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Bennett, Max
DESCARGAR LAS NOTAS DEL LIBRO AQUÍ Con lo mejor de Sapiens, Compórtate y Superintelligence, pero con un enfoque totalmente original, Breve historia de la inteligencia ofrece un cambio deparadigma sobre cómo entendemos la neurociencia y la tecnología. En este libro,Max Bennett trae los cinco «avances» en la evolución de la inteligencia humana y revela lo que los cerebros del pasado pueden decirnos sobre la inteligencia artificial del futuro.En la última década, las capacidades de la IA que durante mucho tiempo habían sido exclusivas del ámbito de la ciencia ficción se han convertido en nuestra realidad. La IA ahora es capaz de producir arte original, identificar tumores en imágenes e incluso conducir nuestros coches. Sin embargo, siguen existiendo grandes deficiencias y todavía no pueden replicar algunas proezas intelectuales que los cerebros humanos realizan con facilidad. ¿Cómo es posible que la IA pueda vencer a un gran maestro de ajedrez, pero no pueda cargar un lavavajillas de manera efectiva? Encontrar la respuesta requiere adentrarse en los mil millones de años de historia de la evolución del cerebro humano, una historia llena de innumerables fracasos, calamidades e innovaciones. Nuestros cerebros no solo tienen una historia que contar, sino que el futuro de la IA puede depender de ello. Con una nueva perspectiva, Bennett consolida esta historia en un nuevo marco accesible al identificar los cinco «avances» que marcan los logros evolutivos más importantes del cerebro. Y plantea que, hasta que los sistemas de IA no repliquen con éxito cada parte del largo viaje de nuestro cerebro, no podrán exhibir una inteligencia similar a la humana.Respaldado y elogiado por los mejores neurocientíficos del sector, el trabajo de Bennett sintetiza el conocimiento científico más relevante y su investigación innovadora en una historia evolutiva fascinante y fácil de entender, y prueba que comprender el arco de la historia de nuestro cerebro puede desbloquear las herramientas necesarias para navegar con éxito nuestro futuro tecnológico.
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Bennett, Max
Bridges the gap between AI and neuroscience by telling the story of how the brain came to be.'I found this book amazing' Daniel Kahneman, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics and bestselling author of Thinking Fast & SlowThe entirety of the human brain’s 4-billion-year story can be summarised as the culmination of five evolutionary breakthroughs, starting from the very first brains, all the way to the modern human brains. Each breakthrough emerged from new sets of brain modifications, and equipped animals with a new suite of intellectual faculties.These five breakthroughs are the organising map to this book, and they make up our itinerary for our adventure back in time. Each breakthrough also has fascinating corollaries to breakthroughs in AI. Indeed, there will be plenty of such surprises along the way. For instance: the innovation that enabled AI to beat humans in the game of Go – temporal difference reinforcement learning – was an innovation discovered by our fish ancestors over 500 million years ago. The solutions to many of the current mysteries in AI – such as ‘common sense’ – can be found in the tiny brain of a mouse. Where do emotions come from? Research suggests that they may have arisen simply as a solution to navigation in ancient worm brains. Unravelling this evolutionary story will reveal the hidden features of human intelligence and with them, just how your mind came to be.
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Bennett, Max
Equal parts Sapiens, Behave, and Superintelligence, but wholly original in scope, A Brief History of Intelligence offers a paradigm shift for how we understand neuroscience and AI. Artificial intelligence entrepreneur Max Bennett chronicles the five “breakthroughs” in the evolution of human intelligence and reveals what brains of the past can tell us about the AI of tomorrow.In the last decade, capabilities of artificial intelligence that had long been the realm of science fiction have, for the first time, become our reality. AI is now able to produce original art, identify tumors in pictures, and even steer our cars. And yet, large gaps remain in what modern AI systems can achieve—indeed, human brains still easily perform intellectual feats that we can’t replicate in AI systems. How is it possible that AI can beat a grandmaster at chess but can’t effectively load a dishwasher? As AI entrepreneur Max Bennett compellingly argues, finding the answer requires diving into the billion-year history of how the human brain evolved, a history filled with countless half-starts, calamities, and clever innovations. Not only do our brains have a story to tell—the future of AI may depend on it.Now, in A Brief History of Intelligence, Bennett bridges the gap between neuroscience and AI to tell the brain’s evolutionary story, revealing how understanding that story can help shape the next generation of AI breakthroughs. Deploying a fresh perspective and working with the support of many top minds in neuroscience, Bennett consolidates this immense history into an approachable new framework, identifying the “Five Breakthroughs” that mark the brain’s most important evolutionary leaps forward. Each breakthrough brings new insight into the biggest mysteries of human intelligence. Containing fascinating corollaries to developments in AI, A Brief History of Intelligence shows where current AI systems have matched or surpassed our brains, as well as where AI systems still fall short. Simply put, until AI systems successfully replicate each part of our brain’s long journey, AI systems will fail to exhibit human-like intelligence.Endorsed and lauded by many of the top neuroscientists in the field today, Bennett’s work synthesizes the most relevant scientific knowledge and cutting-edge research into an easy-to-understand and riveting evolutionary story. With sweeping scope and stunning insights, A Brief History of Intelligence proves that understanding the arc of our brain’s history can unlock the tools for successfully navigating our technological future.
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