13 Libros encontrados
Gong, Chloe
La nueva bilogía de la exitosa autora de Placeres violentos. Shanghái 1931: el escenario está preparado para una nueva década de intrigas. Hace cuatro años, Rosalind Lang fue rescatada del borde de la muerte, pero el extraño experimento que la salvó le impide dormir y envejecer, y también le permite ser capaz de curarse de cualquier herida. En resumen, Rosalind no puede morir. Ahora, desesperada por redimirse de su pasado traidor, utiliza sus habilidades como asesina para servir a su país. Nombre en clave: Fortuna. Pero cuando el Ejército Imperial Japonés comienza su invasión, la misión de Rosalind da un giro. Las nuevas órdenes de Rosalind consisten en infiltrarse en la sociedad extranjera e identificar a los culpables del complot terrorista antes de que mueran más compatriotas suyos.
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Gong, Chloe
La autora superventas número 1 del New York Times Chloe Gong nos presenta su primera novela de fantasía para adultos. Inspirada en Antonio y Cleopatra de Shakespeare, Anhelos inmortales muestra un salvaje conflicto rebosante de intrigas, sangre y romance que tiene lugar durante la celebración de unos espectaculares juegos mortales. Cada año, miles de personas llegan a San-Er, la capital del reino de Talin, porque en su palacio tienen lugar unos esperados juegos. Aquellos capaces de hacer que su conciencia salte de un cuerpo a otro pueden competir en una lucha a muerte para ganar riquezas inimaginables. La princesa Calla Tuolemi vive oculta. Cinco años atrás, sus padres perecieron en una matanza que dejó el palacio de Er vacío... y fue ella quien la llevó a cabo. Antes de que las fuerzas del rey Kasa la atrapen, quiere terminar su trabajo y destruir la monarquía. Su tío, el rey, vive recluido, pero siempre felicita al ganador de los juegos en persona, así que si ella gana, tendrá una oportunidad de matarlo. Anton Makusa es un aristócrata exiliado. Su amor de la infancia lleva en coma desde que ambos fueron expulsados de palacio, y él ha tenido que endeudarse mucho para poder mantenerla con vida. Por suerte, él es una de las personas que mejor domina el arte de cambiar de un cuerpo a otro en el reino. Su última oportunidad de salvar a su amor es entrar en los juegos y ganar. Calla forjará una inesperada alianza con Anton y contará con la ayuda del hijo adoptivo del rey Kasa, August, que quiere solucionar los males de Talin. Pero los tres tienen metas muy distintas y, cuando comiencen los juegos a vida o muerte, harán lo que sea necesario para alcanzarlas.
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Gong, Chloe
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Chloe Gong comes two captivating new novellas surrounding the events of Foul Lady Fortune and following a familiar cast of characters from the These Violent Delights Duet!In A Foul Thing, Roma and Juliette have established themselves as the heads of an underground weapons ring in Zhouzhuang, making a living the way they do best while remaining anonymous in their peaceful, quiet life. But when they hear about several Russian girls showing up dead in nearby towns, they decide to investigate-and ultimately discover that this mystery is much closer to home than they ever imagined.
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Gong, Chloe
Después de sacrificar su relación con Roma para protegerlo de la disputa de sangre, Juliette ha sido una chica con una misión. Un movimiento en falso y su prima intervendrá para usurpar su lugar como heredera de la Pandilla Escarlata. La única forma de salvar al chico que ama de la ira de los Escarlata es hacer que él la quiera muerta por asesinar a sangre fría a su mejor amigo. Si Juliette fuera realmente culpable del crimen que Roma cree que cometió, su rechazo podría doler menos. Entonces surge un nuevo peligro monstruoso en la ciudad, y aunque los secretos los mantienen separados, Juliette debe asegurar la cooperación de Roma si quieren acabar con esta amenaza de una vez por todas. Shanghái ya está en un punto de ebullición: los nacionalistas están entrando y el liderazgo de los gánsteres se enfrenta a la aniquilación total.
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Gong, Chloe
Una reinvención de Romeo y Julieta situada en la Shanghái de los años veinte, con bandas de gánsteres enfrentadas, misterios monstruosos, violencia y mucha tensión. Un éxito de ventas internacional que ha convertido a la jovencísima Chloe Gong en la nueva dama de la literatura juvenil. Juliette y Roma habrán de liderar a sus bandas en una cruzada de paz con un desenlace imposible de entrever.
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Gong, Chloe
The games are over. Let chaos reign.Romance, politics and power meld in this pulse-pounding, electric enemies-to-lovers epic fantasy romance, inspired by Antony and Cleopatra.Calla Tuoleimi has done the impossible. Against all odds, she won San-Er's bloody games and eliminated King Kasa, her tyrant uncle and the former ruler of Talin. She now serves as royal advisor to August Shenzhi, who has risen to the throne.Only Calla knows it isn't really August.Anton Makusa is still furious about Calla's betrayal in the final round of the games. In an impossible feat, he took over August's body to survive, and has no intention of giving up this newfound power. But when his first love awakens from a years-long coma and reveals a secret that threatens the monarchy, chaos erupts.As tensions come to a boiling point, Calla and Anton will have to journey to the kingdom's furthest reaches to prevent anarchy - before their real identities are exposed . . .
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Gong, Chloe
La nueva bilogía de la exitosa autora de Placeres violentos. Shanghái 1931: el escenario está preparado para una nueva década de intrigas. Hace cuatro años, Rosalind Lang fue rescatada del borde de la muerte, pero el extraño experimento que la salvó le impide dormir y envejecer, y también le permite ser capaz de curarse de cualquier herida. En resumen, Rosalind no puede morir. Ahora, desesperada por redimirse de su pasado traidor, utiliza sus habilidades como asesina para servir a su país. Nombre en clave: Fortuna. Pero cuando el Ejército Imperial Japonés comienza su invasión, la misión de Rosalind da un giro. Las nuevas órdenes de Rosalind consisten en infiltrarse en la sociedad extranjera e identificar a los culpables del complot terrorista antes de que mueran más compatriotas suyos.
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Gong, Chloe
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends comes the “fast-paced…impressive” (Kirkus Reviews) second book in the captivating Foul Lady Fortune duology following an immortal assassin in 1930s Shanghai as she races to save her country and her love.Winter is drawing thick in 1932 Shanghai, as is the ever-nearing threat of a Japanese invasion.Rosalind Lang has suffered the worst possible fate for a national spy: she’s been exposed. With the media storm camped outside her apartment for the infamous Lady Fortune, she’s barely left her bedroom in weeks, plotting her next course of action after Orion was taken and his memories of Rosalind wiped. Though their marriage might have been a sham, his absence hurts her more than any physical wound. She won’t rest until she gets him back.But with her identity in the open, the task is near impossible. The only way to leave the city and rescue Orion is under the guise of a national tour. It’s easy to convince her superiors that the countryside needs unity more than ever, and who better than an immortal girl to stir pride and strength into the people?When the tour goes wrong, however, everything Rosalind once knew is thrown up in the air. Taking refuge outside Shanghai, old ghosts come into the open and adversaries turn to allies. To save Orion, they must find a cure to his mother’s traitorous invention and take this dangerous chemical weapon away from impending foreign invasion—but the clock is ticking, and if Rosalind fails, it’s not only Orion she loses, but her nation itself.
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Gong, Chloe
Every year, thousands flock to San-Er, the dangerously dense capital twin cities of the kingdom of Talin, where the palace hosts a set of deadly games. Those confident in their ability to jump between bodies can enter a fight to the death - for the chance to win unimaginable riches.
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Gong, Chloe
This heart-pounding fantasy romance retelling of Romeo and Juliet is set in jazz-age Singapore and filled with intrigue, danger and betrayal.The year is 1926, and Shanghai hums to the tune of debauchery. A blood feud between two gangs runs the streets red, leaving the city in chaos.Juliette Cai is the proud heir of the Scarlet Gang - a network of criminals far above the law.Roma Montagov is the prodigal son of her greatest rivals, the White Flowers, who have fought the Scarlets for generations. He is also Juliette's first love . . . and first betrayal.When a deadly madness strikes gangsters on both sides, the people start to whisper. Of a contagion, and a monster in the shadows. And as the deaths stack up, Juliette and Roma must set their guns - and grudges - aside and work together.For if they can't stop this mayhem, there will be no city left to rule.
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Gong, Chloe
The year is 1927, and Shanghai teeters on the edge of revolution.The heartstopping follow up to These Violent Delights, an imaginative, alluring retelling of Romeo and Juliet set in 1920s Shanghai.After sacrificing her relationship with Roma to protect him from the blood feud, Juliette has been a girl on the warpath. One wrong move, and her cousin will step into usurp her place as the Scarlet Gang's heir. The only way to save the boy she loves from the wrath of the Scarlets is to have him want her dead for murdering his best friend in cold blood. If Juliette were actually guilty of the crime Roma believes she committed, his rejection might sting less.Roma is still reeling from Marshall's death, and his cousin Benedikt will barely speak to him. Roma knows it's his fault for letting the ruthless Juliette back into his life, and he's determined to set things right - even if that means killing the girl he hates and loves with equal measure.Then a new monstrous danger emerges in the city, and though secrets keep them apart, Juliette must secure Roma's cooperation if they are to end this threat once and for all. Shanghai is already at a boiling point: The Nationalists are marching in, whispers of civil war brew louder every day, and gangster rule faces complete annihilation. Roma and Juliette must put aside their differences to combat monsters and politics, but they aren't prepared for the biggest threat of all: protecting their hearts from each other.
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Gong, Chloe
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Chloe Gong comes two captivating new novellas surrounding the events of Foul Lady Fortune and following a familiar cast of characters from These Violent Delights.In A Foul Thing, Roma and Juliette have established themselves as the heads of an underground weapons ring in Zhouzhuang, making a living the way they do best while remaining anonymous in their quiet life. But when they hear about Russians girls showing up date in neraby towns, they decide to investigate - and discover that thids mystery is closer to home than they ever imagined...In This Foul Murder, Benedict and Marshall have been summoned by Roma to find the illusive scientist, Laurens, and bring him to Zhouzhuang. Time is of the essence aboard the week-long Trans Siberian Express, but when someone is mudered on board, Benedict and Marshall convince the officer in charge they are investigators and promise they can solve the murder if he doesn't stop the train. But as they dig deeper, they realize that the murder might have surprising ties to their own mission.
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Gong, Chloe
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends comes the second book in the captivating Foul Lady Fortune duology following an immortal assassin in 1930s Shanghai as she races to save her country and her love.Winter is drawing thick in 1932 Shanghai, as is the ever-nearing threat of a Japanese invasion.Rosalind Lang has suffered the worst possible fate for a national spy: she’s been exposed. With the media storm camped outside her apartment for the infamous Lady Fortune, she’s barely left her bedroom in weeks, plotting her next course of action after Orion was taken and his memories of Rosalind wiped. Though their marriage might have been a sham, his absence hurts her more than any physical wound. She won’t rest until she gets him back.But with her identity in the open, the task is near impossible. The only way to leave the city and rescue Orion is under the guise of a national tour. It’s easy to convince her superiors that the countryside needs unity more than ever, and who better than an immortal girl to stir pride and strength into the people?When the tour goes wrong, however, everything Rosalind once knew is thrown up in the air. Taking refuge outside Shanghai, old ghosts come into the open and adversaries turn to allies. To save Orion, they must find a cure to his mother’s traitorous invention and take this dangerous chemical weapon away from impending foreign invasion—but the clock is ticking, and if Rosalind fails, it’s not only Orion she loses, but her nation itself.
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