Paul Auster


Paul Auster (Newark, EEUU, 1947 - Brooklyn, EEUU, 2024), fue novelista, poeta, guionista y director de cine. Estudió en la Universidad de Columbia en Nueva York y poco después se trasladó a París donde hizo traducciones, reseñas y mil y un trabajo mal pagado mientras intentaba escribir. Edicions 62 ha publicado en catalán gran parte de su obra, donde destacan novelas como La invención de la soledad (1982), Trilogía de Nueva York (1985), El Palacio de la Luna (1989), La música del azar (1990), Leviatán (1992), El libro de las ilusiones (2002), Brooklyn Follies (2005), Viajes por el Scriptorium (2006), Un hombre en la oscuridad (2008), Invisible (2009), Sunset Park (2010), y Baumgartner (2024).

Recibió numerosos galardones, entre los que destacan el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras, el Premio Médicis por la novela Leviatán, el Independent Spirit Award por el guion de Smoke y el Premio al mejor libro del año del Gremio de Libreros de Madrid por El libro de las ilusiones. Fue nombrado miembro de la American Academy of Arts and Letters y Comandante de la Orden de las Artes y las Letras francesa. Su obra está traducida a más de cuarenta idiomas.


Auster, Paul

One of America's greatest novelists dazzlingly reinvents the coming-of-age story in his most passionate and surprising book to dateSinuously constructed in four interlocking parts, Paul Auster's fifteenth novel opens in New York City in the spring of 1967, when twenty-year-old Adam Walker, an aspiring poet and student at Columbia University, meets the enigmatic Frenchman Rudolf Born and his silent and seductive girfriend, Margot. Before long, Walker finds himself caught in a perverse triangle that leads to a sudden, shocking act of violence that will alter the course of his life.Three different narrators tell the story of Invisible, a novel that travels in time from 1967 to 2007 and moves from Morningside Heights, to the Left Bank of Paris, to a remote island in the Caribbean. It is a book of youthful rage, unbridled sexual hunger, and a relentless quest for justice. With uncompromising insight, Auster takes us into the shadowy borderland between truth and memory, between authorship and identity, to produce a work of unforgettable power that confirms his reputation as one of America's most spectacularly inventive writers.
12,75€ 12,11€
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Auster, Paul

Three stories on the nature of identity. In the first a detective writer is drawn into a curious and baffling investigation, in the second a man is set up in an apartment to spy on someone, and the third concerns the disappearance of a man whose childhood friend is left as his literary executor.
11,45€ 10,88€
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Auster, Paul

Fa sis dies, un home va esclatar fet miques al marge d'una carretera del nord de Wisconsin. Així comença aquesta espectacular novel·la de Paul Auster que, a través de la veu interposada de Peter Aaron, ens explica la biografia de Benjamin Sachs, el mort. Va ser objector de consciència empresonat durant la guerra del Vietnam, desaparegut des del 1986, i autor d'una novel·la de joventut que el va convertir en un autor de culte. Probablement Benjamin Sachs també va ser un assassí... Però ningú sap qui és el cadàver i, amb l'FBI trepitjant-li els talons, Aaron decideix explicar la vertadera història del seu amic, abans que es descobreixi la seva identitat i els mitjans de comunicació en destrueixin la reputació.
5,95€ 5,65€
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Auster, Paul

Cuando Jim Nashe es abandonado por su mujer, se lanza a la vida errante. Antes ha recibido una inesperada herencia de un padre que nunca conoció y que le permitirá vagabundear por América en un Saab rojo, el mejor coche que nunca tuvo. Nashe va de motel en motel, goza de la velocidad, vive en una soledad casi completa y experimenta la gozosa y desgarradora seducción del desarraigo absoluto. Tras un año de esta vida, y cuando apenas le quedan diez mil dólares de la herencia, conoce a Jack Pozzi, un jovencísimo jugador profesional de póquer. Los dos hombres entablan una peculiar relación y Jim Nashe se constituye en el socio capitalista de Pozzi. Una sola sesión de póquer podría hacerles ricos. Sus contrincantes serán Flower y Stone, dos curiosos millonarios que han ganado una fabulosa fortuna jugando a la lotería y viven juntos como dos modernos Bouvard y Pecuchet. A partir de aquí, la novela abandona el territorio de la «novela de la carretera» americana, y se interna en el dominio de la literatura gótica, entre Kafka y Beckett. Nashe y Pozzi penetran en un ámbito sutilmente terrorífico, y la morada de los millonarios se convertirá en una peculiar prisión, cuyos ilusorios límites y leyes no menos ilusorias deberán descubrir.
11,72€ 11,13€
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Auster, Paul

This is the story of Anna Blume and her journey to find her lost brother, William, in the unnamed City. Like the City itself, however, it is a journey that is doomed, and so all that is left is Anna's unwritten account of what happened.Paul Auster takes us to an unspecified and devastated world in which the self disappears amidst the horrors that surround us. But this is not just an imaginary, futuristic world: like the settings of Kafka stories, it is one that echoes our own, and in doing so addresses some of our darker legacies.In the Country of Last Things is a tense, psychological take on the dystopian novel. It continues Auster's deep exploration of his central themes: the modern city, the mysteries of storytelling, and the elusive and unstable nature of truth.
10,73€ 10,19€
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Auster, Paul

One day there is life...and then, suddenly, it happens there is death'. So begins Paul Auster's moving and personal meditation on fatherhood. The first section, 'Portrait of an Invisible Man', reveals Auster's memories and feelings after the death of his father. In The Book of Memory the perspective shifts to Auster's role as a father. The narrator, 'A', contemplates his separation from his son, his dying grandfather and the solitary nature of writing and story-telling.
11,20€ 10,64€
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Auster, Paul

Walt is an orphan from the mid-West who is set on the road to stardom by the dark and mesmerizing figure of Master Yehudi. When the Master takes little Walt back to the mysterious house on the great plains, he initiates the tutorial process that will culminate in Walt's learning to fly.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Auster, Paul

Several months into his recovery from a near-fatal illness, thirty-four-year-old novelist Sidney Orr enters a stationery shop in the Cobble Hill section of Brooklyn and buys a blue notebook. It is September 18, 1982, and for the next nine days Orr will live under the spell of this blank book, trapped inside a world of eerie premonitions and puzzling events that threaten to destroy his marriage and undermine his faith in reality.Why does his wife suddenly break down in tears in the backseat of a taxi just hours after Sidney begins writing in the notebook? Why does M. R. Chang, the owner of the stationery shop, precipitously close his business the next day? What are the connections between a 1938 Warsaw telephone directory and a lost novel in which the hero can predict the future? At what point does animosity explode into violence? To what degree is forgiveness the ultimate expression of love?Paul Auster's mesmerizing eleventh novel reads like an old-fashioned ghost story. But there are no ghosts in this book—only flesh-and-blood human beings, wandering through the haunted realms of everyday life. At once a meditation on the nature of time and a journey through the labyrinth of one man's imagination, Oracle Night is a narrative tour de force that confirms Auster's reputation as one of the boldest, most original writers at work in America today.
10,90€ 10,35€
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Auster, Paul

Six days ago, a man blew himself up by the side of a road in northern Wisconsin. . . . So begins the story by Peter Aaron about his best friend, Benjamin Sachs. Sachs had a marriage Aaron envied, an intelligence he admired, a world he shared. And then suddenly, after a near-fatal fall that might or might not have been intentional, Sachs disappeared. Now Aaron must piece together the life that led to Sach's death. His sole aim is to tell the truth and preserve it, before those who are investigating the case invent an account of their own.
11,00€ 10,45€
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Auster, Paul

En la primera història, una trucada telefònica implicarà un escriptor en una complexa trama de bogeria i redempció. Fantasmes narra les desventures d'un detectiu privat que investiga el cas més estrany de la seva carrera, i la tercera història descriu l'enfrontament d'un novel·lista amb els seus propis dimonis arrel de la desaparició d'un amic d'infància. L'atzar, la reflexió sobre el procés creador i el joc constant entre realitat i ficció, temes tan característics de la narrativa de Paul Auster, són el fil conductor d'aquests tres excel·lents relats.
21,60€ 20,52€
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Auster, Paul

Nashe comes into an inheritance and decides to pursue a life of freedom. He meets Pozzi, a gambler, who exerts a terrible fascination over, him and together they take a desperate gamble. By the author of The New York Trilogy, Moon Palace and The Invention of Solitude.
13,00€ 12,35€
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Auster, Paul

Paul Auster's Hand to Mouth: A Chronicle of Early Failure is a fascinating and often funny memoir about his early years as a writer struggling to be published, and to make enough money to survive. Leaving high school with itchy feet and refusing to play it safe, Auster avoided convention and the double life of steady office employment while writing. From the streets of New York City, Dublin, and Paris to a surreal adventure in a dusty village in Mexico, Auster's account of living on next to nothing introduces an unforgettable cast of characters while examining what it means to be a writer.
11,15€ 10,59€
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Auster, Paul

Several months into his recovery from a near-fatal illness, thirty-four-year-old novelist Sidney Orr enters a stationery shop in the Cobble Hill section of Brooklyn and buys a blue notebook. It is September 18, 1982, and for the next nine days Orr will live under the spell of this blank book, trapped inside a world of eerie premonitions and puzzling events that threaten to destroy his marriage and undermine his faith in reality.Why does his wife suddenly break down in tears in the backseat of a taxi just hours after Sidney begins writing in the notebook? Why does M. R. Chang, the owner of the stationery shop, precipitously close his business the next day? What are the connections between a 1938 Warsaw telephone directory and a lost novel in which the hero can predict the future? At what point does animosity explode into violence? To what degree is forgiveness the ultimate expression of love?Paul Auster's mesmerizing eleventh novel reads like an old-fashioned ghost story. But there are no ghosts in this book—only flesh-and-blood human beings, wandering through the haunted realms of everyday life. At once a meditation on the nature of time and a journey through the labyrinth of one man's imagination, Oracle Night is a narrative tour de force that confirms Auster's reputation as one of the boldest, most original writers at work in America today.
12,65€ 12,02€
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Auster, Paul

An essential collection from one of the finest thinkers and stylists in contemporary letters.The celebrated author of The New York Trilogy, The Book of Illusions, and Oracle Night presents here a highly personal collection of essays, prefaces, true stories, autobiographical writings, and collaborations with artists, as well as occasional pieces written for magazines and newspapers, including The Invention of Solitude his breathtaking memoir. (Financial Times Magazine London)Ranging in subject from Sir Walter Raleigh to Kafka, Nathaniel Hawthorne to the high-wire artist Philippe Petit, conceptual artist Sophie Calle to Auster's own typewriter, the World Trade Center catastrophe to his beloved New York City itself, Collected Prose records the passions and insights of a writer who will be remembered as one of the great writers of our time (San Francisco Chronicle).
34,25€ 32,54€
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Auster, Paul

Six days ago, a man blew himself up by the side of a road in northern Wisconsin. . . . So begins the story by Peter Aaron about his best friend, Benjamin Sachs. Sachs had a marriage Aaron envied, an intelligence he admired, a world he shared. And then suddenly, after a near-fatal fall that might or might not have been intentional, Sachs disappeared. Now Aaron must piece together the life that led to Sach's death. His sole aim is to tell the truth and preserve it, before those who are investigating the case invent an account of their own.
10,85€ 10,31€
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Auster, Paul

Three stories on the nature of identity. In the first a detective writer is drawn into a curious and baffling investigation, in the second a man is set up in an apartment to spy on someone, and the third concerns the disappearance of a man whose childhood friend is left as his literary executor.
14,96€ 14,21€
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Auster, Paul

Three stories on the nature of identity. In the first a detective writer is drawn into a curious and baffling investigation, in the second a man is set up in an apartment to spy on someone, and the third concerns the disappearance of a man whose childhood friend is left as his literary executor.
10,85€ 10,31€
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Auster, Paul

Meet Mr. Bones, the canine hero of Paul Auster's remarkable new novel, Timbuktu. Mr. Bones is the sidekick and confidant of Willy G. Christmas, the brilliant, troubled, and altogether original poet-saint from Brooklyn. Like Don Quixote and Sancho Panza before them, they sally forth on a last great adventure, heading for Baltimore, Maryland in search of Willy's high school teacher, Bea Swanson. Years have passed since Willy last saw his beloved mentor, who knew him in his previous incarnation as William Gurevitch, the son of Polish war refugees. But is Mrs. Swanson still alive? And if she isn't, what will prevent Willy from vanishing into that other world known as Timbuktu?
11,20€ 10,64€
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Auster, Paul

Meet Mr. Bones, the canine hero of Paul Auster's remarkable new novel, Timbuktu. Mr. Bones is the sidekick and confidant of Willy G. Christmas, the brilliant, troubled, and altogether original poet-saint from Brooklyn. Like Don Quixote and Sancho Panza before them, they sally forth on a last great adventure, heading for Baltimore, Maryland in search of Willy's high school teacher, Bea Swanson. Years have passed since Willy last saw his beloved mentor, who knew him in his previous incarnation as William Gurevitch, the son of Polish war refugees. But is Mrs. Swanson still alive? And if she isn't, what will prevent Willy from vanishing into that other world known as Timbuktu?
11,97€ 11,37€
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Auster, Paul

Several months into his recovery from a near-fatal illness, thirty-four-year-old novelist Sidney Orr enters a stationery shop in the Cobble Hill section of Brooklyn and buys a blue notebook. It is September 18, 1982, and for the next nine days Orr will live under the spell of this blank book, trapped inside a world of eerie premonitions and puzzling events that threaten to destroy his marriage and undermine his faith in reality.Why does his wife suddenly break down in tears in the backseat of a taxi just hours after Sidney begins writing in the notebook? Why does M. R. Chang, the owner of the stationery shop, precipitously close his business the next day? What are the connections between a 1938 Warsaw telephone directory and a lost novel in which the hero can predict the future? At what point does animosity explode into violence? To what degree is forgiveness the ultimate expression of love?Paul Auster's mesmerizing eleventh novel reads like an old-fashioned ghost story. But there are no ghosts in this book—only flesh-and-blood human beings, wandering through the haunted realms of everyday life. At once a meditation on the nature of time and a journey through the labyrinth of one man's imagination, Oracle Night is a narrative tour de force that confirms Auster's reputation as one of the boldest, most original writers at work in America today.
20,50€ 19,47€
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Auster, Paul

So begins Paul Auster's remarkable new novel, The Brooklyn Follies. Set against the backdrop of the contested US election of 2000, it tells the story of Nathan and Tom, an uncle and nephew double-act. One in remission from lung cancer, divorced, and estranged from his only daughter, the other hiding away from his once promising academic career, and life in general. Having accidentally ended up in the same Brooklyn neighbourhood, they discover a community teeming with life and passion. When Lucy, the little girl who refuses to speak, comes into their lives there is suddenly a bridge from their pasts that offers them the possibility of redemption. Infused with character, mystery and humour, these lives intertwine and become bound together as Auster brilliantly explores the wider terrain of contemporary America - a crucible of broken dreams and of human folly.
23,00€ 21,85€
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Auster, Paul

This is the story of Anna Blume and her journey to find her lost brother, William, in the unnamed City. Like the City itself, however, it is a journey that is doomed, and so all that is left is Anna's unwritten account of what happened.Paul Auster takes us to an unspecified and devastated world in which the self disappears amidst the horrors that surround us. But this is not just an imaginary, futuristic world: like the settings of Kafka stories, it is one that echoes our own, and in doing so addresses some of our darker legacies.In the Country of Last Things is a tense, psychological take on the dystopian novel. It continues Auster's deep exploration of his central themes: the modern city, the mysteries of storytelling, and the elusive and unstable nature of truth.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Auster, Paul

Paul Auster fuses Samuel Beckett, Franz Kafka and The Brothers Grimm in this brilliant and unsettling parable. Following the death of his father, Jim Nashe takes to the open road in pursuit of a 'life of freedom'. But as the money runs out he finds that his sense of disillusionment has only been compounded by his year on the road. However, after picking up Pozzi, a hitchhiking gambler, Nashe finds himself drawn into a dangerous game of high-stakes poker with two eccentric and reclusive millionaires.
14,50€ 13,77€
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Auster, Paul

Three stories on the nature of identity. In the first a detective writer is drawn into a curious and baffling investigation, in the second a man is set up in an apartment to spy on someone, and the third concerns the disappearance of a man whose childhood friend is left as his literary executor.
8,50€ 8,07€
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