 9) Long Trunk The collection is designed to learn to read and is ordered according to reading difficulty.

Ficha técnica - Bernard the fireman

Tipo de producto: Libro
Páginas/Hojas: 24
Edad recomendada: A partir de 3 años
Año de edición: 2021
Colección: Aprender a leer
Idioma: Inglés
Tipo de tapa: Blanda
EAN: 9788417210052
Referencia Abacus: 1362883.66
Editorial: El Pirata

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Bernard the fireman

Bernard the fireman

Grau, Maria

7,00€ 6,65€
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