2 Libros encontrados

Foster, Kate

Si eres mujer, no importa la verdad, no importa lo que digas Edimburgo, octubre de 1679. Lady Christian Nimmo es arrestada y acusada del asesinato de su amante, James Forrester. La noticia de su encarcelamiento y posterior juicio corre como la pólvora, los titulares de los panfletos sobre el crimen arrastran su nombre por el barro: adúltera, meretriz, asesina. Tan solo un año antes, lady Christian llevaba una vida privilegiada y respetable. Así pues, ¿qué la impulsó a arriesgarlo todo por una aventura? ¿Cometió realmente ella el asesinato? Sin duda, no era la única mujer en la vida de Forrester, y, desde luego, tampoco la única con motivos para desearle la muerte... Una novela histórica llena de intriga y basada en un crimen real Ganadora del Bloody Scotland Crime Debut of the Year Finalista del CWA New Blood Dagger Finalista del Women's Prize for Fiction
22,95€ 21,80€
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Foster, Kate

Inspired by a real-life case and winner of the Bloody Scotland Pitch Perfect Award, Kate Foster's The Maiden is a remarkable story with a feminist revisionist twist, giving a voice to women otherwise silenced by history.''In the end, it did not matter what I said at my trial. No one believed me.''Edinburgh, October 1679. Lady Christian Nimmo is arrested and charged with the murder of her lover, James Forrester. News of her imprisonment and subsequent trial is splashed across the broadsides, with headlines that leave little room for doubt: Adulteress. Whore. Murderess.Only a year before, Christian was leading a life of privilege and respectability. So, what led her to risk everything for an affair? And does that make her guilty of murder? She wasn't the only woman in Forrester's life, and certainly not the only one who might have had cause to wish him dead . . .
15,00€ 14,25€
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