31 Libros encontrados
Busquets, Carmen
Aquest llibre està pensat perquè els infants aprenguin a reconèixer els números de manera didàctica i divertida. Conté grans il·lustracions a tot color, paraules senzilles en lletra majúscula i adhesius per a completar les il·lustracions.
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Busquets, Carmen
¡Mira cuántos colores hay y... TOCA, TOCA las páginas de este libro! Un cuento lleno de color y texturas para que los pequeños descubran el mundo y se diviertan con los libros.
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Busquets, Carmen
Bring animals to life with this fun sticker book! Choose the stickers for each animal and complete the pictures. This series for 2-5 year-olds will spark imagination while introducing children to the world of animals.
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Busquets, Carmen
Bring animals to life with this fun sticker book! Choose the stickers for each animal and complete the pictures. This series for 2-5 year-olds will spark imagination while introducing children to the world of animals.
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Busquets, Carmen
Bring animals to life with this fun sticker book! Choose the stickers for each animal and complete the pictures. This series for 2-5 year-olds will spark imagination while introducing children to the world of animals.
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Busquets, Carmen
Bring animals to life with this fun sticker book! Choose the stickers for each animal and complete the pictures. This series for 2-5 year-olds will spark imagination while introducing children to the world of animals.
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